Tanya 2
Toni quickly slid from between my legs, pulling the front of my pants up over my cock again. I felt Tanya leave my ass and gratefully I let my body sink onto the bed. I felt hands roll me over onto my back. Tanya had done it and she was kneeling beside me now on the bed. Toni came to sit beside her and the two girls moved together and kissed, their mouths opening and tongues meeting as Toni gave my cum into Tanya’s mouth and they shared it together, their faces moving and their tongues roving, making their faces wet with my cum as they passed it back and forth. Then they separated and Tanya leant over me, her lips closed and her eyes smiling and she pressed her lips on mine and her tongue forced them open and she emptied her mouth into mine and I tasted the thick texture of my own cream and then she was gone and Toni was there and she kissed me too and emptied her own mouthful of cum into me and I swallowed it and gasped for air and the girls were watching me and smiling and I saw love in Tanya’s eyes and yes, something in Toni’s too.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
We lay, contented, together. My little Tanya was in her favourite position with
her head on my chest and Toni lay curled, further down my body with her head
lying just above my cock.
“Do you realise,” Tanya murmured softly, that we have all had an orgasm, we have
all cum, and not one of us has even removed our undies yet?”
“Plenty of time for that,” Toni answered. She idly traced my cock with one
finger. “Thank you both.”
Tanya turned her head slightly to look at her. “Sweet Toni, you don’t have to
thank us. We’re both glad you’re here. We’ve both enjoyed pleasuring you and
we’ve both delighted in the pleasure you’ve given us. We’ve done nothing that
you need to thank us for.”
“You’re very sweet Tanya. Both of you are sweet. But I have to thank you for the
chance to do all the things we’ve done now and, I hope, all the things we still
will do together this weekend because it’s been a long time since I had pleasure
like that from anybody and I think,---” she paused and I had the distinct
feeling she was choosing her words carefully, “-- what we still may do will give
me even more pleasure. So I have to thank you.”
Tanya reached out an arm and caressed Toni softly. “Sssh,” she said. “ Sssh.
You are giving me and Davey every bit as much pleasure.”
“You said, a long time,” I ventured. “Do you not have a boyfriend? Or
girlfriend?” I added hastily, thinking that perhaps Toni’s natural inclinations
went that way.
“Not for five months now,” Toni said. “There were too many arguments. Love died.
Mine first, then his too, I think. It became awful. We had to tolerate each
other but it was no life. We parted and since then I haven’t been kissed let
alone had intercourse or even been masturbated. Except by myself.”
Tanya was still caressing Toni but now her head turned to look at me.
I knew what she was thinking. She and I were fortunate. More than that. Blessed.
“I’m sorry,” I said quietly.
“Oh, I’m over it now,” Toni said cheerfully. “It was that bad it didn’t take me
long. But I missed the sex. I tried to meet someone new but no-one appealed to
me. And anyway –“ she broke off and looked up at me, then Tanya, then looked
away again, “the sexual things I like are….well, lots of people would be
horrified. You both are not and to you they’re normal. Another thing I should be
thankful for.”
“Did your ex not, -- er-- indulge…?” I probed delicately.
Toni shook her head. “Nope. Wham, bam, thank you mam, really. Maybe not quite
that bad,” she added. “He did give me pleasure and plenty of climaxes, but no
imagination. I got him to try one or two things that I liked once or twice but
he wasn’t interested and didn’t care whether I wanted something….particular or
special, or not. And then he started --” she looked at me then Tanya and lowered
her eyes “—fucking me without even trying to give me an orgasm or anything. That
meant I wasn’t wet and so it began to hurt a bit and that made me not want him.
Love died.”
“Toni,” Tanya said in a firm voice, “if you want me, or Davey, to do something
particular or special this weekend, if we haven’t done it spontaneously, you
just tell us. You hear me? Whatever it is, if you want us to do something to
heighten your pleasure, you just tell us.”
Toni looked up at her, then me, and back to Tanya. She smiled. There was
something in her eyes, a light, no, more of a glow. I couldn’t say what it was.
I don’t think it was love but it reminded me of a child being given a special
surprise. There was warmth, and gratitude, and acceptance, and surprise, and
pleasure, and, well, yes, maybe a little love too.
She suddenly wriggled up my body and threw one arm round Tanya and the other
round me, lying her head on my chest too, facing Tanya.
“You’re both so very, very sweet,” she said. “I’m so glad I’m here with you
both.” And she snuggled against me and against Tanya and life was really very
We lay a little, then Tanya suggested a drink and was anyone hungry?
No-one was hungry and Toni said, “I’ll get the drinks.”
“Beer for me and for Davey,” Tanya told her, “and whatever you would like.”
Toni rose and stood beside the bed looking at us. “Yes,” she said. “A beer would
be nice.” She padded towards the door and opened it, then paused to look back at
us again.
“You two have something very special, don’t you? I can tell. The way you look at
each other, talk to each other, the way you seem to know each other’s minds and
hearts. You instinctively know what to do to each other to give the best sexual
pleasure. Very special. Wish I had someone like that,” she added wistfully, then
she disappeared.
Tanya looked at me. I knew why she’d told Toni beers. “Love you.”
“Love you too,” I said, planting a kiss on her nose. I nodded towards the
kitchen. “She’s sweet. How old is she?”
Tanya smiled. “Guess.”
“I would say, quite young, but not as young as she looks, not as old as you,
maybe…….twenty three, twenty four?”
Tanya chuckled. “Miles out,” she reported. “Miles. She’s as young as she looks.
I pulled a surprised face. “Nice,” I said.
“And only just,” Tanya added impishly.
I let my mind wander over the vision of Toni’s twenty-year-old young pussy.
“You’re not having it!”
(There she goes again!)
“My tongue can.”
“Oh, yes,” Tanya agreed, “after the beer. I’m going to watch that. From all
She suddenly moved and freed my cock, dozing at the time, from my pants.
“I want to suck your cock to see what it tastes like after Toni’s sucked it,”
she said. She quickly slid me in her mouth and her tongue roved around, tasting
and sucking.
We heard faint rummaging sounds from the kitchen. Tanya released me and put
my cock back to bed. “Left hand drawer!” Tanya called. “Nice!” she said to me.
“She missed a drop of cum.”
“Now you wouldn’t do that,” I told her with feeling.
“No fear!” she answered with a grin. “Mustn’t waste it!”
Toni returned with three beers and handed them round.
“How did you know I couldn’t find the opener?” she enquired of Tanya.
I shifted my position slightly.
“Be warned Toni! Tanya has an uncanny knack for that. It can be quite spooky
until you get used to it. Even now I don’t know how she does it. But you’ll have
a hell of a job keeping a secret from her.”
Toni gazed at us warmly. “I can’t think that I would want to keep any secrets
from either of you,” she said, that glow in her eyes again.
I smiled at her, thinking that I would enjoy lying beside, or on top, or
underneath Toni, listening to her softly telling me her secrets, her innermost
desires, her feelings ---
“Your beer’s getting warm, Davey.”
“So it is.”
“Can I ask you…..about yourselves?” Toni asked, lying back down on the bed. The
girls rested their beers on the bedside table each side and I nursed mine on my
So we told her how we had first met, six months before, in the middle of a field
and how –
“In the middle of a field? An empty field?” Toni exclaimed. “What on earth were
you both doing, separately, in the middle of a field?”
Tanya swigged some beer.
“I was going for a stroll,” she explained. “And so was he.” She prodded me.
“Sorry. Anyway, we both happened to go for a walk in the same place, an empty
field where we could be alone with our thoughts and we were walking towards each
She stopped to let me continue.
“And we both sort of headed straight towards each other but we couldn’t really
see who the other person was until we got closer.”
“And I was just about to veer off in case he was an axe murderer or a sex fiend,
which he is,--” another prod.
“Ouch again!”
“ --- Sorry again, but I didn’t know that then, of course, when I saw his face.”
“And I saw hers.” I looked across at my sweet Tanya. “And there was a sort of
lurch in my heart and it felt everso full and I said ‘hello!’”.
“And my heart lurched too and I looked into his eyes and there was a sort of
flash, a spark of something between us, between our eyes, and I said hello back
and we sort of stared at each other –”
“And she said, you want to ask me for my phone number but you think I’ll scream
or run away –”
“And I said, I won’t and you can have it and I’ll be home in ten minutes and
call me.”
“And I did.”
“And here we are,” Tanya finished her beer.
Toni’s head had been swivelling back and forth as if she were watching a tennis
“Incredible!” she murmured. “It was fate.”
“It was something, “ Tanya agreed. “Don’t know what you’d call it. But we both
knew instantly that we had to see each other, be with each other, know each
Toni shook her head slowly. “That is just amazing,” she said. “It’s, it’s, well,
it’s sort of unreal. If either of you had been a minute later or earlier….” She
trailed off, her big eyes wide and looking from me to Tanya and back. “You are
just so lucky!”
Tanya and I looked at each other. Blessed. I handed my empty bottle to her to
put away, then nodded. “Yes. And we’ve been together ever since.”
“That night.”
Toni stared at Tanya. “You slept together that same night? The first day?”
It was Tanya’s turn to nod. “As soon as I saw him I thought, fuck, I want this
man. Not just lust. I wanted him as a person. I knew I’d just met someone that I
shouldn’t let go. I knew it was special. That’s why I told him to call me in ten
Toni drank her beer slowly, emptying the bottle and gazing at us as we
continued the explanation.
“So I called and we spoke for two hours. And in that time we knew as much about
each other and understood each other as well as if we’d known each other for
months. And I wanted desperately to see her again, very soon, and then she said
to me, this phone call is a waste of time and unnecessary. Come to me and bring
your toothbrush.”
“It took twenty minutes of that phone call for us to learn about each other’s
everyday lives, what we did, likes, dislikes, music, food, clothes and so on,
and the rest was about our sexual tastes,” Tanya supplied. “And by about twenty
three minutes I was dripping wet and stayed that way.”
There was a silence.
“Wow! It’s like a book, or a film. It’s the stuff dreams are made of.”
“Couldn’t have put it better myself,” I agreed. “But we’re lucky. It’s not a
dream. It’s real.”
“And neither of us has had a single moment of doubt or regret ever since,” Tanya
Toni just shook her head slowly. “I’m speechless.”
“In that case,” I suggested, reaching for her slender hand and pulling her
towards me, “I think I should find you something to do with your lips.”
And I started to kiss her, two gentle ones on the lips and then I moved to
her cheek, her neck, the back of her neck, her ears, her throat, her eyes, nose,
and back to her lips. She tasted delicious, soft, warm skin, smelling slightly
of her shower, but also a particular ‘Toni’ taste that was hers alone, sweet,
delicate and fragrant. She closed her eyes and let me continue, my tongue now
just parting her lips but no more, and then tracing lines over her skin, leaving
tiny wet trails as I covered every inch of her face and neck and ears with my
tongue and my kisses. As I probed softly at her ear she moaned quietly and her
shoulders moved. Her short hair smelt fresh and clean and I gently brushed at
it, the feeling of its softness and shortness delightful to my fingertips.
I kissed her lips again and now my tongue was more insistent, probing between
her lips and across her teeth, even and white, and between them and into the
warmth of her mouth and she tasted wonderful and I was content to let my tongue
rove round inside her mouth as I relished her taste.
I felt Tanya between my legs, reaching for my cock and taking it fully into
her mouth as she sucked at me greedily. I reluctantly left Toni’s mouth but I
knew other things awaited. Gently I kissed her throat again, moving down to kiss
and lick the mounds of her breasts, feeling the hardness of her nipples through
her bra. She moaned again. I kissed one nipple, taking it and the fabric between
my teeth and nibbling oh so gently at it while my hand softly rubbed and teased
the other nipple.
Tanya’s tongue was now running up the back of my cock, from the base to the tip,
a feeling that I adore and which always makes me harder. She alternated between
this and taking me in her mouth as I felt for that front fastening on Toni’s bra
and it was undone and the cups separated a little and I kissed her bare flesh
between them and she breathed very fast and whispered “Yes!” and I used my
tongue to separate the cups even more and they fell away and Toni’s breasts were
revealed to me in all their beauty. They were tanned all over with not a trace
of a white line anywhere. I gave a silent whistle of surprise and delight at
this revelation. Toni evidently suntanned herself topless.
I teased at her nipples with fingers and tongue and teeth. I brushed her
aureoles with my lips and she moved her legs and opened them and I realised that
Tanya was using her hand and fingers to discover her love button while her mouth
was full of my cock and she was still sucking at me. Toni began to breathe
harder and faster and I knew that my lovely Tanya had found her special spot and
was wanking Toni even as I was arousing her nipples even more and covering her
chest and breasts with wet kisses and Toni began to make little grunting noises
and suddenly she grabbed my head with both hands and pulled me up to her face
and her tongue was in my mouth and it thrashed around and she pressed her face
against mine very hard and we were both wet from these kisses and her back
arched and she moaned loudly and I knew she was close and she tried to push her
tongue even deeper into my mouth and her back arched again high off the bed and
she pulled away from my face and cried out ‘Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh!’ as she climaxed
and her arched body was absolutely rigid and I watched and teased her nipples
again and Tanya was still rubbing her clit and inserting one finger into her
cunt and she massaged a little more and Toni began to make ‘Uh! Uh! Uh!’ sounds
again and then another long ‘Uuuuhhhh!’ and I thought yes! my beautiful Tanya
had made her cum twice in succession.
Toni flopped back onto the bed. She was gasping for breath as if she had run a
“Oh, God!” she breathed. “Oh, God! Yes! Wow! Yes!” and she continued to lie
and gasp until her breathing slowed and her body relaxed.
Tanya came to stand beside the bed and took one of my hands in hers. She raised
it to her lips and looked down at me sitting on the edge of the bed, her eyes
sparkling but with immense tenderness in them too. She kissed my hand, not a
sexual kiss in the slightest but a kiss of love, a kiss of shared pleasure and
mutual contentment.
Toni had opened her eyes and was gazing up at us both.
“Is your sex always as good as this?” she asked breathlessly. “Do you always
give each other such massive climaxes?”
“Usually,” Tanya answered her. “We enjoy each other so much our climaxes are
usually huge. Maybe not if one of us is a bit tired, but always, always
“I don’t think I’ve ever had two like that so close before,” Toni reflected.
“What have I been missing?” She paused and looked away from us. “Wish I’d met
you a long time ago.”
Tanya moved away from me, releasing my hand which she had been rubbing her own
cheek with softly. She bent over Toni and kissed her tenderly on her lips.
“Well, you’ve met us now,” she murmured, “and I hope you’ll have plenty more
like that before the weekend is over.”
Toni responded to her kiss and the two girls lay beside each other, gently
kissing, nibbling and licking at each other’s faces, necks and ears.
Then Toni rolled over on to her knees and moved lower down Tanya’s body, kissing
her throat again, and lower still, to her breasts, hidden beneath my shirt. She
kissed them and cupped them and stroked them and Tanya’s nipples stood out hard
under the material. Toni gently undid a button, caressed the top of one breast,
then undid a second button and eased the shirt away. Tanya’s breasts were
finally free of the shirt and Toni gazed at them.
“They’re beautiful!” she whispered, and proceeded to lick and suck and caress
and tease them with her mouth and hands. I could see the tiny wet trails she
left on Tanya as she moved around, enjoying the feel of Tanya’s soft skin under
her fingers and between her lips.
I was content to sit and watch.
The two girls were obviously enjoying every moment of their shared pleasure and my heart went out to my adorable little Tanya as I looked at her face. I thought again of how much I loved her, as I did about twenty times a day. And I looked at Toni, her lovely lithe body lying half across Tanya’s as she licked and kissed and caressed and nuzzled at my girl. I gazed at her small elfin face and her short boy’s hair, her slender fingers and the long expanse of her back and her lovely tanned breasts. I saw the pleasure in her own eyes as she relished Tanya’s body, and I felt something in my heart for her too. A love, but different to the love Tanya and I shared. There was no way I could love Toni like that, and I knew it, and was happy that it was so, and Tanya knew it too, but nevertheless there was a feeling deep inside me that made me feel a great warmth towards Toni. I wanted to protect her, and see her eyes light up with pleasure again, like a child’s, and most of all I wanted to thrust my hard cock into her and fuck her cunt until she screamed with ecstasy.
Tanya’s eyes opened and she looked at me and smiled.
My lovable, adorable, sexy, wonderful girl knew exactly what was going
through my mind.
Toni had undone the shirt completely now and it had fallen aside to show Tanya’s
chest and stomach. Toni’s kisses and licks moved downwards, across the flatness
of her stomach, paused at the waist of Tanya’s pants, and then continued lower,
following the contour of her love mound. Her arms slid down Tanya’s sides, her
fingers always caressing as she moved across one leg to lie between them and her
mouth sucked and tasted the cum and lovejuices on Tanya’s pants as she moved
ever lower and downwards between Tanya’s legs licking round her love mound until
she was there, guzzling and sucking and licking and tasting at Tanya’s cunt
beneath her wet pants.
Tanya’s breath was coming in small, short gasps. Again she opened her eyes to look at me watching them both. She motioned with one hand, signing in the air across her own body and I knew she wanted me to kneel across her so that she could suck my cock while Toni licked at her cunt.
I moved to comply and this time it was I who mouthed ‘love you’ at her as I positioned myself above her. She didn’t say anything but her eyes replied for her. She grasped my cock and rubbed me once or twice and then pulled down the top of my own pants. She leaned her head forward, propped up as it was on the pillows and greedily took my cock into her mouth. A warm light of love and contentment shone in her eyes before they closed and she sucked and slurped at me, making me astonishingly wet as my cock grew harder and harder inside the soft warmth of her lovely wet mouth.
And then she released me and used both hands to push me downwards,
manipulating me so that my rampant cock now lay between her beautiful breasts.
Briefly I felt the exquisite touch of Toni’s tongue flicking at my crease and
asshole as she paused to pleasure me, then she returned to Tanya’s cunt and
clit. Tanya held her breasts together, tightly enfolding my cock and waited as I
began to fuck her breasts. My cock was so wet from the sucking I’d received in
her mouth that it slid easily between her lovely mounds and I enjoyed the
sensation as I fucked them, slowly at first and then faster, Tanya squeezing and
kneading and pushing at her own breasts to ensure she received the maximum
pleasure from my movements. I felt her body heaving a little beneath me, a
signal that Toni’s tongue was working magic on her and the heaves became more,
and longer, and she began to breathe out loud and she gasped out words as her
orgasm began to build deep within her and she said ‘I love your cock in my
breasts! I love you fucking them! Toni, fuck me with your tongue!... Yes!
…..Lick my clit! Harder!..... Davey! Davey!.... Shoot your cum on me!..... Toni,
drink me!’ and then she gave a mighty heave beneath me and stayed arched as much
as she could under me and she screamed out loud ‘Yes! I’m cumming I’m cumming
NOW!’ and she groaned and gasped and her body shook beneath me and she let out a
long guttural ‘Yeeeeeessssssss!’ in her throat and at that moment my own cum
shot from my cock and spurted into her breasts and again and she squeezed them
tighter against me and that made me cum again into them and it was wonderful and
exquisite and wet and beautiful and she sank back onto the bed and I sank down a
little onto her as I finished.
She let her breasts relax away from my cock and used the fingers of both hands to wipe and smear my cum all over her breasts and her stomach, covering her nipples and her chest and her stomach as much as she could, and then grasping my cock and wiping some back onto it and Toni was beside us now and Tanya offered her fingers to Toni and she sucked at them and wiped some cum from Tanya with her own fingers and offered it back to Tanya’s mouth and the girls were sucking at each other’s fingers covered with my cum and wiping it across their cheeks and then Toni pressed her wet sticky fingers against my lips and I opened them and sucked at those long slender digits as she gave me back my own cum.
I rolled away from Tanya to allow her to recover. Her body was still heaving
slightly as she regained her breath. Toni looked at me as she sucked the last
remaining cum from her fingers.
“You taste lovely!” she whispered. “Taste ME !” and she lay back on the bed
beside Tanya who obligingly shifted to one side.
This was an invitation I was not going to miss (would you?) and I moved to lie half across her so that I could start by kissing and nuzzling those lovely breasts. I followed Toni’s own earlier movements down Tanya’s body as I kissed and sucked and licked and nuzzled and nibbled my way down the length of Toni’s body, savouring the taste of her soft skin, the mingled tastes of her juices and Tanya’s and my cum all together as I neared the waistband of her pants. I paused to suck the fabric, the mingled tastes stronger on her pants and the better for that. She opened her legs and I moved between them, running my tongue across the flat of her belly through her pants, then lower down the crease of her groin, first one side and then the other. She caressed my head and as I let my tongue flick across her cunt lips she tried to pull my head in there but I wasn’t having that yet and I made her wait, licking her thighs, enjoying the thrill as my tongue touched the elastic of those black hold-ups and then back onto the heat of her thighs and I did it again because it’s just so erotic and so naughty and it’s like sex with a girl for the first time and it’s heavenly and you want it to go on and on but Toni was pulling at my head and I moved up again to her groin and her belly and then I let my tongue nuzzle briefly into her cunt lips and she gasped and jerked and pushed against me and now I eased away the leg of her pants from her skin and my tongue went inside them and now I could taste her hot flesh and suck those beautiful cunt lips for real and I paused in shock because they were so beautifully smooth and to my utter delight Toni was completely shaved.
I sensed that Tanya had been kissing Toni’s stomach above my head at some point and I sensed her moving round the bed too as she watched me sucking Toni out.
But Toni was pulling insistently at me and I continued licking her cunt lips and between them. She was incredibly wet and she tasted of sweetness and of cum and a little of pee and her juices were hot and they flowed from her and onto my tongue as I eased it between her lips and into her cunt and it was so hot and wet and then my tongue found her clit and I began to lick it very, very hard and because it was quite large it was easy to trace my tongue round it and over it and across it and I licked and flicked at it even harder and she gasped again and jerked and thrust herself against me so hard my lips ached and there was so much juice coming from her and I drank the nectar with delight and relish and licked and licked and used one finger to explore inside her pants at her ass and in the crease and I found her rosebud and gently inserted my finger there and she opened to receive it and began those arching movements and I felt contentment that I was giving her pleasure and she began to gasp out loud ‘oh! oh! oh! Dave! Dave! What’re you doing to me?’ and the words died away to a groaning and moaning in her throat and I let my finger go right inside her rosebud and then she was there as I licked so very hard at her clit and she arched up and let out her breath in a long ‘aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!’ as she came and I felt the spurts of her own cum soaking my already wet mouth and face and it was delightful and gorgeous and she sank back as I removed my finger. But I followed her body with my tongue and licked at her delightful clit and cunt, soaking wet, as she relaxed. Her hands gently grasped my head and she held me away from her, gasping ‘Can’t! Can’t!’ and I reluctantly stopped and allowed the edge of her pants to fall back into place.
I sat on the edge of the bed and watched her tenderly as she recovered. I
really did like her very much. Tanya was standing on the other side of the bed
and she gave me a huge grin.
All angles.
She moved to the foot of the bed and bent over Toni, opening her legs. Toni
looked at her in surprise. Tanya quickly went down on her and started to lick
and suck at her cunt through her pants. Toni tried to wriggle up the bed away
from her saying ‘No! Please! I can’t now. Wait a bit!’
I knew Tanya wanted to taste her cum and her juice as much as I did and she
continued to lick at Toni’s wet pants as she wriggled away from her making
pushing motions at her head until there was no more bed left and she had to
Toni made little whimpering noises. “Please! Stop! ”
But Tanya’s tongue works wonders (I should know) and as Toni tried to push Tanya
away she let out small, child-like cries.
“I can’t! I really can’t!..... No, please! No! Oh! Oh! I’m cumming again!”
and she went rigid for a moment as she had another small climax from Tanya’s
Tanya came to sit beside me on the bed. Toni was lying back with her eyes
closed, her whole body trembling. Tanya smiled at me and kissed me, our tongues
meeting as we exchanged the flavour and taste of Toni’s cum. And then we both
sat and watched her, our hands joining and our fingers intertwining like young
lovers on their first date. But then, that’s how it is with us, all the time.
Toni continued to tremble, her eyes screwed tightly shut. And then to my dismay
and horror I saw a tear escape from one eye, then another, and then her body
shook and she sobbed.
I looked at Tanya and for a brief millisecond all sorts of thoughts ran through
my head. Had she overdone it? Was Toni frightened we were monsters who were
going to abuse her body all weekend? Had Tanya hurt her because she was so
sensitive after her orgasm with my tongue? I was really concerned and when I
looked at Tanya I saw the same concern mirrored in her eyes.
“Toni!” Tanya’s voice bore the same worry. “Whatever is it, my sweet? Have we
hurt you? What’s wrong?”
But Toni just shook her head and kept her eyes closed. She reached out both
hands and we each took one, not sure what to do or say. Toni lay and sobbed,
tears running from her eyes and she made no attempt to wipe them away or look at
us. Something was obviously terribly wrong and Tanya and I looked at each other
“Toni!” she said again, her voice as soft and tender as I’ve ever heard it.
“Tell us. What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
Toni shook her head again and pressed her lips together. “You-” was all she
managed to blurt out. And then again, “You –”
And then her eyes opened and she stared straight up at the ceiling and the tears
ran down her face and she almost shouted as us as she struggled between her sobs
and she began to roll her head from side to side but didn’t look at us and
gripped our hands very, very tightly and she cried,
“It’s you! Both of you! You make me feel….you’re so nice! You’re so warm! To
each other and to me…you make me feel wanted….you make me feel loved and it’s
such a nice feeling….and I’ve never felt that way so much before…and you give me
so much pleasure…..and why couldn’t I have met you before…..and where have you
both been all my life!” And she finished with a huge sob as she finally turned
her head to look straight at us as she gripped our hands and her eyes were
imploring us for an answer as they poured out her tears and she looked from
Tanya to me and that imploring look was still there and she was waiting for us
to answer her heartfelt cries.
“Oh, Toni!”
My adorable girl melted at Toni’s look and she went to lie beside her,
nuzzling her and stroking her and soothing her as if she were a small child, and
really that’s how she looked, lying on the bed, small, innocent and child-like,
waiting for someone to make her pain better. And I saw with a sudden surge of
love that Tanya had tears in her eyes too as she comforted Toni and made
soothing noises and cooed at her and caressed her tenderly but with no sexual
undertones and I relaxed a bit myself because that had all been a bit of a
Tanya used her shirt to gently wipe Toni’s face and eyes, watching her with
great tenderness. Toni’s sobs quietened apart from an occasional sniff and she
looked at us and gave us a sad little smile.
“I’m so sorry,” she said. “I’m sorry I cried. I hope I haven’t spoilt things and
I’m very sorry for what I just said. I had no right to say those things to you,
but you both make me feel so warm and nice inside and I just couldn’t keep it
in. I really am sorry.”
We both said “Don’t be silly!” at the same time.
“You certainly haven’t spoilt things,” I told her, “and you can say whatever you
like to us while you’re here. Whatever you like,” I repeated, thinking that it
would be nice to hear her say to me ‘Fuck me!’
“And there’s nothing to be sorry about,” Tanya cooed at her. “We were just
worried we’d hurt you or frightened you.”
Toni shook her head again. “No, no,” she said quietly. “Far from it. Somehow you
manage to give me such huge orgasms, both of you, bigger than I’ve had before.
And I’ve lost count how many. Oh no, you haven’t hurt me at all. Don’t think
that, please. You’ve made me –you’re making me, very happy.”
And we all paused and looked at one another and knew that each of us was
happy and contented and I believe each of us thought ahead to what still was to
come, and we smiled and grinned at each other and I knew I was right.
“I think,” Tanya said, rising from the bed and shucking off the shirt, “that we
could have a little break. I’ll make us some snacks and some more drinks.”
She looked at Toni and smiled, bent down and picked up Toni’s bra which had come
off during our exploits and dropped it on the floor with the shirt.
“It will give you two a chance to get to know each other better.” She grinned at
us both, and gave me a wink as she passed by me and out of the room.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
I lay on one side, facing Toni, gazing into her face and gently stroking her
cheek or her ear, or her lovely short hair.
“You’re a very lovely girl, Toni. Beautiful. Small, sweet, a little elfin. I
like you very much.”
She reached and touched my cheek and her eyes searched my face.
“And I like you too, Dave. Very much. And Tanya, of course. But I do like you. I
wish I could feel you in ----” she stopped and her eyes continued to rove across
my face. “Do you and Tanya often talk dirty to each other?” she asked me softly.
“Oh, always,” I assured her. “All the time.”
She nodded thoughtfully. “I never have.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Never?”
“The only time my ex used the word fuck was if he said, ‘I want to fuck you
now.’ He might just as well have said ‘I want coffee, or I want food.’ It meant
about the same to him, I think. He never tried to turn me on by using dirty talk
and never asked me to use it on him either.”
“Oh,” I said. “Well, for us, dirty talk heightens our pleasure. A lot. There are
no holds barred and we say to each other whatever we feel or want. I can’t say
if it works that way for other people, but it definitely does for us.”
“Oh it works for me too,” Toni smiled. “Now that I’ve heard it. Hearing Tanya
urging you and me just now and telling us what she wanted made me very wet.”
She stroked my cheek.
“I wish you could fuck me, Dave. I wish I could feel you in my cunt. My wet
Her words, and the way she spoke them, trying them as if savouring a new
taste on her tongue for the first time, made me start to get hard again.
Toni closed her eyes. “I wish I could feel your prick sliding into me, sliding
into my pussy and rubbing against my clit and making me wet and filling me ---”
Her eyes opened and a cloud passed behind them.
“But we both promised, didn’t we?”
“Yes we did,” I agreed with a trace of firmness in my voice. “And I won’t break
a promise, especially to Tanya. Your cunt, delightful and wet and hot as it is,
is strictly out of bounds to my cock, and my cock is equally off-limits to your
wet pussy. It’s a shame, I agree. But there it is.”
Toni nodded again. “There’s no way I would want you to break that promise,” she
said, “but, God, my cunt is aching for your prick.”
We looked at each other, both wishing for the unattainable.
“Can I ask you something?” I said, wanting to divert my thoughts away from
“Anything.” She kissed me gently. “Anything. No holds barred.”
“You seem a little, er—tender, well, er--- young, to have such sexual experience
as you have. I’m surprised that you’re quite so -- um-- adept as you are, if
your ex was as selfish as you say.”
“Oh, I’ve never done anything like this before,” Toni answered cheerfully. “Of
course I gave him blowjobs and handjobs if he wanted, but I’ve never been licked
or sucked out before. Maybe that’s why I had such huge climaxes when Tanya and
you licked me out,” she added thoughtfully.
My eyebrows were rising more and more as she told me this.
“I’ve never had my um- ass licked or licked one myself, and I’ve never, ever
been with another girl or a couple before.”
Now I was up, leaning one elbow as I stared at her incredulously.
“You’ve never done any of that?”
She shook her head, then giggled.
“I’m sort of making it up as I go along, and it’s lovely!” And she hugged me and
kissed me again.
I was absolutely dumbfounded.
In the first place I would never have guessed from her touches and her
confidence that she had no experience of some of the things we’d done. Secondly,
I was amazed that she accepted all these new experiences, took these new ideas
into her stride and immediately used them to give pleasure to Tanya and I
without batting an eyelid. And of course I was dumbstruck at the thought that
Tanya had managed to find a sweet girl like this.
“But, I don’t understand,” I floundered. “If that’s the case, how did you meet
up with Tanya? Why did the idea of coming here appeal to you at all? Tanya must
have explained about our own tastes and sexual fun, and what we do. If this was
all unknown and new to you, how is it that you’re so ready and willing to be
with us?”
“I just wanted it,” she replied simply.
This was no explanation at all and she realised it.
“I mean, although I’ve never tried the things that you and Tanya do, never been
licked out, never been with a girl or any of the other things she told me about,
and she told me a lot, I’ve often thought about things like that. Imagined them,
I suppose you could say. I don’t know where it comes from, somewhere deep inside
my psyche I suppose, but I’ve often thought to myself, what would it be like to
be sucked till I came? How will it be if I tried this? What’s it like to do
that? How is sex with another girl? Would I like the feel of a female tongue on
me or female kisses? Would it be nice if I had a cock in me at the same time?
Oh, many things that I’ve never experienced, but thought about, wanted to do. Do
you understand, Dave?”
I nodded. I understood.
“And how did you meet up with Tanya?” I enquired.
Toni giggled again and glanced away sheepishly. “I was on the internet. At a sex
site, looking for a boyfriend,” she giggled. “And I saw Tanya’s advert.”
(So that’s how she’d done it!)
“And I thought, wow, that’s sounds like it could be interesting. So I emailed
her, and later we spoke on the phone, and then, well, here I am!” she finished
with a laugh.
My elbow was aching and I lay down again.
“Well, I don’t know what to say,” I said. “Except, here you are indeed, and very
glad I am that you are.”
She laughed again and traced a finger across my cheek.
“You sound like Yoda from Star Wars,” she laughed, “but you’re not as old and
wizened as he is, thank God!”
I laughed too and I told her, “I’m not that old and I don’t think I’m wizened
but I’m going to find out.”
And I reached for her and kissed her and we started all over again as I moved
across her face with my lips and tongue, and then down over those gorgeous,
tanned mounds.
“Your breasts are just beautiful,” I murmured between kisses and licks. “So
soft, so smooth, but so round and firm. I love them.”
And I moved lower and lower and reached her pants and pulled them down a little
and yes, there was no mistake, she was smooth, smooth, soft, silky and just as
tanned there too with not a white area in sight so it was sunbathing naked then
and to kiss and lick her smooth tanned love mound and her smooth cunt lips and
slide inside them to lick her smooth wet cunt was ecstatic. I was now hard again
and I moved back up to her face to plant wet kisses over her and give her her
own juices back and I whispered, “I want to fuck you, sweet little Toni. I want
to fuck your ass, as deep as I can!”
“Yes, Dave!” she whispered back, her eyes shining. “Yes! I want it! I want you
to fuck me! fuck my ass! Deep! And hard! Now! Quickly!”
And she was rolling over and tipping me off her as she knelt before me and presented her lovely round ass to me and I wanted it too and I didn’t want to wait and I pulled down the waistband of her pants and she pushed her ass out at me and my cock was out and I wanted to be in her so much and I shoved and this was like rape and I plunged into her and I pounded at her and each thrust pushed her forward and it was just so lovely to fuck that tight round ass and I thrust and thrust and thrust and she was whispering at me and saying ‘Yes! It’s so nice!’ and I kept pounding at her and my pulse was racing and my heart was pounding and I wanted to fuck her ass for ever but I felt that feeling and she was whispering ‘Fuck me! Fuck me! I love you in my ass! fuck me harder!’ and there were the words that I wanted to hear so much and it didn’t matter that it was not her cunt but her ass because it was so nice to be in there and I fucked her as hard as I possibly could and I was sweating and my heart raced and there it was and I came and it gushed and spurted and gushed and spurted and I felt it on my cock as it seeped out of her ass along my cock and there was still cum and I shot again and again and she must be full but there was one last spurt and I was empty.
I was utterly exhausted and sated and I sank back onto the bed, catching my breath and waiting for my heart and pulse to slow. They do say that having sex is equal in effort to running a mile. I thought I must have just run ten. My girl had been right as usual. The orgasms were tremendous after that long wait. And then I felt my hand being taken and placed inside the waist of Toni’s pants and she took my fingers to her ass and collected my cum on them and brought my hand back to her mouth and licked them and sucked them as I continued to breathe heavily and only when she’d sucked every last drop she could did she give my hand little gentle, normal kisses and lay it tenderly on my chest.
She snuggled up to me and put her head on my stomach. I felt a lick as she
retrieved some cum from my cock and then she slid her head up to my chest and I
moved my hand to rest on her cheek as she lay there and looked at me, her eyes
glowing, her short hair all tousled and her mouth wet from my cum.
“Dave!” she murmured. “Dave! That was ---I can’t tell you in words. I just love
you in my ass.” She wriggled as she spoke, maybe imagining me there again or
maybe remembering the feelings. “I want that again,” she said softly. “I like
that so much. I wish it was my cunt but I like that and I want it again.”
I waved a hand at her weakly.
“Not now. I want it too, my sweet and lovely little Toni but I’m exhausted. I
need a bit of a rest. You could say, I’m fucked.”
And she laughed out loud and I grinned at her because I didn’t have the strength
to laugh and we lay like that, sated, contented and drowsy until Tanya returned.
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