Teleported Inter-Planetary Cheerleaders Suck
So that was how it was. No matter where they started, ass or mouth, the creatures always finished off in the girl’s mouth, but not before fucking both ends at least once, and never alone.
This, then, this endless gangbang ass-to-mouth ritual, was to be these girls’ fate. Finally, Rachel happened to glance her teacher’s way, and the look on the teen’s face was nothing short of completely forlorn.
But all Ms. Sexton could do was shrug and back away.
Meredith and Carol were the next girls Ms. Sexton came upon. These girls too were in a huge pen surrounded by animals, though these animals seemed far gentler than the wolf-like ones had been. And Carol and Meredith were not the only girls among them. And... and this was the biggest surprise... both of these girls (if you could still call Carol, who was in her late twenties, a girl) SEEMED to be enjoying themselves... Meredith even appearing playful with the cock she was sucking. And when she swallowed a load, she stood up and went up to the beast’s face and petted it and then kissed it on its big pink nose, before wandering off happily to kneel down next to the hind haunches of the next animal waiting for her.
She ultimately saw her teacher and waved to her.
“Hmm hmmmm!” the girl called out.
Since there seemed to be no guards around, Ms. Sexton braved the risk of coming out to where Meredith was.
“I ‘m trying to find a way out of here. Are you interested in joining me?” the teacher whispered, but only half-heartedly, remembering Rachel and Laura.
“Hmm hmmmm!” Meredith shook her head adamantly. SHE was staying put.
But she did pop off for a second to ask her teacher if she had a camera in her bag.
“Why?” the teacher asked.
“I know there are no computers here, but I’d still love to know that there are at least a few nice pictures of me with these guys.”
Ms. Sexton shrugged and smiled. Talk about making the best of a bad situation.
As she pulled out her digital and set things up, Meredith latched back onto the animal she was with to play with him. Up close, Ms. Sexton could see that Meredith hadn’t just accommodated here... she was enjoying this. After about a minute, the teacher was ready and she aimed the camera towards Meredith.
Meredith took a big lunge forward and then turned her face as best she could toward the camera to pose as prettily as she could. The pliability and length of these members meant Meredith could have this massive rod stuffed down her throat and STILL angle her face nicely towards Ms. Sexton’s camera. She even angled her bum towards the camera when Ms. Sexton scooted back a bit to “capture everything in context.” Meredith wiggled her bum to make sure the teacher remembered to capture her nice new jeans as well.
“Hmm hmmm?” Meredith asked.
“Your jeans look LOVELY, Meredith,” the teacher said, sincerely. She’d heard Meredith talking to one of her friends on the bus about her new jeans and joking about she STILL had to blow her brothers every day because they couldn’t stop thinking about how she looked when she worn those jeans the day she first got them. The teacher had found that both amusing and heart-warming.
Now, after several minutes and a few dozen pictures, Ms. Sexton crawled over to Meredith and showed her the pictures she’d gotten, and the teen was very pleased.
“Hmm hmmmm!” she said every time she saw one she really liked.
But then she popped off again and said she wanted Ms. Sexton to take a few pictures of her going “as deep as I can”, and the teacher laughed. She looked around. There was no sign of any guards anywhere, and Meredith said they almost never came around... so she said:
“Sure.” What possible rush was there?
Excitedly, Meredith held up the corse’s huge rod in both hands, took a big breath, and then literally plunged forward, as far onto the corse as she could. Then she started twisting her head aggressively right and left, back and forth literally trying to wiggle her way even further onto it; even her bum was wiggling. The teacher was amazed at her young student’s determination, and took several nice pictures. She couldn’t help notice Meredith’s nice ass again in those tight jeans, made even tighter by how far she now was leaning into her animal’s nether region (the teacher estimated that the girl had taken in at least a couple of inches more than before).
“You DO have a nice little behind, Meredith,” she said, scooting forward a bit to fondle it with her hand for a second or two.
The teen wiggled it playfully, but then reached back with one hand to take her teacher’s hand and lift it to the back of her own head. Ms. Sexton was puzzled at first, but then understood. Meredith wanted help. Placing her camera carefully down on the ground and using two hands, one on either side, the teacher started pushing on Meredith’s head firmly, twisting it slowly right and left as the girl herself had done. But Meredith wanted more, using her own hand to push her head too. That was all the prompting that the teacher needed. Re-establishing her grip, she now put all her weight into it, falling forward from her knees and continuing to wiggle the teen’s head right and left. Amazingly, this time the girl really started and kept moving... and so she kept pushing. When finally, after several minutes, she and her student seemed to have reached the limit, Ms. Sexton leaned back to take a look.
She couldn’t believe it! Whereas there used to be over a foot of rod between Meredith’s lips and the beast’s belly, now there were, at MOST, two to three inches. The girl had downed another ten inches.
“Well done, Meredith!” Ms. Sexton said, picking up her camera again. Meredith was extremely proud to pose now, and Ms. Sexton had LOTS of space on her digital flash disc, so she took several dozen more pictures. And as nice as the teen’s ass had looked before, it looked even sexier now, the jeans as tight as ever... she made sure to get several of it.
“Why don`t you slide off and I’ll show you these pictures,” Ms. Sexton said finally.
In fact, Meredith was lodged onto the animal so far that she was stuck and
would definitely need help to pull herself off. Ms. Sexton laughed at this, and
said “No worries.” She`d be happy to help Meredith off.
But first Meredith wanted to see the newest pictures, and so Ms. Sexton held the
camera up as close to her as she could (it was tight, given how close the girl
was to the animal`s belly) and went through them. But Meredith was undaunted and
even wanted to see them a second time.
“Are you okay, Meredith?” the teacher then asked her.
The girl nodded as much as she could.
“You’re sure?”
She gave a big thumbs-up sign.
“Well then,” Ms. Sexton said, “if you’re happy like this for a few more minutes, I wonder if I could take some pictures of Carol and a few other things.” She had no idea when or if she`d ever get to use her camera again, and wanted to get a few pictures of Carol, and maybe some of the others girls in the pit, and the animals, and the scenery and sky. Being where these big animals grazed all day long, as opposed to the mostly barren purplish dirt found elsewhere, this pit had low-lying shrubs and bushes everywhere. It was quite pretty actually. So did Meredith mind if she took a few pictures first “before a guard shows up?”
Happily, Meredith shook her head (again, as best as she could with so much corse cock down her neck). She didn`t mind at all!
Ms. Sexton thanked her quickly and left.
It was very easy for the inquisitive teacher to lose track of time, given how this was a totally new planet and how much there was to see and take pictures of... and so she did. It was over an hour later that she found Meredith again. But Meredith was resting calmly, and wanted to see all the new pictures that had been taken before anything else. So the teacher showed her.
But then the teen grabbed the teacher`s hand and lifted it to the back of her head again, starting to wiggle herself even further onto the animal. She wanted to see if she could go even further.
``Okay,`` the teacher laughed, standing up to really lean in and push this time. She was pretty sure that the girl had gone as far as humanly possible, however.
But she was again amazed. This time when she checked again, all but one inch of cock had disappeared. She tried REALLY pushing again, seemed it seemed a shame to give up when so close, but even after another couple of minutes, that was as far as the girl would go. Of course, it still was pretty impressive and clearly called for a couple of dozen more pictures, which Meredith again posed proudly for. She even made it clear that she wanted to see them right away afterwards, before ANYTHING else.
Her teacher just shook her head in amused disbelief, and then, for fun, decided to slowly and casually go through ALL the pictures she’d taken that day one more time for the teen.
“I REALLY like this one of you, don’t you Meredith?” she asked the girl for more than two dozen pictures.
The poor girl nodded with tears in her eyes.
Once the playful procrastination finally was over, it took all of ten minutes for Ms. Sexton to pull the girl off the corse, and even then Meredith was somewhat reluctant to back off past the point of being stuck, as she’d been so close to going all the way. ‘Should she give it one more try?’ she shrugged.
“You did REALLY well, Meredith,” her teacher said. “You should be very proud of yourself.”
And, in truth, she was. But she’d been SO close.
“If you ever DO escape and get back to Earth, PLEASE send these pictures to my mom and dad and tell them I’m having fun and not to worry,” she finally said when she was off the corse.
The teacher nodded. She would do her best. And even if she never did get home, maybe, if these creatures were smart enough to build a teleporting device transporting people from distant planets to this place, they had the technology to send these pictures Earthward. You never know.
“Hmm hmmm HMMMMM hmmm!” Meredith said, having latched back onto her animal again. (Thank you SO much!)
Again Ms. Sexton nodded, gave her student a quick hug (which was weird for her because she’d never hugged someone blowing a 2-foot long cock before), and then quickly scooted over to Carol one last time. But Carol had decided that she was staying put too.
The teacher understood. This actually seemed like a much more pleasant fate than certainly Rachel and Laura seemed destined to have, or maybe the other girls too. But Samantha Sexton, though she’d sucked many cocks in her day, had never sucked horse... and this seemed like too much for her. She finally turned away and returned to the tunnel to find the others. Maybe she’d be discovered and they’d throw her back here. You never know.
Ms. Sexton finally did discover the other girls, her tunnel opening up to another pit at least as large as the one where she’d seen Meredith and Carol. Looking around, she could see thousands of aliens and hundreds of girls, including at least a few girls from her team, including Stephanie and Kelli not all that far away. The girls closest to her seemed, at the very least, resigned to their fate, it seemed to her. All were totally focussed on what they were doing, bobbing their heads back and forth slowly in time to the pumping of the aliens’ hips. In a way, it almost seemed like a slow-motion piston engine to her; except that car engines don’t have long hair and cute asses. Though Kelli and Stephanie weren’t ALL that far away, there was nothing that she could really do for either of them. They all were all on an entirely different planet, for Pete’s sake. Even if she could break them away, there was nowhere to hide. And grabbing a couple of girls to go with her would just ensure they’d get caught.
No. Part of her hated to do this... she was a teacher, and should lead by example. But this was too much. She was NOT going to let herself end up being fucked in the mouth and ass by aliens if she had anything to do with it.
But first things first... she opened her bag, stripped off the skirt and panties she was wearing, and replaced them with the clean extra pair of panties and black pleated dress pants she always brought with her, as a spare. She’d always been told how wonderful her ass looked in nice pants, and black pants were her personal favourite. Besides, if caught, she didn’t want that tentacle thing going through her ass again. She threw her skirt and dirty panties up the tunnel. She never wanted to see either of those things again.
Then she pulled out her make-up mirror and touched up her lipstick, rouge and eye-shadow. She might NEVER get a chance to do that again, and she might as well. She thought about throwing these things into her bag, but then thought better of it and stuffed them into her front pockets instead. She never went anywhere without at least some make-up on hand. And then she zipped her bag up again.
“I won’t be needing you anymore,” she said to the bag, tossing it down the tunnel to lie with her skirt and old panties.
“Oh well,” she said. “I’d better get going before they find me here.”
And with that, she climbed out of the tunnel and walked slowly but confidently towards the nearest alien.
“You forgot about me,” she said calmly to the creature. The alien said nothing, but merely took hold of her arm with one of its upper hands and started to lead her towards where the other girls were.
She put up no resistance at all. And she dutifully let it lead her to a small open space in the huge circle of girls, and kneeled without hesitation when it forced her gently to the ground. Like Stephanie, she was incredulous over how quickly a huge line-up formed in front of her. She watched passively as the small nubby penis before her grew into a huge, fat snake, and then leaned forward to accept it dutifully into her mouth.
‘This can’t be worse than some of the principals I’ve sucked,’ she thought to herself as the enormous fleshy rod slid all the way down her throat. Unlike Stephanie with her first one, as the alien pumped his hips, Ms. Sexton bobbed her head too. She might as well enjoy this as much as she could. Every so often, she brushed the seat of her black pants with her hands to make sure there was no dust or dirt on it. She still wanted to look nice, and couldn’t help but notice other girls turning their heads towards her to see the new, somewhat more mature woman on the block.
Also unlike Stephanie, she didn’t pay much attention to the girls on either side of her. They were here; she was here. That was all she needed to know at this point. And besides, it had been weeks since she’d last sucked a nice big cock, and she was going to enjoy at least this first one.
And so it was that Ms. Sexton eventually received her first helping of the magical alien syrup, and was amazed like every other female before her. Now ravenous like all the other girls, she delighted in what she was doing, and started focussing on putting on as good a show as possible for everyone. THIS was how she could lead by example. She had the experience to really make these blowjobs sensual, and did so by tilting her head this way and that, side to side and up and down; and by moving her wonderful ass as enticingly as possible, as if it was dancing, to draw attention to it. Let these other girls be jealous of her, she thought.
Two couples find a way to keep a perfect week going... |
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