The Archeological Invent
Note : This story is completely fictional!
Hai readers here is my another super story with entirely different themed read and write to me.
My name is Chris and I am an archeological student at one of the more prestigious universities on the east coast. After my junior year, I was invited to intern at an archeological dig in Egypt and the events of that summer changed the way I thought about gods and incest especially the previous culture of Egypt.
After graduating high school, my parents were killed in an accident while traveling overseas. This left just my older sister, Ann who lives in Boston, and me. I was accepted to one of the Ivy League colleges, financing it through a scholarship and with my half of the estate money. I went to live with my older sister in this converted loft in the financial district and commuting to college.
Ann is about seven years older than me and through the terms of our parent's will, responsible for me until I was 21. We got along well as children although we did not interact much as teens. Ann is very tall, kind of thick but not overweight, with black hair cut above her neckline and has a rather high octave voice. Ann didn't look like any of our immediate family members and my father always said she was left at the doorstep by gypsies. She was the high school cheerleader and applied that same high energy level and enthusiasm in her career. After graduating college she took a job in the financial district of Boston. Ann used her share of the estate money to buy this loft close to work and spared no expense decorating it. We were more like friends sharing a place then brother and sister. With our schedules, we never saw each other much and overlooked each other's occasionally sleepovers either respective friends.
Towards the end of my junior year, one of my professors offered me a summer internship with his archeological project. Professor Grant knew of my interest in Egyptian archaeology and we had developed a good student teacher relationship over the last year or so. I immediately accepted and after Memorial Day, Ann was driving me to the Airport. She said she was going to miss me while I was gone but I didn't know if she was just being nice or really meant it. After a farewell kiss and hug, I was on a jet to Cairo. It was a long flight and I was very happy to see Professor Grant waiting for me in the Cairo Airport. We had something to eat then he drove me to the project which was somewhere between Cairo and Alexandria. I slept most of the way and woke up to this tent city in the middle of nowhere. My professor took me to my tent where I unpacked then slept again on a folding cot until morning.
The bright sunrise filtered through the tent and woke me up. I looked out of the tent and it reminded me of being at scout camp. There were rows of tents and people in shorts milling about. I recognized one of the senior students and he escorted me to the mess tent, pointing out the camp layout, especially where the latrines were. As I entered the mess tent, Professor Grant saw me and waved for me to come over. I sat next him as a local worker placed a plate of breakfast before me. Grant asked me how I liked the encampment so far and then explained more about the dig. Six months ago, a strong earthquake rocked this area and unearthed part of an ancient city. The Egyptian government invited Grant to participate with this international team to excavate the site. They have found that it is pre-dynasty Egypt, which is more than 4,000 years BC and is the beginnings of ancient Egyptian culture. Even the Nile delta ran further south to where this city was once at the edge of a fertile agricultural area extending to the Mediterranean.
After absorbing his knowledge and breakfast, I was introduced to his team and put to work. Despite the glamorous image of archaeology from the movies, it is mainly sifting dirt and brushing away dirt to find pieces of pottery and the like. For three weeks, I moved dirt from one area to another hoping to find little bits of stuff which had archeological relevance. On the fourth week, I found something big in the pit that I was moving dirt from. I had removed about two inches of dirt when I came something hard. Normally you hit rocks large and small in a dig but this was stone which was different as it had a long edge with a smooth right angle. Before I got too excited, I removed more dirt from around the stone. So many times students thought they discovered something big and it was only a big rock in the ground. As I brushed away the dirt, I could see a flat surface extending down from the right angle and it had the beginnings of some very faint carving on it. I called over to Professor Grant who walked slowly and skeptically to my pit.
He examined the stone and agreed that it was more than just a rock. We spent the next four hours carefully brushing away the dirt. It was a part of a larger piece of stone tablet which had broke into pieces sometime in the last six or more millennia. It was about two feet across and a foot long with a row of carved hieroglyphics across the top and a faint image below it. Grant examined it closer and told me it was an image of Neeborus.
"I have never heard of that Egyptian god." I said.
"Neeborus is pre-dynasty and not much was known about this god until about 1880." said Grant. "The first discoveries were done but British archeologists in about 1885. Neeborus was a sun god that over time evolved into Horus the sun god of the ancient kingdoms. Look closely and you will see a male and a female hawk head on one body facing opposite directions. You will learn more about Neeborus if you go for your master's degree. This was also a god of fertility and family life, especially for family life of the upper crust of society at that time. What would be the ruling class. It is thought that the worship of Neeborus lead to the intermarriage of family members, incest so to speak."
"Wow" I said, "Is this an important find?"
"Sort of" Grant smiled. "It is better than anything we have found so far but it's not King Tut's tomb. Certainly once the glyphs are translated; it may tell us more about Neeborus. That might be significant. There is so much guessing and myth over this deity than what we truly know."
"How so?" I asked.
"We know that many of the powers or beliefs associated with Neeborus were not associated to the later deity, Horus. Some went to lesser gods or became part of the culture and not attributed any god." said Grant.
"OK" I said, "But what about this speculation stuff?"
Grant said, "I'm coming to that. Around 1900 there was a group of ceremonial magicians in London who were the darlings of high society in Victorian England. Their leader thought he discovered a great magical revelation from a stele in the British museum. Namely Stele number 11437. It is one of the few artifacts on Neeborus in existence. He claimed, basically invented, many magical powers attributed to Neeborus and worked it into their magical philosophy and ceremonies. It introduced incest into the magical circles and quietly it spread through some of the upper classes of England at the time. These cults disappeared or went underground before the advent of World War II. They reappeared or were recovered around the 1960's in America and Western
"Thanks Professor for your offer. Let's talk more when the new semester begins." I said, "Let me get Bob and Ahmed to help us."
I climbed out of the pit and rounded up some help. Together the four of us maneuvered the stone from the pit and many from the encampment came by to see what we found. Grant and I were photographed with the stone then the stone was catalogued and sent to the Cairo Museum. After the day, it was back to the routine dirt removing and nothing special was found. It was the first week of August and I was beginning my last week of the internship. On Monday next week, I would be flying home. Being it was my last week I didn't work very hard in the pits. That morning I was back in the pit where I found the Neeborus stone and was digging on the shady side on the pit where it was cooler. I looked up in the sky and saw something unusual. There was a halo around the sun. It was like a circular rainbow that surrounded the sun. I looked curiously for a few minutes then it was gone. Then I looked down and a speck of green caught me eye.
I began brushing anyway the dirt as a line of green was revealed and as I brushed more, a circular band emerged. My excitement grew as I continued to brush away the dirt. I was tempted to just pull the artifact from the ground but patiently continued to brush away. Finally, a circular green band with one large lump on it emerged that resembled a bracelet. I wanted to call my professor to see the find but instead slipped it into the cargo pocket of my shorts. I was nervous about doing but couldn't help myself. I retired early in the evening to my tent and under a low light examined my find. I began to rub the item with a soft cloth and the green faded away to reveal copper metal. It seemed like I rubbed that item all night and finally I saw what my find really was. It was a crude thin copper bracelet with a carved lapis stone of the twin heads of Neeborus. I placed it on my wrist and it fit. I continued to admire it in the dim light as there was something very attractive or special about it.
Instead of reporting the find, I decided to keep it. That was against the professional code and was illegal but I hid it in my personal effects. I continued in the digs the next day and only the excitement of my find kept me going through the fatigue of little sleep. After dinner that evening, I fell into a deep sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night from one of the most sexual intense dreams of my life. I dreamt that I was in bed with my own mother. Not the usual image I had of her but something sensual and young like the pictures of her in high school. I had this aching hard on and began to stroke my cock, thinking of making love to my mother. I had never had thoughts like that of her before but found the dream and feeling to be intensely pleasurable. I was getting into this incestuous fantasy and soon came. After finding relief, I fell peaceably back to sleep. The next morning I wondered what sex would have been like with my own mom and how my father made love to her.
On my last day as a reward, Professor Grant took me to the market square to shop for any gifts to bring back. It was a large area filled with vendors and stalls selling anything you could imagine. I found several items of cotton clothing that appealed to me and after haggling with the proprietor, I purchased a dress for Ann and a shirt for myself. That evening I packed my bags and Grant took me to the airport the next morning. I had worried about getting the bracelet through Egyptian and US customs but something told me to just wear the bracelet under my new long sleeved cotton shirt and I would be alright. I went through customs and boarded the jet without question. On the flight back, I decided that I would only stay the evening with Ann then go visit some friends in my hometown before college started again. I exited on the US side without incident as well. Ann greeted me at the baggage carousels with a hug that was more loving than any touch she had given me before. We chatted about my adventures in Egypt from the airport to the loft. Life for Ann had been routine except she missed having me around the loft. I was a bit surprised as she never seemed concerned before about my comings and goings for the last couple of years.
Once at the loft Ann asked, "What presents did you bring back?"
I pushed back my shirt sleeve, showed her the bracelet and lied "I bought it from a jewelry vendor in the marketplace. What do you think?"
She looked at it for some time, moving my waist to see every inch of it. Ann mentioned "It's not very polished but there was something very attractive about it. What did you bring me?"
I lifted my bag to the kitchen table and groaned. "Sorry, my shoulders are still sore from all that digging this summer." I opened my bag and sorted through my belongings to find her present. I pulled out the folded material and flipped one end into the air unfolding the cotton dress. "This is for you."
"Oh my" gasped Ann, "It's beautiful. I think I will try it on right now."
"OK" I said, "I 'm just going to stow my bags away in my room and change some clothes in it. Since I'm going to visit some old friends around the lake tomorrow, I don't need to really unpack."
"OK" smiled Ann as she leaned over and kissed me. "Thanks for the dress; I hope you didn't spend too much on it."
"Things are pretty cheap over there. I'm glad you liked it. I was sure about getting it for you but I had a feeling that it was something you wanted."
Ann nodded and carried her new dress with her into her room. I carried my bag into my room and flopped on my bed for a few minutes. How nice it felt after sleeping several months on a cot. I changed out of my clothes into a t shirt and running shorts then exchanged some clothing from my bags. I went back into the living space and Ann was still in her room. I realized that I hadn't had a drink since I had left as alcohol was forbidden in Middle East. I had hoped there was some beer or wine in the fridge. I found a bottle of red wine and after pulling out the cork, poured a glass for me and my sister. I put her glass on the coffee table and took a sip of mine as I sat on the couch. It tasted so good and intense. I was massaging my left shoulder muscle when Ann came into the room.
"What do you think?" smiled my sister as she twirled around.
"Very pretty" I said, "I hope you don't find that I opened up some wine."
"Oh no" said Ann, "I think we need to celebrate your homecoming. Do I look Egyptian?"
I saw that Ann had put on extra blue mascara and black eyeliner. With her makeup, black hair, and white dress, she did look the part. "You look like a princess of Egypt."
"Bet you said that to all the girls there." laughed Ann as she picked up her glass of wine.
"If only there were any girls there" I smiled, "You do look very beautiful in that."
"So nice of you to say, Chris." smiled my sister, "Is your shoulder OK? I noticed you were working that shoulder."
"Oh, it will be fine." I said. "Just need some time to relax the muscles."
Ann sat behind me on the couch and said, "Enjoy your wine while I massage your shoulders." Ann began to work her long fingers into my shoulder muscles and it eased the minor pain I was experiencing. I was starting to get very relaxed. She paused for a moment to sip her wine and returned her fingers to my shoulders and neck. "How does that feel?"
"Great" I sighed, "Best my shoulders have felt in weeks. Now I know where to go for a great massage. It feels really good. Very nice of you to do this."
"I glad to do it" smiled my sister. "You really put on some muscle working the digs."
"I hadn't really noticed" I said, "I know that I lost some weight since I left. Oh yeah, right there, move your fingers in that spot."
"You like it there?" asked Ann as she kneaded her fingers around that sore muscle. "I've been really thinking about you for the last few weeks and really missed you."
"I've missed you and being home too." I said quietly. "Even started to have dreams of being home, you, even mom."
"Funny" said Ann, "I have been having dreams of you too. I guess you have been away too long. You know so of them have been kind of nasty." Her hands began to massage over my shoulders to around my upper chest area.
"I know I was getting homesick after awhile." I said, "I had a few of those dreams too. I even had one about mom."
Ann grinned, "I think everyone has those kind of dreams. Having one about mom sounds pretty kinky."
"Gets lonely in the desert" I joked, "Actually I was surprised. I never had dreams that that about her before."
"Did you enjoy it?" Ann asked.
"Yes" I said, "It was very intense too."
Ann moved her hands from my shoulders and wrapped her arms around my waist. "My brother is such a nasty boy" she teased. "Nothing wrong with enjoying a good sexual high. I leaned back and rested my back on my sister's chest. Her breasts provided such as nice cushion as I could tell she was braless. "I see you are getting relaxed. Is it the wine, my massage, or are you just tired?"
"Oh definitely the massage." I sighed. "If I knew how good your fingers are, I would have had you doing my shoulders a long time ago. I guess the wine helps too. Been awhile since I had a drink."
Ann whispered in my ear, "I am so glad you are home with me." Her fingers slipped from my waist and slowly glided into my running shorts. "What do you think of my fingers now?" My cock grew hard as her fingers wrapped around my cock. "I think you like that." Ann pulled the waistband of my running shorts down, letting my cock pop out, and positioned the waist band under my balls. "I have been dreaming about us playing naked all week and just had to play with your cock. You OK with it? I know what I doing with my brother isn't right but I am so charged by touching you."
"I love what you doing." I said nervously, "This is really extra special what I'm feeling." I slowly got up and stood next to the couch even though Ann did not want to let go of my cock. I slowly removed my T shirts and running shorts and stood completely naked in front of my sister. She had such a wanton look on her as she languished on the couch. I motioned for her to stand up and when she did, I slipped the dress off over her head. It was the first time I had seen my sister nude and she was beautiful. We embraced and I felt her large firm breasts press into my chest as my hard cock pressed against her stomach. As our heads went side to side with our cheeks pressed close together, I whispered my deepest desire to my sister. "Ann, I want to fuck you for real like I fucked mom in my dreams."
I reached down and felt her pussy. Her furry bush was very wet and my finger slide easily between her lips. She slighted moaned and put her lips to mine, sliding her tongue into my mouth. As I rubbed on her clit, her tongue went deeper into my mouth. Ann's tongue became more forceful and stronger as I placed my thumb on her clit and moved my other fingers into her pussy hole. She pulled away from my mouth and moaned loudly, arching her head back. Ann slowly brought her head forward and looked lustfully into my eyes. Her brown eyes seemed so wild with the blue mascara and heavy black eyeliner. My sister whispered, "I want my brother to cum in my mouth". Ann slowly ran her tongue from behind my ear down to my navel as she lowered herself onto her knees. Soon my cock was in my sister's mouth. The tongue that ravaged my tonsils was now delighting my cock head.
I reached down and play with my sister's hair while her head bobbed back and forth. I didn't know if was because it had been awhile or that I was having incestuous sex with my sister but I was ready to come. I held the back of Ann's head as I slide my cock deep in her mouth and started shooting gobs of hot cum. Ann made some moaning sounds around my cock and became slapping her hands against my butt. It felt like I almost blacked out in pleasure as the last drop of cum erupted. My legs were feeling weak as I pulled my cock from my sister's lips. She looked up at my face and opened her mouth, giving me a view of my sperm coating my sister's tongue. Then she swallowed a few times and smiled. Ann placed her hands on my cock and continued to stroke me as she stood up. I couldn't believe I was still hard after cumming like that.
leaned my head down and placed my face between her breasts. They felt so warm and soft on my face. My hands began to fondle and caress each breast while my mouth playfully sucked her nipples. I played with her breasts for so long that her body shuddered with a small orgasm. Then I guided her body to the couch. She lay flat on her back as I straddled her chest. I used my hands to press her breasts together and slid my cock between them. After pumping a few strokes, Ann replaced my hands with hers holding her breasts together. When my hands free, I began pumping my cock faster and reached one hand behind me to play with my sister's pussy. I had tit fucked women before but this was the first time I felt extreme pleasure as my balls moved across my sister's ribcage. I looked down into my sister's brown eyes and our gazes locked for a moment.
Ann moaned and spread legs further apart. She said in an out of breath voice, "You never saw them but mom's breasts looked just like mine. Is this how you did it in your dream? Is this how you like to fuck your mommy?"
I slid my cock away from my sister's breasts leaving the area between her breasts flushed and wet. I lay on top of her, feeling her hard nipples against my chest. I whispered, "This is how I did mom in my dream and it is how I going to fuck my sweet adorable sister too." Ann let out a pleasurable sound hearing those words. My cock was about to replace my fingers in her pussy. I almost couldn't believe it. I was really going to fuck my sister. I had my cock at the entrance to her pussy and it seemed like her pussy sucked my cock in. It was so smooth, wet, and warm. My sister let out a groan and bit my shoulder as her brother's cock filled her pussy. Her long legs wrapped around my thighs as I began to pump her. Her breasts jiggled underneath my chest and our bodies gyrated in pleasure. Ann was constantly moaning in her high pitched voice, almost squealing as my cock were faster and hotter between her legs. She was having one orgasm after another as her legs tightened on me like a vise. I was getting the pleasurable feeling in my cock and I knew I would be cumming any second. I pushed hard and began to shoot my cum into my sister. The feeling was more intense knowing I was cumming in my sister. She embraced me tightly and trembled as she felt my hot cum in her. Her breasts pushed so hard against my chest as her arms wrapped tightly around my back.
We remained tightly embraced on the couch for a long while. Eventually the extreme pleasure drifted away and we began to relax. Only Ann would tighten for a second as a mild after sex orgasm would pass through her body. We moved our bodies and looked into each other's faces, smiling with incestuous love between brother and sister. For a second, neither of us could believe what we had done but that moment passed quickly. Without speaking a word, my sister slipped from the couch and took my hand. I slowly stood up and Ann guided me into her bedroom. I had never been in my sister's bed before but it was big and so comfortable. My sister lay on her side and ran her fingers up and down my chest. She said in a quiet and very sincere voice, "It is just you and me now. We are bonded together forever." We made intense love one more time before falling asleep.
I woke up late that next morning. Ann made coffee and joined me. I felt wild and different sharing coffee in bed with my sister and in the nude. We exchanged some small talk, mainly how good everything felt last night. How wild it was. My sister knew that I was still leaving that day to visit some old friends. I really wanted to stay but somehow knew that I had to follow my original plan. I know Ann really wanted me to stay too but she knew that I had to go as well. After a quick shower and breakfast, my sister handed me her car keys and said "See you in a couple of days." We exchanged strong hugs and tender kisses before I grabbed my bags and left. Soon I was on the interstate headed towards Portland Maine. Last night consumed my mind as I drove. I never had any real thoughts about incest much less actually doing it until a few weeks ago. I knew it was about the time I found the bracelet that everything started to happen. I wondered if there was some connection but dismissed it as superstitious thinking. Then again what other explanation was there?
After passing through Portland, I made the exit that would take me to my hometown where Ann and I grew up. It was a town located next a large recreational lake. It was a great place to grow up as the lake and rural setting provided so much fun for me when I was younger. Not many of my school friends were still in town anymore. Our old house had been sold with the estate but a good friend had invited me to stay with him. My friend, Jim, decided to stay in town and make his living off the tourists who used the lake for recreation. His parents had moved to Florida leaving him the lake house. Sometimes I think Jim made a better lifestyle decision than all of us. I stopped at his lake house and after ringing then knocking, realized no one was home. I knew Jim was expecting me and thought he had to make a last minute visit to the store or his business.
I decided to kill some time anì¥Á 214. My French teacher, Stephanie Smith was shuffling some papers at her desk. I had taken four years of French with her and we knew each other quite well. I thought she was an attractive lady and even jacked off thinking about her a few times with I was a student. She was thin with long brown hair which usually tied into a pony tail, a sharp pointed nose, and glasses.
I poked my head through the open doorway and said, "Hello Ms Smith!"
She put on her glasses and looked questioningly towards the doorway. "Oh....Oh Hi Chris! So good to see you again. This is a surprise." She walked towards me as I entered the classroom and gave me a hug. "What brings you to town?"
I smiled and said, "I was just going to visit some old friends and thought I'd stop by and see if any of my teachers were in."
Stephanie's face lit up and said, "That is so nice that you still come to visit. How is college going for you?"
"Really good." I said, "I going into my senior year."
"Doesn't seem that long." She said, "I'm happy you are doing so well. You were always a really bright student. Best French student I ever had."
I blushed and said, "Thanks. I 'm pretty rusty on the language nowadays. Really have not had a chance to speak French since high school."
"That's OK" she smiled, "You look so good, nice tan, and love that bracelet."
"Well, I am an archaeology student and spent the summer digging in Egypt." I said, "That's how I got the tan and I picked up the bracelet over there too."
Stephanie stared at the bracelet for a few seconds and then regained her thoughts. "Are you staying in town for awhile?"
"Just a day or two" I said, "Classes start next week. I just had to come home before then and visit."
"Have any plans for tonight?" she asked.
"Not really." I said, "I'm staying with Jim Mathers but don't have any plans."
"Come over for dinner" she said, "I would love to hear about your adventures overseas."
"OK" I said, "I need to let Jim know so he doesn't make plans for me. That sounds good, I would like that. Are you sure Mr. Smith won't mind?"
"Not at all." smiled his former French teacher, "We divorced last year."
"I'm sorry to hear that" I blurted out.
"Is OK" she smiled, "Worked out for the best for both of us" She quickly scribbled on a note pad and handed me the top page. This is my address and phone number. Come by around six. OK?"
"I'll be there." I smiled and then left the school. I returned to my friend's home and found that he still wasn't there. I walked down to his boat dock and sat for awhile, just thinking. Soon it was about 5:30 and Jim still wasn't home yet. I left for Stephanie's house and thought I would just call Jim later from there. I parked the car in front of my French teacher's home and rang her doorbell. She lived in a very nice story and a half home in the better part of town. Stephanie greeted me and ushered me into her home. She was dressed very casually which was so different than her appearance at school. She had on sleeveless blue knit top, white Capri pants, and was barefooted. I could tell as her chest jiggled when we moved that she wasn't wearing a bra. She gave me a tour of the first floor of her home.
As we entered the dining room, Stephanie introduced me to her daughter, Cherisse. Everyone called her Cheri. Cheri was a pretty red head with no freckles on her smooth white skin. She was dressed in a parochial school uniform (white blouse and plaid skirt) and was working on her homework. Cheri looked up from her notebook and sweetly smiled. She said "hi", looked me up and down, and then stared at my bracelet for a few seconds. Stephanie then escorted me into her kitchen where she poured chilled wine into two glasses as we began to chat.
"Your daughter is really cute." I said.
"I know" she smiled. "I think she found you cute too."
"What's with the uniform? I asked. "Isn't she too old for that? Does she like to dress that way or does her school make her?"
"I send Cheri to the catholic school system in town." she said, "I think they have a better education system. No offense to where I work but that is how I feel. They make the kids wear uniforms from first grade through their senior year. Cheri isn't wild about it but it saves me a ton of money on clothes. Still an all girl's school too."
"Is she joining us for dinner?" I asked. "She looks very intent on her homework."
Stephanie took a sip of wine, shook her head no, and said, "She already ate and is trying to finish up. Her father is picking her up in a half hour for the school basketball game. Cheri likes to watch the game and my ex helps coach the team. The school's team is doing quite well this year and will probably be in the state girl's basketball playoffs." The doorbell rang and she said to me, "Wait here."
I could hear a man's voice in the background then Stephanie's and Cheri's. I couldn't make out any words but the tone seemed amicable. I heard the front door shut then Stephanie came back into the kitchen. She seemed more relaxed after they were gone.
"They're gone." She smiled.
"Sounds like you still get along with your ex." I said.
"Yes we do." Stephanie said, "We split up for a lot of reasons but we are still friends and of course, both of us have responsibilities raising a daughter."
I refilled the wine glasses and took a sip. "Is Cheri seeing anyone?"
"You interested?" teased her mother.
I was could off guard with her response. "Ummm,well no...I was just curious. Seems like you are very protective of her. Didn't know since her school is all girls and no boys to associate with."
Stephanie laughed, "Cheri has friends and some are men. I don't pry too much into my daughter's love life unless there is a problem. I have taught her about sex, protection, and all that but really don't know much about her love life and she doesn't confide much. She does think you are real cute."
I slightly blushed. "You sound very liberal with Cheri and I'm sure she appreciates that trust and freedom."
"I trust her." smiled Stephanie. "I had a liberal upbringing and I think it only widened my view of the world and gave me a better appreciation of others. Spending a couple of summers in France when I was college didn't hurt either. Let's get started with dinner. It's already made and will get cold if we don't get soon." I helped her set the table and then sat down. Stephanie brought out several dishes of food from the oven and refrigerator then placed them on the table between us. "So tell me about Egypt!"
Over dinner we talked about our adventures overseas. I spoke about the fun and drudgery in Egypt while she spoke about spending summers in Paris and Marseilles. We finished the bottle of wine over dinner and afterwards, we shared an aperitif on the couch. Stephanie handed me a small shifter of rich amber liquid and sat next to me.
"What is this?" I asked, "Brandy"
"No" she smiled, "It's Strega. It's has a strong taste but calms your stomach after a large meal. Very common in Europe for an after dinner drink."
Very strong vapors filled my nose as I put the snifter to my lips. It would a strong licorice and herbal taste to it. "Wewwww, that's strong stuff." I said.
"Give it a second to settle in." grinned Stephanie, "It is the perfect ending to the meal."
She lifted her snifter and swallowed her dose of Strega. "Sounds like you had some fun overseas. It may be boring to you now but it will seem more exciting to you as you get older. Besides, it you go into the masters program, you will probably see more of the world. Especially the Middle East if that will be the focus of your studies. With your background you might consider the roman period in Europe. There is a lot of work being done in France searching the old roman ruins and I think you would enjoy the country better."
"You really liked it there." I said, "A master's program and focus are something I need to talk over with my professors. One of them wants to sponsor me but his focus is Egyptology. Working in Europe sounds more pleasurable."
Stephanie grinned, "Pleasurable is what the French are all about. Enjoying life to fullest while you are still on this earth. Good food, good wine, and good sex."
"Works for me." I grinned, "Which did you like the best on your summer trips?"
"That's a hard choice." my former teacher slyly grinned. "The food and wine are the best. The sex is very good too. It is very permissive over there and not beaten down by the conservatives as in our country. I did learn and enjoyed a lot over there. It is very common to have younger lovers there."
"Were you a younger lover to someone on your adventures?" I teased.
"Yes...on several occasions." she sighed. "Very memorable and pleasurable. Too bad it is only for the celebrities or the rich in this country. On several occasions, I would have enjoyed a younger lover but you know how the laws are and my position at school." I nodded. "I often wanted to have you as my lover when you were in my classes." Stephanie stroked her hand up the length of my thigh.
"I would have liked that." I said quietly and smiled. "I understand why you couldn't then. I'm still younger than you. Does that still count now?" Our faces leaned towards each other until our lips met. We began kissing and as the our lips continued to touch, the passion mounted to where our tongues slipped in and out of each other's mouths. My hands slid under the waist band of her knit top and began to explore and caress her waist. It didn't take long for my hands to find Stephanie's breasts and yes, she was braless. Her breasts filled the palms of my hands as I began to massage them. Her nipples were hard and long to the touch. I stopped our embrace and slipped the top off my very agreeable French teacher. Her breasts slightly bounced as I lifted the top over her head. Her breasts were milk white against her lightly tanned body and her nipples did noticeable stick out .I began to suck on her nipples and had this flashback from high school. Often I would see Ms Smith get real pointy tits when she was around my desk. Stephanie leaned back resting on her arms as I sucked on her breasts. She looked down at the top of my head, enjoying the view and the pleasure of the touch, then slightly moaned.
Her hands ran through my hair and smoothed over my neck. I began to kiss down her stomach until my lips were at the waistband of her Capri's. I moved my fingertips inside the waistband and slid her Capri's down to her ankles. She did not have panties on as I suspected but her pussy was completely shaved. The French teacher that I oogled at in high school was now completely nude in front of me. I worked the bunched up Capri's from her ankles.
"Like what you see?" teased Stephanie.
"I do" I said, "But it is the first bald pussy I have seen in person."
"You are lucky that you aren't France." she smiled. "Usually they shave there but not their legs or under their arms. You have the whole package here."
"As long as I don't have to fight with my feet." I joked, "But I love to fuck with my face." I placed the tip of my tongue at her kneecap and after licking behind her knee, ran my wet tongue up the length of the inside of her thigh. Soon Stephanie had her legs bent and spread while I lay between them with my mouth on her pussy. I found her shaven pussy exciting and very pleasurable to lick. The scent of her body powder filled my nostrils as I sucked on her clit. She had a long clit (which matched her nipples) and I was able to place it inside my mouth where I licked and sucked on it. She begin too moan more as her legs moved side to side bumping against my shoulders. Her pussy was getting very wet and she gasped as I inserted a finger into her. Then she let out a pleasant sound while my finger worked in and out of her and my mouth massaged her clit.
Her body tensed and she let out a quiet scream. She relaxed and played with my hair as I continued to lick her. Stephanie said in a wicked grin, "Oh Chris, that felt so good. You would do well in France. Let's go up to my room." I moved my face from between her legs and nodded. We untangled ourselves as Stephanie rose from the couch. We stood and kissed then I followed her toward the stairwell. She left her clothes laying about the floor and couch. I followed her up the stairs watching her butt cheeks move side to side only inches in front of me. We entered her dimly lit bedroom which was large and had this pleasant vanilla smell to it I stood next to her king-size bed as she slowly removed my shirts, my jeans, and my briefs. I rolled naked on her silk sheets while she paused to sprits on some perfume then joined me. We kissed and groped and soon I was ready to fuck Stephanie. I was on top of her and tried to get myself into position but the slippery silk sheets made that too difficult. She started to giggle as my legs moved in vain. I rolled our bodies to where she was on top of me and straddled my body. I watched as Stephanie lowered her body on me and saw my cock disappeared into that bald pussy. She began to ride my cock like a cowboy rides a bronco.
Extending our arms, we held each others hands as Stephanie bounced on top of me. She was moaning loudly as my cock thickened then erupted with cum. We were both moaning as I filled her pussy. She slowly stopped bouncing and leaned over my chest to kiss me deeply. I wrapped my arms around her and she lay on top of me for a few minutes, then left to freshen up. A few minutes later, she came back with a damp wash rag and gently cleaned my cock and balls.
"I never had anyone do that for me before." I sighed, "Feels very nice."
She smiled and said, "I just want to make sure it's fresh before I put it in my mouth."
"Sounds like a long evening still." I said.
"Could be" Stephanie grinned wickedly. "Really this is sort of old habit. Bathrooms and sanitary conditions were never good overseas. I learned to do this over there and never stopped when I was back home." She tossed the wash cloth through the open door of her master bathroom then snuggled beside me. "You are certainly were worth the wait."
"I'm sure that I am better in bed now than when I was in school." I chuckled, "But I wouldn't have let that stop me back then. I like my older lover."
"And I like my younger lover too." she said as she kissed me on my cheek.
"Did you have many lovers over there?" I asked.
"A few." She smiled, "Not really the pillow talk I like to discuss but a few and they were 10 to 25 years older than I was. And.... not necessarily all men either."
"Really" I said in surprise.
Stephanie coyly smiled, "I really enjoyed that experience. I would love a bi lover here but again this town is too small for those secrets."
"Can't help you with that one" I joked, "Got one out of your two desires. I would love to see you with another woman. Sounds delicious."
"Every man's fantasy." she smiled, "Honestly I would love a have threesome. I have never done that. Always thought about being with 2 guys or 2 girls or a couple."
"If only you did younger lovers from I school." I said, "There were several people in my class who got into that."
"Who were they?" she asked curiously.
"Oh, not the kind of pillow talk I like discuss." I teased, "Did you hear something?"
We became quiet and listened intently for a sound or noise. There was the sound of the front door gently closing and then we heard Cheri call out. "Hi mom, I'm home."
"Should I hide?" I asked.
"Silly, it's OK" she laughed and in a loud voice she called out, "Hi honey. I'm up here."
We could hear some movements on the first floor including the refrigerator opening and closing. Then the sounds of footsteps echoed in the stairwell.
Cheri asked from the stairway landing, "Is it OK to come in?"
"Are you by yourself?" asked her mother.
"Yeah, Dad just dropped me off." said her daughter.
Stephanie pulled the sheet over our bodies and said, "Come in." I was shocked
that Stephanie invited her daughter in but she seemed very nonchalant about it.
Cheri walked in the bedroom and seemed unconcerned that I was in bed with her
mother. She just grinned at me. "How was the game?"
"We won." said Cheri enthusiastically. "It was really close but we won."
"Well that's great!" smiled her mother, "I glad you had a good time."
"Thanks, well I still have to put away some stuff." said Cheri.
"OK" said Stephanie, "Please bring my clothes up before you got to bed."
"OK mom." said Cheri who gave me a smile then left back down the stairs.
"You surprise me Stephanie" I said, "You and your daughter were so open about me being in your bed."
"I brought her up very liberally." she said, "She understands I have friends over and if I didn't want her to see my friend, I wouldn't wanted have invited her in. She likes you and I thought it would be OK with her... and you."
"I'm OK with it." I said, "Just surprised. That's all. Cheri is really cute."
"Still sounds you are interested in her too." teased Stephanie, "Sounds like the Graduate almost. You could do the daughter and her mother."
"Well have one out of two so far." I teased back. "Maybe we should invite to our party.
I get two out of two and you fulfill all your fantasies."
Before Stephanie could say anything Cheri walked in the room with her mother's blue top and white Capri's. "Where do you want these mom?"
"Put them on my dresser." said her mother.
Cheri walked to dresser that was adjacent
"Hope you're not mad at me now." I said, "I'm really very nice."
"I know you are" smiled Cheri, "It was just a dream. Strange that you were in it, though."
"Well" grinned her mother, "Seems like everyone knows each other already. Since we are all friends." Stephanie nudged me with her arm "Chris wants to know if you want to be invited to a French party."
"I love parties" said Cheri very sweetly, "Chris, what do you do at a French party? Is it like the song? You know, there's a place in France where the people were no pants?
The three of us broke out in laughter. After the laughter died down, her mother said, "Something like that. Pull up a chair and have a seat." Cheri obediently took the settee in front of her mom's makeup table and sat facing us. "Now pull off your panties!"
"Mom!" squealed Cheri.
"It's part of the party." grinned her mother, "Just do it!"
Cheri stuck out her tongue at us for a second then she placed her hand up her skirt then lifted her butt slightly from the settee and seconds later, she was pulling her white cotton panties from around ankles. I could already feel my cock starting to get hard. "See" said Cheri as she held them up with one hand. Then she threw them across the room and landed on the pillow next to me.
"Now your shoes and socks." said her mother quietly. I could see that Stephanie was starting to get into this game. Cheri crossed one leg over her knee and untied her shoe. I could only get a flash of her pussy when her leg crossed but now I was as hard as a rock She placed her shoe neatly by the chair and placed her white sock inside the shoe. Then she uncrossed her legs and crossed the other leg, giving me another flash. Cheri removed her other shoe and sock. With her shoes and socks neatly by her side and her hands placed on her knees, she awaited her mother's next game instructions. "Now unbutton the top two buttons on your blouse and close your eyes." said her mother. Stephanie and I watched as Cheri smiled, undid the top button, then the second one, and closed her eyes.
I whispered into Stephanie's ear, "Have you ever done this before with Cheri?"
She smiled and whispered back to me, "No, this is the first time. I have never done anything sexual with her before. This is so exciting! Go behind her and take off her blouse and bra." I nodded as I was also very exciting over this game we were playing. I quietly walked behind the settee where Cheri sat. Her mother called out "Now no peeking Cheri! No matter what you feel. I will tell you when to open them."
I glided my hands underneath Cheri's arms and continued to open the remaining buttons on her white blouse. I was surprised that she did not flinch or resist or open her eyes. When I opened her blouse and started to lift it from her arms, she willingly complied. I pulled the back of her bra away from her back and unhooked it. Gently I moved the straps from her shoulders pulling the white bra from her body. Cheri's breasts were very pretty and her nipples were dime size. The color was more like a light suntan than a brown or pink. I slipped back into the bed and lay nude on the silk sheets. Stephanie was exposed from the waist up with the sheet barely above her pussy.
"Now stand up and open your eyes." said her mother. Cheri rose to her feet and opened her eyes. She continued to smile as she gazed on her half naked mother and her naked boyfriend. "Still like this game?" asked Stephanie. Cheri nodded yes. "The last thing you have to do is to take off your skirt." Cheri placed her fingers on the elastic waistband of her plaid skirt and pushed her skirt to the floor. While her daughter was bending over to lower her skirt, Stephanie slipped from her bed and stood next to her daughter. When Cheri stood back up, Stephanie embraced her naked daughter. While hugging she said, "You play very well" then she kissed her daughter with moist open lips.
Cheri broke off the kiss and exclaimed in surprise, "Ahh Mom!". Her mother kissed her again and slipped her tongue into her daughter's mouth. Then Cheri said in pleasure, "Oh mommmmmmm". Stephanie slowly moved Cheri towards the bed as they kissed. Once they are at the edge of the bed, Stephanie held her daughter tight as she flopped on the bed taking her daughter down with her. Cheri was lying on top of her mother and the kissing was very mutual as Cheri's tongue was enjoying the pleasure of her mother's mouth. Stephanie had her arms around her daughter, playing with Cheri's butt cheeks with each hand. I began to stroke myself watching mother and daughter kiss and touch. Stephanie inserted her fingertips into the crack of Cheri's butt and glided her fingertips between her butt cheeks and then along her daughter's inner thighs. Then she brought her hands back and rested them where Cheri's legs met.
I'm not sure how Stephanie did this. She pushed on her daughter with both hands and she seemed to just glide into position where Cheri was on her knees straddling her mother's face. Stephanie's tongue immediately worked into the folds of Cheri's pussy lips. Cheri pursed her lips into an "o" shape and sighed pleasurably. She said quietly, "Lick my kitty, that's it mom, lick my kitty." Her mother's mouth was now pressed tightly against Cheri's pussy as she continued to please her. Stephanie's legs were wide apart and her pussy was wet. I moved between those legs and carefully got on my knees, balancing myself on the silk sheets. I slowly lifted her legs and slide my cock in her. I heard Cheri say "Suck it, yeah suck it right there" and then she let out a load moan of pleasure. I was slowly and gently pumping my cock in Cheri's mother while watching Cheri's back, butt, and long red hair move about. Stephanie's legs were starting to shake and I could hear a muffled groan as I knew she was having a large orgasm. I was beginning to feel like I would cum soon too.
As much as I loved my cock in Stephanie's pussy, I wanted to share in the fun with her daughter. I slowly pulled away from her mother's pussy and gently lowered her trembling legs. I moved along the bed side and then stood on the bed with Stephanie's head between my ankles and Cheri's face in front of my cock. Cheri opened her eyes which were glazed over in ecstasy and watched my cock bob in front of her for a minute. I placed the tip of my cock against her lips and moved my cock head along the length of her lips. I spread some precum from one corner of her mouth to the other and then placed the tip of my cock back to the center of Cheri's lips. Her lips slightly opened and I pushed the head of my cock in her mouth. She would only let so much cock in her mouth. Then she moaned out with another orgasm and as her mouth opened more, I slide more of my cock in her. I placed my hands on the sides of her face and began to pump my cock in and out of her mouth. She closed her eyes and squeezed her lips tightly around my cock.
Stephanie stopped sucking her daughter's pussy to watch the action going on above her head. She watched my balls and ass move back and forth while my cock appeared and disappeared in her daughter's mouth. It felt so good and I was so turned on fucking Cheri's face that I ready to cum. I let out a muttered "Oh man!" and began to shoot my cum into her mouth. I felt my cum filling her mouth and she was not swallowing my cum. After groaning with my last spurt, I slipped my cock from her mouth and she immediately spit everything out is a wide forceful spray. She frowned and say "Ewww, that was so nasty!"
Stephanie quickly slide out from under Cheri and kneeled next to her daughter, hugging her. She tenderly wiped some of the cum from Cheri's face as she comforted her. Stephanie said quietly, "That's OK Cheri. You did fine. That's an acquired taste and we all do that the first time. Soon you will enjoy it and even crave the taste."
Cheri smiled, "It was fun but it just tasted yucky. Too salty."
Stephanie smiled back at her daughter and kissed her, sliding her tongue in her daughter's mouth. Mom was getting an after taste of my cum as well. She broke the kiss and said, "Tastes pretty good to me. Let me get you some water." Stephanie went into the master bathroom and came back with a glass of water. Cheri took the glass and took her time finishing the drink. Stephanie took the glass and set it on the night table. Then she guided her daughter to lay on the bed and said lovingly to her, "Have you ever kissed a woman between her legs like I did for you?" She shook her head no. "I want to be your first time then." She had Cheri move further to the other side of the bed and then Stephanie climbed in. She lay on her side at a right angle to her daughter then raised her leg at the knee exposed her shaved pussy to her daughter's face. Cheri leaned forward and placed the tip of tongue nervously against her mother's pussy lips. Stephanie placed her hand beside her pussy and opened her pussy lips wide. Cheri's tongue began to explore her mother's inner lips and clit. Stephanie said lovingly, "Touch and lick me how I licked you. Make mommy feel good."
Seeing a nice opening for me, I quietly lay my side as well and positioned my hips towards Stephanie's face and Cheri's pussy in my face. I felt Stephanie's lips embrace my hardening cock while I lifted Cheri's leg and let my tongue explore her pussy. She tasted very sweet. Soon our oral daisy chain was groaning and shaking the bed. I broke away from licking Cheri's pussy to see her sucking away at her mother's clit and pushing her fingers into Stephanie's pussy. I returned to Cheri's wet honey tasting pussy and sucked on her clit. It was long just like her mother's. I opened her pussy wide apart with my fingers and pushed my tongue into her pink love canal. It went in easily for an inch then stopped. My tongue touched her hymen and I was surprised that she was a virgin. I'm sure Stephanie discovered that surprise earlier but then maybe she wasn't surprised. I resumed sucking her clit in my mouth when I felt Cheri's hips and stomach tremble as she moaned loudly. Her muscles tensed then relaxed and suddenly Stephanie screamed out in orgasm.
Cheri slowly moved out of the daisy chain and sat on the bed watching her mother continue to suck me. I rolled onto my back as her mother moved on her stomach still sucking me. Her daughter watched as Stephanie licked and sucked my cock. With her lips tightly around my cock head, Stephanie began jacking me with one hand while rolling my balls with her other hand. Her hand went very fast and I began to cum in her mouth. I could see her throat move and swallow my load. After my last shot, she leaned her head back and swallowed. She used her fingers along the back of my cock to squeeze out one last drop and then wiped it off the tip of my cock with her tongue. She then leaned over to her daughter who met her kiss with open lips. After several kisses, Cheri said quietly, "It does taste better the second time." Stephanie smiled at her daughter and gave her a big hug.
We chatted and laughed for awhile in bed and then one by one we fell asleep. I woke up alone the next morning to an empty bed. After using the bathroom, I put on my briefs and went downstairs calling to Stephanie and then to Cheri. I still didn't see anyone and went into the kitchen. There was a note on the table for me. Stephanie said that she had a great time and Cheri too. They both had to go to school that morning and didn't want to disturb my sleep. She knew that I had to see my friend still and hoped that I could come back soon. Finally she asked that I made sure that front door was locked when I left and to call. I checked through her fridge and had a quick breakfast before getting dressed in yesterday's clothes. I called Jim and to my surprise he answered. He apologized for not being there as he had a last minute emergency that he would explain later. I told that I would be over soon and hung up. Then I searched for where they had their phonebook and looked up the number of the local florist. I called and had a dozen roses sent to Stephanie at her work and then a dozen to Cheri at school. I cleaned up my dishes in the kitchen and left making sure the door was locked.
Soon I was on the main road headed for the lake. I had a hard believing what happened last night. For that matter, it was hard to believe that I slept with my sister the other night.
I pondered why after all these years of normal relationships with people that suddenly I so involved with incest? The only explanation which was even harder for me to believe was there was some magic in the bracelet I was wearing. Everything started to occur once I possessed the bracelet which originally belonged to the ancient followers of Neeborus who practiced incest. I had to admit that the bracelet had a certain attraction not only to me but to the people around me. Bracelet or not I was enjoying the events of the last few days and wanted to experience more. I wondered how I could use the bracelet to get into relationships with others that I knew, like the twin sisters from my biology class last year.
As I pulled into Jim's driveway, I put those thoughts aside. It would be just be me and my buddy for a day or two. As I was getting out of my car, Jim opened the front door and came over to greet me. After a friendly hug, he helped pull my bags from the trunk.
"Hey buddy, good to see you!" said Jim.
"I'm happy to be here." I said, "Sorry I missed you yesterday. What happened?"
"I was getting worried when I got home last night and didn't see or hear from you." he said.
"I found another old friend in town to spend the evening with." I said, "Sorry I didn't let you know but I didn't know what happened to you anyway."
"Well, kind of a long story." he said, "Short story is my mom and dad had this big fight in Florida and next thing I know I get a call from my mom to pick her up at the airport. So I had to drive into Portland to pick her up. I'm really sorry but I didn't have a way to contact you before I left."
"Your mom is here?" I asked.
"Yeah." He said sadly, "I hope it's OK with you. She shouldn't get in the way of us catching up on old times and having some fun on the lake."
"Oh yeah, sure. Shouldn't e a problem." I said, "I always liked your mom. She was always very nice to me." I thought about the bracelet and thought who knows what will happen.
"Lets your stuff in the house and we can take the pontoon boat out this afternoon." said Jim. Jim helped me with the bags and we entered into his home. It looked exactly the same when I was younger and when his parents lived there. Jim placed my bags in his old room and we headed for the kitchen. "Sorry about giving you my old room. I had to give mom the guest room. I wasn't going to give up the bedroom I use now which is my parent's old bedroom. Too much of my personal stuff in there now if you know what I mean." I nodded in agreement as Jim probably had a stash of porno and stuff in there. As we entered the kitchen I greeted Jim's mom who was smoking a cigarette at the table. Jim's mother, Amy, was about 45 and considerably younger than Jim's father. She still had blonde hair with some black roots showing and her figure was still nice.
"Hi Chris" said Amy. "It's so good to see. You have really grown up since the last time I saw you." She dashed out her cigarette in the ash tray and walked over to give me a hug. "I hope my smoking doesn't bother you."
"It's OK. I don't mind." I said, "You look the same as when I was a kid. Still blonde and beautiful"
"Jim" said his mother, "Chris is still full of it. He hasn't changed a bit. Thanks, I still love compliments from young men. Sorry I messed up your plans last night."
"That's OK" I said, "I worked something out. It was more important that Jim picked you up since you were in a bad situation. Everything worked out and now I'm here." Amy said, "Look it's almost lunch. Let me fix up something then you guys can go boating or whatever you have planned." Jim's mother fried up a quick order of hamburgers and we sat down to eat. "Chris I'm curious. Where did you get that bracelet. It's very attractive and looks sort of oriental."
I took a bite of the hamburger then said, "It's mid eastern actually. I picked it up at a market in Cairo."
"What on earth were you doing there?" asked Amy.
Jim responded, "Don't be so nosey mom. Chris was on an archaeological dig this summer. He just got back a few days ago."
Amy said, "Living in Egypt all summer. Did you see the Pyramids?"
"Mom!" said her son.
"It's OK." I said. "Yes, most of the summer. I only saw them as the transport car drove by. I didn't get a chance to see them close up or anything. They are pretty amazing even from a moving car."
"You will have to tell me more about your adventures before you go." smiled Amy.
"I will but there isn't that much to tell." I replied.
"I'm done" said Jim, "I'm going to get things ready on the pontoon boat while you finish and change. I'll see you on the dock."
"Ok" I said, "Should not be too long."
"Mind if I come along if you are just cruising around the lake?" Amy asked her son.
"It's alright with me." I told Jim.
"Sure mom" said her son, "Come down when you are ready."
Jim left as I finished up my lunch. Amy told me to go ahead and change to meet Jim. She would clean up the kitchen then join us. I went into Jim's old room and pulled some clothes from my bags. I changed into a T shirt, swimming trunks, and a pair of sandals, then headed toward the boat dock. Jim was messing about the boat and as he saw me step on board, he handed me a beer. I could see that my buddy had almost finished one while waiting for me.
"Sorry about my mom" said Jim.
ain. I had spent many years of my youth swimming, boating, and fishing there. I hadn't realized how much the shoreline had changed since then. It was starting to get warm in the sunshine and we cracked open three more beers. "The lake had really changed since we were kids."
"It sure has" said Jim, "Most of the changes has been good for my business. The lake is more about people coming from out of town from Bangor or Boston to go boating or jet skiing. Weekends are a real zoo out here. I think I will take the boat to a place you'll enjoy."
"Where's that?" I asked.
"The party cove." smiled Jim
"What's that?" I asked again.
"It's that cove with that big red granite bluff at the end." said Jim. I nodded. as I knew the area. "Well over the last few years, people take their boasts there and party hardy. Lots of women sun tanning topless or nude, lots of drinking, and I've seen a lot of couples having sex in outdoors on the boats. Never know what kind of show we'll see."
"Sounds too wild for Maine countryside." I said, "Sounds cool. Let's take the boat and see some free skin. Sure your mom wouldn't mind?"
"She knows about it" said Jim, "Lots of places like that in Florida too. Nothing she hasn't seen before. She would be mad if I didn't take you there just because she is onboard. She really very understands about how guys are about sex and naked women."
I shrugged my shoulders and said, "You're the boss." I was anxious to see this mass of people partying naked for my viewing pleasure. We sped along open water for a half hour
and after passing a bridge marker, we started to slowly go left until we entered the cove with red granite bluff. The cove was very secluded and I could see a cluster of boats anchored towards the end. Jim stopped the boat about a hundred yards of the other boats and secured the boat's position.
"Not too many people here today." said Jim, "But it is the middle of the week. Here, use these." Jim handed me a pair of binoculars which I used to scan the cove. There was about six boats of all sizes anchored close to each other. There were women and men of all ages, lying out in the sun. Some women were topless and some were nude. "What do you think?" smiled Jim.
"Too bad this was here when we were kids." I joked. "This goes on all the time and no one minds?"
"If it gets too loud especially on holiday weekends, the water patrol will break up the party." Jim said, "Usually they leave this area alone except to look. Like we are doing."
"Cool" I said as I continued to look through the eyepieces.
"Now don't be a hog" smiled Jim, "Let me get a look."
I handed the binoculars to Jim who started to view the scenery. Amy started walk up from the back of the boat with a folded lawn chair in her fist. "Having fun?" she smiled.
"If you boys are going "bird watching" for awhile, I'm going to get some sun." I nodded while her son continued to peer through the lenses. Amy went to the front of the pontoon boat where the deck was flat and had no canopy over it. She folded the lawn chair to where it was a flat vinyl webbed platform for her to lay on. She carefully got on it and stretched out her body. She sat up slightly and untied her bikini top. She laid her top on the deck and continued to rest on her back in the sun.
"Jim" I said quietly, "Your mom is topless." Her breasts were already a nice bronze color, about a 34C, with large brown nipples.
Jim put down the binocular for a second and glanced over. "Yeah." said Jim unconcerned, "Lucky that's all she has off. In Florida, she goes au natural. You won't see any tan lines on her. Besides, doesn't make us look like peepers to much to the other boats. Check out that house boat on the far right. On the top by that red railing."
I took the binoculars from Jim's hands and took a look. It took a minute to see what he was talking about. There was a naked blonde woman sitting on that top deck and when the boat dipped with a wave you could see a man's face underneath her. I continued to watch as she was being pleased in the outdoors. Jim said, "Don't stare to long or they may get pissed and go indoors. Speaking of pissing, I have to go." Jim slipped off his flip flops and went to a deck ladder on the opposite side on the boat, lowering himself into the lake. I guess it was more polite than pissing off the side.
I continued to look when I heard Amy's voice next to me. "Anything good?"
I was startled and quickly lowered the binoculars. I turned to see Jim's half naked mother standing next to me. She smiled as I handed the binoculars to her. "Check out that houseboat on the right." I handed them to her and asked, "You need a beer?"
"No I'm good for now." She smiled. I went over the cooler and pulled one for myself. I looked over to see Jim still swimming around. I opened the top and placed it in the cup holder attached to the pontoon railings. "I still don't see it" she said.
I got close behind Amy and pointed my arm over her shoulder to spot the houseboat. She moved the binoculars parallel to my outstretched arm and coyly said, "Now I see" I removed my arm from over her shoulder and then wrapped my arms around her waist. I'm not sure why I did it but she didn't resist my touch and pushed her back softly against my chest. I enjoyed the warmth of her skin against me and my cock started to harden. Amy said softly, "Chris..if you are looking to get lucky, you will have to wait until tonight." I really got embarrassed and started to apologize but Amy continued "Been awhile and I really want some young dick from you. So I'll let you know." I unwrapped my arms and stepped aside to say something when I heard Jim splashing out of the water then climbing onto the boat. Amy turned to see Jim dripping water on the deck and looked my red face. She gave me a big smile and then said to her son, "How's the water."
"Very nice" said her son, "A few warm spots though."
"I bet" smiled Amy. "You two keep looking at the scenery, you will need to do more than dip in the water." She handed the binoculars back to her son. Then she went to cooler and grabbed a beer. She walked back to the lawn chair to get more sun and while I watched her butt move side to side in that black bikini bottom.
"I can't see them anymore" said Jim. "Maybe they went inside for more fun." He scanned the scenery again and froze on a spot then adjusted the focus dial. "Now check this out. Two babes are tanning on that cruiser." Jim handed me the binoculars. "Over there."
I pointed the lens in the direction of the cruiser and saw what he was talking about. Two blondes with really big breasts were sitting in deck chairs getting a tan. I moved my view to the right slightly and saw someone in the window of the cruiser looking towards us with binoculars. Turn about is fair play I thought. Then I refocused on the two blondes again. The girl watching went on for another hour or so. Finally Amy was beside us with her top back on. She lit up a cigarette and said, "I think you boys have had enough fun. We really need to get back. It will be dark in an hour and you have no running lights." Jim put the binoculars away and reluctantly started up the engine. Soon we were pulling up to the lake house as the sun was starting to hit the horizon.
I helped Jim put the boat away for the evening while Amy went inside the house. After we finished another beer, we went inside the house. Jim's mother had 2 frozen pizzas heating the oven and was setting some plates on the table. A half hour later we were around the table eating pizza and chatting. Amy asked me about my trip and I began to tell her about Egypt. After an hour of me talking, Jim slipped away from the table while his mother continued to be fascinated with my story. He came back to the table about 20 minutes later, a little red eyed and smelling of pot. Amy gave me a slight knowing grin as I continued to talk and soon there was nothing more to tell about my summer. Amy asked if I wanted to sit on the back porch with her from a little while. Jim was a little upset and said he was going to watch the game on TV. I told Amy that I would sit with her for awhile but wanted to watch the game with her son too. Jim went to the TV and switched on the game while Amy went out the back door.
The sounds of the game filled the living room as I walked towards the back door. I knew Jim wanted me to watch the game with him but I also knew that he was a little too stoned to be too upset with me or his mom. I walked onto the back porch. It was very quiet and dark with only the reflection of a full moon on the water. I could see from the red fire of Amy's cigarette that she was sitting the outdoor sofa glider. She slightly rocked back and forth then stopped as I sat next to her. I placed my arm over her shoulder and we slowly rocked on the glider until she finished her cigarette.
"Jim's not mad at me. Is he?" asked his mother.
"I think Jim's alright." I said, "He wants me to watch the game like old times that's all. I think he wouldn't remember much from this evening if you know what I mean."
"Oh I know." smiled Amy, "Not that I'm against it but Jim does it a little too often."
"I think since Jim has lived here by himself for a couple years." I said, "Well, you coming to visit just a little awkward for him. He has to change his lifestyle some. I just glad to be able to see him before college starts back up. He's not mad at anyone."
"Well good." sighed Amy, "I really love Jim and don't want him mad at me. God knows I have enough family members pissed off at me already. Chris did you have fun today? I hope I didn't spoil any plans you and Jim had."
"I had a great time." I said in anticipation as I leaned forward and kissed her smoky lips. Amy kissed me back hard and willingly. Our tongues were soon wrestling in each other's mouth. Amy was rubbing my crouch as I slid one hand into the cup of her bikini top. Her nipples were hard and her breasts were still firm for her age. I slid my arm from around her shoulders to the middle of her back and pulled the string on her bikini top. Her top simply fell into her lap as her hand slipped inside my swimming trucks. My cock hardened as her fingers ran along the length of my shaft.
Amy broke from my lips and nibbled on my ear lobe. She whispered, "You have such a nice cock Chris. So hard and long. I love that young cock of yours." I slowly kissed down the side of her neck and then across her chest. Soon I had Amy's nipple in my mouth. Her hands had pulled down the waist band of my trunks freeing my cock while her other hand jacked it back and forth. I could feel my precum coating her fingers. Suddenly Jim came out of the house looking for me. He looked surprised to see us. I suddenly felt pretty stupid being with his half naked mother and my cock hanging out.
"I guess you aren't too interested in the game" said Jim, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have interrupted." He turned to go back into the house.
"Wait Jim!" said his mother.
"Sorry Jim...I......"I stammered.
Jim stopped as his mother rose from the sofa glider. She walked over to her son and hugged him. "Jim, I don't want anything to come between us or you and Chris." She held that embrace for some time and I actually was getting turned on watching Amy push her naked breasts against her son. I rose from the glider and pressed my body against Amy's back with my hands on her hips. I don't know why I did that but it felt very erotic to press Amy's body between me and her son. It became very quiet for a few seconds and each of us realized the sensuous embrace we were in. Amy was the first to move and slipped from our embrace. She looked down to see her son and I with our tented swimming trunks. She took each of us by the hand and said, "Let's go inside."
Jim and I followed her lead into his bedroom, actually Amy's old bedroom. It was illuminated by the glowing screen of a 25 inch TV on dresser which Jim forgot to turn off from this morning. The sound had been turned off. Most of the space in the room was taken up by Jim's old water bed which had the slight smell of cologne and marijuana. We stopped in the narrow space between the bedroom wall and Jim's bed. "Let's hug like we did outside." Amy said softly. Again we sandwiched his mother with our sensuous embraces. I couldn't what was going with Jim on the other side of his mother but I was getting hard as a rock on my side. I know Amy had to feel it pressing against her bikini bottoms. Also, she had to know what this was leading to. I had my hands on her hips and decided to push it a step further. I wedged my thumbs into the top of her bikini bottoms and started to push them down. She didn't stop me as they moved just below her butt. I bent over and continued to pull them to her ankles. As I stood back up, she deftly kicked them off her ankles.
Amy was completely nude in front of her son. She sensuously ran her hands on her son's body as she dropped to her knees. I looked at Jim who had this very strange smile on his face. Amy grasped the sides of his swimming trunks and tugged them down about foot releasing his hard cock. Amy slightly gasped then smiled. I rather surprised too as Jim had a good size cock on him. She lightly ran her hands along his shaft than took his trunks completely off. Then Amy placed her son's cock in her mouth and began to suck on him. Not wanting to be left behind, I took off my shirt and trunks and got on my knees behind Amy. I was close to her back with my cock pressed against her butt cheek. I reached around her and began to caress her breasts while her head moved back and forth. As my other reached under her butt, she slightly spread legs apart where my fingers could touch her pussy. Her neatly trimmed bush was wet and my fingers slid easily into her. While I was finger fucking her I watched as her son's cock moved in and out of his mother's mouth. Only in the porno movies did I see a woman take that much cock in her mouth.
My fingers felt pleasurable warm, wet, and slightly sticky as they moved in and out of her pussy. Amy started to move her hips in rhythm to my fingers. My other hand moved from her breasts, along her stomach, and to her clit. She began to lowly moan as my wet fingers rubbed and stroked. Jim somehow found the time to take off his shirt as it floated to the ground next to me. Amy took her son's cock from mouth and began to breath hard while continuing to stroke it with her hand. An orgasm shook her body and she breathlessly said, "Oh baby, I need that dick in me now." I was about ready to place my cock in her from behind when she started to stand up. To my surprise she guided Jim to the waterbed and made him lay on his back. She wanted to fuck her son! Jim lay comfortable floating on his waterbed with his cock waving in the air. Amy turned to me and gave me a big kiss. She whispered, "Sorry Chris but family comes first. Once I get started I want you to double fuck me. OK? Find some lube before you do it." Before I could say anything, Amy climbed into Jim's bed and straddled his hips. She held his cock still with both hands and lowered her pussy. She placed the head of his cock into her love canal and paused. This incredible smile came over her face and then she lowered herself engulfing her son's cock. It just kept sliding in and as she moaned.
Amy kept his cock completely in her and moved her hips around. Jim had such a loving smile on his face as he gazed deep into his mother's eyes. Soon she began to move up and down on her son's cock while he reached forward and fingered her clit. She was having one orgasm after another while I searched for some lube. I went to the bathroom in the hallway and looked through the medicine cabinet. I found a plastic container of Vaseline and figured that would work. I never fucked a girl in the ass before much less while she was getting fucked by someone else. I was very excited at the thought of it and always wanted to try it. I climbed into bed with Jim and his mom. Amy had her head thrown back in ecstasy with her eyes closed tight riding her son's cock. I opened the jar and began to grease my cock. I thought how many times had I done that before? Then I put a glob on my index finger and explored the crack of Amy's butt. I felt around and found her rosebud without smearing any Vaseline on her butt. I deposited the glob on her rosebud and gently began to massage it in. I could feel Jim's cock sliding in and out of his mother as I slowly probed a finger into her ass. Once my fingertip went in, the rest of my finger slid in easily. Amy screamed out in pleasure as my finger slid in.
With my finger still in Amy's butt, I kneeled close behind and wondered how I was going to get my cock in her. Amy stopped her bronco ride and slowly laid down on her son's chest. Jim's cock was still in her. Jim wrapped his arms around his mother's back as my finger slipped out. Amy's butt was now facing up and ready for me. I had to straddle Jim's legs and get slightly over his mother's butt. My hands moved her butt cheeks apart and I pressed my cock head to her rosebud. My cock met some resistance as I made gentle pushes against it. The tip of my cock head went in a little and Amy gasped for air. Then I pushed in a little more and my cock head was in. It felt so hot and tight. Gently I slowly slid my cock into Amy's ass. What a feeling! I never felt anything so tight around my cock! Amy was moaning and emitting these funny sounding pleasure squeals. Sweat was beginning to pour from her body as I slowly began to pump my cock in and out. I could felt my buddy's cock pushing from his mother's other hole. I placed my hands on Amy's hips and moved them forward and back. She now had two cocks moving in her. It felt so good and Amy was in unbelievable ecstasy as her son and I fucked her at the same time. She was so tight that I knew I would be cumming soon. I heard Jim start to breath hard then groan. His legs began to shake underneath me and I could feel his cock flinch in his mother's pussy as he came. Amy quietly and in a very wicked slurred voice said, "That's it baby, cum in me. Put it all in me." I was pumping his mother as Jim's cock slowly slipped out of his mother. I was starting to push harder and faster when Amy said, "Chris, Chris, pull it out. Please pull it out." She screamed out in an extreme orgasm as I slowly pulled my hard cock from her ass. While the strength left in her limp body, she lifted herself from Jim and lay on her back next to him. Jim rolled to his side to watch his mother. Then she said, "I can't take anymore fucking. Just shoot your cum on my face! Cum on me like a whore." I waddled on my knees over to Amy's face and once the head of my head was near her lips, I began to jack off my greased cock very fast.
I began to feel the special feeling at the base of my cock. I held back really hard and just started to shoot cum as I groaned. Long eruptions of white cum shot against Amy's lips, cheeks, and nose. Jim intently watched the white cum land on his mother's face and uttered, "WOW!". The pleasure in my head soon subsided. I looked down at my handy work on Amy's face. She had a silly pleased smile on her face while Jim and I watched my cum slowly run and flow across her face. I slowly got up and went into the bathroom and got a wash cloth to clean her face. She was ready fast asleep as I cleaned my cum from her. Jim quietly said, "You should have just left it on, man. Let her sleep in it."
"I think she was enough of your stuff in her to last the evening." I said. There was a puddle of wet oozing from her pussy to the sheet. "I'll leave you two alone. I'm going to get some sleep." Jim slowly nodded and I left to sleep in Jim's old bedroom. I paused in the bathroom to clean my cock off. Butt fucking Amy was fun but it was a little nasty after you are done. I fell fast asleep and woke up the next morning wondering if last night was real or just some beer induced dream. I wondered around the hallway in the nude and looked into Jim's room. He was sleeping but was alone. There was no one in the kitchen either. I decided to check the back porch. I didn't care if I was naked or not but wanted to feel the fresh air against my body. I saw Amy dressed in a bathrobe on the sofa glider smoking a cigarette. From the butts on the ground, she must have chain smoked quite a few.
"Hi Chris" she said in a weak smile. She looked down at the ground.
"Hi Amy." I said "I had a really great time last night. I hope you did too."
"My butt's a little sore" she said and then she smiled, "But I really felt good last night. Best sex I had in a long time."
"Been out here a while?" I asked.
"About an hour." She said after taking her last puff of her cigarette. "Please sit down on the glider. The neighbors may wonder how that naked stranger is wondering around." She paused in the conversation and then said, "Chris, do you think I'm a whore? I mean a real slut?"
"Of course not." I said, "You are a very wonderful person. I've known you for most of my life and have never thought that."
"Thank you" she said, "It's just that I fucked Jim last night and loved it. It was the wildest nastiest sex I have had and it was with my son. Before this week, I never thought about him that way or even ever having incest with any family member. And I want to do it again. I want to fuck my son all the time. Does that make me a bad person? Am I a whore?"
I was starting to get turned on listening to Amy and had nowhere to hide my hardening cock. I put my arms around her and consoled Jim's mother. "Never think of yourself that way. You are a wonderful loving caring mother. You are very good to Jim and he really needs some love right now. Jim doesn't think badly of you and neither do I. Let me tell you a little secret."
"What's that" Amy asked with teary eyes.
"My sister and I sleep together." I said. "We love each other very much and enjoy making love together. We know that it is incest but it doesn't bother us. Our love does not make either one of us bad people."
"Really?" said Amy as her expression started to brighten up.
"Really" I said, "Now that you know...Do you think I'm a bad person? Do you think less of me than a few minutes ago?"
"Well no, of course not!" said Amy, "But I see what you mean. I feel better already about this."
"Your son loves you" I said, "He doesn't think less of you either. He probably loves you more than ever. Jim will want to continue this relationship with you as long as you want to."
Amy smiled widely as she lighted another cigarette. "I feel better. I don't know why I worried so much but this is a new experience for me. You know we really didn't get to finish what started out on the glider last night."
"I know" I grinned, "It turned about but I did like the way the evening ended. Have you done two guys before?"
Amy blushed slightly and said, "When my husband and I were first married, we did some swinging with a few couples at the lake. This was before Jim was born. I liked doing two guys at once. After Jim was born, that fun stopped and eventually my husband lost interest in sex as he got older."
"I understand." I said.
"So this is like a new world of pleasure for me." Amy grinned, "Now about last night's unfinished business........How about a quickie this morning?" Before I could say anything, Jim's mother gave me a soft sensual kiss and my cock grew hard. Amy flicked her cigarette into the lake and slowly pushed me flat on the gilder. She opened her robe to reveal her naked body and climbed on top of me with her open robe covering both of us. She reached down and slipped my cock into her pussy. It was a little dry and tight at first but soon I could feel her pussy get wet as I pushed further into her. Amy was moving her hips up and down on my cock while slowly moaning. Her pussy felt good on my cock that morning and I could see why Jim was in heaven last night. Amy ground her pussy hard on my cock as she bit into my shoulder. I could feel my cum swelling in my cock. I wrapped my arms across her hips and pulled her tighter against me as I pumped my cum into her pussy. The glider was slightly swinging back and forth as we breathed heavily between moans of pleasure. I could feel Amy's body relaxed over me as I held her tight. She lifted her head and grinned while looking into my eyes. Then Amy slowly got up to stand and closed her robe. She smiled as I lay nude on the glider with my soft cock still oozing some cum. She gave me a kiss and mumbled something about good sex then went into the house. I slowly got up and went in. I was ready to hop in the shower but could hear that Amy beat me to it. I decided to make a phone call while waiting for the shower.
I felt bad that I had not called Stephanie sooner. I dialed her number and let it ring a few times. I was about to hang up when her sweet voice said "Hello". We chatted for a few minutes. She thanked me for the flowers and said her daughter was impressed with her roses when they arrived in her classroom. They had a great time when I was there and wanted to know if I would stop by before going back to Boston. I said that I would try but if I couldn't that I would make a special trip back to see them. We talked a while longer then I saw Amy slip out of the bathroom. My conversation with Stephanie ended and I went for a long hot shower. I changed into some swimming trunks and entered to see Jim having breakfast with Amy. Both were smiling and in good spirits. After breakfast, Jim's mother suggested the Jim and I go jet skiing while she straightened up around the house. She didn't want to monopolize all of our time since I had to leave tomorrow.
Jim and I went down to the dock where he had the pontoon boat moored and the jet skis locked up. While setting up the jet skis, we talked about last night. Jim asked if I was OK with the mother and son thing. I told him I was OK with it and apparently he had no problem with fucking his mother. Soon we were speeding across the lake and heading for the party cove. I assumed that Jim spent most of his spare time there in the summer. The cove was empty that day so we spent most of the afternoon crossing the lake and jumping over waves. I looked over to my buddy who riding beside me and he was pointing to the sky. I looked up and saw a halo around the sun. It looked exactly like the one as when I was in Egypt. I continued to look up and did not notice what was in front of me but suddenly I was in the water. My jet ski had hit a buoy. I was floating in my safety vest watching the jet ski slowly roll upright in the water when Jim came by to help. He said something about what a good thing the key releases that shut off the ski engines but I was slightly dazed to understand him. Jim took me over my waiting jet ski and I climbed on. I reinserted the key and fired it up. As I turned the ignition key I noticed my bracelet was gone. It must have slipped off my waist and into the lake when I was thrown into the water. The sun halo was gone also.
We continued to ski around the lake but the thought of losing the bracelet stayed in the back of my mind. I knew the power it gave me and didn't know how my life with my sister, Stephanie and Cheri, or Jim and Amy would be without it. We returned later that afternoon and had dinner with Jim's mom. Nothing seemed to have changed from earlier that day or the other evening, but Jim did ask if I didn't mind he shared some time with Amy without me. I didn't mind as I had an earlier start in the morning. I watched TV a little more while Jim and his mother retired to his bedroom. Before I went to sleep, I could hear those familiar moans coming from behind Jim's bedroom door. I woke up early the next morning and packed up my stuff to head back to Boston. As I went into the kitchen, Amy was fixing me breakfast with a dreamy smile on her face. Jim was still asleep. We chatted over breakfast and I made her the same promise of returning soon. She saw me to the car before I left and said she would tell Jim goodbye for me. After a long kiss from Jim's mother, I was on the road.
The trip back went quickly as I thought about the events since I came back from Egypt. What a crazy world it had been for me. I hated to lose that bracelet and kicked myself for being so careless to lose it in the lake. There was so much more that I could have done with that power. Soon I was in downtown traffic, heading towards my sister's place at a turtle's pace and then I was in the elevator rising to the floor of Ann's loft. Ann greeted me with a passionate kiss and hug.
"How was your trip?" asked my sister.
"It was nice to be home for a few days." I said, "Nice to see old friends and enjoy the lake again." I started to go to my room and unpack my bag.
"No need to go in there." smiled Ann. "Your room is my new study. I have moved all of your stuff in my room. My bed is your bed." From then on, I slept with my sister and we lived together as a loving couple.
Set in a future where people can purchase a wide range of useful robots commercially, this story is an account of a young boy’s first sexual encounter with his, and as an escape into the wild possibilities our future may bring... |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting