The long hot summer - Field of Dreams
Purely Erotic Fiction – No fictional characters were of consenting age.
Chapter 1
Sitting at the breakfast table the next morning eating, I was going over the events of the previous night, in my mind, and I couldn’t believe what had happened. Initially, it felt wrong, and I had a lot of guilt about it, after the fact, as I lay aware in the early morning hours. But, as I went over everything that has transpired, I found I was less inclined to beat myself up over my feelings.
The first night staying with my cousin Ronnie at the ranch has been quite an experience, to say the least. It was a night of “firsts” for me, you might say. Let’s see, I had a guy dry hump my ass crack until he came all over me. I sucked my first cock, and swallowed huge amounts of cum, twice! I was face fucked, twice! One of those consisted of my cousin ramming the entire length of his cock completely down my throat, up to his balls. Oh! There is that thing about ass fucking him with my fist until he had a massive orgasm. All in all, I would say it was an interesting and eventful night in my early manhood.
By the way, I’m David; a very shy, very intelligent, awkward teenager, that’s still developing physically; Mom referred to me during this time as a, “late bloomer”. Oh God, I hated it when she’d say that. I had little to no sexual experience and/or self-confidence with sexual sorts of things, until last night. My cousin Ronnie is 6 years older than I am and is working his last summer on their family ranch after graduating from engineering school. He has also taken me on as a “project” in order to introduce me to the mysteries of sex, among other things.
The previous night was quite thrilling and enlightening, and I must say that I had thoroughly enjoyed myself with my cousin. To my amazement, as horny and worked-up as I was last night, when my cousin came for the third time, of which I was the sole recipient, I was so exhausted I just collapsed without coming. He said he felt guilty that he had enjoyed himself so much, but I hadn’t had an opportunity to release my sexual tensions. I just told him not dwell on it because I enjoyed it immensely and was fine the outcome, plus I was dead tired.
The truth was that I was so worked up for so long, and enjoyed the attention he was giving me, that I was just drained when it was over. Also, I became aware that I truly love to give, more than I care to receive. This may be why over the years my partners have always seemed to adore me personally, long after our sexual relationships were over. Truthfully, I can’t think of a single person I’ve slept with that are not still close friend of mine today. So, I guess you can say that I’m a self proclaimed “giver”.
The next morning presented a myriad of problems for Ronnie and me, the first of which were the bed sheets. After we ended our sexual escapades in the wee hours of the morning, the sheets and my pillow were coved in Ronnie’s precum and cum, and my precum. I had been leaking like a sieve and oozed precum all over the sheets on my side of the bed, and what I couldn’t swallow of Ronnie’s ejaculations was everywhere else. So, my cousin got up at 4:00 am and got some sheets out of the linen closet down stairs before my Aunt and Uncle rose at 4:30 am. We changed the sheets and stuffed the ones with cum stains all over them in the closet. There was no say we could explain those massive cum stains to his Mom. We decided we could wash those later so my aunt wouldn’t be the wiser. The other problem was Ronnie. To put it delicately, he was sort of moving a little stiffly (no pun intended) due to the fact his ass was sore from me fisting him, and his balls were sore from coming so often and so hard. His discomfort was noticeable and I continued to tease him about it, telling him that I felt fine and it was bad that the virgin was holding up so well under the pressure. He grimaced and said, “Your time is coming, smartass!” as he chuckled painfully.
We washed up the best we could from the sink and got dressed since we didn’t
have time to shower before we fed the horses. Then we would go to breakfast and
begin the daily chores after we ate. There is no vacation on a ranch if you are
there to work, so unlike the rest of my family that just came to stay for a
couple of weeks and ride, I had chores to do.
We hit the barn and started putting the feed bins in the 4 wheeler flat bed
trailer. It took a number of trips to take the bins out to the various feed
troughs spread out around the main barn and corrals, so we could empty them. It
usually takes a good hour and a half to get that done; by 6 am breakfast is
ready so we go in the house and eat.
Fortunately, Ronnie was getting around much better by the time we entered the kitchen. You couldn’t beat a Southern breakfast in our family. My aunt always had eggs, bacon, country ham, homemade biscuits, redeye gravy, and grits. I never ate lunch when I was on the ranch because breakfast would stick with you all day, even as hard as we worked.
At breakfast that morning, the family was sitting around the table when Ronnie and I walked in from the barn. Well, all except for my sister of course, who never rose before nine or ten when she didn’t have to. We sat down across from Uncle Bill and my Stepdad, who immediately started in on me with a comment to Uncle Bill about that fact that I always stayed the summer with one or the other aunt and uncle just to get away from them. “More like, away from you!” I thought. My uncle, who was a really great person by the way, looked over at my stepdad and said, “Hell Mike, you should be happy that the boy wants to spend time with his family, and is willing to work as hard as he does. If you think he’s going to be on vacation around here, maybe you should work the ranch with all of us for the next two weeks. I think you’d realize its pretty hard work.”
“Good luck with that Bill!” my Mom said sarcastically.
Uncle Bill went on to say, “Johnny (my Mom’s other brother) told me that David had worked with them on their ranch the last three summers, and he was a damn hard worker. Personally, I’m thankful to have another set of hands around here, and I know Ronnie is.” My stepdad remarked that he didn’t understand why a boy my age would want to be away from home and work like that; there was something unnatural about it. Uncle Bill just shook his head in disbelief, gave me a look I couldn’t make out, and changed the subject.
My mother, a 5’3” 105 lb. fiery redhead, with a temper to match, looked at my stepdad and said curtly, “Shut up Mike, you’re not making any sense.” When Mom spoke you listened in my family.
Mike and I didn’t get along very well, and not many of Mom’s family liked him, but they tolerated him. It was probably because he was an alcoholic of the first magnitude, and had a tendency to get crocked and show his ass, badly. Mom’s family are good people and treated him tolerantly because of Mom, even when he got blitzed, showed his butt, and turned into Super bad ass. It still amazes me what alcohol with do to people.
My uncle was 6’3” 230 lbs, had a broad chest, was all muscle, and a combat vet. Mike tended to not play the “bad ass” card around Uncle Bill. What they didn’t know was that he was a physically abusive SOB. In retrospect, it was probably a good thing my uncle was unaware of that fact.
After his exchange with Mike, Uncle Bill looked across the table and authoritatively said, “Boys, I need you two to go out to pasture five today and move those horses over to seven. The grass is getting down to the nubs and we need to move’em to better pasture, and let pasture five recover.”
Ronnie spoke up, “Dad, if we have to herd those horses to seven we can’t take the dirt bikes, we’ll have to take cutting horses.”
“Yeah, so?” Uncle Bill said flatly.
Ronnie looked down at the table for a second and then said, “Dad, you know that means we’ll have to be out overnight because it’s all the way up in the far Northwestern sector.”
Uncle Bill locked eyes with Ronnie, “You got something better to do today Son?” he gruffly asked.
Ronnie looked over at his Dad, then quickly over at me, and asked, “You up for a ride Cuz?” no reply came, we both laughed and I shook my head in acknowledgement. He looked at Uncle Bill and laughingly said, “Well, apparently not.” and grinned broadly.
Uncle Bill sniffed and said absently, “I didn’t think so. Take a pack horse, you’ll need one. Also, you might want to check the adjacent pastures while you’re up there and see what they look like. If any of the other stock needs to be moved, go ahead and do it.” “No need to make two trips later.”
“Ok, we’ll pack enough food for three nights, just in case.” Ronnie said nonchalantly.
“Don’t forget to take your rifles.” Uncle Bill said dryly.
Mom’s eyes widened. “Why do they need rifles Bill?” she asked, with some urgency
in her voice.
“Janet, don’t get all bent out of shape, it’s so they can shoot coyotes” my Uncle replied. “We have a lot of’em around here, and they can take down a fold in the spring if the pack is big enough, so we shoot’em on sight.”
With that Ronnie and I headed for the loft and packed our saddle bags for the ride.
Chapter 2
When we came downstairs with our saddlebags my aunt had already retrieved, and was in the middle of packing, the panniers (it’s a pack) for the pack horse. While my aunt was finishing packing our supplies and cooking gear, Ronnie and I saddled our horses and put a pack saddle on one of the horses; got our rifles, canteens, extra water, and the two man tent, in case it rained. Aunt Rita met us with the panniers and I attached them to the pack saddle, with the tent, and the other gear, and we were ready to go. We mounted our rides and began our long trek to the northwest sector.
My uncle walked out of the barn as we were riding past on our way out, and handed Ronnie a large suede bag cinched at the top with a draw string. “I wonder what that’s about.” I thought.
“You boys take care now.” my uncle said smiling.
“Got your talkie Ronnie?” Uncle Bill asked.
“I’ve got it Dad, but it’s not much good where we’re going.” Ronnie said.
“Well, take it anyway.” Uncle Bill said as he looked over at me. “You can’t be too careful now can you? Right David!?”
“Yes Sir!” I said, grinning from ear to ear. “Hey Uncle Bill.” I said.
“Yeah son?” he responded.
“When you pick the mounts for the family to go riding, do me a favor.” I said jokingly.
“Yeah?” my Uncle replied, suspiciously.
“Make sure you give Mike a really “good” mount.” I said,“He’s an excellent horseman and needs a mount with spirit.” I added, still grinning wildly.
“Now son, you know full good and well that asshole can’t even properly fall off a horse.” he said with a serious tone to his voice.
“I know, but he swears he can really ride.” I said winking at him as spurred my
horse laughing.
“Only a damn bar stool.” he responded glibly, as I rode away from the barn.
Chapter 3
As we silently rode west through a seemingly endless sea of alfalfa fields, that my uncle grew for winter feed supplement, my thoughts drifted back to the night before and Ronnie. My thoughts and emotions were jumbled and confused; on one hand I felt guilty as hell about having sex, albeit one sided, with another guy, and on the other hand, I really enjoyed it, and the more I thought about it the hotter I became. Since it was 98 in shade, that was saying something. As I rode along, I kept fantasizing about sucking his cock and letting him go down on me, plus a myriad of other sexual fantasies. Somewhere along the way I began to think about what it would be like to be fucked in the ass by my cousin. Hell, I’d used a brush handle for years and it felt good, but it was not nearly the size of my cousin’s cock. I found myself mesmerized by his sensuality, watching his body as he gently swayed in time with the movement of his horse.
Ronnie was riding a half stride in front, and to my right, since I had the pack horse tethered to my saddle. We had been riding the better part of an two hours, neither one of us uttering a word; last night had not come up, which sort of bothered me for some reason I couldn’t explain. I wondered if Ronnie regretted the whole thing now, or if he had second thoughts, or something. As I was contemplating the possibilities he turned in his saddle and asked if I wanted to take a break.
“I’m fine, why?” I asked puzzled.
“Well, I know this is your first long ride since last summer at Uncle Johnny’s, so I didn’t want you to get saddle sores, that would be a real shame.” he said, with an mischievous little laugh.
If I had any doubts before, his laugh and the amorous look he gave me dispelled them immediately.
“Okay Cuz” he said, “let’s ride another hour or so and stop. There’s a place a ways up to water the horses and get out of the sun.” he said, as he removed his hat and wiped his forehead with his shoulder.
Chapter 4
I didn’t really notice the heat as we rode, I was lost in lustful visions of what I thought might happen over the next two or three days. As usual, my imagination didn’t live up to the reality.
The next hour seemed to fly by for me and I was caught unawares as we came to a
stop in front of a small pond that was used primarily as a watering hole for
livestock. About fifteen yards to the south of the pond stood a small wooden
structure about ten feet by ten feet, that was open on all sides, and had a
slanted shingled roof supported by four creosol poles. There was another creosol
pole lashed horizontally between the two back most vertical posts, that acted as
a rail for tying off horses.
“What in the world did your Dad build that for?” I asked quizzically.
“I think he was going to build a line shack and changed his mind.” Ronnie mused.
“Hey, at least it gives you a little shade in the middle of the day, huh.” Ronnie said comically.
“Yeah, maybe, if you standup the entire time.” I said joking.
We both got down and walked our horsed to the edge of the pond and dropped their reins as they put their heads down to drink. These horses were well trained, so there wasn’t much of a chance they’d just take off. So, we let them walk free to water and eat grass. I grabbed my canteen and walked over to the little roofed structure to get out of the sun.
Uncorking my canteen I took a long drink of the cool water, then leaned over the rail, my forearm resting on the rough wood. I had my back to Ronnie, just looking out over the rolling field of grass, taking in the view, when he spoke.
“Everything Ok with you this morning?” he asked, puzzled. I thought he sounded somewhat pensive.
“Yeah fine, why do you ask?” I casually replied.
“Well, you’ve been awful quite during the ride, and I was wondering if you might be upset about last night, that’s all.” Ronnie said nervously.
I laid my forehead on top of the railing, drawing my hands in clasping them on top of my head facing the ground beneath, and let out a long sigh. “Ronnie, to be honest…” I began.
“Damn, I knew it, I’m so sorry…” He was saying as I interrupted him.
“Ronnie, like I was about to say; to be honest it was the most fantastic experience of my life. I don’t think I will ever be able to match the thrill of that night matter how long I live.” With my head still against the railing I continued, saying, “I’ve been thinking about it the entire ride, and I’ve been thinking about you a lot. In fact, if I’m sweating it’s not because of the heat. I’m really worked up again and it’s given me a hellofva “hardon”, approximately the size of Texas; and it’s all because of you my dear cousin.”
His arms wrap around my waist as I stood head down leaning against the railing. He took my hat off and threw it on ground and began kissing the nape of my neck, sending a chill down my spine. His hands explored my chest and I felt his rock hard erection press against the back of my jeans as he moved into me. He nimbly unbuttoned my shirt and ran his hands inside lightly caressing my bare chest and fondling my nipples. They responded in kind and became rock hard, remembering the attention they had received the night before. I felt my shirttail pulled up and out of my jeans while he skillfully nibbled my neck, alternately laying soft kisses along its length. My body was quickly responding to his attention and I shuddered as his hand softly caressed the bulge that had developed in the front of my jeans. He caressed my erection and then lightly squeezed, repeating the movement over and over. I’m surprised I didn’t just come in my jeans right away.
“Ah, here’s something new”, I thought, as my cousin’s lips attached themselves to the curvature of my neck with a sucking motion. I felt it all the way to my groin, as he continued to suck the sensitive areas of my neck. In short order, he reached down, unbuckled my belt and unzipped my fly, then slid my jeans over my hips letting them fall to the top of my boots. His large strong hands started rubbing my rock hard erection and fondling my balls, through my underwear. Ronnie stopped the vampiric embrace on my neck long enough to turn my head enough to give me one of his patented knee wobbling kisses. And with all the attention my cock and balls were receiving, plus he killer kisses, my knees were definitely wobbly and weak. Since he was a good eight inches taller than me he didn’t have much of a problem bending over my shoulder to kiss me. He continued to kiss me deeply, as his hands slipped into the waistband of my underwear and gently pushed then down to around mid-thigh. It was a wonderful sensation bent over like I was, with my cock standing straight out, in the wide open spaces, the wind blowing over my erection. That was short lived as a hand slowly wrapped around my tool and held it firmly. He didn’t stroke or squeeze me, he just held his hand around my member while he fondled my balls with his other hand. It was a wonderful feeling to be in the middle of nowhere, in the open for everyone to see, having someone you care about bring you to the edge of climax.
It was pretty obvious that Ronnie was taking his time to teach me about lovemaking, patience, and control. Or that was what I thought at the time. I was learning better control, and the fact that I really didn’t want to come right away, was testament to that fact. In fact, I wanted to experience the maximum pleasure possible and extend it as long as I could. He told me later I had understood his intentions and it was all about getting there, not the climax.
Ronnie’s released my throbbing cock and balls, “Stay right there cousin, I’ll be right back.” he said abruptly. “Don’t move, just relax with your dick in the wind and enjoy the view. Oh, and stay hard.” he said playfully.
“I don’t think there’s a problem with that you prick tease!” I yelled back. Then he was gone.
Chapter 5
A lot of things go through your mind when you’re standing in the wide open spaces with your pants around your ankles and a “hardon”. No, seriously! I was wondering if I could come if the wind blew a little harder, for one. Hey, truth is, I was that fucking worked-up when my cousin had left me hanging, well, so to speak. I guess you could say he really left me standing, at attention.
I must have been seriously daydreaming because I didn’t hear Ronnie come back until he once more grasped my rigid cock. I jumped as he took my pulsating member in one hand, balls in the other, and began, in earnest this time, to get me completely turned-on. His hands deftly stroked the shaft of my cock while alternately pulling and squeezing my balls. The sensation was amazing. I looked down and saw precum dripping off the end of my badly swollen member. Again, I noticed that tool has grown to a much larger size than I thought possible. I wasn’t imagining it this time; my cock had to be 7 ½ or 8 inches long, and thick. When I looked at the swollen head it was engorged with blood and had turned a light purplish red. I could see my cock head swell in size as my member throbbed in anticipation of release. While I looked down, in fascination, admiring the size of my own penis, I felt a finger probe, and then enter, my tight asshole. I had again been so preoccupied with my own thoughts that I didn’t notice Ronnie had removed his hands. I jumped as his finger entered the confines of my tight dark space and began exploring.
I really didn’t know what to expect after last night, but by from my cousin’s reaction to his ass fingering I thought it would pleasant. I mean he seems to love it, so naturally I thought I would. His finger moving in and out of my anal cavity was different, but it felt good in a weird sort of way. The sensation was totally foreign and quite different than jacking off. It was like something was both soothing and irritating me there, but it felt very good. I relaxed and focused hoping to maximize my experience. Little did I know at the time just how much I was going to maximize it.
“Hey Ron, do we have time for this?” I asked hopefully. “What about the pasture?” I continued.
“Hell yeah we do!” “An hour or so isn’t going to make any difference, but we can stop if you’re that determined to move those horses by nightfall.” he quipped.
“No, fuck no, just make love to me, okay?” I pleaded shamelessly.
“You’ve got it Sweetheart.” he said lovingly.
I came to love it when he called me Sweetheart. That little gesture of affection touched me in so many ways because I realized he really meant it when he said it.
As I gradually relaxed and grew more accustomed to the anal probing, I actually
began to enjoy it immensely. I didn’t really know how much pleasure I could
derive from it until Ronnie inserted two fingers and spread my virgin ass a
little wider. When he did, the sensation was mind-blowing, and my body took
control. The next thing I know I’m backing into Ronnie to meet his thrusts. He
slowed his forward thrusts and then stopped completely, encouraging me to move
my hips back onto his fingers, and fuck myself. I didn’t realize, initially,
that he had me dancing on his hand like a love starved slut, which was pretty
close to the truth at the time. However, it became painfully apparent that I was
not in control of our love making and I was now relegated to being the
submissive partner in our relationship. You might say I had an epiphany, of
sorts, as I was riding his hand, and realized deep down that I loved being
submissive for him.
Ronnie reached up with his free hand and pulled my shirt off as I raised my arms
to assist, and lay it over the railing. He then placed a hand loosely around my
waist to steady me and continued to move his fingers in and out of my tight
hole. Leaning forward, he kissed my back, between my shoulder blades, and
explored the top of my shoulders and the back and sides of my neck. He leaned in
closer, over my shoulder, his mouth resting at ear lever, and quietly spoke,
“You are a gorgeous piece of ass Sweetheart, and I love you.”
Okay, I may have been relatively young at the time, and my hormones were definitely all screwed up, but that really touched me. Instantly, for some stupid reason I can’t explain, tears welled up in my eyes and began streaming down my face. I just stood there quietly embarrased and let the tears flow down my cheeks, hoping he wouldn’t notice.
Chapter 6
I’m not exactly sure when he decided something wasn’t quite right and stopped. But, I was vaguely aware of being pulled upright and turned so that I was facing him. I kept my head down, not daring to look up, too embarrassed to let him to see my idiotic display of emotion. I remember a hand caressing the bottom of my moist chin, and then gently raising my head until I was looking into his big bright hazel eyes. He stood for a long moment peering into tear swollen red rimmed green eye.
“God, what’s wrong?” he asked softly, concern in his expression.
“Nothing”, I choked out, too ashamed to tell him the truth.
“Did I hurt you my Sweetheart?” he asked tenderly.
At that, the tears instantly returned, streaming down my cheeks uncontrollably. All I could think of was to step forward and, putting my arms around his waist, embrace him tightly. I stood there motionless, quietly sobbing into his chest. He held me tenderly, stroking my shoulder length hair and shoulders as we stood locked in an embrace, our bodies pressed together.
Eventually, my sobbing subsided and the tears stop. I lifted my head from his broad chest and looked up into his face, now clouded with conflicting emotions.
“Are you okay?” he asked, as he ran his fingers through my fine brown hair.
“I’m alright; I don’t know what came over me, really.” I said, unconvincingly.
“C’mon tell me what’s going on with you. I’m really confused, and I hate that you’re upset” he said in a soothing voice.
“Do you mean what you say, or do you just say things because they sound good at the moment?” I quietly asked.
“I don’t understand what you are talking about.” he said, confused.
“Ronnie, why did you call me your Sweetheart and what does that mean really?” I asked meekly.
He stood perfectly still for a time; slowly his eyes widened in recognition, and a look of relief flashed across his face, followed by a broad smile.
“Oh my God, I’m an idiot!” He blurted, “You won’t believe me even if I tell you,
but honestly, I don’t understand it myself.” he said, as his body trembled.
“Look Baby, here’s the deal straight up, no bullshit! I went through high school and college, and I fucked, and have been fucked, by a fair number of both sexes; not one I ever even considered close; you know what I mean. I FUCKED them, I didn’t make love to them; it was purely sex, plain and simple. Last night I fully intended to seduce and fuck you, so I would have a fuck buddy to spend the summer with. Nobody gets hurt and it’s a lot of good fun for everybody. Well, that was the plan anyway, but I fucked up! I can’t explain what happened, but as you lay there asleep in my arms, I realized I had deep feelings for you. I don’t know if it was your naïve wide eyed wonder, or the way you looked at me when we made love, but we seemed to have some immediate bond. There’s something about you that’s making me fall really hard for you. I didn’t want to tell you what I felt because its nuts to think that after one night I would be fond of you. The problem is I’m crazy about you and I can’t get you out of my mind. I called you Sweetheart because to me, you are the submissively shy, petite, loving individual in this relationship.
“We have a relationship?” I stammered.
“I hope so.” he replied hopefully.
“The fact of the matter is I’ve never felt this way about anybody, ever! I absolutely adore you! I know it’s way too early to talk like this, and you may not have the same feeling, which is why I didn’t want to scare you by telling how I felt. So, I used the only terms of love and endearment that mean anything to me. That’s the truth of the thing.” he said, peering into my eyes uncertainly.
“Did I just scare the hell out of you?” he asked nervously.
I gazed into his beautiful emotion filled eyes for what seemed like a very long time after he had finished, mulling over what he had so passionately conveyed. I wondered, “Is this for real, or am I just kidding myself? “I think I love him” I thought, “What the hell do I know about love, or relationships, or anything for that matter, I’m just 18 years old, and I’ confused about everything.” I rationalized.
My mind made up, I cleared my thoughts, and standing on my tip toes, placed a
hand on the back of Ronnie’s neck pulling him down to me, planting a soft sweet
kiss on his luscious moist lips.
“Ronnie”, I began, “my family is so dysfunctional it makes the Manson Family
look like the Brady Bunch! I’ve never had any kind of secure home life with that
raging alcoholic making everyone’s life a living hell. I don’t have any friends
or a social life to speak of. I’m too afraid to make an attempt because my
stepdad always manages to embarrass the hell out of me. I have straight A’s
because I stay at school and the library most of my waking hours so I don’t have
to go home and be subjected to my asshole stepdad’s constant abuse. I’ve never
had any feelings for anyone or anything because I couldn’t afford to come out
from behind my emotional shell; every time I did I got hurt.” I said angrily.
“You may not be the love of life”, I continued, “but I do know that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me, right now, right here, and at this moment in time. And, I’m not willing to throw away a chance at happiness just because I’m unsure if my feelings are absolutely genuine. What I can say with complete conviction is that right here, at this moment in time, I LOVE YOU with all my heart, and if it turns out to be short lived, then at least I was happy for a time.” I said, with complete conviction.
I lay my head against his chest and hugged him tightly. He was silent for a long time as I stood pressing my body to his, hearing his heart pound, and feeling the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. He stroked my long brown hair with one hand as we held each other close. And then, after what seemed like a eternity, he took my face in his hands, tilting my head upward, gazed into my pained emerald green eyes, and said, “That is the most wonderful thing anyone has ever said to me. I LOVE YOU too.” Tears formed in his eyes as I watched, and fell onto my shoulders as I clutched him to me thinking, “This is probably the happiest I can every hope to be.”
I heard somewhere that there is no such thing as perfect people, only perfect moments. Then and there I recognized the inescapable truth of it, I was truly un-categorically, undeniably happy, if only for this brief moment.
Chapter 7
Ronnie, in his elation, held me so tightly for a time that I wasn’t able to breathe. Loosening his hold allowed me to catch my breath. I was still gasping for air when he picked me up like I weighed nothing, gave me the “You Okay?” look, as I was struggling to regain my breath, turned, and sat me unceremoniously upon the railing. Fortunately, it was made of a large pole, like the supports, so I could sit on it easily
Until that very moment, I realized what had taken him so long to come back from the horses. He was standing before me naked. He had evidently undressed while I stood against the railing like an idiot, waiting for him to do whatever he had to do. As I sat there examining our surroundings, with him supporting me, as he removed my boots, pants, and underwear, still midway down my thighs, I noticed he had laid out two blankets and a bedroll on the ground under the shack roof.
“Wow, you were busy while I stood here with my dick hanging out.” I joked.
“Actually, I was really enjoying the view of you standing there with you cute little ass to me. Maybe I should do that more often.” he said laughing.
“It only works once my love.” I sweetly replied in a low voice.
“Can I ask a question here?” I queried pensively. “What do we do if someone comes by? It’s really going to be difficult to explain why we are laying out here like this with no clothes on, don’t you think!?”
Ronnie broke out in a laugh, shook his head like he was dealing with a petulant child, and retorted, “Don’t worry you sweet little ass over that darl’in! For one thing this is our ranch and there’s nobody within thrifty square miles in any direction. Second, even if someone did come by we just tell’em we’re swimming. Nobody in these parts swims in trunks, we all skinny dip, even the girls. How do you think I got this all body tan babe? Sometimes I even ride around out here in the nude. I told you I love the freedom.”
“Ooooh. Hey that makes sense.” I said, somewhat relieved. “Except the part where you get your pecker burnt!” I laughingly said.
While I was digesting what Ronnie has told me, he picked me up off the railing like I was a doll and lay me down on the blanket. You would have had to be blind to miss the huge erection between sticking out from between his legs. “God! Could that thing be bigger than last night?”I thought. “I had to be hallucinating about this cock growth thing…” O told myself, unconvinced. Although, I was praying I was right!
“Sweetheart” he said in a low sensual voice, “I need to make certain that you are really aroused and begging for me before we go any further, okay?”
“No, no, please don’t make me feel all wonderful and horny, so I’ll want you cock. No really, don’t.” I replied mockingly.
“You are such a sarcastic smartass cunt, do you know that!?” he said with a twinkle in his eyes.
“YES, I know! And,loving it!” I shot back laughing.
I teased him by moving my hips so my cock bounced from side to side between my raised thighs. Then it occurred to me, “God, I am getting all moon eyed and dopey over him, just like a teenage girl.” I could feel it! I briefly thought about it, “Oh well, I’m pretty sure I love the guy, so fuck it!
As far as I was concerned this was heaven. I was having a great time, and for
the first time in my life, being with Ronnie, made me feel totally free,
uninhibited, and protected, but most of all, genuinely happy.
Of course I was acting silly and waving my cock around, teasingly. So, Ronnie,
being the adult, gave me a disapproving scowl and patiently waited for me to get
it out of my system. Once he was fairly certain my foolishness had run its
course, he gently lay me back down on blanket telling me to relax, as he place a
bedroll under my head.
My theory is that I was making him really horny and he couldn’t take any more teasing, or he would have just raped me right there. That’s what I think anyway.
“Hey, what are we going to do?” I asked quizzically.
“You’ll see, be patient; I promise you you’re going to love it.” he said reassuringly.
I watched as he took a bottle of baby oil and squirted it onto my chest, stomach, and legs. He gently spread the oil over my chest and began covering every bare patch of my skin with the glistening fluid. It was 98 degrees in the shade and the oil felt wonderful in the light breeze. He moved down to my flat stomach and continued to rub the oil over my abdominal area, hips, and upper thighs, being careful not to touch my erection. He slowly progressed down my thighs to my lower legs and feet, expertly rubbing the oil into my skin. Gently, he cupped a hand under the back of my knees and parted my legs, applying oil liberally to the inside of my thighs, and the sensitive area between my little button and scrotum. Then he applied oil directly to my scrotum and massaged my testicles and the sack, softly and delicately. The unrelenting massaging of my genitals was causing my already rock hard erection to go to the granite era. I think that was in the Paleolithic period for you geologist out there.
Anyway, I was laying there with my eyes closed thinking my cock was going to explode when I heard Ronnie’s voice.
“My love, what kind of ruler have you been measuring your cock with? he asked earnestly. “You told me it was only 6 inches or so, that’s looks like all of 8 inches by my yardstick. It’s bigger than mine Baby.”
“I guess you just bring out the best in me, Love.” I replied sincerely,
“I know you make me so excited it hurts, maybe that’s making it grow.” I said
He didn’t answer he just continued to massage my balls. I closed my eyes, lay back, and enjoyed the feeling coursing through my body.
Chapter 8
As I lay there without a care in the world, I felt something lightly touch the tip of my throbbing cock. Keeping my eyes closed so I could fully enjoy the tactile sensation of his touch, again, something very lightly grazed the tip of penis. It was thrilling, and agonizing, laying and waiting for the next touch. As if on cue, I felt a more pronounced contact, lingering longer this time, probing the slit at the head of my cock. It worked back and forth moving slowly up and down the length of my cock slit. This excited me to the point that my cock throbbed angrily, causing pecum to ooze from the tip in quantity. Again, the soft gentle probing touches repeated themselves, followed abruptly by a very small sucking sensation centered directly over my cock slit. I bore down trying to force more precum out the tip of my cock, and was rewarded as suction became more pronounced until, for the time being, I was sucked dry. Just when I didn’t think it could get better, I experienced a wonderful sensation of something warm, wet, and hot, enveloping my shaft.
“Oh God, that’s fucking incredible!” I blurted out, before I could stop myself.
My knees involuntarily came up as I spread my legs in the throes of ecstasy. Once I regained some semblance of self-control, I lowered my knees and relaxed my legs, keeping them spread apart. My manhood was being lovingly worked from the top to the base of my shaft, and the warm and wet cocoon encasing my throbbing tool was both exquisitely delicious and maddening. Immersed in waves of pleasure, I felt a small spurt of semen shoot out my cock slit, eliciting a low moan from my lover. Opening my eyes, I see Ronnie kneeling, his knees tightly together, between my legs, a hand on each of my thighs, his head moving slowly up and down on my cock. I lay watching him for a time, memorizing minute details of his muscular body and its fluid movement. He was beautiful as he sat silhouetted against the cloudless azure sky, as I spoke,“So this is a blow job?” I asked quizzically.
Ronnie paused, sat up, and stared at me in astonishment as he answered me, somewhat amused, “Baby you really have led a sheltered life, which is one of the things I love about you! And yes, this is a blow job! How do you like it so far?”
“God, you’ve got to be kidding me! Can I have one of these every day? Please?” I said excitedly.
“As good as you taste, I’ll give you one whenever you want.” he happily replied.
I lay back and Ronnie continued, providing me with one of the most amazing experiences I had ever had. He deftly worked my harden flesh for a few minutes longer until I felt the familiar tightness in my groin beginning to build rapidly. My body tensed as my climax quickly approached, my stomach muscles tightening to a rock hard mass. I could feel the hot fluid buildup in my balls, accompanied by pre-release spasms, and then…
And then, Ronnie pulled away and sat up, leaving me in a painful, wanton condition. Moaning loudly, I lay there in frustration until my painful state forced me into a full groan.
“Ronnie, I’m going to kill you!” I screamed, unconvincingly.
Chapter 9
I open my eyes to see him gazing intently at me, examining every inch of my sweat drenched body. He picked one of my legs up and squirted oil on the underside, massaging it in from my calf down to my ass cheek. Then he did the same to the other leg. I just lay there somewhere between agony and ecstasy as he worked the oil into my glistening body. He applied a liberal amount of oil to my ass cheeks and crack, inserting the tip of the oil bottle into my opening, squirting a generous amount into my little love cannel. I felt the oil’s silky smoothness as it sensually flowed deep inside me meticulously coating the walls of my cavity.
Lifting my left leg, he began to delicately kiss the back of my ankle, methodically working his way down my calf stopping in the small of the knee. Once there, he concentrated on the soft fleshy area at the back of the knee. The effect was imperceptible, at first; however, as he continued to lightly lick and suck the erogenous patch, it became hypersensitive. A light tingling began to form radiating down from my knee up to my cock. As he worked the small of my knee with his lips and tongue, my groin responded to the rising electrical tingle coursing through my body. It was an incredibly erotic sensation. I also discovered that I’m what Ronnie calls a “Talker”.
“Whoa! God! Oh Baby! Listen you big stud, I don’t know what you’re doing, but that is the most incredible thing I’ve ever felt. Keep it up you big beautify thing! Hey, can I have seconds?” I said, rambling excitedly.
“Sweetheart!” he said in mock sterness, “Now, you’re making me laugh and that’s not a good thing at the moment, so just lay there and moan sweetly for me, okay!?”
I feigned a pout saying dutifully, “I can do that dear!”
“good girl!” he said approvingly.
With one of the hands now covered in baby oil, he began to very slowly stroke my large erection. God, it felt so good to have his hands on me, especially where they were right now. That definitely shut me up! I brought my feet up closer to my body leaving them flat on the blanket thus raising my knees to allow my hips to thrust upward into his willing mount. However, the sheer pleasure he was giving me caused me to move my knees out away from my body spreading my legs apart. I was totally exposed and I didn’t give a damn, all I knew was that I wanted this, and I wanted it badly. While I lay there moaning with pleasure at his every touch, he moved so that his thighs now touched the back of my upper thighs where they join my cheeks. His body felt wonderful next to mine, and in my aroused state his touch was electric. I yearned to have his hard muscled body pressed tightly against me. As if in answer to my desires; slowly his chest came to rest on mine. I opened my eyes and was immediately riveted in place by his penetrating gaze; my emerald green eyes never leaving his. Lowered himself onto me as he released his hold on my cock, his countenance was a sea awash with burning lust. The mere touch of his body resting atop my hot oil slick body was electrifying.
Every square inch of my body tingled and burned at his touch.
Slowly, deliberately, he lowered his mouth to meet mine culminating in an amazingly erotic and deeply sensual kiss, instantly taking my breath away. His tongue hungrily explored my mouth, as he forced it as far down my throat as he could possibly go. Quickly reversing his actions, he sucked my tongue greedily into his devoured it in a vice like grip, drawing it further into his waiting orifice. I was adrift in passions embrace and completely surrendered to him, lying back, and allowing him total access. Lost in the ecstasy of his eroticism, I became dimly aware that my legs were pressed against my body, my knees resting below my shoulders, supported by my lover’s arms. I don’t remember them being placed there. Also, something hot, hard, and wet was nuzzling my little button. Initially, only moving as he moved to kiss me; however, after a time I felt a firm and determined pressure against my little puckered hole. I was fearful as his manhood begin to exert greater pressure on my little love button. Somehow Ronnie sensed my anxiety and broke off his captivating kiss to look into my eyes as he spoke, “Listen, I know you will enjoy this, but you have to relax, it will go easier for you if you can. I’ve had two fingers in you and my cock is not that much thicker, so lay back and enjoy. I promise it’s going to be fine. The hardest part is getting the head in, after that I’ll go really slowly until you tell you want to go on or stop. Okay.” he said.
“I know you’ll love it” he said reassuringly.
“Do you trust me?” he asked
“You know I do.” I quickly replied.
“Do you love me? he asked playfully.
“More then anything.” I instantly snapped back.
With that he lowered his cock to my little button, using one hand to steady himself as he pushed that monster against my little hole. “It is definitely a tight little virgin ass” he said, as he struggled to get the head in my tight tunnel. Determined to go forward, I lay back, exhaled loudly, and concentrated on relaxing my entire body to make his entry easier.
My mind drifted aimlessly as I thought about how wonderful this was going to be, and how much I loved being with Ronnie. Oh God, I thought he was so hot and sexy, and I visualized his lean and muscular tan body, and his big cock in my mouth, hard and throbbing, and… Then I felt a plop as his cock head slipped into my tight dark place past my tight love button.
I tried to concentrate on Ronnie’s cock inside me, feeling him pushing ever deeper into my body; I quickly became aroused. My cock, which had been laying there lifeless, now sprung to life in seconds. Ronnie felt my hardness right away and smiled broadly down at me, verbally coaching and complimenting me as we progressed. He continued to work his very large member into my little body. After awhile he shifted and sat up a bit, picking up the oil bottle, he withdrew his cock a few inches. He poured oil on his entrenched member, and my love button, and started forcing it back in. He got a little past halfway I think, before the pain was unbearable and I yelled, “Stop! Oh God, it really hurts! You’re ripping me apart my love.”
“Do you want to quit? Is this hurting you too badly?? I’ll stop, okay? he was saying as he caressed my lips and cupped my cheek.
“No, no, I don’t think so, just let rest a moment and get used to the size of your wonderful cock, okay?” I panted. “I want you inside me, I just need a minute. Don’t pull out, please? Just stay hard as long as you can and I know I’ll come around. I really want this.” I said, doggedly.
He lay in my arms as I caressed his back and buttocks while he continued to excite me with deep lingering kisses that I have come to love so much. I would occasionally move ever so slightly to keep him hard and after ten minutes or so, he didn’t seem to be as tight, so I moved into him a little and felt him slide deeper into me. “The pains’ not too bad.” I thought. So, I pulled away from his kiss and told him I that I thought I was ready. He was such a gentle and considerate lover; he very, very slowly worked his cock in and out of me, agonizingly so at one point. I could feel myself opening to accommodate his size; he kept a snail’s pace to avoid hurting me, but I felt I was ready for his big tool, so as he began his forward movement, I quickly reached around, grabbed his cheeks and pulled him into me as hard as I could. His entire length slid smoothly and quickly into me, the base of his cock slamming against my love button. My gesture caught him completely off guard and he stopped with his very large member completely submersed in my body. I thought, “God he feels fantastic.”
Ronnie, startled by the severity, of his thrust asked, “Oh God Sweetheart, I’m sorry! Are you alright?”
“Wow, I feel like you are stuffing my entire body with your cock, my love.” I groaned happily.
“Did I hurt you?” he tentatively asked.
“No, I feel great; you were going too slowly so I had to give you a little push.” I squealed, “It’s actually exciting now that you are in me. It feels different, but good.” I panted happily.
“Do you want to go on Sweetheart?” he cautiously asked.
“You’re joking, right!? Yes! There’s no turning back now, I think the most painful part is over anyway. If it hurts I’ll let you know right away. Now make love me, please? I want to feel you inside me.” I pleaded.
Ronnie didn’t waste any time, but he was very careful as he slowly withdrew his
cock until the head was right at my button and then slowly pushed his shaft all
the way back in me up to its base. He was in me as far as he was going to go. He
kept up that pace for some time, as he moaned loudly with every stroke.
“Oh God you are sooo tight! You’re little cunt is squeezing the life out of my
cock Baby! I not going to last much longer if you keep massaging my dick like
that.” he moaned.
Besides the wonderful things that were spewing out of his mouth, I was starting to really enjoy his cock in my ass, especially as his cock head pulled across my prostate gland. I never knew this could feel so good. And I could feel every minute pulse of his cock as it throbbed in my ass. The longer he fucked me, the more enjoyable it became, and the more turned-on me on. I intentionally started gripping his big rod with my ass muscles to see if I could make him come prematurely. I was working on his cock with conviction, since this is about the only kind of control I cared about.
Ronnie was enjoying himself immensely; as he looked into my eyes he could see my pleasure as he stroked my ass. Finally, he spoke, “Do you like it Baby? Do you like my cock in your tight little cunt?”
“Oh God Yes! It feels sooo good. I love you cock deep in my cunt and the way you move in my ass. Keep fucking my tiny ass my love.” I moaned, in between thrusts.
I could tell that my obvious pleasure and excitement has really aroused him, but I could also tell he was still holding back to keep from hurting me. So, I decided to really bear down on his cock with my ass muscles, clinching him as he pulled out, and constricting my tunnel as he pushed back in. It was having the desired effect, but I needed something to push him over the edge because I was starting to enjoy his cock a little too much and was unsure how long I could hold out. Suddenly an idea came to me.
“Lover” I said. “I think I can call you Lover now, right?” I said sarcastically.
“Yes Sweetheart?” he grunted, as he continued to thrust into my little hole.
“You need to quit holding back. I’m fine. I’m feeling unbelievable and you aren’t going to hurt me. So, get off your ass and fuck me like I know you can stud!” I said eagerly.
With that Ronnie began to pound my body, assaulting my tight little ass with that lovely cock. I was feeling the love as my body tingled all over and my cock was rock hard and spewing precum. I thought to myself, “Was I fucking fired up or what!? Damn right I am.” I realized that I could now come simply by being fucked in the ass. “I feel fantastic!” I thought.
As I lay there with Ronnie pounding my little hole, I was in heaven. I felt
light as air as he stroked my ass and ravaged my body. I’d like to think I
brought him to the brink, as I screamed at him to fuck me harder and faster. He
was doing all the work, but I was enjoying the ride.
I felt the first spasms as his cock started to throb violently and its
circumference and head rapidly expanded in size. I could feel every contraction
of his tool, and the streams of hot cum he began injecting into my body. I lay
blissfully enjoying the moment as he continued to pump in and out of my now
slippery hole, and come, and come, and come. It seemed like he came forever as
he filled my love canal with large amounts of hot sticky fluid. There was so
much goo shooting into my body that as he continued to pump and come, his cum
was forced out of me in loud squirting, slurping sounds, which excited me even
more. I loved being able to hear him fucking me, it was a real turn-on.
I grabbed the back of his head and turned his ear to my lips as he unrelentingly hammered my body. Putting my mouth to his ear, I lightly tongued his ear and softly whispered, “Lover, don’t pull out; keep fucking me baby, I haven’t come yet. Come on my big stud, fuck the shit out of me, make me come, making me yours. “I Love you, I want you, and I want you to come in me again. It feels sooo damn good to have you in me my love.” I whispered, panting lustfully.
With that Ronnie lifted his head wearily, looked into my eyes and said, “You are one evil cunt; do you know that? You’re going to kill me before we make it past the honeymoon! You do have one sexy, tight, cunt though.” he exclaimed.
My little nothings whispered in his ear apparently did the trick because I could feel that nice hard cock pumping my ass again. I knew he wouldn’t last long this time, so I pulled him to me and humped into his thrusting member. I wanted him to make me come, so I drew him in and told him to release my legs, which he promptly did. I immediately wrapped them around his waist to give him better access to my little hole, and use them to pull him into me. I asked him to shove his cock as deep as he could get it because I wanted more.
He didn’t look up he just repositioned his body over mine and resumed pounding me, as he went for the gold. I was feeling the love about now and his member was filling me up like no tomorrow, when two hands grabbed my cum soaked ass cheeks, spread them as wide as they would go, and rolled me further up on my shoulder blades. He’s cock pulled out right up the head, there was a momentary pause, and then he slammed his tool into me with such force that I lost my breath for a moment. I could definitely tell he had entered some previously undiscovered territory. I was looking up at my cock and his abdomen watching him slam in and out of me. It was so sexy to be able to see myself being fucked by him, which is what probably pushed me over the edge. My body went from zero to sixty in a millisecond and a huge orgasm overtook me with very little warning. I tensed spasmodically, as an intense rush of energy swept over my body flooding my senses. My muscle contracted violently, my stomach muscles knotted, and I came, and boy did I come.
When my time finally came to release my load, I lost all sense of presence and my surroundings. I vaguely remember that in my “ass up” position, when I came I shot a good bit of my own cum into my mouth, as I was screaming, causing a gurgling sound as I continued to attempt to scream. Apparently, my violent muscle contractions were enough to push Ronnie into coming, but I evidently went cum crazy because as he exclaimed, “I’m coming! I’m coming!”, I rolled my hips down dislodging his cock and pulled him into my mouth taking his entire load for the fourth time in less than 24 hours. I was so horny that I flopped back down, lifted my legs and told him to put it back in me before he went soft and fuck my ass some more. He dutifully complied and pumped away at my sloppy hole.
Would you believe it!? After five minutes he got hard again, so I practiced working his cock with my ass muscles and had him coming in me again in less than ten minutes. A small victory, but I was very proud of myself for figuring out how to use those muscles. Ronnie has told me on more than one occasion that he loves what I can do with my ass. The big guy says I’m insatiable and that he may have created a monster. That’s BS, he loves every minute of it.
Anyway, my lover finally collapsed on top of my body totally exhausted. I couldn’t bring him back from the dead, believe me I tried. Eventually, my poor spent Love drifted off into a deep sleep, his head resting on my shoulder, as we lay in the early afternoon sun.
Pleasantly warm and satisfied, I held the object of my affection tightly in my arms as he slept. While lying there thinking of my lover, and the moment that would be forever indelibly etched in my memories, I was fully aware we would never again be able to duplicate the passion and love we’d shared when he claimed my virginity. But, I cherished and accepted it for what it was, and nothing more, a wonderful moment forever captured in time.
As I lay motionless, Ronnie sleeping soundly in my arms, the long fingers of early afternoon’s shadows creeping ever onward, encroaching silently into the domain of the sun; I experience a brief moment of absolute perfection and contentment. Drifting formlessly, skirting the limitless boundaries of my twilight realm, I glimpsed at wondrous possibilities; of what is, and what could be; there in the stillness of that early afternoon, for the briefest moment, secure in nature’s embrace among the rolling fields of alfalfa, stalks swaying gently in the breeze, I Dreamed, Oh how I Dreamed...
The series continues in: The Long Hot Summer - The Far Place.
The girl next door makes me masturbate, i want to fuck, so im going to:) |
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