The change

(Part 1 from 1)

Hello my name was Joe until I got caught in my girl friends cloths one day. Then my life changed ,some say for the better others say its for the worse. Here is how it all began.

MY girg friend was out of town for a few days and I was house sitting for her . She had a cat I had to take care of. I always loved the way she dressed , Jill always wore dresses or skirts never jeans. She always looked hot.Her cloths always smelled good and was so soft. I was sitting in her home thinking about her and my mind started to wander. After a few beers and some talking to myself I found myself in her closet checking out her outfits.

I tried on a pair of panties first they fit tight but it felt so good. I put on a bra stockings a skirt and blouse. I could not get into her shoes . after some lipstick I thought I looked good . For the rest of the day I wore her cloths . I went around the house acting like she would . That nite I changed into one of her nities. I had a hard on all nite.

The next day Jill came home and ask if everything was all right . I told her everything was fine. She said that the trip was tireing and she wanted to get some rest . So I left and went home thinking about my crazy day that I had.

The next day JIll called me and ask if I could come right over , she had something important that she wanted me to see. I went right over wondering what was up. When I got there Jill said she wanted me to watch this vedio she had taken the other day. I put it in the v.c.r. and sat with her as it started to roll. To my horor it was a vedio of her place , it showed me trying on her cloths and walking around like I was showing myself off for the camera.

I didnt know what to doi wanted to cral under the rug . Jill turned the tv off and sat across form me . We need to talk about your fetish now she said. It seems you are a cross dresser. I wonder what your friends and coworkers would say about this. I will send them a copy of this unless you do as I say. What could I do I had to agree to her demands.

Jill told me that she always wanted a sissy maid and that I would make a good one with some training and help. She was going to change me into the perfect sissy and that was that.

I never said a word just shook my head yes. Jill took me to the bathroom and had me strip . She took my cloths and thew them in the garabge. Next I was shaved of all my body hair. My hair was put in curlers and my finger nails and toe nails where painted. I was given a pair of panties and a skirt to put on . They fit just right. Next a bra and blouse was handed to me. pantyhose and five inch heels finished it off.

Jill told me that the only time I would wear male cloths was when I went to work and she would slowly change that over to. One day down the road you will go to work in a skirt and the world will now your secret Jill said. We will work up to that.

Jill,s sister is a doctor so there was no trouble in her getting hormons for me. I went to her office twice a week for shots. And I was put into heavy training to become a sissy maid. My hair was grown to the middle of my back and my nails where manicured. I learned how to apply makeup and how to care for my cloths.
After six months Jill started to change me clothing for work . First all my shorts where throw out and panties replaced them. A few weeks later I had to wear a bra to work. My tits where starting to grow a little from the hormones I had been taken. My socks where next to go . I wore girlie socks with pink hearts on them. My shoes where changed at the same time to female shoes no high heels yet. 

Then my pants went no more blue jeans girl dress pants and blouse,s. Some makeup was applied litely. The guys at work never said anything I still resembled a man. It was hard to pee I had to pull my panties down. I learned to sit real fast.

All of this took place in a year,s time. It was now time for phase two Jill told me. On weekends and evenings Jill and I would go out dressed up as a two girls. THis scared me to death at first but in time I became used to it. To tell the truth after a while I liked it.By this time I was going to the hair dresser to get my hair and nails done every week.

Then Jill dropped the big one on me. I was going to Mexico with her sister and when I came back I would be changed for good. Like a dunce I ask her what she was talking about. I was going to have my balls removed and my cock was to be shortened. All that was to be left was the head. I was to get perminet lipstick eye shadow and that was that. Two days later I was on a plane with Michell headed to Mexico. We got off the plane into a taxi and went right to this clinic. I was hurried in put under and when I came to again I felt a pain like never before. Michell was there all smiles. I found out that I was castratedabd shortened. She went on to explain that this wasnt the first time that she had taken some fool here.

A few days later I was back in the motel with Michell. I laid around there for a week before I could move without to much pain. My first time out of the motel I was taken to a tattoo shop and had my other things done . Bright red lipstick , pink eye shadow and ruge . All on for good. THen a silver thimbull was pierced over what was left of my dick. It had a small hole in the tip for me to pee threw. It was put on with break off screws so it was on for good. I found out that with the small hole in the tip it was hard to pee. 

Michell told me I would have to learn how to pee all over again. I had to take my time so the pressure would not build up.
A few days later I was back with Jill and she was getting me ready to go to work . My day had come, i was to wear a minnie skirt , stockings , high hells and a lace top to work. And a purse with all the things a woman needs , makeup, tampons that sort of things.

Jill drove me to work that day and watched me go in. I was razed at first untill my coworkers figured out that I was wearing this not as a joke but it was my new attire. Then I got verbal abuse and some tried to punch me. About noon I was called into my boss,s office. To my surprise Jill was there kissing him. I was being moved to the secetarys pool with the rest of the sluts he said. That is till Jill decides what to do with me.So everyday for the next two years I went to work in sluty outfits. The guys all hated me ,the girls made fum of me and played with my mind.

When i,m not at work I am Jill,s sissy maid, serving her hand and foot. We go out together and she gets me dates now. I am learning to suck cock and am getting ready to be screwed in the butt. Jill is using dildo's and butt plugs on me to get me ready for this. My name was changed to Shelia Gay Sissieman so anyone who is into this sort of thing will now from my name what I am. Jill said that she might give me to a friend of hers for awhile he is looking to try a sissy for awhile.

It all comes down to , I should of kept my own pants on back when I was house sitting.

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