That Spring
He also started catching my come in a cup every few times he brought me to
orgasm, to see how my volume was developing under his plan.
Several times his sister joined us for our sessions, but while she watched
him do me enthusiastically, she didn't join in on those occasions: except
once, when she directed Jeff, telling him how to slide the skin on my
erection, masturbating me by remote control. I could now talk easily while I
was being done, and we kept an almost constant conversation up, about how a
particular technique was feeling, how close I was to coming, etc.. I found
that the handjobs were improved greatly by this (which I wouldn't have
thought was possible, they had already been so good), from my participation
and feedback. I was spending so much time each day watching my erection in
front of my face being jerked off, that in my dreams I often saw my swollen
cock-head bobbing in front of me, regardless of what else was happening.
I had become a total slave to our masturbation sessions, and in between
them, as I would be going about my other affairs, I could think of little
else, looking forward to the next session impatiently. I'm sure this was
Jeff's intention; he would have had me with my pants down, hard, in front of
him all day if he could. Although he frequently came himself during our
sessions, sometimes just from feeling the power of the orgasm he was causing
in me, he seemed quite contented that my prodigious genitals be the
recipient of our efforts. He seemed to get as much vicarious pleasure from
making me come, as he got from coming himself.
After a few weeks of this regimen, while we had just started an evening
session in Jeff's bedroom, Claire walked in on us.
Although I was used to her being there, it added an extra excitement to the
sensations I felt to have her watching me getting done. I was lying back on
the carpet, leaning up a bit on the side of the bed for a better view of his
work. Jeff had my belt and fly open, but my pants weren't pulled down: he
had pulled my balls out so that they were spread out on the surface of my
pants below the fly, and my erection was, as usual, pointing at the ceiling.
We had gotten me to the point where both of my daily orgasms were at least
as strong as any he had ever brought me to, and the amount of come I was
producing had increased steadily. On some sessions, particularly the
morning's, if I came quickly, he would try to make me come again, working up
to three times a day.
Jeff had already started to bring me towards tonight's orgasm by using two
hands, on either side of my cock-head, gently stimulating it around both
sides of its rim with his fingertips. It was having its effect, a drop of
cream building on the crack at the tip. Claire came over to us, watching
critically for a few minutes, and then said, "You know, I think that it's
gotten even bigger than when I first saw it." We both said we agreed as he
continued to do me, crediting the "tooth-paste tube squeeze" move that Jeff
used on me for a few minutes at the beginning of each session, to swell me
to maximum size before he would begin. She then announced that she had a
real treat for me that night; she said she wanted to try to blow me.
I was stunned; except for that one night two weeks ago, she had not had any
direct contact with me; and Jeff had explained to me that she had never had
anything to do with his other friends, outside of the strict masturbation
games they would play. He had said that he had been very surprised at her
actions of that night, that they were unprecedented, and she must have been
extremely turned on by my size.
Jeff slowly stopped the delicious rubbing he was giving my cock-head, looked
up at her, and said, "ok, but you have to let me watch; and don't do too
good a job, I don't want you to spoil him!". Then he stopped the tickling he
was doing and put his hand around the shaft near the base, and pulled slowly
upward once while squeezing it. This action squoze out a large drop of cream
from the tip which swelled the drop that had been building there, sending it
flowing down my shaft and over his hand, leaving a shiny trail; he then
released my cock.
I had often wondered why Jeff himself, with his obvious fixation on dicks,
especially mine, never took them into his mouth; when I asked him about
this, in the midst of a session in my basement, he told me that he was a
specialist, and preferred the freedom to watch the progress of his handiwork
that handjobs gave him. He said, as he milked my pulsing shaft, that all of
his friends seemed to enjoy his handiwork; I agreed!
Claire directed me to get up, take off my pants, and lie on the bed near the
edge with my legs spread and feet on the floor, so she could kneel between
my legs. As I arranged myself, she explained to us that she had found
herself repeatedly fantasizing about my big dick in her mouth; and, since I
was so available, she thought "why not?". She knelt between my legs, but we
immediately noticed that even with her kneeling up as straight as possible,
my dick-head was standing near her forehead; so she leaned forward, so that
my balls were rubbing against her solar plexus and my shaft running up
between her breasts, and gave it a kiss a few inches beneath the head.
Claire rose to her feet, deciding to try it standing up. She only had to
lean forward slightly, and the head of my erection was an inch from her
lips. She reached out a hand and grabbed the base of the shaft, bending it
down slightly towards her lips, and continued to hold it to steady it. I was
incredibly excited, having been well warmed up by her brother, and at the
prospect of this new treat. She looked down at the head, dripping just below
her chin, then opened her lips and bent down to take it into her mouth.
The tip of my head filled her mouth, and the rest stuck out in front of her
face; she looked like she had an apple in her mouth, like a pig dressed for
roasting. The sensation of her lips on my velvety head was incredible. She
steadied my dick with her hand, and tried to push it farther into her mouth,
but it wouldn't budge.
She slipped her lips off its tip, looked at it again, and closed her mouth,
working up some saliva; then she licked her lips, opened her mouth wide to
stretch her lips for a moment, and again bent down to my cock. She held her
mouth as far open as she could while she moved it around my cock-head; this
time, she got it in almost to the rim, but no further.
She pulled back again, looking at it thoughtfully, and absentmindedly
started to rub the skin up and down on the lower shaft slowly where she held
it, jerking me off. She continued the motion of her hand while she bent
forward again and started licking the head like an ice cream cone, swirling
her tongue around it and alternately sucking the tip into her mouth and then
squeezing it back out with her lips, evidently giving up on the idea of
actually fitting it into her mouth.
I was going wild; the sensation of her tongue on the sensitive, stretched
head of my erection was like nothing I had ever felt before.
She steadied my shaft with the fingertips of her free hand just below the
head, and continued her licking-sucking-nibbling on the tip, while jerking
off the base slowly, my balls riding up and down with each movement of her
hand. Jeff, watching the slow motion of my balls, reached a cradling hand to
support them, weighing them with a slow bouncing of his own. He asked me how
I was doing; I replied, with difficulty, that I didn't think I would last
too much longer.
On hearing this, Claire pulled back from her nibbling with a long, sucking
kiss, trailing a string of fluid from her lips to my cock-head; and surveyed
the results of her work so far, while she licked her lips. My shaft was
covered with a silvery film of her saliva mixed with my juice, and even as
we watched, a fresh pulse of clear fluid appeared on the tip, and flowed
slowly downward. She had kept her hands on my shaft, and had reduced her
jerking-off movements, shifting towards pushing her fingertips into the
thick column on the back of the shaft above Jeff's hand, and riding it
slowly up and down, forcing out a fresh pulse of fluid with each upward
While she continued this gentle masturbation, her mouth free again, she gave
Jeff a smile and asked how I liked it, compared to her brother's skills;
when I didn't answer right away she bent forward again. This time she sucked
the tip into her mouth and squoze it back out again, drooling a slight
stream of saliva onto my head when she squoze it out; she did this over and
over, in a steady rhythm, evidently intending to make me come right away, to
show off her skills to her brother.
I was out of control, my erection stiffened to its maximum and pulsing
spasmodically, its head a swollen, bright red from the suction of her lips:
after only a few minutes of this, her drool and my cream rolled down from
the head in thick gobs onto her and her brother's hands and my cupped balls.
I warned them that I was about to come, and she positioned her puckered lips
right over the hole like she was giving it a kiss, and started to suck
steadily. Jeff put his free hand on my shaft between where her two hands
were, encircling the shaft to better feel me coming, moving the skin up and
down in concert with Claire's jerking-off movements; three hands were
jacking me off, with room left over along the shaft.
The first squirt of come partly escaped Claire's mouth, as its sudden force
took her by surprise; but by the second, she had a sense of how strongly I
was coming, and adjusted her suction to try to contain it all- but, after
the sixth or seventh pulse her mouth must have been full; and, not having
time to swallow, each further pulse sent come squirting out of her lips,
falling down her chin or onto my dick and their hands. I was in an agony of
pleasure; the especially large load of thick come, built up by our
"development" program of twice-daily orgasms, surging through the channel in
my erection and out the hole with unusually high force under the stimulation
of Claire's blowjob; the intense, burning/tingling from her suction on my
head, the four hands smoothly jerking off my dick and balls; it was absolute
bliss. Jeff said hoarsely that that must have been the record in the amount
of come he had ever seen me put out, wishing that he could have caught and
measured it; Claire swallowed several times, licking her lips, her eyes
glazed- and grinned. She looked at her brother, and he said that she won,
THAT time; but he would beat her in time.
The morning after I had received my first, fantastic blowjob from Claire,
Jeff came over around ten; and as he was slipping my big dick and balls out
to begin working on them, he told me of his new idea. He had again opened my
belt and fly, but hadn't pulled my pants down- instead flopping my balls
over the slightly lowered waistband of my briefs so they were hanging in
front (as he had begun the previous night before Claire took over), my
erection sticking straight out. He was sitting in the chair, and had me
standing right in front of him facing sideways so he had a profile view of
my size, my equipment at his face level, working on my balls with a very
light rubbing and fondling; every now and then reaching a hand out to stroke
the rim of the head.
"I read about something I want to try on you, to see if it works", he said,
and proceeded to tell me of a technique that was supposed to lead to a truly
continuous orgasm. He said that it supposedly required up to a month of
buildup, so he wanted to begin the training right away. As he was saying
this, the insistent stimulation of his handjob causing a large drop of juice
that had been building on the tip of my dick to drip slowly to the floor,
trailing a long shiny string, he told me what would be involved.
He told me that the basic idea was to masturbate me as often, and for as
long, as possible, but to stop short every time I was about to have a normal
orgasm, taking me right up to the brink. We would have to finely coordinate
his doing me with how close I was to coming, but as I was already telling
him just how his actions were making me feel, as he had trained me to be
able to do, he thought that would be no problem. He said that it might be
hard for me at first, but apparently after a few days it would start to feel
great, and he would be able to keep me right at the brink of coming for
longer and longer, finally indefinitely.
He had continued to do me, now slowly pulling the skin on my shaft up over
the thick rim on my head and back again, with his thumb and three fingertips
in a regular rhythm, still doing my balls with his other hand; and we talked
about his plan as my arousal was steadily building.
(At this point in our strange relationship I had become completely compliant
with his wishes: the sexual ecstasy that he would produce in me was
overpoweringly seductive; and I was totally addicted to it. I had gotten to
the point where as soon as I felt my dick being released from my underwear
and saw it rising between us, I might as well have been coming already: as
for him, he seemed equally addicted to watching my large organs being jacked
off. My addiction had nothing to do with him; the fact of his being a male
became meaningless to me: I was completely addicted to the drug of sex, and
he was supplying me. Otherwise, in my life I had no particular access to
sexual contact with any girls (other than Claire), and no prospects, while
here I had been being given the most satisfying sexual releases over and
over, right in my back yard, and I didn't even have to go out of my way to
get it; there was no contest. As for Claire, she had made it plain that she
was unavailable to me, except through her participation in our sessions, and
that when she wanted; so even there my best shot at contact with her was
acquiescing in my present situation; and what a situation!)
Suddenly, I could feel the steady surge of fluid in my balls that meant he
was making me come, and I told him; He stopped his jacking immediately, took
his hands away from my now-throbbing hardon, and told me to try to relax
every muscle in my groin completely. I tried this, and sure enough, I felt
the impending orgasm slowly recede. We just stood there quietly letting the
tension dissipate, watching a stream of slightly milky cream flowing from
the tip of my dick to the floor. We talked about me dealing with concealing
my hardon since it wouldn't have the de-pressurization of coming, but as we
talked, we could see that it was already drooping slightly, and would
apparently shrink to its soft size after a while with no stimulation.
As part of this new regimen, he started dropping by the house every few
hours, or having me over next door, to work me close to coming. I lived
alone in the house with my elderly parents; I had left high school the
previous year to stay at home to help with my invalid mother, who spent most
of the day in her upstairs sitting room; while my dad, who hadn't yet
retired at that time, was gone all day. Since my tasks around the house were
minimal, this new schedule was no problem for me to maintain. We quickly
found that my erection would subside after only a few minutes once he
stopped doing me, so I could close my pants up and go apparently normally
about my chores.
We would get together about eight-thirty or nine, in my basement room or in
his bedroom. He would work on me for about a half-hour, or until I had
almost come two or three times. For these morning sessions he would usually
have my pants off and lying back, sometimes with my legs spread, or with
them tightly together, my balls sitting up between my thighs, and my dick
squoze even tighter. He would work me strongly at first, concentrating on
the head of my penis, until my first approach to orgasm; then he would slow
down, and work my shaft and balls more for the next two close calls. Twice
during these first sessions of the day I lost it and came; the first time,
after about three days of our new routine, I was so excited from his expert
jacking that a huge orgasm came upon me so fast that I had no warning- and
it was a gusher! Not having come for three days after our previous
twice-a-day for weeks, a huge load had built up- He had been doing a fast
two-handed job on my shaft, the top hand not quite reaching my rim, and the
bottom hand causing my balls to bounce wildly as it pulled the skin up and
down- and it hit him square in the face! But, like falling off a horse, he
immediately started me up again, and worked on me patiently until I was
again about to come, to leave me in the state of constant arousal he was
aiming for.
Then he would stop by generally in the late morning, and after lunch, and in
the later afternoon. For these "maintenance" sessions he would usually just
open my fly and ease my genitals out, including my balls, which hang low
enough that hanging them out my fly with my erection was no problem. He
would make me almost come once or maybe twice if I was particularly fast, in
ten or fifteen minutes, then put it back away in my pants. If he was feeling
particularly aroused, he would pull my pants down around my knees for a
better view, and masturbate himself as he did me. He had asked me if it
would bother me if he was coming while I wasn't, but it didn't seem to
interfere in my training, and so for many of our sessions he would
masturbate until he came while he was doing me- I liked to see him spurting
come; and since I wasn't, it was a great vicarious thrill.
The first few days were hard; my balls felt an enormous pressure, especially
since he had had me coming so often and so much just before we started this
routine. I was very tempted to not tell him when I was peaking and just
come, but I was completely conditioned to follow his lead by now. My dick
was constantly swollen and puffy, tingling with a ready excitement; when he
would take it out for a session, it would almost explode to an incredibly
stretched, shiny purple fullness. It was oozing constantly, a steady stream
while he would be doing me, and a light dripping in between; I cut a towel
into smaller pieces and took to keeping one stuffed in my briefs- the first
day, before I discovered this, after our second session of the day a large
stain had appeared on the front of my pants, as if I had wet them.
One night , after about three weeks of this training, he invited me over to
his house for that day's evening session. We had by then become very good at
bringing my dick to, & keeping right at, the edge of squirting; my erection
would be throbbing and pulsing uncontrollably, a steady stream of fluid
flowing down, for twenty or thirty minutes- and I was in heaven! It was
indeed like one long orgasm, my whole body burning and tingling
continuously, my dick stretched to its maximum.
As I went into his bedroom that night, he told me to undress completely,
which had become usual for our evening sessions, our long one of the day,
and that he had a little treat for me tonight. He told me that he had been
keeping Claire appraised of my progress, and tonight she wanted to watch him
giving me the "endless orgasm".
My penis had of course sprang up to my belly, rock hard and already
dripping, as soon as he had my pants off; under the pressure of our
three-week buildup, even when I took it out to pee it would stiffen and
throb; I walked around most of the day semi-erect, which I had a hard time
concealing. But when he told me about Claire, I almost came at the thought.
He told me to follow him into the living room, she wanted to watch us do it
As I entered their living room behind him, naked, my straining erection
bouncing as I moved, I stopped suddenly in shock. There, sitting in an
arranged semi-circle of chairs, was Claire, and four other girls! She spoke
up and told me not to worry, that these were girlfriends of hers who she had
told about my big equipment and Jeff's and my masturbation expertise, and
they were all very eager to see it for themselves.
Now this was a small town, and I knew these girls casually; they had been
ahead of me in high school by a grade or two, and the shock and confusion of
being seen like this, being paraded in front of them naked with my huge
erection bobbing, was totally humiliating! I was horrified to learn that
anyone outside of our private threesome knew of my great debauchery and
lust, and of my anatomical generosity. I felt completely exposed and
vulnerable; the rug had been pulled out from under the feeling of safety
that had grown in me around our secret sexual conspiracy. Yet at the same
time, the anticipation of what was to come sent a thrill through my whole
being; and my dick, which had been in a steady state of high arousal for
weeks, was throbbing and dripping for its evening workout proudly.
They had set up a sort of stage for my performance to be displayed on, two
ottomans pushed together for me to lie on; and as I was lying back, my legs
spread, knees hanging over the end, feet on the floor, with my erection and
balls prominently thrust upward, I could hear the girls exclaiming among
themselves, amazed at my size, and obviously aroused by the sight. Their
chairs were spread closely around where I was lying, with a chair behind my
bed for Jeff to work on me from, which he had now begun to do. He grasped my
shaft near the base to steady it, and started to work on the ultra-sensative
spot on the back of my dick just below the head, massaging gently with the
fingertips of his other hand.
A steady stream of cream was flowing down the front of my dick as it leaned
slightly forward towards my face, bobbing over my solar plexus. Excited to
be "showing me off", Jeff dipped a fingertip in the juice on the head and
rubbed it slowly all over the head and rim, leaving it shiny and slick, then
raising his finger up to trail a string of the sticky fluid straight up over
my cockhead, and back down for more smearing; then tapping the hole several
times with his finger, making bubbles perched on the tip of my dick. The
mood in the room was tense with sexual arousal; the girl's voices were muted
as they talked about what they were seeing. Claire was telling them about
her having done my dick, and told the others they should feel it. Two of the
girls got up and came over to me and, one by one, grasped my shaft around
the middle; their hands couldn't reach much more than halfway around the
thick shaft. They all commented in awe.
I could feel the juices flowing in my balls warning of an impending orgasm,
much sooner than usual under the intense stimulation of the handjob coupled
with the excitement of being watched by strangers in this very compromising
display; and the girls' touch upon my swollen cock almost sent me over the
top. Jeff, sensing my arousal, an expert on my sexual states by now, warned
the girls in time, and reduced his own work to a slow jacking-off motion
down my shaft- I got through the crisis with no more than a few pulsing
throbs, fluid now flowing heavily down my cock, pooling in my pubic hair.
Jeff and I now knew we were on the home stretch; we knew from our experience
over the last few weeks that after my I got over my first near-come, he
could bring me right to the edge, and keep me there; so he worked my dick
carefully, I telling him how close we were getting. My erection was
completely swollen, the skin stretched painfully tight, the head swollen and
shiny; the whole thing a deep purple-red from the blood congesting it. Its
skin was stretched so tight that he could only pull up and down on it an
inch or so, without pulling too painfully on my tight balls; the whole shaft
shiny-wet from my fluids that Jeff was wiping over the shaft.
I was almost there: I told him I could feel the come building in my balls:
he slowed slightly, letting it build, until my dick started pulsing as if it
was coming, but with no ejaculation. This signaled the beginning of our
spectacle: he jacked me carefully, making it pulse over and over,
spasmodically: the pulsing would die back, and begin again, under his
careful masturbation. The clear fluid that had been flowing thickly all down
my erection was now becoming whitish, as it was mixed with come.
I was in ecstasy. Truly this was a continuous orgasm; the come flowing
steadily and smoothly from the head of my dick, squirting up very slightly
when the pulses and throbbing would get particularly strong; but jeff's
skill kept it from going past the point of no return. It was incredibly
erotic to see my huge, swollen erection coming and coming; jeff's hardon was
sticking out of his fly dripping, the girls were starting to masturbate, and
Claire and her friend next to her had their hands down each others' pants.
Jeff kept working me like this, spurting constantly off and on , for what
must have been four or five minutes. My erection was throbbing and pulsing
uncontrollably. The girls were leaning forward out of their chairs, some
kneeling right by me, to see this amazing sexual behavior up close, eyes
glazed over in excitement to see my huge tool coming and coming.
I don't know how long this went on- I lost all sense of time , in a trance,
coming non-stop- Jeff came sometime in the middle of my faux-come, just from
watching me- the girls looked like they were coming occasionally, all of
them now fingering each other- Jeff finally wanted to make me actually come,
and began working me fast and hard with both hands- one of the girls came
over to help, grasped the shaft above his hands near the head with both
hands- which picked up the spastic pulsing more and more, until I started
ejaculating properly. The first stream went over my head, leaving a trail
all down my front, and soon my chest was dripping with streams of fresh
come. By the time I was drained, so was everyone else.
Afterward, while I was toweling myself off, the girl who had helped jack me
off was talking with me, and said she was incredibly turned on by my size,
and thought that I was "cute", too, and asked me if I had ever fucked a girl
before, that she would love to try to have my huge rod inside of her...
The next day I couldn’t stop replaying the events of the previous night over
and over again in my mind. I reenacted their fondling my full erection,
watching the fluids pouring from my dick, jacking me off, and getting so
excited themselves as to share in the debauchery with each other. And Jen! I
had discovered that that was the girl’s name who was talking to me at the
end, who had helped to finish me off. I was consumed in fantasies about her,
and anticipation-
As we had been cleaning up, Claire had joined Jen in talking with me, and
had heard her interest in experimenting more fully with me and my impressive
equipment; Jen was turned on by the ongoing masturbation sessions that we
had developed, excited at the thought of my huge cock being made to come so
often. Claire had then invited Jen to join our little club centered around
my endowment, suggesting that they take over my evening sessions if I
wouldn’t mind. Drained as I was, I nearly got hard again at the thought.
I had become a complete glutton for sex, and had completely surrendered to
this idyllic situation centered around it. I now lived to be hard and
creaming, and in fact I was so often that the rest of my life was becoming a
dream; I had been getting so much sex that it had become commonplace to me
that nothing else was of much importance. So as Jeff came over that morning
and went with me down to my basement room, I watched eagerly as he pulled my
pants down, my erection springing up to point at his face.
Jeff had me lie back on the floor and knelt beside me, staring at my rigid
cock, and reached a hand out to begin sliding the skin on my shaft slowly up
and down, while holding my balls down with his other hand to stretch the
skin more, and make it pull on the head. This produced a wonderful burning
sensation around the rim. As he jacked me off he said, “Today I‘m going to
make you come”, explaining that the girls were no doubt going to have me
coming every night, and he wanted to enjoy as many of my orgasms as they
were going to get to. I think he was a little jealous to be sharing me, and
simultaneously excited at the prospect of watching them in action with me.
He worked on me steadily, hypnotically, his jacking producing the familiar
wet sounds that had by then seemed to be filling my days, as a bead of juice
began to build on the tip of my swollen head over the hole. All the time he
was doing me, he fantasized about the girls’ upcoming explorations; he
claimed to have no problem with it, and assured me he understood my
enthusiasm to have them do me.
I was creaming steadily now, and he smeared it all around the upper portion
of the shaft and head to produce a slick lubricant; he had shifted his
hands, one hand around the base of the shaft, pulling my balls up as he
would slide the skin up slowly, and pulling down firmly on the downstroke to
stretch the skin hard along the shaft, pulling it to attention. With the
other hand he was doing the top of my dick, sliding the skin up over the
swollen rim and back down again, in synchronization with his other hand. We
were both breathing heavily.
I felt a slow burning building in my groin and my whole body was tingling;
I felt myself moving inexorably towards orgasm under his steady, thorough
masturbation. The cream was running down my erection, over both his hands,
glistening wetly; followed suddenly by thick jets of come, squirting into
the air and falling back down to drip down my genitals and his hands. His
eyes were burning with arousal as he watched, until finally the last few
pulses of my orgasm died away. I lay dead, drained, as he wiped us off.
We had agreed to have only two sessions a day, so that my balls would be
producing enough come for a thorough orgasm at each session. And sure
enough, that evening as I walked next door for my first session with the
girls, I could feel a surging in my crotch that foretold a wet outcome for
the evening’s activities.
As I arrived at their door, I was nervous and eager with anticipation of
what was to come. Over the preceding weeks I had built up the comfort of
familiarity with Jeff and Claire, so that including their participation in
my most intimate, revealing sexual activities now seemed normal to me. Even
at the “party” of the preceding evening there was the semi-anonymity of
numbers, the crowd of people belying the intimacy of the situation; but
tonight, only two girls, one of them someone new, would be sharing in my
naked sexuality, and I felt vulnerable. But then, Jen’s obvious eagerness as
she had jacked me off last night was reassuring to my fears, and incredibly
exciting to my lusts; I felt dizzy with anticipation.
Claire answered the door and led me into the living room, explaining that we
would be undisturbed that evening, that her other family members were gone,
even Jeff; I suspect his jealousy moved him to sulk alone. Jen was sitting
on the couch as we entered the room. She was about my age, cute, with short
brown hair, and she seemed to have a nice figure. She smiled up at me, with
an excited, knowing look in her eyes; then without preamble Claire told me
to take off my pants.
I felt a dizzying thrill to be on the verge of revealing myself so
intimately to these girls: even though Claire had brought me to some of the
most powerful orgasms I had ever experienced, the intense eroticism of this
“command performance” before two girls alone was incredibly arousing; also I
felt particularly attracted to Jen, and hence felt a shyness to be
acquiescing so passively in front of her to their whims.
I slipped down my pants, and took them off; it was the point of no return.
My erection was stretching my briefs, pointing upwards obliquely to the
right, held in with its tip at the level of my navel, projecting to the side
past my hips. I felt my face burning in a blush of embarrassment. I was
standing facing them five feet away as they watched, commenting on the bulk
of the shape stretching my underwear. Claire told me to come stand before
them so Jen could become better acquainted with my prize. I went and stood
directly in front of, and between them, where they sat side by side on the
sofa. Eying my distended underwear appraisingly, Jen told me to take them
off too. I slipped my underwear down, releasing my hardon to flop down
straight out, its distended head inches from their faces; it was pointing
slightly upwards toward my navel, swaying with its sudden release. It was
painfully swollen from the excitement of the situation; Jen said “Wow, I had
thought my memory might have been playing tricks on me from last night, but
will you look at that!”
My dick was hanging in front of them at the level of their faces, its shiny
head bobbing just inches from their eyes. Jen reached out and gently hefted
my ballsack in the cupped palm of her hand, feeling its weight; my balls
were like two small plums threatening to roll off the sides of her small
hand. They were talking; apparently both girls had had experience of a fair
number of boy’s cocks, but never before had either girl seen anything like
what was standing before their eyes. Jen said that she was fascinated by
dicks, but felt that she had struck the mother lode.
As they spoke, Jen had been gently pulling on and fondling my balls; Claire
reached out a hand and joined her, so that they were each pulling gently on
the ball nearest them. My rod was throbbing with the pounding of my heart,
giving a slight bounce on each beat. Just as Jen reached out her other hand,
fingers extended to grasp the upper shaft, a large drop of fluid emerged
from its pouting hole, and hung swelling on the tip; grasping the shaft in
her fingertips to steady it, she leaned forward slightly and stuck out her
tongue, licking off the drop with its tip, trailing a string of fluid from
my cockhead to her mouth as she leaned back.
The sensation of her hand suddenly on my shaft, followed by the velvety
feeling of her tongue on the stretched, sensitive skin of my cockhead, was
shocking, sending a bolt of fire searing through my entire body, and more
cream oozing from my erection. They had been steadily doing my balls, and my
hardon was raging with tension, its skin stretched to the maximum, shiny and
a deep red. “I bet we can make him come just by pulling on his balls”, Jen
said to Claire; but she kept up the slight jerking-off she was doing to my
upper shaft.
Father and daughter return home from thier trip... |
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