Note : This story is completely fictional!
The day was one of those glorious fall days when the sky was a cloudless azure blue. The leaves had changed but not yet fallen, their bright colors contrasting with the brilliant green of the evergreens interspersed. The temperature was in the low fifties, sweater weather.
Becky felt good today. Her daughter, Chelsey, was away at Portland State for her freshman year, majoring in Computer Science. Chelsey was Becky’s best friend. They were extremely close, confiding in each other as only a mom and daughter can. Becky and Don had only the one child, and Don had too often insinuated that was Becky’s fault, that he had always wanted more children. Becky had verified with her Gynecologist that she was still capable of conceiving, so it must have been Don who wasn’t capable of impregnating her. However, she refused to throw that in his face and just accepted the situation as it was.
Her capacity for love seemed endless, yet Don had still insisted on their divorce, preferring his paramour, ten years her junior, or so he said. The fact of the matter was that he had committed so many crimes against her and withheld so many of them from her that he had to try to make her look smaller in order that the order of magnitude of his crimes would look smaller and he would appear to be justified in leaving her. Well now, that was his problem - he’d have to live with himself and that wouldn’t be pretty. He had been gone now for about four months. At first, Becky was very hurt and lonely. But, now Chelsey was coming home for a few days and Becky’s spirit soared.
Becky was just eighteen when she had Chelsey. Last summer when Chelsey turned eighteen, the two were often mistaken for sisters when they were out together. Since Don left, Becky had taken to the Health Club more than she used to. It passed the time and helped her to improve her confidence in herself as she, after three months of daily workouts, received many an admiring look from a lot of the younger crowd there. Not just glances, but looks While this was good for her self-esteem, she was in no way prepared to venture any new relationship. It was just too close to her previous rejection, that hurtful, agony filled rejection.
Becky had firmed up, getting rid of the results of overeating when she and Don were going through the divorce. Now, she had those urges under control. Physically, she felt better than she had ever felt.
She was happy and excited today. Chelsey would be arriving home that afternoon to be with her during Chelsey’s mid-semester break. It was only for a few days, but to Becky, it was thrilling. These would be precious days which she could nurture in her mind, indeed, treasure in her mind for the weeks before Chelsey would come to her again. She hadn’t seen Chelsey since mid-September and she’d missed her very much.
Chelsey had always been such a happy child, bringing sparkle and brightness everywhere she was. It was that same Chelsey who continued to wave, smiling happily at Becky until the car taking her to Portland State drove out of sight that September morn. Becky had sorely missed her in the lonely days that followed. It was easy for her to rationalize that Don had simply turned into a horny, cheating asshole, and that she didn’t want him around anymore. But the reality was that she still missed the presence of another person in the house, someone she could look after and communicate with.
Becky’s anticipation built all morning; she paced every so often to look out the front window, across the lawn to the street. She went about the house, straightening up this and that for the hundredth time. She went back to Chelsey’s room to be sure everything was in order. Chelsey’s favorite stuffed animals were on her bed, covering her pillows. Her shoes were placed neatly on the floor of her closet. All her things had been cleaned and carefully put away in their proper place. As Becky looked at these things and touched them, she was constantly reminded of her dearest friend.
Becky’s heart swelled as she fought off the tears welling up. These were tears of love and positive emotion. That tingling feeling of warmth and electricity flooded through her body. Sure, she had called Chelsey almost every morning before her first class of the day, but while that was very comforting to Becky, she hadn’t been able to hug Chelsey and kiss her gently on the cheek and run her fingertips gently down her arms to take up her hands and squeeze them tenderly - you know, things moms liked to do to assure their child there was deep and abiding love between the child and their mom.
Becky, perhaps more than anything else, had missed these tender moments. Chelsey had always responded happily to these professions of love and joy. She hugged her mom back with complete abandon, holding tightly to Becky and sighing with joy. I love you so much, mommy, Becky could hear her say in her sweet, earnest voice.
Becky knew it was lunch time, but she was too excited to eat much. She made herself a light salad of three kinds of lettuce, some small ripe olives and a dressing of extra virgin olive oil and good balsamic vinegar. She sprinkled a few crumbs of bleu cheese over it, adding a couple of twists of the pepper grinder. She ate the first few bites with gusto - it was good. But she soon began to think of Chelsey again and her interest flagged in her meal, toying with the bits of bleu cheese with her fork. She speared an olive and then dropped the fork in the dish.
She pushed the salad away from her and resting her chin on her palms, her elbows on the table thought dreamily of the many, many good times she and Chelsey had had together - the movies they had gone to - Aladdin , Cinderella , and “Fantasia ...Chelsey had howled at the hippos in their tutus.
Becky’s reminiscing wandered to more intimate moments - that time when Chelsey was about six when she had come into the bathroom to find Becky changing her Kotex pad and, alarmed, asked Becky why she was bleeding. She had thoughtfully explained what was happening and that someday Chelsey would bleed, too, just like mommy. And that this was normal and not to be alarmed about. Chelsey had not been turned away by Becky’s explanations, but had stood up straight and proudly exclaimed that some day she would be just like mommy.
Such open and thoroughly honest moments between them had amply prepared Chelsey for the physical changes she would undergo as her body ripened into womanhood. As a result, Chelsey was a very stable young lady, in no way unsure of herself or of the emotions which lashed her as her hormones began to course through her young, blossoming body.
Chelsey freely invited Becky to examine her budding breasts and sore, sensitive nipples when she eventually began to have her menstrual periods. She proudly showed Becky her first pubic hair and confessed she’d had a fantastic feeling down there which spread throughout her whole body when she had played with that little nub at the top of her lips.
Inasmuch as Becky frequently masturbated, she found it easy to talk to Chelsey about it. She showed Chelsey how to use her fingers and even showed Chelsey her vibrator and dildo, inviting Chelsey to borrow them any time she wanted to. On Chelsey’s sixteenth birthday, Becky got her a few secret presents which her dad never knew about. She got Chelsey her own vibrator and dildo, as well as a vibrating butt plug. Chelsey was very appreciative and made no secret of how much she used them and the pleasure they brought her.
Becky, thinking of all these things, began to get wet. Not so much from thinking of her own use of these toys, but, she realized with a start, from the thought of Chelsey using them. For a moment, Becky wondered what it would be like to watch Chelsey using them to bring herself to an orgasm. She had a picture of Chelsey twisting and thrusting her hips up and down as she moaned the joy of her climax, holding the vibrator to her lovely, sweet pussy.
Becky moaned herself and felt her hand rubbing hard against her mound. Oh God, she thought, what am I doing? What am I thinking of? This is wrong Chelsey’s my daughter Born of my womb...Then it dawned on her that she was partly responsible for any orgasms which Chelsey had achieved from the use of these toys. After all, had Becky not given them to Chelsey for that very purpose
Becky got up from the table, scraped the salad she hadn’t eaten into the disposal, turned on the cold water and flipped the switch. The grinder buzzed, shaking the sink and counter-top. Then, its vibrations smoothed out and she shut it and the water off. Putting her salad dish and the fork into the dishwasher, she went out to the front hall again and peered out the spy hole in the front door at the street, wishing Chelsey were there. Much to her surprise and joy, there was a car pulling up at the curb.
Becky threw the door open wide and stepped out onto the front stoop. She pulled her unbuttoned cardigan closed and strode out toward the street. Chelsey opened the rear passenger side door of the car, swung her levi-clad legs around and stood, waving excitedly at Becky.
Mom Chelsey squealed with glee. Mom she shouted again as she ran to Becky and threw her arms around her, hugging her tightly.
Oh it’s so good to see you, darling, Becky crooned, holding Chelsey’s face in her hands and kissing her full on the lips. Chelsey returned the kiss and stroked her mom’s back and shoulders.
I have to get my bag, Chelsey said as she turned back to the car. Her school mate had opened the trunk and lifted Chelsey’s bag out. She handed it to her as Chelsey approached her.
Thanks so much for the lift, Barbara. You said to be ready at 12:30 on Sunday afternoon?
Yeah, that’ll give us plenty of time in case we run into any glitches, Barbara stated. Can’t really tell about these old cars.
Well, it sure ran well today and was very comfortable. By the way, you’re a good driver. I felt very safe with you. Barbara beamed. In any case, I’ll be ready. And again, thanks. It’s very kind of you to include me.
No prob. Have fun now. And I’ll see you Sunday, said Barbara as she got into the car. Chelsey carried her bag up the walk as the car pulled away.
Chelsey was in heaven. She was, again, with her best friend, her mom. Much as she found it easy to befriend others, her mom was the fountain of her joy in life, the anchor of all that was good in Chelsey’s eyes. She had seen her father (Don never was dad , a term of affection, he was father , someone you were forced to respect) commit crime after crime against her mom. And her mom had consistently turned the other cheek , not in some submissive way, but one in which you sensed she really understood him and accepted him for who he was. Well, now that source of turmoil and heartache in the home was gone for good and Chelsey felt free She wanted to whoop with joy as she went through the doorway into the warmth of her mom’s home.
Do you want to put your bag in your room, honey? Becky asked. And, oh, yeah. Are you hungry?
Chelsey just stood there, beaming at Becky. Chelsey’s eyes suddenly moistened with emotion. She dropped her bag and reached out her arms to Becky and they drew tenderly together. Oh, mom. I’ve missed you so. God, it’s good to feel your arms around me again.
Honey, is there something wrong? Becky asked, anxiously, stroking the back of Chelsey’s neck and head.
Oh, no. On the contrary. I’m home, with the one person in the entire world that I truly love. Becky understood and tenderly hugged Chelsey to her.
Hey, sweetie. Let’s get your things back to your room. Do you want something to eat? Becky asked again.
Golly, mom. Come to think of it, I’m starved Chelsey picked up her bag and went to her room.
She stopped as she went in and swept it with her eyes. All her things were as she remembered them, neatly placed and clean. It looked as if she’d only been gone overnight. It was almost as if her room was a shrine to her, a place where Becky could go and feel her presence, close by. Chelsey’s emotion for her mom flooded over her again and she felt joyous and oh, so happy.
Mom she called out, You’re wonderful Did you know that? I just love my room. You keep it so nice, just as you always have.
Thank you, darling Becky basked in her daughter’s appreciation. What would you like to have for lunch? Becky called back.
If it’s not too much trouble, a BLT would be fantastic Chelsey responded.
Bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches, coming right up, Becky called back, just as Chelsey emerged into the kitchen. Oh, didn’t mean to shout, Becky’s voice trailed off. They embraced each other again.
I’ll get the bacon going, said Chelsey, stroking her fingertips along Becky’s jaw to her lips. Becky kissed Chelsey’s fingers as they passed over her lips.
Good, fry up enough for at least four sandwiches. All of a sudden, I’ve developed a hunger myself. And I’ll slice the tomatoes, get the lettuce ready and spread the mayo on the bread, Becky said, smiling warmly at her daughter.
The smell of the thick bacon frying was a strong reminder to Chelsey of home. This was her favorite meal and she only had it at home. No restaurant could ever match her mom’s cooking. The two of them couldn’t seem to get enough of the vision of the other. They just kept looking up at each other as they worked, smiling and even breaking into laughter as they realized what they both were doing. That level of happiness which can only come from within permeated their mutual space.
Mom, Chelsey stated. You look great Guess you’ve continued your exercise program, eh. Well, if you ask me, the results are fantastic Mmmmm, what a bod she giggled.
Thanks honey. I must admit I’ve been getting a lot of looks from those young studs down at the club, Gosh, I even had a woman look me up and down and lick her lips as if I were something to eat, Becky said, blushing slightly.
Well, she was right, mom, Chelsey sighed. You do look good enough to eat.
Chelsey’s thoughts raced back to that night with her dorm mate after they’d been together about a month. It was the first time Chelsey had ever known a woman. She had found the experience extremely exciting, experiencing the soft feel of another woman making gentle love to her and her returning the caresses in kind. She had already known the clumsy, crude advances of a need-filled male toward the end of her senior year in high school. But this incident with her college dorm mate was totally different, so much more satisfying to her. She idly wondered how her mom would feel under her touch.
Hey, I think the bacon’s ready, Becky said, handing Chelsey a plate with a piece of paper towel laid on it to absorb the bacon grease.
Yeah, you’re right, Chelsey responded, using a fork to pick up the bacon strips and put them on the paper towel.
Becky had the bread for four sandwiches laid out on her big breadboard with the mayo spread and the lettuce and tomato slices in place. Chelsey put the bacon on top of the tomato slices and Becky folded the lettuce covered bread overtop of each, slicing the sandwiches in half. Then, she placed them on a dinner plate, arranging them neatly so that all of the sandwich halves would fit on the one plate. When done, she put the plate on the kitchen table. They sat opposite each other at the table, constantly glancing up at each other and smiling as they attacked their lunch.
When she had consumed four halves, Chelsey asked, Mom, do you want that last half? Becky had eaten only three.
No, honey. I’ve had enough. Why don’t you eat it, she sighed.
Goodie Chelsey said and proceeded to devour the last of the sandwich halves.
You weren’t just hungry, honey, you were starved Becky said. Don’t they feed you at that
high school?
Oh, yeah, mom. The food’s very good - obviously not as good as yours - but this morning, we wanted to get going, so we didn’t eat breakfast. Becky understood and just glowed with the presence of her daughter.
OK. I’ll not worry about that then, Becky said, as she and Chelsey went about cleaning up the aftermath of their meal.
Mom, do you want the bacon grease saved? Chelsey asked.
Yeah, the jar is in the fridge. I’ll get it for you.
After carefully pouring the warm, fluid bacon grease overtop the congealed grease already in the jar, Chelsey put the lid back on and handed the jar to Becky.
They finished their cleanup and sat back down at the kitchen table. They both reached their hands out to each other and folded their fingers together.
Mom, Chelsey said gently, looking at Becky with soft eyes, it’s so good to just be with you, to just sit here like this and hold your hands. You are my best friend, you know. No one else in this whole world means as much to me as you do.
Chelsey, honey. I can assure you the feeling is absolutely mutual. If your education weren’t vital, I would covet you close to me always, her eyes betraying the overwhelming love she had for her daughter.
Hey, sweetie. What would you like to do this afternoon? Becky asked.
Do you want some help in the yard? Chelsey asked, having noted the light covering of fallen leaves on the front lawn. I could rake up the leaves while you prune back the iris.
Honey, this is your vacation time. Becky admonished gently.
No, mom, this is my home, too, and I want to help keep it nice. And I also want to do something that will help you.
Well, honey, that would certainly be a help to me and we could still be together while we’re doing it, Becky sighed. You’re already dressed for it. I’ll get you some work gloves and change myself, into something more fitting. The rake is hanging on a nail in the garage - you’ll see it. The work gloves are in the top right-hand drawer of the cabinet against the back wall of the garage. I’ll be out as soon as I get changed. They gently squeezed each other’s hands as they rose from the table.
As Becky slipped her skirt off, running her hands down over her hips and thighs, she imagined Chelsey doing that for her. Again she felt wet, her breathing becoming more rapid, and her heart pounding a little harder. Oh, what am I thinking of? She moaned to herself. She had to admit Chelsey looked gorgeous. Her sweet daughter had matured into a beautiful woman while she was away these past months. While the changes might have gone unnoticed by another, to Becky, they were evident, striking and exciting...
She pulled up her jeans, put on her gardening sneakers and went to the garage to get her snips to prune the spent iris stalks. Chelsey had already raked up all the fallen leaves, between the sidewalk parallel to the street and the street, into a pile. They were safe as there was no wind.
The sky was so lovely, Becky thought. What a perfect day And on top of that, there was her beloved Chelsey, home with her. She smiled happily.
By the time they were done in the front, side and back yards and all the clippings and leaves had been bagged and stashed next to the garbage cans, the sun had set and the sky was darkening rapidly.
They hugged each other. That was fun, Chelsey said. I love the smells of fall, and the beautiful colors.
They walked hand in hand into the garage and put their tools away.
Becky turned to Chelsey. Thank you very much, sweetheart. You’re always such a help to me, sharing in the chores so happily. You really are a joy to be around.
Chelsey beamed, knowing she had brought some happiness to her best friend.
After closing the garage door, as they entered the kitchen, Becky asked, Want some dinner?
I think I’d like to shower first, Chelsey said.
Good idea Maybe I’ll take one, too. They went back to their respective bedrooms to strip.
As Becky took off her bra, her fingers kneaded her full breasts and rubbed and pinched her hardening nipples. Sliding her panties down over her thighs, she was reminded of her earlier thought, wondering how this would feel if it were Chelsey stripping her. She shivered, running her hands up to her full breasts, kneading them again softly. One hand crept down to her bush and she pressed against her mound, stroking her fingers up through her slit, feeling its warmth and wetness.
Almost trance-like, Becky slowly walked into Chelsey’s bathroom. Chelsey was already in the shower, her image distorted by the mottled glass. Becky could see her soaping herself, running soapy hands over her lovely, high, firm breasts. Becky looked at herself in the mirror, admiring her newly toned body. Not bad, she thought, not bad at all.
Chelsey noticed Becky standing outside her shower stall. Mom, she gasped as the water played over her face, Come on in. The water’s fine as if inviting Becky to dive into their favorite swimming hole.
Becky slid the shower door aside enough for her to enter. Chelsey looked her mom up and down, admiringly. Mom, you look great Yeah, the right word is ‘edible ’ Chelsey reached out with one hand and traced her fingertips down between her mom’s still firm breasts. Wow You’re in great shape, Chelsey crooned.
She hugged Becky to her, sliding her wet, soapy fingers down her back and stroking down over her buttocks, cupping her cheeks. To both of them, that action was highly erotic. Chelsey’s eyes were glazed and Becky was breathing hard, their breasts rubbing against each other’s, slippery with water and soap.
Becky moaned out loud. Chelsey, you’re so hot she said as she squirmed sensuously against her daughter’s nubile body.
Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mom I hope you don’t mind my saying this, but, she hesitated for just a moment, I want to make love to you, Chelsey said softly. I need to make love to you.
Chelsey’s hand cupped Becky’s mound. Her middle finger snaked up between Becky’s pussy lips, rubbing across her clit. Becky’s knees wobbled.
Chelsey knelt down and spread Becky’s thighs gently. Becky’s hands rested on Chelsey’s shoulders. Chelsey reached up and spread Becky’s pussy lips while she licked broadly with her tongue up Becky’s pussy, twirling the tip of her tongue around Becky’s engorged clit.
Oh, my darling, Chelsey. I want you, too. I want to make love to you, too. Let’s rinse off and go to my bedroom.
After toweling off, Becky went to her bedroom. Chelsey was already there. The only light in the room came from two candles, softly glowing from the top of Becky’s dresser. Chelsey’s toys were spread on the lamp table, next to Becky’s king-size bed. Chelsey led her mom over to the bed and gently pushed her down on her back, lying length-wise, with her head resting on one of her pillows. Chelsey lay down beside her, propped up on her left elbow.
Chelsey started to lean over her mom when Becky, seeing the motion, reached her left hand up and guided Chelsey’s lips to hers. Her lips parted and her tongue snaked out to greet Chelsey’s tongue as their mouths closed upon each other’s. At first, only the tips of their tongues touched, but slowly they became more demanding and swirled about each other. Becky sucked on Chelsey’s tongue, drawing it further into her warm, soft mouth. She sucked, then relaxed and then sucked again, as if Chelsey were fucking her mouth with her tongue. Chelsey responded by feathering her fingertips up over Becky’s tight tummy to her firm breasts. Becky moaned loudly.
Oh yes, my darling, Becky gasped. Play with my breasts.
Becky, in turn, licked around Chelsey’s lips and tongue while she began to circle Chelsey’s right breast with the fingers of her left hand, ever narrowing her touch until she flicked, feather-light, over Chelsey’s rigid nipple. Oh, oh, oh, that feels so good, Chelsey moaned.
Becky softly pinched the nipple and then pulled the nipple between her thumb and three fingertips. Chelsey’s body shuddered, electric flashes flowing from her nipple to her pussy. She squirmed at her mom’s touch, breathing harder. Chelsey returned her mom’s ministrations on her breasts by repeating them on Becky’s breasts as if Chelsey were learning from her mom how to pleasure her, by mimicking her caresses.
Becky released Chelsey’s tongue and pulled her up so she could lick her breasts. She slid her fingers down across Chelsey’s mound, caressing in long strokes up and down over her slit, with delicate pressure from her middle finger, sliding it inside her lips as she stroked upward. At the same time, she was sucking gently on Chelsey’s right nipple, pulling on it, softly nuzzling it with her teeth, teasing it. She kneaded Chelsey’s left breast with her right hand and pulled on its nipple when she sucked on Chelsey’s right nipple.
Chelsey screamed, shuddered and orgasmed. Her body stiffened and she ground her pussy into her mom’s hand pressing it against her hip, bucking up and down. Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh, she moaned. Oh, mommy, Oh Becky, that feels soooooo gooooood.
As Chelsey’s body relaxed, she seemed to collapse onto Becky’s body, but recovering quickly, she began to minister to Becky as Becky had done to her. It’s your turn now, my love, Chelsey murmured.
Chelsey licked in broad strokes around Becky’s right breast, avoiding the nipple. Her right hand fingertips feathered down to Becky’s pussy, stroking lightly over the soft hair, sliding her finger between the hot, wet lips as she stroked up. Becky’s thighs spread wider, inviting Chelsey’s fingers to enter her.
Chelsey felt such overwhelming tenderness for Becky, while at the same time she wanted to pleasure her as she’d never been pleasured before. She knew her boorish father could never have pleasured her mom as she intended to. She realized most men were not like her father, but he was who Becky had and she had been faithful to the end. Chelsey wanted to show her mom what sincere, true love, passionate love, was really like.
Her fingers, moving slowly and softly up between her mom’s pussy lips, slid easily on her juicy, swollen flesh. Chelsey’s lips closed tenderly over the nipple of her mom’s right breast, her tongue swirling around the jutting, soft cylinder. Becky gasped and arched her back, then thrust up her hips as Chelsey’s fingers dipped into her vaginal opening, twisting gently.
Oh God, my sweet darling, Becky moaned. Oh God Oh God Oh God she screamed in orgasm as Chelsey’s fingers found Becky’s swollen, sensitive clit.
Chelsey placed her palm flat over her mom’s clit and pressed down. Becky thrust her hips up and writhed on Chelsey’s hand, grinding her sex into her daughter’s hand. Chelsey continued to suck on Becky’s right nipple, suckling like a hungry infant, her eyes glazed over with lust. Becky’s hands were holding Chelsey’s head tenderly to her breast.
Chelsey was so happy. She had pleased her mom, made her feel wanted; bringing her to feel the intensity of her daughter’s passionate love for her. She lifted her head from Becky’s breast and sought her mouth. She softly placed her lips over Becky’s lips and gently swept her tongue over them and then backed away slightly as Becky came down off her orgasmic high. Becky’s chest stopped heaving and she smiled dreamily at Chelsey.
Oh my sweet, darling Chelsey. I love you so much, more than I’ve ever loved any other or ever will. You make me so happy.
This was exactly what Chelsey wanted to hear. She knew now that she, too, would never love another more than she loved Becky. Their love for each other transcended any artificial boundaries demanded by society; they no longer countenanced any barriers between them - such no longer existed.
They lay in each other’s arms for some while, reveling in the touch of each other, tenderly squeezing each other from time to time to remind each other of the intense pleasure they both recently experienced, at the hands of each other. But sooner or later, Mother Nature was bound to interdict.
I’ve gotta pee, Chelsey murmured.
Yeah, me too, said Becky, sitting up. And say, I’m hungry. Shall we get some dinner?
Chelsey was immediately fully alert. Food; did somebody say something about food she exclaimed.
They got up off the bed and went to their separate bathrooms to handle their respective needs. Becky called out, Hey, Chels, let’s not bother to get dressed. I’d like to look at your body. It would make our meal more erotic, don’t you think?
Yeah, that sounds just great to me. I haven’t seen enough of your sexy body either.
They microwaved a couple of Hungry Man frozen dinners. Well, they both were hungry after their earlier activities...
With no cleanup or dishes to wash, mom and daughter headed back upstairs to the master bedroom. Guess I won’t be sleeping in my room any more, Chelsey grinned.
You sure won’t, unless I’m with you, Becky smiled warmly. They wrapped their arms around each other and hugged, rubbing their bodies against each other.
Becky guided Chelsey to the middle of the huge bed and told her to just lie still on her back with her arms and legs spread. Becky then reached over to the lamp table and retrieved a tube of KY jelly. This was the new formula which created a warming sensation as it was applied. She spread a bit on each of Chelsey’s nipples and on her clit. Chelsey shivered with each touch, but then began to moan softly as the lubricant created the intended effect. Becky spread Chelsey’s thighs wider and pulled her knees up so that Chelsey was fully exposed to her hands. She spread some of the KY on her index finger and tenderly probed Chelsey’s rosebud, swirling her finger tip around the sphincter and then slowly inserting it into Chelsey.
Chelsey moaned louder and said, Oh mom, yes, please love me there.
Becky finger-fucked Chelsey’s asshole very tenderly for a few minutes, waiting for that sign that Chelsey was comfortable with her finger in her there. Then, satisfied with the signs, Becky removed her finger and taking the vibrating butt plug, smeared some of the jelly on it and ever so slowly inserted it into Chelsey’s asshole. When Chelsey’s sphincter closed over the plug and only the outer part of the plug which tended to prevent its full insertion could be seen, Becky turned the switch, sending sensuous vibrations coursing through Chelsey’s luscious body.
Becky reached back to the lamp table, picked up the dildo, smeared jelly on it and slowly and tenderly inserted it about four inches into Chelsey. Chelsey reached down and pushed it in another two inches, thrusting her hips up against it.
That’s the way I like it, she said softly.
Now Becky reached back again and grasped the vibrator. Turning it on ‘low’, she played it around Chelsey’s nipples and slowly drew it down across Chelsey’s tummy, going slowly back and forth over Chelsey’s pubic hair, ever narrowing the width of her stroke until the tip of the vibrator was pointed directly at Chelsey’s clit.
Chelsey’s breathing was ragged and her chest heaved her back arching. Her body writhed on the bed, seemingly centered on her pussy. Becky touched Chelsey’s clit with the vibrator and shifted the switch to ‘high’. Chelsey screamed with unbridled passion and lust. Her arms and legs thrashed up and down as if she were doing the dolphin kick on her back. She orgasmed, squirting for the first time, gushing her pussy juices out around the dildo embedded in her, soaking the bedcovers. Becky hadn’t anticipated this and expected she’d have to change the bed before they went to sleep. Fortunately, the mattress cover had a plastic top on it.
It took quite some time for Chelsey to recover from the extreme intensity of her orgasm. Becky knelt next to her daughter, tenderly stroking her body across her shoulders, down her arms to her finger tips and down her legs to the ends of her toes. A dreamy smile spread slowly across Chelsey’s lips. She sighed deeply, her body relaxed under her mom’s caresses. Her eyes opened languidly and focused slowly on Becky.
Oh, mom. That was the most wonderful experience of my life, she breathed.
Her arms reached for Becky and they embraced softly, tenderly, rejoicing in the feel of each other. They lay entwined and drifted off to sleep, Becky thinking vaguely she could change the bed later. They both awakened before dawn, felt for each other, hugged again and drifted back to sleep. Chelsey awakened first to bright sunshine floating through the gauze-like inner curtains. She looked over at Becky, lying on her back, her breasts slowly rising and falling and her lips softly moving with her exhale.
Chelsey adored her mom. She looked so peaceful at that moment, almost child-like. She knew she and her mom had established a totally new relationship with each other over the past hours and that it was a good thing, a loving thing, a sustaining thing. Whether she ever married a man and had children or not, she knew her mom would always be her first and greatest love.
Becky stirred softly as the light became brighter. She opened her eyes to see her loving daughter looking adoringly at her. Becky smiled and reached her arms to Chelsey. They hugged each other again, stretching their bodies out fully and tenderly rubbing against each other.
Chelsey, my dearest heart, Becky murmured. She thought separating from Chelsey, when she went back to
high school this time, would be a lot harder.
Both women got up and showered together, washing each other softly, in no hurry, tenderly showing their adoration for each other with their hands and fingers. They toweled each other off and each got dressed on the assumption that they would go out of the house for something that day. Both women found their nipples were tender and sensitive from the previous night’s play as they slipped their bras on.
After a breakfast of cold cereal, Becky asked, Chelse. Is there anything special you want to do today or any place special you want to go?
Mom, is the store still in business where you got my ‘secret’ toys? she asked.
Yes, honey. It’s the Valley Adult Book Store, over on Bricklin Avenue. Why do you ask?
Would they be open today?
Oh, I’m sure they would. Want to go there?
Yeah. I have something I want to get if they have it.
What’s that? Becky asked.
Oh, you’ll find out, Chelsey responded, with a coy expression on her face.
They washed their cereal bowls out and left them in the rack to dry. Then piling into Becky’s car, they drove the six miles to the adult book store. Chelsey had never been in such a place and her eyes were bugging out at all the many different exciting sights before her. She wasn’t in the store more than five minutes before she realized she was soaking wet. She knew what she wanted, but she hadn’t seen it yet, at least nothing like what her room mate had described.
As they approached the rack where the various dildos were displayed, Chelsey suddenly spotted it. It was a contraption which had a kind of wide belt-like form with a section which descended from the belt in front and looped down and back up to the belt in the back. Projecting from the front was a dildo or something like it. Yeah, that was it - she remembered her room mate had called it a strap-on and that it was used by a woman to pretend she was a man so she could fuck a woman. Since she knew her mom had enjoyed being fucked by her father, she thought she might enjoy being fucked by her daughter.
Hesitantly, Chelsey touched her mom’s arm. She pointed to the strap-on and said, That’s what I was looking for. Could we get it? she asked softly.
Becky looked at the contraption. It was made for special interchangeable dildos. One obtained a series of dildos of varying sizes and shapes, so that the most pleasurable arrangement could be found for the particular activity engaged in. All the dildos were life-like, all looked like cocks of different lengths and girths and textures.
Becky said, Yes, my darling. We need to select the particular dildos we want though, so we’re sure to have what we want when we want it. Why don’t you find the ones which you think you want to be put in you - both holes - and I’ll do the same? Oh, also check to see if they have any vibrating ones.
Becky quickly went through the available selections and chose the ones she wanted, handing them to Chelsey. Dear, there’s something else I want to get. I’ll be right back.
Becky wanted to get one of those things which looked like a series of eggs strung together and which vibrated. She found what she wanted over on the next aisle. Coming back to Chelsey, she asked, Found what you want, honey?
Yeah Chelsey said, excitedly. They’re really neat
OK, let’s check out and head for home.
Oh, Chelsey said. Can we get a DVD which shows us how to use these things?
I don’t know, but I’ll ask.
Becky tapped Chelsey on the shoulder. Chelsey was rapt in the seemingly unlimited number of sexual and sensual articles to be found there. The clerk said we’d have to buy a dozen different DVDs to see all the ways a strap-on can be used. There’s no single one that they have which gives specific lessons for its use. So, we’ll just have to experiment, she giggled.
Back in their cozy house, both women expressed the need to go to the bathroom and then get something to eat. Neither had realized how long they had spent looking and choosing at the adult store. They both were very wet with the thoughts their imaginations had pushed to the surface while they gazed about in that store full of toys. Today was Saturday and Chelsey would be returning to school the next day. Becky realized this would be their last lunch together for some while, so she suggested they whip up some BLTs, Chelsey’s favorite lunch. Chelsey squealed with delight.
When their meal was fully devoured and everything cleaned up, Chelsey took Becky gently by the arm and led her to the master bedroom. There, she slowly and tenderly stripped her mom, running her fingertips softly over newly exposed skin as she proceeded to reveal her. Becky stood still, with her eyes closed, as her daughter made love to her with this ritual of exposure, stripping away any inhibition in the way of their complete joy in each other. She guided her mom to the center of the bed, again, lying on her back. She then very quickly stripped naked herself.
Preliminary to their use of the strap-on, Chelsey wanted to have Becky extremely well aroused and lubricated. To her, that meant her mom had to have had an intense orgasm, similar to that which Becky had brought about in her the night before. The various dildos they’d obtained at the store were spread out on the chair next to the bed. Chelsey noted that her mom had selected larger ones than she had, longer and thicker. She selected the largest and ran her fingers over it. It seemed huge to her until she realized that she, as a baby, had come out through that same canal in which this would be tenderly inserted.
OK, she thought. She pulled her mom’s knees up and spread her legs. She was going to try a different technique to getting her off than Becky had done to her. Remembering the bliss of her room mate’s tongue on her pussy, she knelt between Becky’s thighs, got down on her tummy and with her hands on Becky’s hips, pulled her mouth to Becky’s pussy.
With her hands under Becky’s bottom, Chelsey had access to her from her asshole to her clit. She inhaled the sweet aroma of her mom’s sex, enjoying it thoroughly. She started licking Becky’s slit, with short gentle strokes, moving from the bottom of her slit, slowly upward. She nibbled at the outer lips and sucked gently on the inner lips as she ascended to her hood, protecting that super-sensitive nub, the center of her sex. Chelsey did not touch it. She circled it with her tongue but did not touch it. She went back down to the bottom of her slit and slowly went back up, doing what she’d done before.
This time, though, the juices were flowing freely from Becky’s pussy. She was moaning softly and her hips were gyrating around Chelsey’s warm, demanding mouth. Oh, darling. That feels sooo goood. Oh God, yes. You’re so wonderful. Oh yes, make love to me with your lovely mouth, Oh God, it feels so good, Becky moaned, running her fingers through Chelsey’s hair.
Chelsey’s right hand snaked up to feather around Becky’s left breast, softly stroking it and then settling on her engorged nipple. Becky gasped and pulled her daughter’s fingers tightly to her, moaning louder. At that moment Chelsey’s lips closed around Becky’s clit and gently sucked it into her mouth, her tongue softly running back and forth over the top. Becky screamed out her passion and release, cumming intensely. Her hips thrust up and she held Chelsey’s mouth tightly to her pussy, rocking up and down.
She was gasping for breath, moaning over and over. Aaaahhhh Aaaaaaahhhhhh Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh Oh God Oh God Oh, my darling, my darling Chelsey. You make me feel soooo goooood...
A warm broad smile crossed Becky’s lips as she slowly came back down to earth. She felt so blissful, wanting to just lie there, softly dreaming. She opened her eyes, but did not immediately focus. She could make out the shape of Chelsey kneeling between her thighs. There was something black around Chelsey’s waist and a flow of something black down from it between her thighs. She made an effort to focus and saw that Chelsey had put the strap-on harness on herself, per the picture on the packaging.
Chelsey leaned over her and kissed Becky on her slightly parted lips, snaking her tongue out to play gently across them and sink into her mouth, seeking her tongue. Becky responded, pulling Chelsey down on her, holding her head tenderly between her hands as she entwined her tongue around Chelsey’s. Becky wrapped her legs around Chelsey’s hips, pulling her body to her. Chelsey settled down and thrust her wet mound against Becky’s. The harness she had donned left her pussy exposed, while allowing for the placement of a specially designed dildo to be attached over it when the time was right. The base of the dildo was designed to stimulate the wearer’s clit while the bulk of the dildo would be used to fuck the selected body opening of the partner.
They rocked each other’s pussy against each other, arousing both of them for the next step. Chelsey could feel herself beginning to feel that special tingle rising from her sex, so she gently pulled away. She knelt again between Becky’s wide spread thighs. She held up the smallest of the dildos Becky had chosen for her to see and nodded questioningly. Becky, smiling broadly, shook her head, no. Chelsey leaned over and put it back on the chair, picking up the next larger one. She held it up to Becky, whose smile widened even more. Again, Becky shook her head, no. Returning it to the chair, Chelsey retrieved the largest of the dildos Becky had selected, holding it up for Becky’s inspection. Becky grinned widely and thrusting her hips up, nodded, yes, vigorously.
Chelsey inserted the dildo into its position on the harness per the instructions. She tested it by pushing it around in a small circle to be sure it was locked in place. It seemed firm. Then, she smeared some of the KY all over the head and then the very base of the dildo, where it would come in contact with Becky’s clit. She also put some on the part which would press against her clit as well. Ready, she looked down at Becky, who was softly biting on her lower lip, her hips thrust up to accept Chelsey’s new appendage, her fingers spreading her pussy lips.
Chelsey pointed the head of the dildo to Becky’s love hole and gently pressed it slowly into her. Becky began to squirm as the huge dildo slipped into her, inch by inch. Becky’s vaginal muscles automatically began their massaging action on the dildo, drawing it further and further into her, until Chelsey was lying fully against Becky’s mound, hair to hair.
They both rested there for a moment, their firm breasts rubbing against each other’s. Then, Becky began a slow rocking motion, sensing that marvelous feeling of fullness which the dildo brought, that sense of being as one with her partner. She stroked Chelsey’s hair and ran her fingers down her back to cup her ass cheeks, pulling Chelsey deeper into her. Becky felt the thickness of the dildo as it moved back and forth in her slick sheath, sending prickles of warm sensation through her. She tried to grasp it, to hold onto it with her whole body, such that her body could dangle from it, joining herself to Chelsey.
When it was fully in her and her clit was touching its base, waves of pleasure flooded through her vibrant body. She could feel its firmness against her cervix, gently touching, exciting, and not hurting.
Chelsey could feel pressure on her clit, too, sending flashes of intense sensation throughout her body and as Becky began to gently rock her hips, thrusting softly up and down, Chelsey could feel her own orgasm building. She thrust her tongue urgently into Becky’s mouth, trying to fuck her in two places at once. She could feel their mutual sense of oneness building; soon they would merge in their passion and limitless love for each other.
The pace of their movements gradually increased until Chelsey was literally pumping in and out of Becky’s pussy, their whole bodies clutching at each other, thrusting at each other. The dildo had become part of Chelsey and she used it to pleasure Becky, bringing her to a crescendo she’d not previously experienced. Becky’s body was thrashing about, pivoting on the thrusting extension of her daughter. They both were rolling and pinching each other’s nipples, sending electric shocks traveling down to the centers of their sexes.
Simultaneously, their bodies began to stiffen, arching their sexes into each other. Becky screamed her release as passion and lust swept her away. Chelsey shook hard, shuddering her orgasm, twisting her body around the center of her passion, thrusting it into her lover, screaming her joy at becoming one with her.
The stillness in their space was blissful. They were entwined, connected fully in their joy and love for each other. Neither wanted to move. They wanted to just stay there, wrapped in each other forever. But, again, bodies being what they are, they both began to be aware of their need to relieve themselves in another way.
Becky opened her eyes and saw Chelsey smiling at her warmly, her love for Becky overflowing. Becky sighed and hugged Chelsey to her, sighing again. Oh, my darling, I love you so much. You make me complete. You bring me joy I’ve never known before, Becky mewed softly, stroking Chelsey’s cheek and lightly touching her soft lips with a fingertip.
They tenderly embraced each other again, squeezing softly and reveling in the sensations their embrace brought about. Stroking Chelsey’s hair, Becky said, Darling. I need to get up and pee. I wish I didn’t because I love the feeling of that thing in me, filling me. But it’s pressing on my bladder and that’s a fact, she stated.
Chelsey slowly and tenderly raised herself from Becky, withdrawing the dildo from Becky’s pussy. When the head emerged and swung in a tiny circle, Chelsey pulled herself to her knees and stepped off the bed toward the chair. She removed the dildo from the harness and slipped out of the harness herself. Becky had gotten up and was headed for the master bedroom’s bathroom. Chelsey went to her bathroom and turned on her shower. When the water temp was what she wanted, she stepped in and peed while the water cascaded over her body, washing off the sweat from her recent love-making.
Becky slid the shower door open a bit and stepped in. She grabbed the bar of soap from its dish and began to lather Chelsey’s shoulders, back and bum, sliding her soapy fingers under her cheeks, caressing and cupping her buttocks. Chelsey turned around and Becky soaped the front of her, starting with her shoulders and throat and slowly moving down to her up thrust breasts, cupping them and massaging them with her slippery hands. She rubbed over Chelsey’s nipples and drew them up between her thumb and three fingers. Chelsey moaned and pressed Becky’s hands against her gorgeous, firm breasts.
They looked at each other and gently kissed each other’s lips, brushing their tongues softly together. Then Becky continued on to soap Chelsey’s body, running her slippery hands down across her tummy and rubbing against her mound, lathering it up. Chelsey spread her legs to give Becky access to her inner thighs and pussy. Becky stroked tenderly over these areas, paying particular attention to Chelsey’s slit, palming her clit and rotating her hand in a circle over it. Chelsey shivered.
Oh mom, she groaned, I don’t want to go back to high school. I just want to stay here, with you.
Darling, Becky responded, your future still depends on your getting a sound education. We’ve found each other and that’s a good thing, a wondrous thing, but we have our whole lives to enjoy each other, to love each other, tenderly...
A furniture delivery brings more than was expected... |
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