Southern Hospitality
Tom kicked a rock in frustration, as he opened the gate to a quaint little
farm house. As it squeaked open, a lazy old coon dog peered at him from the
wooden porch of the old farm house. Tom hesitated for a moment, as the weary old
dog resumed to napping. He slowly followed the worn flagstone path up to the
steps of the porch, and stopped once again as the dog half heartedly raised his
head. The dog released a muffled gruff as if to complain that this stranger was
disturbing his all to important sleep, then closed his eyes and returned to
The old wooden floor of the porch creaked as Tom approached the door. He firmly
knocked on the door in hopes the resident wouldn’t appear disgruntled, holding a
shotgun or whatever weapon of choice the locals might take preference too. Tom
waited a few seconds and impatiently knocked a little harder this time. He heard
footsteps approach the door, then suddenly the door flew open. Tom startled back
a step, then regained himself.
At the door stood a beautiful young girl with waist length black hair and eyes
as blue as the ocean. Tom was taken by her beauty, and didn’t realize she was
speaking to him.
“I said, we ain’t buyn’ anything Mr.” she repeated a little louder than before.
Catching himself, Tom said “No. No. I’m not selling anything ma’am. My car broke
down a couple miles up the road, and I was wondering if maybe I could borrow
your phone to call a tow truck.”
The girl smiled a sheepish grin. “Well mister, you can borrow the phone, but
incase you haven’t noticed, were a ways away from any town, much less a town
that has a garage. The closest one is in Mt Hollow, and they wont come around
these parts this late in the evening.”
Tom glanced at his watch and realized it was a few minutes till nine, then
looked towards the horizon at the setting sun just to reassure himself his watch
was working properly.
The young girl, who must have been all of maybe fifteen, stepped back and waved
her arm to usher Tom into the house.
Hesitating for a moment, Tom glanced at the girl and slowly entered the house.
The young girl closed the door behind him with a slam.
Tom jumped and turned around, only to find that there was yet another girl not
much older than the first standing beside the dark haired beauty. This girl had
blonde, shoulder length hair and was maybe 4 inches taller than the other girl.
Her eyes the same mesmerizing blue.
The girls stared at Tom inquisitively. There was something about the way the two
were standing there side by side looking at him, that made Tom feel a rush of
heat sweep over his body.
Tom cleared his throat, and looked directly at the blonde, who appeared to be
the oldest of the two.
“Umm, if you’ll point me to the phone ma’am, I’ll call the garage and see if I
can get them out here tonight.”
The oldest girl, never stopping her gaze, tilted her head ever so slightly and
smiled. Tom felt as if were being hypnotized by her beauty and couldn’t break
the eye contact they had established.
“I’m Sarah,” she said softly, “and this is my sister Eve.”
Tom glanced towards Eve and nodded, “Nice to meet you ladies.” he said as he
returned his gaze to Sarah. “I’m Tom. Tom Miller. From Chicago, I was traveling
down to Atlanta to go to my cousins wedding. My car began acting up a few miles
back then all the sudden died and wont start again. If I could use your phone I
would be ever so great full.”
Sarah stepped towards him, leaving only a couple of inches separating there
bodies. He could smell the sweet scent of her perfume, and felt the wave of heat
wash over his body again. Without breaking her gaze she gently took his hand,
“It’s right this way.” she said as she brushed her body past his and led him to
the kitchen.
As Tom walked behind her, he couldn’t help but notice how her cut off shorts fit
so nicely around firm heart shaped ass.
As they entered the kitchen she loosened her grip from his hand and turned to
face him once again. The kitchen was a little more well lit than the room they
had just left, and Tom could see plainly now that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her
dark pink nipples stood out boldly through the thin white cotton t-shirt she
wore. Her breast were as full and round as two small melons.
Tom realized he was staring at her breasts when she spoke. “The phones right
there Mr. Miller.” she said as she pointed towards the wall. Tom’s face became
flushed with embarrassment. Sarah smiled and turned to leave the room.
Tom drew in a deep breath, and shook his head. “You’ve been to long with out a
girlfriend Tommy boy.” he murmured to himself.
Tom gathered himself together as he fumbled through the yellow pages looking for
a garage. As he was dialing the number he wondered to himself were the parents
of these young women must be, and what they would have done if they had walked
in and seen him staring intently at there daughters breast. Tom shook it off
again, and smiled to himself thinking about how nice her breast were though.
The phone at the garage rang repeatedly to no avail. Then an answering machine
picked up. On the other end was the gruff voice of an obvious redneck mechanic,
stating that the shop was closed and to try back in the morning. Tom left a
brief message of his location and the problems his car was experiencing, then
asked that they send a wrecker out as soon as possible.
Extremely aggravated, Tom returned the handset to the cradle with a bit of a
clash. He ran his hand through his curly brown hair, and let out a small growl
of frustration.
Tom turned to seen both girls standing in the doorway now, staring at him once
Eve had her arm rapped around Sarah’s waist and her head rested on the blondes
shoulder. Sarah was leaning back against the door frame, arms folded in front of
“Would you like a glass of ice tea, Mr. Miller?” Sarah said, breaking the
“Please, don’t call me Mr. Miller. Tom is fine. And yes I would love a glass of
Sarah looked down at Eve and with out a word the younger girl went to the ice
box to make the drink.
Tom noticed as Eve walked past him, that the girls must have been getting ready
for bed when he arrived. She wore a small pink night gown that barely covered
her panties. In the light of the kitchen, he could see every curve that her
young body offered. He could see her breast pressing firmly against the sheer
material of the gown. And the way the dark panties beneath hugged every curve of
her firm young ass. Tom felt his cock twitch and realized he was becoming hard.
He shook his head again, to try and clear his thoughts. ‘You must be close to
fifteen years older than these girls.’ he thought, ‘ And were are there
parents?’ he reminded himself.
Sarah giggled
Tom realized that she must have noticed the way he was admiring her younger
sisters body, and his face once again became red with embarrassment.
In an attempt to take his mind off the enticing young girls, he inquired “So
umm, your family lived in this area long?”
“We’ve lived here all our lives,” answered Eve from behind the refrigerator door
“ But as far as family its just me and Sarah now. Mamma died having me and Pa
past away last winter from pneumonia.”
Tom’s face showed the astonishment clearly. “You girls live out here all alone?
The state actually allows that?”
“Well.” Sarah chimed in with her graceful southern accent, “Our Aunt Floy lives
up in Mt Hollow. She comes out once a week to check on us, bring us groceries
and such. Plus she calls every Tuesday to make sure everything's going alright.
She’s tried to get us to come and stay with her, in her big fancy house, but
this is our home and we wont leave. So she finally gave up asking and we come to
the deal that we have now.”
Eve placed three glasses of ice tea on the table. Sarah motioned Tom to come
over and have a seat. as she approached the table.
“You girls should be more careful.” Tom insisted as he took his seat at the
table across from Sarah. “Living out here all alone and letting perfect
strangers in to use your phone. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the type that would
harm a flea. But what if I had been some sick perverted killer?”
Eve laughed innocently, “We can take care of ourselves Mr. Miller, I meen Tom.
Plus you looked harmless enough. We could tell by your clothes that your
respectable enough. People around here don’t dress that fancy. Plus we seen your
car go by, and trust me, you drive a pretty little thing like that one and you
must be upstanding.”
Tom felt a little proud that these children admired his appearance, even though
he thought he had dressed down in comfort for the trip. He wore a pair tan kakis
with blue button up shirt. He thought to himself how impressed they would have
been if they had seen him in the suit and ties, he wore to his law office every
Tom retrieved his cell phone from his pants pocket. Still static. “This carrier
guarantees service any where in the United States,” he mentioned. “But the damn
thing wont pick up anything but static since I broke down.”
Both the girls giggled simultaneously. Then Tom apologized for swearing.
The girls were staring intently at him once again, as if they had never seen a
man before and were trying to size up this new entity. But the mischief in there
eyes said much more.
Eve had taken a chair caddy-cornered to Tom. He could plainly see both girls had
a remarkable quality of beauty that was not as common up north. They were
seductive with a bit of innocence that made them all the more tantalizing.
Tom sipped his tea, “These hot summer nights in the south aren’t exaggerated are
Sarah removed an ice cube from her glass and began running her tongue over it,
then slowly sucked it into her mouth, never taking her eyes off Tom. His heart
began pounding.
She removed the cube from her mouth, “No sir there not. Its amazing sometimes
how hot it gets.”
Sarah slowly traced the cube around her pink lips, then licked the droplets of
water away.
Tom cleared his throat, more of an attempt to clear his mind, and asked, “So
umm, how old did you girls say you were?”
“We didn’t.” Eve stated “But since you asked, I’m sixteen and a half and Sarah
has three more month’s till her eighteenth birthday. Aunt Floy said she was
gonna take us out for a big fancy dinner to celebrate.”
Sarah leaned forward, resting her elbow’s on the table. “So Tom, how old did you
say you were?” Her flirtatiousness was evident, which aroused Tom that much
“I didn’t,” he said as he realized his own game had turned the tables on him,
“but since you asked, I’m thirty one.... and three quarters.” He added,
directing his attention to Eve.
Sarah replaced the remainder of the cube back in her glass as she folded her
arms and rested back in her chair. “You don’t look that old. I wouldn’t have
thought you much older than twenty six or twenty seven.”
Tom shook his head and chuckled, “Well I wouldn’t say thirty one is all that
old, I mean I’m not ready for the old folks home just yet. But thank you for the
“So Tom, you gotta girl back home?”
“Eve! That’s none of our business.” Sarah scolded.
“Well,” replied Eve in her own defense. “Some one as handsome as him must have
plenty of girls. I was just curious.”
Tom’s face turned slightly red from the attention.
“Well no ma’am I don’t have a gal at the present time.” he mockingly teased
“What you two wanna run off to the big city with the old guy?”
“Your not gay are ya?” Eve inquired.
Tom nearly choked on the drink of tea he was taking at the time. He began
shaking his head as he attempted to breath.
“NO! One hundred percent pure man. I love every aspect that women have to offer.
Even there inquisitiveness.” he clarified, winking at Eve.
His own flirtatious manner surprised himself. He had to be out of his mind,
these were just children.
A plane flys over pool where I lay naked with four guys in it. To my surprise I wake to them all in my pool... |
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