Sweet Catherine
Catherine ground herself over her husband’s cock. Her arms were pinned again and the thought of the other men looking down her blouse swirled in her head. She quickly reached another orgasm and was cumming again when her husband tensed and started ejaculating. He remained on top of her with his cock still semi-firm as he worked it slowly in and out of her. Catherine kept her legs splayed, offering her very sloppy pussy for his enjoyment.
“Are you going to do some more flashing for me tomorrow?” Len asked. He could feel the warm fluid leaking and dripping from his balls and he continued slopping his dick in and out of his wife while waiting for her response. She took a moment to answer.
“I could probably take the hem up on some of my skirts…”
“And go without panties?” Len tried.
“I don’t know about that – maybe if the right situation came up, but not just anywhere.”
“Maybe you could give poor old Mister Logan another show when you’re hanging the washing out next time.”
“Is that what you want me to do?” Catherine braced herself as her husband ground more firmly into her. He seemed to be hardening again and she wasn’t far from another orgasm.
“I want you to wear something special for him sweetheart. I want you to make sure he has a good time watching you.”
“Ok…” Catherine uttered. Len’s thrusts were forcing the breath from her. “And you can take me to the restaurant again if you want… and I’ll show that waiter again.”
Len erupted just as his wife started crushing her body to his chest. He completely drained himself inside of her and held her through her orgasm. She was all shy and cuddly afterwards and he fell asleep stroking her, and without attempting to push things any further.
The next morning he woke to find Catherine had been up for an hour and she was busy with the house work. He watched her vacuuming and fussing about in a short yellow skirt and a white t-shirt. He was watching the Saturday news program but kept an eye on her. She would regularly glance over her shoulder to see if he was looking. She would smile and teasingly she was wiggling her butt or it seemed, deliberately bending at the waist, which caused her skirt to lift nicely and reveal that she had on white lace panties. Len offered a little nod or an appreciative raise of his eyebrows from time to time – just to let her know he had noticed how short her skirt was all of a sudden. “Did you take that hem up this morning?” he finally asked.
“Ah ha… do you like?”
“Yes I like… do you feel like trying it out on someone?”
“On who?”
“Well, when I was chatting with our lonely old neighbor I told him I’d lend him a book I have – would you like to take it over and introduce yourself?”
“Me? On my own?”
“Sure! Why not? Just to be neighborly…”
Catherine approached her husband, instinctively brushing her skirt down and visibly nervous. “I guess I could.”
“That t-shirt looks good too sweetheart.”
“What – this?”
“Yeah… but how about slipping your bra off. That way he’ll be able to get a better look at your titties sort of moving around, and at your nipples if they stay hard and poke out like that.”
Catherine leant close, moving between her husband’s knees and looking down at him as he stroked the back of her thighs. The events of the previous night had been on her mind all morning; churning in her mind, and she hadn’t been able to sit down with the anticipation of being shown off again. She’d been wondering what her husband might come up with and had adjusted her skirt in the hope that it would inspire him to think of something. “Are you sure you want this?” she asked him. “It scares me but I’ll do it if you really want me to.”
“I definitely want you to sweetheart. I can’t explain why but last night was incredible, don’t you think?”
“Yes it was… I don’t understand why either but I’ve been thinking about it all morning.”
Len pulled her closer and kissed her belly. “Will you take this off?” he asked softly, slipping his hand up to her bra clasp and releasing it. She cuddled his head and kissed it and he held her close for another moment before allowing her to step back. She slipped her bra through her sleeve and shyly held her arm across her breasts. He caught her hand and held her there for a moment. “Show me,” he said softly and she lowered her arm to reveal her nipples poking at her t-shirt, and they were clearly visible through it. “It’s a bit old and thin isn’t it?”
“I know… It’s only for around the house when I’m cleaning.”
Len went over to the bookshelf and collected the book. He handed it to his wife and she clutched it to her stomach. She was blushing and seemed reluctant to look up at him so he lifted her chin and kissed her softly. “You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.”
“I do want to.” Catherine returned. “I want to do it for you… and for him.”
“For him?” Len felt his heart begin to thump.
“I want him to enjoy looking at me,” Catherine went on. Her cheeks were on fire but she met her husband’s eyes bravely. “Like those men last night did,” she went on, with the fear and apprehension melting away, and suddenly she was ready.
Len walked her to the front door and watched her walk up the footpath and along to the gate of the neighbor’s house. She never looked back at him but he imagined she had set her mind and couldn’t look back for fear of chickening out. Mister Logan’s yard was a forest of shrubs and he lost sight of his wife as she entered. He stood for a while, expecting her to re-emerge, but after ten minutes or so he went back inside. He watched the clock for another fifteen minutes before anxiously striding back out to the front door and from there he heard Catherine’s laugh, which settled his concern for her safety, but did nothing to quell the thumping of his heart. He went back inside to wait, and another half hour passed before Catherine breezed through the door and plopped on his lap.
“Well?” Len managed to get out, but his voice had failed him.
“Well – he’s lovely.”
“Yes – he’s a very nice man with an incredible garden, which I got the full royal tour of.”
“His garden huh… and did he spend the whole time looking at flowers?”
“No. He spent the whole time looking at me! My god it was amazing! He never took his eyes off my breasts and my legs – I’ve been thoroughly looked over and I loved it.”
“Oh you did?” Len said softly, slipping his hand between his wife’s legs and feeling into the crotch of her little panties.
Catherine lifted and parted her legs a little. “Feel how wet I am?” she cooed. “My god – he was so direct about it. He didn’t try to hide the fact that he was looking at me – he just walked close beside me looking down over my shoulder at my boobs, and whenever I bent down to look at something he leant around behind me and had a look at my panties… Oh honey it felt so good to know he was looking at them – when he was doing it I just pretended to be really interested in the flowers and I’d lean right down to sniff them. And do you know he has a little garden shed and on top of it he has some seedlings in pots – and he’s got a ladder to get up there… Well, he made me climb up and he got in underneath me and had a look up between my legs. I just froze when he did that. I just stood on the top of the ladder until he’d finished, and he knew I was waiting for him to look for as long as he wanted to. When I was standing up there he even said how pretty my skirt was and when I looked down at him he was just smiling and looking directly up it. I don’t know – I said thanks or something silly like that but I felt my face going red and I couldn’t keep looking down at him so I just pretended to be interested in the pot plants and I stayed there until he told me to come down so he could show me his greenhouse.”
Len had his fingers in his wife and his cock was solid and throbbing beneath her butt. He freed it and forced it in through the side of her panties. She straddled him and started slowly grinding herself against him. “He even touched me one time,” she whispered into his ear and Len nearly shot his load right then.
“He touched you?”
“Ah ha… It was when I was leaving. We had to step over this little fence and I got my foot caught in this wire stuff and I sort of stumbled against him.”
“Where did he touch you?” Len asked breathlessly.
“My breasts – he caught me from falling with his arm around my waist and his big hand was over my boob for a while. He didn’t try to feel me or anything – he just sort of held me and he didn’t let go straight away…”
Catherine’s orgasm ripped through her body and she felt her husband thrust up hard and ejaculate. She collapsed against him and he held her for a long moment before she sat up and met his eyes.
Len was puffing and smiling. He chuckled, “well I’m fucked… literally.”
“Oh you poor old man – does that mean I’ll have to go next door if I want some more today?”
“Guess you will sweetheart – sounds like you’ve got a willing enough admirer over there.”
Catherine kissed her husband and gave his cock a little squeeze with her pussy but it had softened and it slipped out. “You could always use the dildo on me if you want…”
“Do you want?” Len returned.
“I might later – I’m still feeling sort of horny.”
“Hmmm… well it seems showing off for Mister Logan certainly got you going then.”
“God yes! It was incredible. And he wants me to come back for another visit too – he asked me if I’d call in for a coffee later this week, after he gets back from visiting his sister. He wants to show me his indoor plants.”
“He does? And what did you say?”
“I said I would – is that ok?”
Len drew his wife close and kissed her. “When?”
“He said he’d be back on Wednesday and that I could call in that afternoon.”
“That’s good, but we’ll have to think of what you should wear – maybe a top that’s a bit more revealing?”
“Ok…” Catherine agreed softly. “And maybe I could wear my sexy panties for him.”
Len chuckled to himself. The idea of planning how to dress his wife up for display was absurd but that’s exactly what they were doing. “This is very naughty,” he said to her, meeting her lips again.
That night in bed Len started by going down on his lady and bringing her to one orgasm, then he inserted the dildo and gave her some pleasure a little deeper while teasing her about what Mister Logan would like to be doing to her. She ground herself to a second orgasm before pushing his arm away and rolling onto his chest.
Len stroked her softly until her breathing settled. He thought calmly about their adventures that day; about deliberately showing his wife. He thought of Karl Logan standing under a ladder looking directly up Catherine’s skirt. “Did you enjoy it when Mister Logan touched you sweetheart?”
Catherine took a moment to respond. “He didn’t deliberately do it.”
“No, but you said he held your tittie for longer than he needed to… Did you like that?”
“I don’t know… I guess.” Catherine wriggled up a bit and kissed her husband. “So – what are you saying?”
“Just that it’s kind of interesting to know you like it when men touch you.”
“Interesting – how interesting?”
“I don’t know yet. Let me think about it.”
Catherine snuggled back to her husband’s chest and yawned. “You can think all you want but don’t get any big ideas about letting men touch me…” she said finally.
Len left things there that night and Monday morning all returned to normal. He’d been off work for the week to move house but it was back to it. Monday night was the usual tv programs and a cuddle before an early night. Tuesday was much the same but while making love Len mentioned that Catherine had a date for coffee tomorrow and she seemed to respond.
“Do you still want to do some flashing?” Len asked tentatively, after cuddling up to go to sleep.
“I think so,” Catherine said softly. She’d gone a little cold on the idea after the weekend but with Wednesday approaching she started to feel a little excitement again. “I might even wear my new panties tomorrow,” she added, squirming back against her husband’s cock.
“Will you wait until I get home from work?”
“Of course!”
Len hurried to work early the next day and finished so he could be home by four. Catherine was in the bath and he found the book he’d leant Karl Logan on the kitchen table. His heart started thumping immediately.
“Can I come in?” he asked, cracking the bathroom door open.
“Yes, come in,” Catherine called back cheerily. “Hello honey. Have you had a nice day?”
“It was ok. Seemed to go on and on… How was yours?”
“Fine. I got lots of unpacking done… And I had a visitor.”
“Yeah, I saw the book.” Len was sitting on the edge of the bath. He noticed Catherine’s pussy was freshly shaved with only a tiny thatch of hair remaining above her clit. “So he came over then?”
“Ah ha… he called in just before lunch.”
“And what?” Catherine was smiling and blushing.
“Did something happen?” Len asked thickly.
“Umm… sort of…”
“Sort of what exactly?”
“Well, I invited him in and he stayed for a while watching me unpack some boxes on the living room floor. I was sitting with my knees up sometimes and letting him see my panties, and I let him see me on my hands and knees and I was wearing a loose dress and no bra. I did that once and he seemed to enjoy it so I did it a few more times while I was moving the boxes around. I think he even got an erection.”
“I’ll bet he did. Where was he – was he standing or sitting?”
“He was sitting on the couch and I was in the middle of the floor, and when I was on my hands and knees I made sure I was facing him so he could see down my front – and I couldn’t feel my dress touching so I think he saw my nipples,” Catherine went on, watching her husband squirm.
Catherine stood and Len passed her the towel. He watched her dry herself and followed her into the bedroom. “Why don’t you wear a blouse this time sweetheart… and maybe you could leave it open at the top again?”
“I was thinking about that. Do you want me to? I was thinking of my pink one because it’s fitted and it will stay open if I leave the top buttons undone. And that way he’ll be able to see me completely.”
“And which panties? The see-through white ones?”
Catherine nodded. “Do you want to see?”
She had them on the dresser and quickly slipped them on. Len could see the tiny patch of hair distinctly and he could see the folds of her pussy and the slit between them. “He’ll like that,” he said to his wife, causing her to blush.
“Go and let me get ready then,” she said, pushing him away as he tried to move in for a squeeze and a feel.
Len waited in the living room for half an hour before Catherine came from the bedroom. She had on a short denim skirt and the pink blouse with the top two buttons undone. He pulled her close and kissed her passionately.
“Why don’t you let him touch you a bit…”
“Touch me how? I don’t want to have sex with him.”
“No. I just mean like… umm… maybe you could pretend to have a pain in your shoulder and see if he offers to rub it for you. Or maybe get him to rub your calf or whatever. If he was going to try to grope you I think he would have done it by now.”
“I guess I could maybe do that…” Catherine said softly. “And I know he’s going to want to look at me again.”
“Tell me everything when you get back ok?”
“Ok… I’ll only stay until six.”
Len only walked to the front door and stood until his wife was out of sight. He was pleased to know that he had an hour to wait this time and he kept busy starting dinner and having a shower. Six o’clock came and went and it was almost seven by the time Catherine came home flushed and excited. He tried to confront her but she brushed past and hurried to the bathroom.
Len waited anxiously. His mind was swirling and his cock was firming. Catherine spent at least fifteen minutes in the bathroom before she returned wearing a bath robe. She was brushing her wet hair and smelt of fresh soap. She didn’t meet Len’s eyes immediately and he waited.
“So, what happened?” he finally asked, attempting to sound calm.
Catherine smiled but bit down on her lip. She had sat down beside her husband with her heart fluttering. She turned to him and leant into his chest. She lifted and kissed him softly. “I love you…” she said sweetly.
“Did he fuck you?” Len blurted out.
Catherine shook her head. “No, but he did touch me down there… but only through my panties… he really liked my panties.”
“Tell me,” Len demanded. He felt relieved knowing that things hadn’t gone too far and now he wanted details.
“Well, first we had coffee and he showed me his indoor plants like he said he would. He was just telling me all about them and watching me – mostly he was trying to look down my blouse. Then the last room he showed me was his study – which is like a library, with a whole wall of books. And he had a step ladder there and that’s when he wanted to have a look up my skirt. He said ‘would you climb up and get a book for me?’ and when I did he came in close beneath me and he stroked my thigh – not inside – just on the outside. I looked down at him but he was staring at my panties and I watched him lean around to the front. ‘Can I feel them?’ he said, and I nodded – I don’t think I could have spoken right then I was so nervous. And then he sort of felt me with the edge of his finger. He rubbed it against me really softly – sort of opening me but only through my panties. I just held onto the bookshelf and let him move my legs open. I thought he was going to finger me but he didn’t – he just kept rubbing me real slow and soft and I nearly came before he suddenly stopped.”
Len had his cock out and he was massaging the head and hanging on what his wife would say next. She’d paused and she was arched back in the couch, pressing against her inner-thighs, and with her eyes closed. She seemed to collect herself, then she continued.
A conjunctive story with myself and Sabu! Humorous story about two very odd people... |
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