Steamy Pott Cookie
As i walked through the doors of Ashelys parentless house i instantly knew i was going to have an amazing time. The music was blasting and the smell of rum made my mouth water. It was already packed with people of all ages. The plan for the night was a sleep over party after the crouds of people emptied out. It was an all girls party and i was definitly looking forward to it. Needless to say, i didnt know what was going to make this party even more live then it already had become.
i was sitting with a group of girls on the rugged carpet floor playing an intence game of spin the bottle. When the door opened and this girl walked through. i could vagly see her from where i was sitting in the circle. Something about her made me extremly i got up and went to talk to her. She smiled and with a shakie voice said her name was Daniella. I couldnt help but eye her up and down... she was diffrent then anyone i've seen here. She wore black short shorts that lipped her upper thy hold together with a black rocker belt that hung bellow, what i imagened to be a tight pussy. she had on a black tank top and her pale skin was mezmorising.
I loved everything about her and her hazel eyes seemed to send shivers
through out my body. i got so wet thinking how she might look underneith her
i felt drawn to her, and missed her when she wasnt in the room, next to me.. i
wanted her... i wanted her real bad! my heart skipped a beat when i saw her and
she said in a higher pitch voice "Emily i was looking everywhere for you" she
grabbed my shirt and tugged me to the kitchen, as i gracefully followed. She
made me several diffrent shots and we dranked the night away together untill we
couldnt drink no more. the once new bottle of Green Apple Sour Puss was now
empty and hollowed.
it was 3:30 at night when people started to leave.. i was still with Daniella
laughing at nothing. "ill be right back" she said and got up and slowly walked
to the stairs. I lost sight of her moments later. i closed my eyes and couldnt
help but to drift away.... having fantacis of plunging my fingers into her tight
pussy as i powerfully kissed and licked her body up and down untill she was
completly wet with my juice.
i awoke with shock as my body shivered with excitment. i looked around and
saw sevral familiar faces asleep bellow me. i slowly got up and noticed that one
of my hands was plunged into my pants. as i took it out cumm was drowling down
my leg. Luckily everyone was asleep i quietly went to the master bathroom
awkwardly found on the lower floor, i cleaned myself up and went to the kitchen.
sevral other girls slept in there underwears or pjs, were now in the kitchen
laughing and singing to the songs playing on the radio, ashley was amoungst
i helped clean up, by picking the empty bottles of alchole off of the ground.
when i hearded foot steps coming down the stairs and a familiar voice entered
the kitchen " wow thats fucking loud " with a giggle afterwards. i jumped up
from behind the rich red oak cabbnets and saw daniella leaning against the entry
way wall with nothing but a black billy talent T-shirt,that reached down to her
knees. i jolted up and swung my arms around her neck pulling her in for a hug,
her arms recived and were placed around my waist. We smiled and laughed at the
night previouse.
it was 2:30 in the afternoon and things were settling down the house was cleaned and everyone was sitting in the family room watching a chick flick. the only people that werent in that room where in the kitchen, which was me daniella and ashley. we both disided to have some fun and be rebelious children. so ashley dug into her pants and pulled out this clear bag full of weed. So we made POTT COOKIES (: it took us about and hour and half to completly bake them. Daniella had 4 cookies and i had 5. what can i say i love pot cookies. Ashley got the rest and gave it to the girls in the other room.
Another movie began and it was daniellas choice. of course it was her favorite movie "The Runaways" we firmliy establish each other, i was Cherri and she was Joan Jett... who was very much a tern on. the movie didnt officially came out so we were watching diffrent clips of it. After we gave up serching for any other clips i disided to go for a walk, we both were completly high and the blood in body was pulsing to do bad.
The Professor’s sexiest student, Julia, moved into his house so that she could do whatever he wanted... |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting