Spoils of war
Women have always been among the spoils of war. The winning armies through the centuries have ravaged the women of their defeated enemies. It was no different in the small South American country of Morena in the 1970s. A coup against the government had been launched in the capital by a group of rebel officers led by General Alvarez Sanchez. It had been supported and encouraged by several foreign corporations that wanted the left wing government replaced with one more favourable to their plans for mineral and oil exploration in the country.
The government was caught by surprise and never really had a hope. Their forces were smaller than the rebels and were soon surrounded in a small part of the city. Trapped inside the main central hotel were high officials and their families. They had fled their when the fighting erupted but the fighting had come closer until it was only a few blocks away.
As the situation worsened, fear grew within the plush hotel. It was crowded with women and children. The rebels knew that inside were some of the most desireable women in the country. General Sanchez certainly knew how to encourage his troops. "I promise you men that when we are victorious you will be playing with the wives and daughters of the bastards who've run this ocuntry for too long," he said.
The prospect of rape spurred on the soldiers. "President's wife is there and his daughters," said one. "Gringo pussy too. I want a blonde yankee with big tits." The General would have first pick and then his officers but the men would also have their choice.
Sanchez knew the women besieged in the hotel who had always looked down their noses at him at official functions because he did not come from a good family and have social connections. They'd not be so proud when his men got inside their knickers down, he thought,
President Valquez knew it was only a matter of time. He had tried to get aid but been ignored. The fate of his country was of minor interest and neighbouring countries were hostile. He could expect little mercy from the rebels. Prison at best. He feared for his wife, Maria, and two teenage daughters. Maria had been a Miss South America and even in her early 40s was still ravishing, while the girls were young copies of her. He had made an attempt to parlay with Sanchez under a white flag.
"Unconditional surrender," said Sanchez. "No deals. If you don't surrender there will be widespread bloodshed. I won't be able to control them at the end." " At least allow the women and children to leave the city," replied the president. "No one leaves," he replied,
"But can you guarantee the women will not be molested?" asked the president. "No, I cannot. Fighting makes a man even more eager for a woman afterwards." There had already been reports of widespread rape throughout the city. "But these are women and girls from the highest circles. You must protect them." "Why? My men want their rewards for victory. Who am I to deprive them."
The president knew it was hopeless. To fight on would mean carnage, with no prospect of mercy. "I have no alternative, Maria," he said.
'We have to surrender." She nodded, tears in her eyes. The news soon spread in the hotel ballroom where the families were gathered. Among them was the classy Carina Lau-Lopez, the chinese Hongkong wife of the country's defence chief. A former beauty queen and actress, she'd met Pedro a few years earlier while he was a diplomat in Hongkong. Carina had recently divorced and fell head over heels in love with the suave South American.
She'd married him, given up everything in her show business career and moved to Morena with her teenage daughter who was now 16 and developing fast into a gorgeous copy of her mother. Six months ago at the age of 38 Carina had given birth to a son who now slept in her arms. Despite the birth, she'd retained her slim figure which boasted a large bust for a Chinese that had helped her as an actress.
Like the other women, she was fearful for herself and children. It was a misfortune for her that Sanchez was a bitter enemy of her huband, who he blamed for keeping him from the top military post. When it came to choosing a woman the vengeful general would enjoy fucking his wife and step daughter. Another Chinese was Connie Mak-Smith, married to a South African adviser to the government, Henrik. She was only 26 and really cute as only young oriental women can be. Her two year old son tugged at the hem of her tight skirt as she talked to Carina. "What will happen. Surely they won't harm us," she said. "Sanchez is a bastard. You can't tell what he'll do."
Her husband tried to be reassuring but Carina could see the fear in his face. She kissed him before he went with the president and other officials to surrender. The firing had stopped. There was an eerie silence. More than 100 women and children were gathered in the ballroom and the tension was high. Rape was in the mind of every woman. although unspoken by many. Some were with their husbands, others didn't know what had happened to them in the confusion of the coup.
Young children cried or shouted, playing among themselves. But their older sisters were quiet, sharing the anxieties of their mothers. Then came the noise of soldiers shouting, some shots outside, and the sound of boots. Sanchez strode into the ballroom grinning, with his senior officers and a crowd of his men herding in the president, Carina's husband and other officials.
His gaze swept round the room as did the eyes of the soldiers surveying the scared women. "Right," he shouted "Men against the right wall, women left." There was shouting and cries as the soldiers moved in to separate them. Any man who tried to argue received a rifle butt to the head or body, and there was blood. Women screamed. Soldiers herding the women took the opportunity to grope buttocks and breasts amid the protests of the women. Carina had her ass pinched and fingers thrust into the crack. When the two groups were divided, Sanchez spoke.
"Today is a glorious day for our country. We have overthrown a tyranny and restored the power of the people. I am proud of you my men and you will receive the rewards I promised." He turned to look at the women and girls, daughters clinging to their mothers hands and small children cowering behind skirts. "You are now the prisoners of the army and will obey every order."
He walked up the line of women, pale faced and trembling. He choose first a blonde American with very large breasts straining against her blouse. She was in her mid-30s with a good figure. Her two sons clung to her hands. "Name" demanded Sanchez. "Karen Briggs." "Ah, American, My men like American ladies." He reached out a hand to squeeze a breast. "Get your dirty hands off me," she said. Sanchez slammed a fist into her stomach, doubling her up as her sons cried out. Karen's husband - a big Canadian engineer - shouted and tried to break through the soldiers but was beaten about the head and fell to the floor. His wife was kneeling, gasping for breath.
"You will learn manners, yankee bitch," said Sanchez. The older boy aged
about 10 threw himself at Sanchez. "Leave my ma alone," he shouted. Sanchez
grabbed him by the hair and threw him on the ground. "Get these brats away from
here." They two crying boys were dragged off. "My boys. Don't hurt them,"
pleaded Karen as she struggled to her feet." Nothing will happen to them if you
obey orders. Now get your clothes off. Strip."
"Please, no," she gasped. "Yes, my men want to see your tits and cunt.
You are my first present to them." There were shouts and cheers from the soldiers, "If you don't obey I'll have your husband shot." Everybody watched as Karen reached for the zip of her skirt with trembling fingers. The skirt slid to her feet and she began undoing her blouse. The other women watched in horror as she stripped.
There were whistles and laughter as her blouse came off revealing a big bra straining to contain the 38 inch breasts. Reaching behind her head she unhooked the bra and then pulled it away to exposed the big nippled mounds hanging down without support. The soldiers were making a lot of noise as she took off her stockings and finally pushed down the girdle and panties. Totally humiliated she stood naked and head bowed before the jeering men, tears running down her cheeks.
"Good," grinned Sanchez, running a hand over her buttocks and then rubbing her pussy. "Fine ass for you to enjoy, boys," he laughed. The other women were stunned, knowing their turn was coming. The General had used Karen as an example. Failure to obey risked their husbands and children. Sanchez was enjoying himself. The general moved on, surveying the fearful faces. His hand came out to feel breasts or rub a crotch. The women were too afraid to protest.
Next to be humiliated was the president's wife. "Well, first lady, it is time for you to show us the whore you've always been." Sanchez had waited a very long time to do this. As her husband was forced to watch, he ran a hand over the front of her dress and dug his fingers into her crotch, before moving it up over her belly to fondle the prominent breasts. He took his time.
Maria stood, eyes closed, as he pawed, biting back the urge to cry, her face a frozen mask. "I would have fucked you and your daughters but Colonel Marquez was so eager to enjoy you that I could not refuse him and I have made another choice." He dug his fingers into her famous ass and between her crack as she winced. "Now my men want to see how good your body is after all these years. When the colonel is finished with you, they will enjoy you."
Maria blanched now at the thought of being handed over to the soldiers who
cheered the announcement. "We get the famous Maria," said one. " Shit, I can't
wait." "Strip," ordered Sanchez. Women were crying and whimpering as she had to
abase herself. Reaching for the back zip of the expensive white dress, Maria
pulled it down. Her husband wept as she shrugged it off her shoulders and it
slid the floor. The soldiers were going wild as she stood in her black bra,
suspender belt and stockings. "She still got a great body," said one.
"Want to see her cunt," said his companion.
Her daughters clung to each other crying as she unhooked the bra to expose breasts which still proudly jutted out with only a slight droop. Bending down she removed her stockings, then the belt and finally to a whoop of delight from the soldiers, stepped out of her panties.
Sanchez made her turn round to expose her trim buttocks and then stand with her clit exposed. " She will be brought to the barracks men after the Colonel has finished. But her daughters are for the officers." There were boos and cheers at that. Sanchez again ran a hand over the sweating body. "Not so proud now, eh. The men will soon be queuing for turns with you." Maria shuddered.
The men were now getting impatient. The sight of Maria stripping and the
American had fired them up to burning point. They needed a fuck.
Sanchez realized this. He was now to make his choice.
Carina had watched the humiliation of the women with fear, disgust and anger. Now it was her turn. Her heart lurched as he moved towards her. He stopped before Connie. "Very cute," he said, running a hand over her body as she whimpered holding her son's hand. "But I think I will choose my favorite chink pussy." He looked at Connie who glared back at him. 'Still got spirit." said Sanchez.
"Now think of your husband and child like the others." He turned to Kelly. "Your daughter is very beautiful. I shall enjoy deflowering her with you in the same bed." "No, not her," protested Carina. " Yes both of you. Don't argue." He went to Kelly first. She stood as the hairy hands explored her, tears running down her face. "Nothing like 16 year old pussy," said Sanchez as he pawed the girl, pulling up her dress to explore between her legs.
Carina was powerless as she held the baby, feeling sick. The general turned to her and began pawing the tight body as she clenched her teeth. He squeezed the breasts and ran over her crotch and backside. "I love a tight ass," he said. "OK give the brat to your chink friend and strip. Both of you." "Please, not Kelly," pleaded Carina. "Strip," ordered the general.
Carina looked at her daughter. Kelly reached for the bottom of the dress and pulled it over her head to stand in bra and panties. Her mother unzipped her skirt. Pedro had to watch, gun to head, as they undressed, "Hey, your old lady's showing off her pussy. Maybe we get her in barracks soon." He was devastated as his wife stepped out of the skirt and then removed her bra and exposed the 35 inch chest to the usual cheer. Kelly was also topless, showing off her budding mounds. "Your skirt has big melons for a chink. Bet she was well fucked in Hong Kong before you met her,"
Both Kelly and Carina dropped their panties to show off their pussies and asses. Sanchez made them both turn to display their bodies before putting an arm around their waists."OK the rest of you woman. All strip. Girls and mothers. Now." As he fondled Kelly and Carina, the others undressed, then stood naked to be inspected by the officers.
A number of mattresses had been dragged into the room for the women like Karen who'd have to service the queues of men. "You are lucky," said the general to Carina. " Those chosen for the men will have to take much cock." Carina shuddered.
The choices were made as officers walked along inspecting the crying women. Karen had already been grabbed and dragged to a mattress, The first soldier was already on her thrusting between the long legs, head buried in her massive breasts. Another had his cock forced into her mouth. "Come, I need to fuck,' said the general, guiding Carina and Kelly towards the stairs.
To be continued...
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