Special Delivery: Part Seven
The afternoon sun was just beginning to sink below the mountain peaks as Jamie sat on the back deck sipping her coffee and breathing in the crisp cool mountain air. She was in heaven sitting there in a cozy rocking chair with a throw blanket draped over her legs, her feet propped up on the rail. She and Brian had only been here a couple of hours, but wow – were those hours magical. She shivered thinking about the way they had made love earlier. She pictured her naked body braced against the window and was still turned on by how hot and wild they had gotten as Brian lustfully fucked her from behind. She thought about how wet she had gotten as she sucked Brian’s cock and how horny it made her knowing that all that protected them from being seen by the whole mountain was a sheet of glass. She could still hear their panting and groans as they fucked like wild animals against that window – God was it sexy! She closed her eyes, silently wishing she and Brian could just stay here forever – this place just exuded magic and wonder, it was quite possibly the most peaceful and relaxed she had ever felt. Just then she heard tires on the gravel of the drive and turned to see Brian’s truck rounding the wall and pulling into the garage.
Brian loved being home again – and having Jamie here with him just made it feel so much more – perfect. He had just gone down to the square to buy some groceries for the weekend and as he drove back up the mountain to his family home, he just glowed knowing that he had someone waiting there for him. It had been 2 years since his parents had passed, and it had always been hard for him coming back here, but now that Jamie was here with him – something felt different, whole, restored somehow. As he pulled in the garage he hollered for Jamie to stay where she was on the deck, saying he’d take care of unloading the groceries and join her shortly.
A few moments later as Jamie took another sip of her coffee, the door to her right opened and Brian walked out carrying a coffee pot and a tray with slices of pound cake.
“Thought we could use a little snack – dinner won’t be until 9:00 tonight.” He said as he dragged another rocking chair across the deck and sat down next to her.
“Why so late?” she asked.
“Well, since this is our first vacation, I thought I would make it special. I booked us a table at The Lodge just up the hill there.” As he spoke he pointed through the trees and across the beautifully groomed golf course, directing her gaze at a gorgeous structure further up the mountain top. It was a landmark of Cloudcroft and the restaurant had become world famous. “My family and I used to eat there only for special occasions – birthdays, anniversaries, special guests, and the like. But I thought tonight I’d make it a little more intimate – I booked us a private table and a full course meal – the works.” He explained.
“Wow – somebody’s trying to make an impression.” She teased.
“No, someone’s trying to say ‘Thank You’. I don’t know about you, but the last few weeks just have been so incredible and – amazing, and wonderful – and unbelievable – that it makes the rest of my life before almost seem dull in comparison.” Brian took her hand as he finished and just smiled sweetly.
Jamie just grinned and took him in – she loved this Brian. To be fair, she still really liked the Brian in the brown shorts and shirt, driving the big delivery truck, but this Brian was different – more. Almost like he was something bigger and better than the uniform could hold. She let her eyes roam his face, his deep dark eyes, his gorgeous smile with just a hint of dimples at either side. She took in his clothes – the carhart jacket, the Henley sweatshirt, the jeans and the work boots – he looked so hot even fully clothed.
The two of them spent the next few hours just drinking coffee and telling stories, talking about their families and their favorite childhood memories. They stopped every once in a while to just stare in each other’s eyes. They would smile and one would lean in close and they would spend the next 5 minutes just kissing – slowly, intimately, and softly. Then they would breathe in deeply and carry on with their conversation. As night took hold and the lights around the mountain began turning on and The Lodge across the way lit up like a golden ornament, Jamie leaned in close, nuzzling into Brian and looking deep into his eyes.
“I hope you know what you’re doing sir.” She whispered, frost coming out with her soft spoken words.
“What do you mean?” Brian asked.
“I hope you know you’ve made me fall in love with you.” It was the first time she had spoken these words since their first date. To be honest, it had scared her a little the first time she said it – it did seem fast. But she couldn’t deny it now – the more time she spent with Brian, the more she wanted him, and the less she wanted to be away from him.
Brian didn’t say a word. He just looked at her with deeply thoughtful eyes, then slowly leaned in and kissed her softly and intimately. As he pulled back, her eyes were still closed – lost in his kiss. “I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you Jamie. There’s no turning back for me – having you with me, coming home to you – it’s what I always dreamed my life would be like…” he paused, wanting to say more but holding it in. He took a deep breath, smiled at her, then looked up the hill to The Lodge and, rising to his feet, held out his hand and said, “Come on, it’s almost time for dinner – we’d better go get ready.”
After they had gotten changed for dinner, the two of them walked down the stairs of the deck, stepping out of the woods and making their way across the greens of the golf course. Brian had suggested they walk to The Lodge as it was actually faster than driving down the mountain, across town, and then back up the mountain. It was a little cold, but Jamie loved it – Brian had even found one of his mom’s old winter formal dress coats to wear over her flowing black strapless gown. She had wondered why he insisted she bring this dress to the mountains, but now it made sense. As they strolled across the darkened golf course, Jamie looked over at her beau and smiled at how incredibly handsome he looked. She felt like the more she was around him, the more amazing he became. He was wearing a 3 piece suit, double breasted jacket, and had an awesome dress coat on – thick black tweed and, surprisingly, he looked just as comfortable in a suit as he had looked in his jeans and Henley earlier.
As they entered the restaurant, the host quietly nodded at Brian and led them to the back of the restaurant to an enclosed patio and sat them at a table in the corner – far away from any of the other guests. Jamie’s eyes grew larger and larger as course after course was silently placed before them, first oysters, then sorbet, a salad, an incredible soup that she still couldn’t describe, then finally lobster tails, filet minion and a flaming dessert called “Banana’s Foster”. It was amazing – she kept giggling all through dinner, though she couldn’t tell if it was from feeling like Julia Roberts in “Pretty Woman” or if it was just the wine. This was by far the most wonderful meal she had ever had – and the company was magnificent. All through dinner, she and Brian just talked about dreams and hopes, plans, goals, and the more they talked, the more she felt like she had known this man her whole life.
As the server took away the last of the dishes, he closed the patio door behind him and the lights suddenly dimmed. Jamie looked around in surprise and asked, “Did they forget we were in here?” As she spun back around to face Brian, she was shocked to see he was no longer in his chair. Just then she felt a soft hand on hers and she looked to her left to see Brian standing next to her. He pulled her to his feet as a soft song began playing over the restaurant’s PA system. They danced for a few moments while Brian spoke softly.
“Earlier, when we were on the deck and I told you this is how I always pictured my life turning out? Well, I wanted to say more, but I knew it wasn’t the right time – I wanted to tell you here, tonight, like this...” With that, he took both of her hands in his and – to Jamie’s utter amazement, Brian stooped down on one knee, pulling a small box from his coat pocket. “The more I’m with you, the more I know I could never be happy with anyone else in my life. I’ve never met anyone like you Jamie. No one, and I mean NO one has ever made me feel the way that I do when I just think about you. You fill my dreams, you consume my thoughts – you remind me of what I can be – what I should be. You see it’s not just that you remind me of what I always pictured my life to be – but you are what I always pictured – my wife – to be.”
Jamie’s heart was racing a million miles a minute – she had started tearing up
the moment Brian took a knee, and when he said the words, “my wife” she just
placed her hand over her mouth and smiled that awkward smile you make when
you’re crying and laughing at the same time.
“Jamie, will you marry me?” Brian asked, slipping a dazzling diamond ring on her left ring finger.
Jamie just laughed and collapsed in his arms wrapping him up in the tightest hug he could imagine and almost screamed, “Yes! Yes! And Yes!”
With those words, Brian laughed out the breath he had been holding and held Jamie all the more tightly. The two of them kissed sweetly again and again and again – laughing and smiling for what seemed like an eternity.
Jamie finally pulled back and took her first look at the engagement ring on her hand – “Oh Brian, it’s beautiful! I can’t believe this – I mean, I knew this weekend would be amazing, but I never even dreamed of this! How long have you been planning this?” she asked while stealing kiss after kiss from his soft lips.
“Since that first morning when we took a shower together. I remember just watching you brush your hair and thinking, ‘This is what I want the rest of my life to look like’.” Brian said as they stood to their feet and gathered their things from the table. Helping Jamie put her dress coat on, Brian continued, “I just knew if I didn’t do this now, something would get in the way – life tends to do that. And I know it was fast, believe me – I know – but it just feels right. You are everything I could ever want or need or imagine in a woman, much less a wife – and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to grow old with you, raise children with you – and teach our kids what true love really looks like.”
As they stepped out into the crisp cold night air and began to make their way back across the golf course to the cabin, Jamie wiped the chilled tears from her eyes and looked at the diamond ring as it sparkled from the light of the stars above them in the crystal clear mountain sky. When they had made it about halfway down the hill, they rounded a corner of the course where there were no cabins within eyesight, and knowing no one else would be out this late at night, Jamie stopped, pulling Brian to a stop by his hand.
Brian turned to face Jamie to see what was wrong and as he did, she pulled him in and wrapped her other hand around his neck and kissed him deeply, breathing in the crisp cool air and exhaling as Brian placed his other hand on her cheek. Brian felt Jamie leading his hand, still in hers, under the dress coat and around her back. She then took her hands and began unbuttoning his coat, then his vest, and finally his shirt, exposing his muscular chest to the cold night air – never breaking their kiss. She felt Brian’s hands beginning to unzip her strapless gown inside of her dress coat, finally letting it slip and pool around her heels. She stood there before him in nothing but her black thong, a dress coat and high heels.
Jamie pulled away from their kiss and, taking Brian by the belt, pulled him back into the edge of the woods lining the golf course. There she pushed the undone clothing from his shoulders and began unbuttoning his pants. Brian kicked off his shoes and let his pants slide off, then gasped as he felt Jamie’s warm hand wrap softly around his now firmly erect dick. She masturbated him for a moment, kissing him deeply, exploring his mouth with her tongue. Brian reached down and placed his hand inside her thong and over her pussy, which he then felt was literally dripping wet. He slid two fingers in, causing Jamie to moan loudly, then took those fingers and sucked them dry in his mouth – tasting her delectable juices.
Brian leaned Jamie back against a nearby pine tree and, dropping to his knees on the forest floor, pried her thong off and buried his tongue in her cunt, lapping at her juices and causing her to moan loudly with exquisite pleasure. Given that it was so late, there were no lights anywhere near, and no one ever was out this late in Cloudcroft, Brian didn’t even worry about the noises Jamie was making. As he feasted on her cunt and drank her steaming hot juices up, he only got more and more aroused as she panted and moaned, breathing shortly and bucking her hips against his face as he fucked her pussy with his mouth. He then felt her pussy lips begin to tighten rhythmically and heard Jamie breathing shorter, louder, and faster – she was close. He began slowly licking in long strokes against her clit and Jamie let out an uncomfortably loud “Oh my GAAAWD!”
The only thing running through Jamie’s mind was how magnificent her pussy felt with Brian eating it. As she felt the surge of her orgasm build up stronger than she thought possible – she couldn’t hold in her moans and as she climaxed there in the woods, she just buried her hands in Brian’s hair and did her best to stand still as her knees buckled from the intense power of her orgasm. As her climax began to subside, she felt an incredible urge and wanting for more. She looked down with hunger in her eyes and was pleased when Brian stood to his feet, took one of her legs and lifted it up. He effortlessly guided his rock hard dick straight into her cunt – causing them both to moan and suck their breath in. He then took her other leg and lifted her up standing between her legs and holding her in the air, fucking her with intense passion and desire.
Brian was carnal at this point – someone could walk up behind them and he knew he would not stop fucking his fiancé for anything. “God!” he thought. “This woman is going to be my wife!” With that he thrust his dick as deep as he could in her pussy, then placed his hands on her ass and with her legs wrapped around his ass, he lifted her up and down – impaling her pussy on his cock with each drop. The cold night air only made this more intense. He could feel the muscles in her legs and ass pumping as she helped to lift herself off – then relax as she slid back down, wrapping her pussy lips tightly around his dick each time. He felt the material of her dress coat against his legs and arms – still the only piece of clothing either of them had on.
As they stood in the middle of the forest, tangled up in each other and fucking with lustful intensity, Jamie threw her head back and opened her eyes to the night sky above. It was deep, it was dark – making the stars shine all the more brightly – and Jamie suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of awe. Her job, her car, her bills, her apartment, all of it faded away and all that was left was this moment, the night sky, and the love between she and Brian – as this sensation overwhelmed her, she looked back down and kissed Brian as she still rose and fell on his dick – a kiss filled with so much intensity that electricity seemed to flow through her body – and as she felt Brian’s dick pumping in and out of her pussy, her eyes shot open wide and her jaw fell open…
Brian felt it too – her pussy grew tighter and tighter around his dick – causing a slurping sound as she began to cum all around his cock.
“Oh shit. Oh shit… ohhhh ohhh shiii….” Is all Jamie could utter as her eyes squeezed tight and she thrashed about – her pussy sealing tightly around Brian’s dick as she became carnally lost in her second orgasm of the night.
As Brian felt his dick sliding with intense friction within the vice grip of Jamie’s cunt – it electrified him and his dick became the only part of his body that mattered – everything he felt was in his dick as it penetrated her pussy – and the sensation overwhelmed him. He felt it – the unstoppable power of an incredible orgasm. He forced his mouth against hers as they both kissed wildly and uncontrollably through their orgasms. Shot after shot of hot cum fired into Jamie’s pussy and she felt each load penetrate her deeply. They continued to kiss and pump, him thrusting up into her, she slamming down and riding his dick for all she was worth, both climaxing for what seemed like minutes. Finally Brian’s legs buckled and the two of them collapsed to their knees at the base of the pine tree. Panting and still spasming, they made a small pillow out of their clothes before sitting down among the pine needles.
Jamie was still incredibly turned on – having now fucked her soon to be husband in the middle of the woods – under the cold night sky of the mountains – incredibly exposed and risking discovery – she loved how fucking horny she felt. She looked over at Brian – who was panting and grinning from ear to ear. She got a devilish idea, grabbed her clothes and lunged to her feet.
“Race you home!” she challenged as she took off running – dress coat flying in the wind behind her – her naked body exposed for all the night to see as she raced across the darkened golf course towards the cabin.
Brian just laughed and quickly gathered up the rest of the clothes and raced completely naked through the cold night towards his home – and his wife to be…
As I reclined on my bed and opened my robe, I slid my hand down toward my yoni which was still tingling with anticipation and then I was suddenly back in the inner chambers of the Sultan’s house with a soft warm Middle Eastern breeze blowing through the open window... |
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