The All New Sharing Black series : Part 1
She didn’t wait for my response before she turned around and continued down the bleachers. I was bowled over, lost for words, and dumb founded; she was right, but I wasn’t about to let her know that!
“You’re a fool to think that I have ulterior motives especially where Black is concerned.” I lied.
“And you’re a fool to think that I believe that bull shit too... Now shut up, you’re breaking my concentration!” She stated as she slapped the ass of one of the players.
Chelle continued to slap the asses of the players as she passed by them, and congratulated them on a good game.
“What’s up Cent?” They’d call back to her. A few of them slapped her on her ass as she passed by, yet she kept on going like she was just one of the guys. I handed out a few dirty looks as a few of the players slapped me on the ass, even though it sparked a small fire under my core and made me sweat in very intimate places.
We finally made it though the crowd to our intended party of individuals. Red, Black and Dre were all standing to the side conversing with a few other players. Red had his back to us and Chelle interrupted their conversation when she walked up behind him, then with both hands squeezed his ass tightly.
“Damn girl you almost got yo ass whipped!” He jumped with start.
“I’m sorry!” She pleaded. He wrapped one arm around Chelle, and then started to walk away, leaving me standing there with Black and Dre. “I thought you were Mike over there!” He stated loud enough for Mike to hear him. Mike Houston was the guy on the team everyone thought was gay. Mike turned around...
“Man, fuck you Red; don’t keep sayin’ I’m gay man!” Mike exclaimed getting aggravated.
“No no Mike… Fuck you Mike.... Faggot ass Mike!” He taunted and continued to walk away. Mike flicked him off.
“Hey Samantha, what’s up?” Dre asked. Before I could answer him Black asked,
“Where yo man Kain, is he still playing a small forward for B Team?”
“I’m good Dre thanks for asking. As far as my man Kain goes, he’s at work and he’s made point guard on Varsity this year thank you!!” I stated matter-of-factly. Proud of my man!
“So when are you going to drop his pussy ass and get with me?” If I’d thought he was serious I’d drop Kain, drop him like it’s hooootttt! All I could do was shake my head. He just smiled then perked up his lips and kissed at me. I got ready to say something nasty to him but...
“You ready to go sugar?!” Chelle called from the side line.
“I would say something ugly to you but that’ll be redundant!” I quickly turned away and walked towards her. While I walked, I twisted and threw my hips as far as I could without looking stupid so I my ass could shake. I know I shouldn’t be flirting like this having a boyfriend and all, but what the hey, with Black being so damned hot, who wouldn’t want him to look! Upon looking back, I saw them looking at my ass smiling. I smiled too, mission accomplished!
I dropped Michelle off at home and when I pulled up in my drive way, Kain was standing at my doorstep.
“Hey baby!” I called to him as I got out the car.
Kainon Brice Young 21, popularly known as Kain, was 5’6”, weighing about 190lbs. His brown hair was cut low and he has the sexiest brown eyes you’d ever want to see. His body was average, not too skinny; but he wasn’t thick like Black. I love Kain, but Black will always be the man of my dreams.
Kain was a sophomore when I first met him, I was in the eighth grade. He swept me off my feet. Every new movie that came out, we saw it. Anything I wanted he bought it. The sex with him most times was good and since he was my first and only lover I guess you could say he was the best I’d ever had.
“Where’ve you been?” He was always overly protective of me.
“Chelle and I went to the football game, remember.” I said putting the key in the door and opening it.
“I knew that, but the game was over an hour ago, what took you so long to get here?” He accosted me by the arm and pulled me in the house.
“AAWW Kain, your hurting me!” I protested and went with him up the stairs.
“Now I said, where have you been for over an hour?” He slammed me into the wall and pinched up my face between his fingers.
“I told you Kain, I was at the game with Chelle! She stayed and talked to some friends and I waited for her. That’s it, that’s the truth!” I cried. I fought like hell to hold the tears back that welled up in my eyes yet failed miserably.
“That better be, or else. Now wipe them tears away, you know I hate tears!” He stated and released the grip on my face. I immediately began to wipe them away.
“How many times do I have to tell you not to keep me waiting on you? Do you know how much I hate that!!!” You know I’m here after practice every Monday and every other Saturday!.”
“I know Baby, but we talked about this days ago, and I told you I’d be going to the game and you said you have to study or something.... Remember?”
“Yeah, but when I called your cell earlier, Cent answered and said you’d be leaving the game early so I finished practice and came straight here.”
“I don’t know why she’d say that when she was the one keeping me there waiting, talking with her friends.”
“You know what, I don’t want to talk about this no more, I got a headache!”
“Babe’s, I thought you said you wouldn’t treat me like that any more?” I questioned him.
“When did I say that?” I gave him a nasty look.
“Alright, alright, anyway baby, I’m sorry. Here...” He walked over to me and started to kiss me. “Let me make it up to you!”
Oh my, his kisses were so sweet and succulent. He wrapped his arms around my waist while we kissed and danced our way to my bed.
“You smell so good!” He buried deep kissed on my neck as we laid atop the sheets. To my delight sex was emanate. While I pull my shirt over my head he’d raise my bra and suck on my nipples. Oh shit... The fire that was lit under my core from earlier at the football field was now a full blown blaze! I could almost see the waves of heat seeping from my body. I raced to unclasp my bra, thank God for front clasps. Once it was off, I threw it over the head board. Now for my pants, Kain was already tugging at the snap when I pushed his hands away and took over. He sat on the edge of my bed and watched me finish undressing while licking his luscious pink lips.
It took nothing more than an instant to remove my pants and panties at the same time and kick them to the floor. Now it was his turn. I lay upon the bed naked and watched him remove his clothes. I’d love it when he’d perform for me. He is sooo sexy! Reaching back over his shoulders and pulling his shirt over his head. MMMM MMMMM MMMM. Staring at him standing there breathing, his chest muscles rising and falling with every breath! I feel bad about it, but sometimes my mind would wander and I’d imagine Black standing there removing his clothes seductively as he.
Once completely naked, Kain has this ritual he’d perform before we’d even begin to have sex. He calls it his Checks. He’d do this each and every time we have sex. It was his way of checking to see if I’d had sex with someone else recently. When he’d successfully undressed, he’d pull my legs up in the air and push my knees back to my shoulders. I’d hold them there, while he spread my quivering, aching, longing for his touch folds and inspect my package. He‘d run his fingers across my clit, back and forth to get my juices flowing. If that didn’t do it, I don’t know what would.
When he did this, most times, he’d be ornery. He’d get me so close to orgasm then stop short of me having one. After a while I fixed that, it took some time, but I practiced not to express my passions until after I’d had my orgasm. He then puts his face close to my vagina and smells it. He’d always used to tell me... ‘I know how my baby smells, so if there’s any other smell than what I’m used to then I’m going to know something!'
Now it’s time for the part I hate the most. The more I’d protest about it the longer he’d do it.
“Bend over!” He whispered and slapped me on my ass.
With my ass in the air he’d first run his fingers, which was covered in KY Jelly, over my wink. That part feels good but then... Like clockwork he’d slide his finger inside my sphincter.
“You like my finger in your ass don’t you?” every time I’d agree the length of time he was in my ass was short.
“Sure baby, it feels soooo gooood!”
My mom used to tell me that sometimes you have to validate your man. Make him think he’s doing a world of good when actually he’s doing a pile of nothing. She never told me why, but eventually I found that she was right. After a few strokes he’d remove his finger then leave the room to wash his hands. While he was gone I opened my nightstand and got out my deep shine lip gloss and placed a hefty amount of it over my lips, for I knew what was next to come.
“Just like momma made it!” He’d say, then the inspections were over. When he came back he’d have a condom from my supply he’d strictly kept track of.
Kain stood at the head of the bed and pressed his semi erect penis against my lips. That was my cue to open.
“Damn Sam, you know that lip gloss turns me on!”
“I know!” He smiled and I returned one. I turned onto my side and welcomed him into my mouth.
He was about average, I guess, in comparison to the porn stars I’ve seen on video. He was very meaty from being uncircumcised and plug my mouth chock-full. He cupped the back of my neck to pull me into his thrusts. I’d glance up at him from time to time to find him staring down at me lovingly. He loved watching his swollen sex sail in and out of my oral cavity, and it kind of turned me on to see him watching me take him in my mouth this way. I could just about take his entire length. I clasped my lips tightly around is dick and whipped my tongue around its head.
“Sss Yeah! You know just how I like it.” I closed my eyes and took pleasure in having Kain’s member travel in and out of my mouth.
Kain began to pinch and squeeze my nipples. I moaned, for it felt painfully good when he twisted and turned my rubbery nubs. He began to sway his hips while pushing his erection harder inside my mouth and along with it he began clasping my whole breast tightly within his large grasp. I twisted and turned a little hoping he’d get the hint that it hurt and to stop but to no avail.
Before I could protest, he snatched out of my mouth and pull my face into his pinkish brown sack that carried his precious family jewels.
“Oh yes, I’m almost there now Sam!” It was a rare delicacy to be able to feast upon his royal oysters so when ever served with the chance to do it, I took it. I opened my mouth in agreement and sucked the delicate egg shaped organ in one by one while I watched him pull and jerk on his spit glossed meat. He gaze at me blissfully as I sucked them in and released them.
“You ready to get you some Sam?” He asked before he snatched out of my mouth and climbed on the bed.
“You know I am Kain!” I responded excitedly. With a huff he rolled on the condom and climbed between my legs.
He pushed my legs into my chest than quickly pushed his way inside me.
“Yes!” I agreed. He started slowly, making circular strokes, mix and churning my deep inside my folds.
“I love you Kain!” I whispered enjoying his presence inside me. He just smiled as he usually did when I told him. “I love you!” I repeated.
Maybe someday he’d say it back to me. He buried his face in my neck and began sucking on it. Oh yes, the painfully sweet makings of a passion mark (a hickey Kain would call it.). I bit my lower lip tighter, I could’ve sworn I tasted blood. He released his suction...
“There...” He said. “Now everyone will know you’re mine!” Oh, but they know that already Kain, but little reminder wouldn’t hurt either!
With that he was off...
“Come with me Sam!” He hastily began speeding up. I knew it was no use in trying to relax and have an orgasm, for when he started rushing like this, I wasn’t going to get one if my life depended on it. I lay there and closed my eyes.
Within a seconds he was moaning, moaning for his orgasm to come down. Just as he was about to cum he jumped up fast, pulled off the condom and started jacking his self off right over me.
“Oh shit!!!” He threw his head back in rapture as long, hot, thick ropes of his seed splashed across my belly and pubic hairs. I turned my head... It reminded me of the porn movies we’d watch from time to time. Reminded me of my mother, how she made a living making porn movies. I felt degraded, belittled...
Drained of energy, he dropped to the bed beside me.
“Damn, I enjoyed that immensely!” He boasted out of breath! Yeah, at least somebody did!
Disappointed, I got up and cleaned myself up. In doing so I started to reminisce about the times when we used to have sex everyday. I’d have one, sometimes two orgasms in one session! Where have those days gone... We’d have sex now a days, every three days or so; lately it’s been less than that! Then, when I am on my period, he’d practically beg me to give him head; and when I do he demands that I’m topless. I cleared the mirror of the steam and looked at the rather purple passion mark left by Kain. I ran my fingers across it and something within me said ‘you know I love you!’ I smiled again. I returned to the room after my shower; Kain was already dressed.
“You love the way I make love to you don’t you Sam?” He asked pulling up his socks. I laughed internally.
If this was his way of making love now, then, I’m definitely hating it. I know real love making has to better than this! Is it really this much work! We do the same routine almost each and every time we have sex, and it’s starting to get boring. Yeah in the beginning it was great, it was all I wanted but now I want more. The romance, the foreplay, the hugging, the kissing, the loving, and whatever else real love making has to offer.
“You’re leaving… So soon?” I asked actually happy to see him go; we have sort of a love-hate relationship. When he’s here I’m ready for him to leave but when he’s gone I miss him like crazy!
“Yeah, I promised my mom I’d help her take care of some business around the house.” He lied.
Lately he’s hasn’t been in his dorm room when I call at night, He rarely take me to school anymore. I’m beginning to wonder if he is cheating on me, and the rumors around the school were true.
“I’ll call you later, if not, I’ll just see you this weekend.” He jumped up and grabbed his book bag and headed for my room door.
“You’re the best babes, and keep that right for me!” With that, he winked then left me.
Every time we had sex, he believes that I should do Kegel exercises to ‘keep that right’ as he always puts it. Two hundred at best, sometimes, I just can’t stand him. I took out my homework assignments and sat at my desk... One, two, three...
End of Part one...
Was it all a dream or not... |
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