Your story was good all though not as good as the first one. The song lyrics should go. We already know Rachel sings. We dont need to read other peoples lyrics. Can't wait for the Third Part
Posted by bubble
wow...your stories are great, i just can't wait till the 3rd part comes out. Yay...Love your stories
Posted by josh
this shit sucks
Posted by josh
you all suck
Posted by Jackie
I'm just wondering if the site plans on updating any time soon.
Posted by DD
This was a most appeasing story. I am glad to see that others approved of it as well. To Ac, I have no problems with people speaking their minds. But it is the blasphemous way in which they say it that drives some people such as myself up the wall. If you don't like a story, I understand. But don't type a flurry of insults or question the author's intelligence or other biased ways that not only disses the story, but the author itself. Stick to the story in general, and give the author tips on improvement if it wasn't that grand. You are allowed to speak your mind. But sounding like a biased asshole doesn't help matters much. Please everyone, try to give contructive critism, not detructive critism.
Posted by DD
I DID NOT CALL YOU BIASED, thank you very much. Nor did I say to never review again. I will just say it in a nutshell. The way you review may come off as biased to some, aka, me. But I do not think bad of you, ac. I understand that honesty is the best policy, but you can break the truth to someone in a more polite way. Don't think badly of me, i did not come in here calling others names or whatever the case might be. I am stating my opinion. But I do see where you are coming from.
Posted by nikolas
rojJOB gjO3ndMZzq61Mcak6f19U
Posted by Cady
With the bases loaded you struck us out with that asnewr!
Phil and Michelle, hook up for the weekend while the spouse are away. A bronken water pipe begins a lust filled weekend.