Southern Kinfolk Part 2
The next morning during breakfast Paul suddenly yelled at Honeybee. "What in tarnation is you doing with them duds on!" She quickly ripped them off with an expression of relief on her face. "Now suck this, Nigger!" She eagerly unzipped him and began sucking noisily. "And you Jappie show that ass to the boy and suck him off. Git!" I whacked Sony several times and she got down on her knees sucking while looking up at me with that adoring 'I'm yours' expression of hers.
Later back in the fields while we were repairing a fence, he suddenly stopped and stared at me hard. Is you gonna marry that girl or not?" I stared at him, taken aback. "Well ... what is it boy?"
"Well I ... you mean Sonja?"
"Of course Sonja, she's been all over you ever since you got here I told you I talked to her old man. He's getting impatient; she's gonna be an old maid."
"Paul she's only seventeen ... and, well this house. Kind of small for a new wife." He glanced at me, chuckling.
"Ah, so you think Ah wants fucking her?"
"Well ... I, do you?"
"She's white Sean, you don't fuck no white woman's got a husband." He shook his head in disbelief.
"You mean you let Sona blow me because she oriental?"
"You like it don't you?" He snapped, shrugging his shoulders."
"But the whole situation in our house she ... she would be shocked." He chuckled again and went back to the job at hand, picking up his axe.
"Trust me boy that ain't no problem. She wants you; she's a looker, what else you want?" I didn't understand his reasoning but I wanted to follow my auntie's advice and I did like the girl. Aside from her physical endowments, she was pleasant at least from what I knew about her from our talks on the bus.
"Alright I'll marry her, it's what auntie wanted."
"Good, there ain't nobody could tell more 'bout woman than you aunt." Ah'll talk to Carl again, he'll be much obliged to get her out of the house."
"What do you mean much obliged? She's his daughter."
"She don't do nothing for her keep, only school and she got to get fed." I sometimes wondered what century Paul was living in but I kept that to myself.
Three days later an old half-ton rattled up the lane-way. I was working with Paul on a farm wagon. "Looks like you new wife is a coming boy," Paul said matter of factly. I just stood there staring at the truck as Sonja got out and lifted a couple of green garbage bags out of the back. Carl got out and approached us.
"Howdy boys, brought the gal over like you said Paul."
"Thanks Carl, how's the Chevy running?" Paul replied, while cleaning the grease of his hands with a clump of grass.
"Oh the usual shit Paul, the tranni's working good enough cause you helped with the fixing." Carl looked at me, "you take care of my gal now, you hear!" I still couldn't move or talk. "What the matter son, cat's got you tongue?"
"He gits funny sometimes Carl, you know them Yanks but he's a fine boy like I said." Paul chuckled as he spoke. "All out of beer Carl, maybe next time."
"That's alright Paul, got some in the truck, cold too." He looked at me kind of funny. "Come on son git my gal in her new house. She don't got no business grow roots in the yard." I walked like a zombie towards Sonja, who was standing by the truck waiting.
"Well Sean," Ah knew you'd marry me someday. Ah told you didn't I?"
"Yes you did," I stopped in front of her and she threw her arms around my neck, kissing me. In a daze I could only think, that at least she had great kissing lips.
"Oh Ah's so excited, Ah saved myself for you. You know that don't you?" I picked up her bags and we walked to the house. She opened the door herself and I set down the bags. Sona stared in surprise and Honeybee, naked as the day she was born, smiled familiarly at Sonja.
"A allays know you'd get here Missy Sonja. Ah's happy you be my young Massa wife." I wondered how she knew since Sona didn't seem to.
Sonja reached down; tussling Honeybee's hair like you would a child or a dog. "You's a good little nigger ain't you stump.
"Oh, Missy Sonja you know Ah's." Sonja didn't seem to be surprised by Honeybee's nakedness.
"Sona, this is Sonja we're to be married soon," I said to the startled Sona. She smiled her best: I'm very happy face but there was something in it that didn't seem right.
"Welcome to house Sonja, I wife Paul. I very happy Sean get wife. Him very nice boy. She turned to the stove pretending to be busy. Sona was wearing an apron because she was at the stove but from behind, she was naked.
"Oh Sean," Sonja cooed, "Ah's so excited. Ah's your woman now, you wants me naked now?"
"A do that Miss Sonja," Honeybee broke in, quickly unzipping Sonja's Jeans and pulled them down to her knees exposing her white panties "Missy be ma young Massa wife now, no more panty." Honeybee grinned at me, knowingly shaking her head.
"Oh no ... Honeybee ... not yet," I stammered. "I mean, I don't want my future wife to be naked right now. Later after ... listen Sonja I got some thing to do... outside." My head was spinning and I rushed outside walking quickly towards the farm wagon.
Paul and Carl were leaning on the truck drinking beer as I walked past them. "Hey son, not so fast. Have a brew it's plenty cold," Carl yelled, stopping me. I walked towards him and he handed me a can. I'd never had a beer in my life. Paul had offered it to me many times but I had always resisted, due to what it had done to my Father and by extension my mother. This situation however demanded something to settle my mind and I guzzled on the tart stuff. "Knock her down boy there's more in that there cooler."
"This should be fun," Paul chuckled. Ah's never seen the boy take a drink before."
"That's alright," Carl said seriously. "A man can take a drink or two. Ah doesn't wants no boozehound for a son in law by god. You look after that gal, you hear. Ah's only got one." I nodded and continued to drink but a little slower after my throat seemed to constrict on the stuff. "You go get them papers this week boy. Ah'll sign since on account ma gal's not eighteen 'til next year. Then we'll have a proper wedding in church, maybe two weeks, alright" I still couldn't understand why and mumbled something. "What's that son? Spit it out." I took a deep swallow and nearly choked. Carl slapped my back. "Take it easy son, there ain't no fire."
"I just wanted ... wanted to say ... why did you bring her here before the wedding" I swallowed some more, emptying the can.
"Here son Ah'll git you 'nother." He handed me a fresh can. "Well son it's ma gal you see. She's been talking 'bout nothing else for Ah doesn't know how much time now. She wants be here now. Never thought my gal marry a Yank." He directed that statement to Paul, who nodded thoughtfully. "But you's alright son cause Sandra was a good woman and Paul here says you's alright too."
I nodded and began my second can, while they changed the subject to a problem with the truck. By the end of the second can, I was feeling heady and I didn't really want more. Carl however, noticed my empty and handed me one more with out stopping their conversation. Before I finished he turned to me and shook my hand.
"Like I said son take care of ma gal. Get them there papers and you and her 'll get proper hitched in the church with a party and all." He got in the truck and drove off. By this time, my head was spinning and I headed for the house with Paul steadying me, laughing his head off.
Through my haze, I noticed that Sonja and Honeybee were finding places for Sonja's things, while Sona was busy in the kitchen. Thankfully Sonja was still dressed and I just flopped on the couch passing out.
It was dark when I came through, nursing a thundering headache. I was on the mattress still fully dressed. I sat up holding my head, moaning. Everyone was sleeping except Honeybee. I could see her in the moonlight at my feet holding something in her hands. "Ah got them here pills for my Massa. Awright?" I nodded and she handed me two pills of some kind and a glass of water.
"Are you sitting there just waiting for me to come about, Honeybee? I whispered. She nodded as I swallowed the pills downing them with the entire glass almost in one gulp.
"Ah sleeps too, Massa wakes Ah wakes, is only right." I heard that mothers did that when their babies woke but they would be crying and making a fuss.
"How would you know to wake up, I didn't make any noise?"
"Massa moaning, Ah hears that." Suddenly I noticed Sonja's sleeping form next to me. The sight gave me a start as the reality of the whole strange affair hit me. She was wearing a short nighty and her face was partly covered by her hair. Honeybee crawled up on the other side of her and swept her hair back. She smiled with a contented expression at me. "Missy very pretty wife, Massa. Ah's happy, so happy Missy Sonja here now," she whispered.
I fell to sleep again and was wakened in the morning by Sonja's lips on my forehead. "You silly boy," she said. "Papa got you drunk didn't he?" She stroked my hair, kissing me then on the lips. I moaned, still feeling my hangover and Honeybee was already with more pills. "Our first night and Ah's still a virgin, Sean. Shame for you."
"And you will be until we are properly married," I blurted out, not really knowing why but having said that, I decided to stick by my guns. I swallowed the pills with the water Honeybee handed me.
"Oh Sean you's so old fashioned, Ah's got these feelings. You wants torturing me?"
I remembered what Auntie had said about Sonja being the one for me and it being in her eyes. I wondered now if she meant that she was also double duty like Honeybee and Sona. I pulled her down next to me and kissed her. "No I'm now going to torture you. I'm going to neck with you while Honeybee services you."
She eagerly spread her thighs while Honeybee quickly lifted her nighty, pulled of her panties and dove in to her pussy. She groaned in my mouth as Honeybee's expert tongue brought her to a quick climax. Honeybee sat back and Sonja hugged kissed me wildly. She pulled her face away from me and looked at Honeybee. "Get back at it Stump, Ah's wants more."
"Yes Missy," was all she said and dove back into Sonja's wet cunt. She came twice and then told Honeybee to stop. We continued to neck as Honeybee used a wet towel to wipe Sonja's crotch. I had of course a bone on by now which Sonja noticed.
"Stumpy, "she ordered looking sternly at her. "Can't you see Sean needing attention?"
"Yes Missy, Ah allays wait mah Massa tell me. Missy wants me sucks or fucks Massa."
"Oh OK," Sonja looked at me inquisitively, then kissing me murmured into my mouth. "How do you want the nigger, Sean?" I thought about it while we frenched and then make my mind up that no wife of mine would be a bigot.
"You tell her but from now on you'll call her Beatrice or Honeybee I don't ever want to hear the N word or Stumpy from you again."
"Oh you's from the north ain't you?" She tongued me not waiting for an answer and squeezed me tight. "But you'll be my husband soon and I respect that more than anything. Honeybee," she spoke respectfully. "Suck my future husband off."
"Yes Missy, Ah do right now." She actually sounded dejected, not because she was to suck me off; I knew she loved that but I wondered if she actually craved those degrading terms. Auntie had said that she was extremely submissive. She removed my pants and soon blew those thoughts out of my head as her expert lips tongue and fingers brought me towards a climax. We hugged and kissed while for the first time my hand found its way up under her nightgown to those huge and firm breasts. I groaned into Sonja's mouth as I filled Honeybee's with semen. Somehow, my headache had disappeared.
I looked around the house; it was probably midmorning. Paul was more than likely out working and Sona was in the kitchen watching us with a pained expression on her usually cheerful face. Then I noticed Honeybee cleaning my cock with a cloth while shaking as if she had a fever.
"You's horny, ain't you Honeybee?" Sonja said in a compassionate tone. I wondered how she figured out she was horny and not ill.
"Yes Missy but its awright."
Suddenly Sona was standing over us. "Come, make sex with Sona Honeybee." She reached her hand to the small woman and the two headed for the other mattress. This was something Paul allowed if he was out but usually only when I asked for it. They made love with Sona being unusually passionate, almost wild.
"Sonja turned toward me when they were finished and squeezed me tight.
"Oh Ah love you so much, Sean. Tell me you'll love me forever, tell me."
"Oh I will Sonja, I'm just a little curious how you can accept what's going on in this house; isn't it a little unusual?"
"Your Auntie told me all about it a long time ago."
"She didn't tell you?" She said, visibly surprised. I shook my head. "She told me all about it when she made love to me."
"You mean you slept with her on those church trips?" I rolled over on my back and closed my eyes shaking my head in disbelief. She rolled over on top of me and kissed me.
"Honeybee too sometimes. Ah thought you knew? Soon after you came here, Ah said to her that you were the one for me; Ah just knew it right away. We were sharing a bedroom on a church trip as usual; Ah doesn't remember where. Auntie was looking me in the eyes, searching like, while we talked about you; then she kissed me really sexy like and that night I learned how women make love. From that day on she said our marriage was a sure thing.
I thought about her words for a while. "But I thought you said you saved yourself for me." I spoke quietly without a hint of disappointment.
"Oh, you silly boy, Ah's a virgin; never been with no man. Are you angry?" She kissed me warmly.
"How could I be; just surprised that's all" I looked up into her beautiful blue eyes." Sonja, will you marry me?"
"Yes! Yes! Yes1 Yes! And Yes! Yes! Yes, Yes!
Annie is my best friend and tonight, I'm going to let my boyfriend brrak her into cocks! I figured she would learn better from an older guy! God!! I'm wet just writing this!! |
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