The Bosses daughter
It was a miserable rainy Saturday as Tony made his way round the Supermarket, to do his weekly shopping. The drizzly weather matched his downbeat mood. Shopping was a job he hated, but the loss of his wife after only three years of marriage, killed by a drunken driver, was a blow he was finding it hard to recover from.. For the last four months he had existed from day to day with nothing much to look forward to.
Any meaningful life for him had died with his wife, now he was on a sort of in between land where he existed from day to day. He ate, he slept, and he worked. The house was a mess, because he hated housework, and he only washed dishes when there were no clean ones left. The washing machine was rarely used, and like the dishes his dirty linen was piled up in the laundry room.
He looked blankly at the Supermarket shelves, trying to decide what food he fancied, but as usual, apart from the essentials, he had little interest in food. He ate out as much as he could, which saved him a lot of trouble.
Suddenly his attention was taken by a young lady. She looked slightly unkempt, and her clothes were wet, as she was not wearing a rain coat At first he thought he recognised her, but he could not put a name to the face. But then as he watched her closely, he realised that she was looking at baby food on the shelf, and then counting the money in her purse, she dropped a coin which rolled under a display cabinet and she burst into tears, obviously she was short of money and it seemed she had a baby to feed..
On the spur of the moment he went up beside her and said “Excuse me miss, but
I think you dropped this twenty pound note just now.”
She turned her face startled, as if Tony had broken her concentration and he
could see that hr eyes were red where she had been crying.
“Oh no sir thank you but it is not mine.”
Tony looked round and said. “Well I am sure that it was you that dropped it, and
there is no one else here. I know it not mine, so you had better have it.”
The look of relief that flashed across her face, was all the reward that Tony needed, to know he had done the right thing, as he dropped the note in her basket, and hurried away to discourage any more discussion on the subject.
He was curious about her, so he waited a while outside in the car park, and
he saw her hurry out with a parcel of food. As she hurried down the street. in
the drizzling rain He pulled up alongside her, and opening the window called
“Jump in you are going to get terribly wet.”
She hesitated briefly, but then having decided he looked trustworthy, jumped in
the car. Murmuring a “Thank you.” as she did.
She directed him to a trailer park. As they arrived at her trailer, he saw a man
dumping her few possessions out on to the path.
When she protested, the man said “You are two weeks behind with the rent, so
out you go .Missy”
“Where is my baby?.” She cried.
A woman called out from a nearby trailer. “I’ve got him ducks, or that bastard
would have left her on the pavement with your luggage.
Tony made a quick decision. “Get your baby, and I will put you up for the
night anyway.”
“But I don’t know you.” She protested.
“Well what is the option, are you going to spend the night outside in the rain?”
Tony asked. “Just make up your mind and be quick about it.”
While she went to fetch the baby, Tony put her luggage in the boot of his
car. The landlord shouted at Tony.
“Oi I’m keeping that luggage until I get my money.” .
Tony laughed at him. “Tough. Sue me“, As he dropped the last case in the boot,
and opened the passenger side for the young lady to climb in with the baby in
her arms.
As they drove Tony said. “I have a big house with plenty of room, and you will be quite safe with me, but I could not leave you out there in those conditions. Now could I?”
At home he showed her to the main bedroom where he no longer slept, as their were too many memories, and told her. “Help yourself to any of the clothes or make-up in the wardrobe. It’s either going to be thrown out, or given to charity if you don’t want them.”
While she showered, and had settled in, and fed the baby. Tony went out, and bought some Fish and Chips and they ate. It was obvious from her healthy appetite that she had not eaten properly for some days,. She told him that her name was Julie, and the father of the baby, she had later found was a married man, who claimed that he had previously had a vasectomy They had sex three times, and then she had never seen him again. It was later she found out that he was a married man. On their last meeting when she had told him she thought she was pregnant, he had just said “Tough luck girl“. He had also boasted that he had put something in her drink the first time before they had sex.
Subsequently, her father had thrown her out because of her pregnancy, she was sure that it was her stepmother behind his action, as her and her father had always been very close before he had married her. At first she had found work, until the baby was born, but her money had soon run out, and she could not , leave the baby with a stranger, or afford a crèche. Social services were not very helpful, although she had received some initial help..
Tony then told her that his wife had been killed by a drunken driver, and that he was still trying to get over her death. “When I saw you today, at first, I thought I recognized you.. I am still not sure, but I could see you were in trouble. As far as I am concerned, you can stay here for a few days, until you can get sorted, and see how we get on.. Perhaps you can help get the house in order for me, as a sort of housekeeper . I will see to all your food and pay you a wage as well, if it works out.”.
Julie suddenly gave him such a warm smile and thanked him profusely. “But you
don’t know anything much about me.”
“No that’s true, but you don’t know much about me either.” Tony replied.
Later he fitted a bolt on the inside of her bedroom door ignoring her protest.
“Look Julie. You are in a strange house, with a strange man, and you will sleep
better if you feel secure.”
Julie sat in her bedroom wearing a night dress she had found in a drawer . She could not believe her luck When Tony had first suggested she stay with him, Julie had suspected that Tony had some ulterior motive, but she had quickly realised that she had no other option, so she took a chance, and went along with his offer...
At first she was highly suspicious of Tonys motives, but when Tony insisted on fitting a bolt on the inside of her bedroom door, she had to admit that her suspicions of his motives were allayed to a large degree. Nevertheless, she did use the bolt, and for the first time for a few weeks, she was free from immediate worries, she slept soundly.
The next morning she was up early. The baby was still sleeping. She soon realised that the house was badly neglected, and for her the wardrobe and dressing table was a treasure trove of female clothes, jewellery, and make-up that suited her. So far the story of his wifes recent death rang true.
In the laundry room she set the washing machine working, while she used a vacuum cleaner and a duster to good effect in the lounge. Several months supply of newspapers were stacked outside for salvage, and she laid the table for breakfast...
Tony waking later the next morning, heard the faint crying of a baby, and suddenly for the first time for weeks, he had a reason to get out of bed. Exploring, he found the baby in a makeshift cot demanding attention. He picked the baby up, and started to play with him on his lap. He was so absorbed that he did not hear Julie come upstairs. She stood in the doorway, and watched Tony play with her baby son Mark, until Tony turned and saw her.
“I hope you don’t mind but the little fellow was lonely?” Tony said looking a
little embarrassed.
It was then that Tony recognised Julie freshly showered, and with her hair done.
“I now know why I recognised you. I have seen your photograph many times on your
fathers desk.”
Julie looked startled ”You work with daddy Do you want me to leave?”
“Why should I want you to do that?”
“Well if you are a friend of my fathers…?”
“Your father is no particular friend of mine. I just work for the firm!”
Changing the subject he said. “Come on Julie, your son needs feeding, and so do
I.. While you are sorting him out, I will cook the breakfast.”
Tony’s fuss of her son Mark and a further talk over breakfast settled the arrangement that Julie would stay with him, and act as a housekeeper/cook and Tony would pay her a wage. She told him her mother had died and later her father had remarried. Unfortunately her step mother and Julie just did not get on. Julie later found that her stepmother had a drug problem, and she had challenged her about it. She had not told her father of her suspicions. Subsequently, Julie suspected that her stepmother had poisoned her fathers mind against her..
That Monday morning Tony went to work refreshed, and with a new interest in
life. It was so noticeable by all his colleagues, who had for weeks been
covering for him, out of sympathy for his loss. He made no mention of his new
house companion to any one, as he did not want her father to find out where she
In the following weeks, his feelings for Julie, and hers for him blossomed. He had not forgotten his dead wife, but he realised that at his relatively young age, he had to move on.. Julie was a very pretty woman, she was very intelligent, and gradually the spent more and more time together. Both of them enjoying each others company.
Julie felt happy and secure with Tony . Her son Mark blossomed, and for the first time for months she was free from worries. One day she pointed out that there was a lot of his ex wifes Jewellery in her room, which she though was very valuable. There were one or two things which she admired, and she asked Tony whether he minded her wearing them.
Tony told Julie “I loved my wife and I miss her terribly. To a large extent you have taken her place, so I think I would like to see you wearing the jewellery as long as you like it. If I have a problem I will tell you about it. I am certainly much happier with you, and Mark around, and I know that somehow I must get over my grief. So in a way you have been a big help to me in getting back to a normal life.”
Julie soon recognised that she was in love with Tony. He was so different from most men she had dated. She did not feel like an employee, she felt as though she and Mark belonged. On her next visit to the doctor with Mark she went on the Pill. The way she felt was that the day would come when she would need it.
Increasingly, Tony and Julie went out for evenings together and made friends. His family accepted her, cautiously at first, but they soon realised just what an influence for good she was having on him. .
Tony thought she was lovely, and although she was ostensibly his housekeeper, he knew he would be devastated if she left him now. She was three years younger than him. But one night it all came to a head. On returning home, and the babysitter had left Julie walked across to Tony and threw her arms round him and she started to kiss him.
Tony kissed her back gently. Then he said Julie “I think I have fallen in
love with you, and I was wondering whether you would marry me after a decent
Julie said “I thought you would never ask, and its about time we did something
about it.”
As she was speaking she had started unbuttoning her blouse and she quickly
removed her bra revealing her breasts. Together they stripped hastily, and in
silence moved to Tonys bedroom
As she stood there Tony admired her long, slim torso and Julie looked absolutely lovely now standing in front of him in just her panties. He put his arms around her pulling her close to his naked body, the subtle aroma of her perfume invaded his nostrils. She moaned softly as Tony started to play with her breasts. He alternated between caressing her nipples with his fingertips and gently squeezing them Her nipples grew progressively harder and more pronounced, her breathing grew heavier, and her kisses became fiercer, as her body clung to him with her arms locked tightly round his neck.
He broke off the kiss to lay back on the bed as Julie impatiently clambered over him to lay her blonde head on his shoulder, while her hand explored his groin taking a firm grip on his now very hard cock., Tony kissed and nibbled her nipples enjoying the feel of their hardness as they responded to his fondling. Tony moved one hand down to explore her pussy.
"I think that you are lovely .“ Tony told her as he nuzzled up to Julie once again. Julie gave a little giggle, and she groaned as he gently massaged her taut stomach and nibbled her nipples before exploring between her parted legs. Tony gently parted her pussy lips, feeling the accumulation of moisture..
He kissed Julie once more enjoying the feeling of her breasts pressing against his body. She moaned into his mouth, as she attacked his tongue with a passion that took his a little by surprise..
Julie had been gently stroking his cock, but Tony could sense her growing
urgency as they kissed.
"Please Tony," she begged. "I am now on the pill so you don‘t have to worry.."
"You come on top so that you can control what is happening."
She groaned happily and then straddled his body
"Is this what you meant?" she asked as she grasped his cock and guided it
towards her waiting pussy, slowly letting her body drop gently and take his cock
She gradually let her weight drop as she began to moan softly as his cock slid
easily into her while she began to move slowly up and down, as Tony pushed up
firmly but gently with his hips.
After a while Tony rolled her on to her back . He kissed her lips softly as
he took control, as he began to thrust harder and deeper
"More, Tony," she gasped. "More!"
Tony now responded as he pushed harder and deeper enjoying the tightness of
Julies pussy abandoning himself completely, as he pushed harder and deeper,
their passion reaching new heights as her breathing became more shallow, her
moans of passion louder as her body suddenly went rigid, as her first orgasm
came hard and Tony exploded inside her waiting pussy.
"Harder, harder," begged Julie.
Tony thrust harder and deeper. "Oooooooh, Tony, Tony, faster, faster!" she
It was not long before they both came again as Julie screamed loudly in passion.
They were both breathing heavily when Tony rolled off her.
"Tony, now we have got the first time out of the way, can I stop here with
you tonight?."
Tony kissed her and held her tightly, as he said. “And every night afterwards as
They agreed that they should let a few months pass, before they announced formally their intent to marry, but that would not affect their relationship behind closed doors..
It was a week later when the Police came to Tony’s house, and informed him they had found the man who had killed his wife. Apparently he was already banned from driving, and they supposed that was why he had not stopped. The Magistrates had detained him in custody, and had been remanded to Crown Court for sentencing in ten days time.. Tony was summoned to attend as a witness.
At the Crown Court Tony was called to the witness stand early in the proceedings, to testify as the only actual witness of the actual incident. Julie joined him in court afterwards, and she whispered to Tony that the man in the dock was Mark’s father, and that she had found out, he was her Step Mothers older brother. Tony had also noted that Julies father was in the court sitting with a woman he did not recognise.
Thinking of Julies explanation of how she had always felt that she had been drugged in some way, when he had first seduced her. Tony passed a message to the Crown prosecutor, that the man in the dock had been recognised as a possible rapist, although that was only surmise, as they had no actual proof, only his actual boasting.. Julie also told Tony that her Stepmother and Father was in court, and he had been glaring across at her.
While the jury were out the Prosecuting Attorney spoke to Tony and Julie. He said “The Police will have to investigate your suspicions.” but he will get a substantial prison sentence anyway, so we will have easy access to him. The court gave him a two year sentence as this was his third offence, and that he had also caused a death. He was also banned from driving for ten years.
The following morning Tony was sent for by Julies Father, who verbally attacked Tony for sheltering his slut of a daughter. No explanation from Tony would satisfy him. ”Get rid of the slut or I will get rid of you.” he shouted.
As Tony refused and told him that they intended to marry, in his temper he sacked him, and told him to get off the premises straight away. Tony went to the Personnel department, and formally asked for a written statement stating the reason for his dismissal, which was required by law and must be provided within seven days.
The Personnel Manager failed to get Julies father to rescind his decision, even though the Personnel Manager pointed out to Julies father, that it was an unlawful decision, and he would be taking it the matter to the Managing Director. He told Tony. “Don’t worry it will soon be sorted.”
The following week the Police came to take a statement from Julie and told her that the man had claimed that her stepmother had asked her brother to seduce Julie as she was frightened she would tell her father about her drug problem. She gave him some Spanish Fly to help him. Her Stepmother was later arrested, and was also found to be in possession of a large quantity of drugs. She was not bailed and a few days later a very chastened father came to visit Tony and Julie to apologize, and her family was once again re-united.
The End...
I have fantasized about her. I have had sex with her. Now, I am going to marry her... |
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