Spin the Bottle - Of A Different Kind

(Part 1 from 2)

Alex hated parties. HATED them. All his friends went to parties and had incredible fun, while Alex sat in the corner sipping a lite beer wishing he was home. He couldn't help it. He wanted to fit in, but when those sorts of situations arose he felt awkward and humiliated. So, when he was invited by a group of friends to a party that was going to be held at one of their places, at first he was reluctant to go, knowing that he would end up looking forward to going only to wish to God that he could go home five minutes in. Knowing this, he only felt guilty because it was a group of people who held very private parties, and Alex felt privileged to be invited. 

As always, it was mainly couples who attended: Michael and Johanna, Kitch and Alice, Erinn and Joseph and Tess and James. Alex knew that he would feel dumb going to a couples party without a couple, but he had had enough disastrous encounters with the opposite sex to last him a good many years, so he decided to stiff it out and TRY to enjoy himself. 
The party was scheduled for 7:00pm Wednesday night, and the date slowly approached ever closer as Alex went to work and came home. On the night he decided to go for the casual look, wearing a simple white shirt and brown shorts with a black jacket. He drove out there and arrived at almost precisely 7:00. He got out of his car feeling pleased with himself that he was being so prompt, and knocked on the door. 

Johanna, since the party was being held at her place, opened the door, smiling broadly when she saw who it was. 
"Hey," she said, opening the door to let him in. "Welcome to the party."
"Uh...thanks," said Alex, already feeling awkward as he walked in. Everybody was already there. Alice was sitting in Kitch's lap, while Erinn, Joseph, Tess and James sat around the small table in the centre of the apartment. There were four bedrooms, which surprised Alex for such a small room. 
"Hey everyone!" said Johanna. "Look who's here!"
"Hey! It's Alex!" said everyone happily, with Michael raising his glass. 
"Uh...hi," said Alex, awkwardly.
"OK. Now that everyone is here, we can start games!" said Johanna. "Alex, there are drinks in the fridge: help yourself," she said to him, lightly touching his arm.
Alex had to look at the ceiling to keep from blushing. Being a virgin at a clearly NON-virgin party was difficult, and it didn't help that all the girls there were smoking hot. Johanna had long, shapely legs that went all the way up to her hips and small but prominent breasts that were concealed behind a tight t-shirt bearing the slogan: "Angels on Earth".
He hurried to the back to grab a drink, hurriedly sucking on the opening of the bottle. 

Everyone was gathering in a circle on the small area of cleared floor, so Alex joined them, sitting between James and Kitch. Johanna went into one of the rooms and came out holding a shining silver bottle. 
“We’re not going to play spin the bottle are we?” said Alex jokingly to James.
James laughed. “No,” he scoffed. “How old do you think we are?”
Alex grinned.
“That bottle there gets spun and picks out two people. Then, those two people have to fuck.”
Alex spat out the beer he was drinking in shock.
“What?!” he spluttered.
“That’s the game. We do it at every party we have,” said James calmly as Johanna sat down between Alice and Tess. “We spin the bottle until everybody has a partner, then we go off into the rooms and have casual sex.”
“But…what…but…if it lands on two…guys??” said Alex, choking.
James laughed. 
“No, it’s only girl on guy tonight.”

Johanna placed the bottle in the centre of the circle and gave it a mighty spin.
Alex watched in shock as it slowly stopped, pointing directly at him.
Everyone woo-ed and cheered and slapped him on the back. 
Alex stood up straight away. 
“No,” he said, shaking his head. “Na-uh. I didn’t realise you guys would be playing SEX games!” 
“Sit down Alex!” said Kitch laughing and pulling on his arm. “You’ll get used to it!”
Alex was pulled to the ground and before he could do anything else, Johanna spun the bottle again. Round and round it turned, coming to rest pointing clearly at an area of wall between Alice and Johanna.
Everyone was silent for a minute. 
“Wow,” said Tess. “That’s never happened before.”
“I guess that means he gets both of them,” said Joseph grinning.
“What??” said Alex, his eyes boggling.
Everyone nodded in agreement, and Alice and Johanna stood up, seemingly oblivious to Alex’s mental disbelief.

Alex found himself staring, with eyes that were still boggling, at Alice and Johanna, who were sitting on the queen-sized bed. 
Alice sighed and looked at her watch. 
Leaning forward towards Alex, she said: “Alex. It’s been nearly ten minutes and you haven’t said or done anything. Are you OK?”
Alex just stared blankly.
The sounds of thumping and high pitched muffled screams echoed though the wall of the adjacent bedroom.
Alice sighed again. 
“Well, I came here for sex and I’m not leaving here without it. Johanna?”
Johanna turned to look at Alice. 

Alice put her hand on Johanna’s face and leaned in, passionately kissing her. Johanna moaned, kissing her back and running her fingers through Alice’s hair as they lay down slowly on the bed. Alice’s hand moved gradually down from Johanna’s face to her crotch, which she roughly gripped and massaged. Johanna, who seemed to like this, moaned even harder, rolling over on top of Alice, grabbing her breasts and running her hands over them.
Alice giggled, and Johanna sat up, straddling her, and took off her shirt.
Two of the most sumptuous, spectacular, delicious breasts Alex had ever seen tumbled out from underneath, bouncing up and down as if in slow motion as she moved. Her nipples were small, but standing on end as they disappeared inside Alice’s warm mouth. While taking her breasts in her mouth, Alice fumbled at both Johanna’s and her own zippers on their shorts, revealing a portion of the underwear concealed beneath it. Alex was surprised to see that Johanna had very luxuriant red lace panties on, while Alice had plain flower-imprint white. It was this sight that broke Alex out of his trance, and sent him scrambling to rip off all his clothes and jump desperately onto the bed. If this was going down, he didn’t want to miss being a part of it. 
He ran his hands nervously over Johanna’s exposed back, and jumped when she spun around and wrapped her arms around him.
The feeling of flesh on flesh at that moment was a feeling Alex would never, ever forget. He was most surprised at the warmth she radiated, which is something you just can’t replicate when you’re at home practicing. 

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