Surprised girlfriend!
I boarded my train, found my seat and got settled! Took my bag pulled out a photograph, then had a good look and slided it back!
'Ina', my girlfriend, it had been 5 months since she moved to my place. She used to be very upset, until I made her life colorful.. She started to like my company. Day by day I got to know her, one day she mentioned about her old boyfriend .. 'the pervert' .. 'bastard', she called with different names. Well. He played a bad role in her life .. After being yet more closer to me Ina mentioned why she left him.
'It was because the guy had recorded their intimate scene and showed to his
and her many friends'. That not only surprised Ina but also drove her anguish
and humiliated .. and she left him. While he initially tried to convey her in
his way .. apologized for 1000 times, but she was adamant..!!
She shed tears remembering it. Well. I tried my best to make her laugh and
forget her past .. on right time proposed her. She took her time, and accepted.
one glance of her photograph re-winded the flashback.. It would take 5 hours to reach my town, train was on its way! it reached a small station while I was trying to pass time by reading a book. A young voice distracted my concentration, "Is anyone here?" he asked pointing to my bag kept on opposite seat! I fumbled .. "oh sorry no one! please take ur seat!" and grabbed my bag..
He smiled and sat down. I found him to be nice guy by looks. He equaled me in
most of the aspects. I found the book to be boring, so I tried to break the
silence.. "hi! this is avin, ur self?" I stretched my hands..
he responded shaking my hand "MANNY"! and smiled again!
"so, are you a student?" ..
he replied "no! job" paused.. "and u?"
the conversation went for few minutes.. We both felt nice about each other,
so we shared personal and family info..
During the conversation I mentioned about my new gf .. showed him her picture ..
he patted by shoulder and congratulated "you have a nice gf" and gave a broad
How about you? I asked..
He replied "well I am single .. actually I like men!"
we had few seconds of silence..
He tried to patch it up "well. sorry for the bad introduction! I am sorry ..
please don't..."
"No that's fine!" I cut his awkward moment! "it's really fine!" I smiled.. "I
respect homosexuality" I added..
Then we discussed many more things .. including human tendency to
homosexuality etc .. I admitted that 'even I like it'! but I never encountered!
and I don't wanna try..
Train reached our destination, we shared our number, he gave me a warm hug and
we departed !!
The last few minutes of our meet was peaking in my thoughts now and then ..
After reaching my home, I tried to reach Ina, but got news from her that she was out of town.. To be honest, we never made a love! I had fear about my tiny penis, I was afraid that if she discovers then she would break-up! I diplomatically declined her soft and indirect ways of proposals of making love!
After two days, I got a call from manny .. he called me for lunch .. since my gf was out of town, I joined him. After lunch he invited me to his home! I hesitated but couldn't deny as he insisted ..
It was nice house! we passed some time watching movie in his bedroom. I felt my bag full so I wanted to use bathroom! I observed manny was taking nap, I went to bathroom. Strange! it didn't have a bolt or latch from inside! so I had to just close it.. anyways manny was asleep so I started to pee facing towards the door (well that is how toiled was built as) .. suddenly manny pushed door and came in .. he felt awkward and so was I. He apologized "oh! sorry! I didn't know you are using it!"
I managed to say "that's fine" though it wasn't ..
He had quick look of my penis by corner of his eyes before leaving the bathroom
As I came out .. he went in and had his time .. he returned and sat on sofa
next to me .. "you have a small and cute one" he commented.. smirked!
"well.. yah"..
"wanna take a look of mine?" he offered ..
then I was like "ah no.. " but he took his tool out before I could say it..
It was damn huge .. it was atleast 5 inch even when it was soft as sponge ..!!
"take out yours!" he forced his hands on mine ..
"oh please .. It's embarrassing" I pleaded ..
My mind ruled over body and I let him have his way with me .. He opened my
buckle .. I lifted my hip and he pulled my pants down ..
He took off my shirt as well.. and I got rid of my underwear .. My semi erect
cock was trying its best to compete .. it was almost 2.5 inches .. while looking
at my nude body his cock extended by more than 6 inch ..
he quickly got undressed!
held my hands and took me to bedroom .. I was just being driven by the lust!
I laid on my back as he rubbed my tool like a small toy .. It turned me on by looking at his huge 8 inch fully erected penis and balls which were more than double in size compared to mine!
I got up and I started making love with his cock! I sucked I licked.. I
kissed it 100 times.. I made him moan by taunting his huge balls. I could take 4
inches inside .. then he held my head and forced all 8 inches in! it was kinda
gag but I loved to manage it !! He thrust it for 10 mins then asked me to bend
on four ..
I closed my eyes, as it was my first encounter with 8 inch cock! he took his
time! asked me if I was fine! after every inch of thrust!
Soon I got all 8 inch in! He fucked me hard for 10 mins while pumping my dick! then we jacked each others dick, he forced his cock in my mouth! Both our cum shot out at once, I drank his sweet cum .. We lied and rested for an hour ..
I got up when I heard door bell ringing .. and noticed that manny already
gone to answer .. I wondered who it could be and wrapped bedsheet around my
vest. I heard some familiar voice!
As I tried to figure, I heard manny "Like I told ! I have a surprise for you"!
"what is that!?" again a familiar female voice!
"this way! in bedroom"! a second passed AND there she was !!! I wish if earth
beneath me could collapse!!
"AVIN!"!!!!!! "what the hell?" .. her eyes wide open INA yelled!
"INA!?? you are here?" .. I just couldn't believe!
"Well. cock-less boy! you are caught! red handed!" manny entered with a
villain smile .. and devilish voice!
"Manny! what is going on?"
Ignoring my question .. manny switched on the TV!! .. I got one more surprise !!
There I was in video, sucking his cock, playing with his huge balls .. taking
him up my ass!
INA couldn't believe her own eyes! they were as wide as they could possibly
be, her mouth was too wide open and covered by her palm!
My iny miny cock was clearly visible in the video and it was looking like a
nipple in front of MANNY's ..
The video ended!!
Ina gave a disgusting look! I was helplessly looking once at Ina and once at
manny .. I still didn't get how this all happened with me!! INA turned away and
started to walk out of bedroom!
I cried "I'm sorry INA.. actually"
"sorry for what?" she turned and shouted louder!
"for being a gay? or for not having a dick? or for being a sissy cock
she continued "how could you even think of sharing life with you? .. with that
your worm? .. I can't even feel it inside me!" .. I was trembling .. looked down
with shame .. once turned my eyes on MANNY, with a question mark on my face ..
INA Left towards door!
Manny was looking at me, then he went behind INA! I collapsed on bed!
after 10 mins, manny entered bedroom, I was still wrapped by bed sheet! I
asked in with full of tears in my eyes "why did yo u do this to me?"
he whispered "sorry friend! I am her ex-boyfriend!"
continued "I planned it in train when you showed me her picture! .. I wanted to false prove that you are a gay.. but your small cock turned out to be huge jackpot for me.. She hadn’t believed my false story about you being gay! But now she saw her bare eyes and that too your 3 INCH MICRO COCK! I could find an opportunity to apologize and convey her to forgive my past mistakes .. she is mine now!"
"well I don't want to see you disappointed so I have made an arrangement.. She will take revenge on you and I am damn sure you will like it" and he winked and he left!
He came with Ina inside bedroom! Ina wasn't really tensed now! Manny searched
his cupboards and found strap-on! .. Ina's angry face was now converted to
sarcastic humor!
Manny suggested "com'on you can't wear it on cloths! strip down!"
"MANNY this is madness!" she laughed covering her mouth by 3 fingers .. she
looked as sexy as always ..
with hell amount of hesitation she stripped and wore strapon! I already had
understood what was the next!
it was 8 inch dildo hanging infront of Ina now.. Manny was nude as well.. he
pumped himself to get hard on ..
comparing ina's dildo with his 8 dick, he complimented Ina "well! we both lie
in same level now!" !
INA grinned looking at manny .. she then tried to shake it side ways and
INA climbed bed .. I was on my knees and she stood hanging her pseudo dick right infront of my face and commanded ! "I wanna take revenge on you! suck it now!". This was turning me on! But I still hesitated! "com'on!!" she shouted! she held my head and forced her dick into my mouth! It was not as fun as sucking real one, but being HUMILIATED is something special!
she forced it deep my throat! I gagged! she took it out completely and forced
in again!
"HAHA I'M LOVING IT" she screamed and announced!!
after five minutes! "OHK on your four! quick" she ordered!
I turned around facing my puffy but cheeks towards her .. I bent and landed
on my knees and palms! manny stretched my knees for providing better position to
Ina and tied them by rope ..
Ina was slapping my sweet cheeks with her dildo! she brushed tip of the dildo on
my butt-whole violently!! .. I moaned .. "oh we both are enjoying" she taunted!
"You are playing like an expert!" Manny complimented Ina,
Ina let a louder laugh "shut up! this is all ur idea! Well I am enjoying it
anyways!!" .. she moved back and she slapped my sweet puffy butt cheeks a 10-15
times .. then came back to position ..
Manny showed mercy on me and applied Vaseline before ina started thrusting!
Ina pushed inch by inch .. she held my hips for support clinching her lips between her teeth.. pushed with her best power while I closed my eyes and clinched my teeth!! She went all 8 inches in and hooted letting nostrils and mouth bust air out!!
Manny went behind her .. placed his hands between her butt cheeks.. reached
her clitoris and started rubbing .. gaining more excitement because of that, Ina
started thrusting inside me with more power.. she was screaming with pleasure
"Oh I really like it haha” looking up the ceiling !
she was slapping my butt every now and then! Her thighs pressing my puffy but
made me hard on!
Manny now came infront of me and made his dick kiss my face .. with his hands
he forced it in my eyes, nose and mouth .. until I opened my mouth ..
He started fucking my mouth as I was jacking my cock with left hand while
resting my body on my knees and right hand .. meanwhile ina holding my hip firm
with her right hand .. she was pleasing herself with left hand by rubbing her
fingers on her clit!
10 mins and manny shot in my mouth! He grunted before emptying his cup completely .. jacked off to let some more out .. that he painted on my face!!
He then moved behind Ina, taking her left hand off her butt, he placed his
right hand and started rubbing her clitoris violently .. because of which she
started fucking me wild !! that made me jack my cock rudely to compete the pain
with pleasure .. Her thighs pressing my puffy but made me even pleasureful !!
I started moaning as I reached to orgasm and Ina also started moaning louder and
louder.. I shot on bed .. she let her fluid flow in manny's hand ..
manny painted her juices on my butt cheeks .. while Ina finished the fucking
with last slow thrusts ..
She departed from me .. And I collapsed on bed!
Ina hugged me and I slept keeping my head closed by her arms .. manny slept on
her laps ..
we got up after 20 minutes of rest!
It was a puzzle moment when we got up. I apologized for my all mistakes! I
told with tears in my eyes "I was just trying to keep you happy .. And I can do
anything for that" continued "and that is why I didn't have sex with you
earlier, Because I knew you would be disappointed"
Ina replied heart felted "I am sorry for being rude on you! .. But I guess you
understand what girl's need is"
I said "yes I do.. I don't mind as long as you are happy, And I can do
anything for you" !
Ina force smiled ..
Manny added "I am sorry for playing with your feelings friend! you are such a nice person!" I said "well. that's fine, it's not like I hate being humiliated" I winked looking at Ina,
Ina smirked "ahha! well! I don't have problem doing it again! haha"
Manny nodded,, neither do I have problem and winked at both of us ..
** NO END ;) **
Getting busy with the choir director and his brother... |
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