Sophie’s Ice Cream and Blowjob Stand
Nowadays, ice cream stands are getting more and more sophisticated, offering dozens of different flavours with strange and exciting names like ‘Death By Chocolate’, ‘Strawberry Strangulation’, and ‘Chunky Choke Cherry’. But I have discovered a really special stand near the Canadian coast where the special of the day truly does involve a certain amount of choking and gagging, at least for the pretty blonde server girl.
I had driven by the place many times on my vacation, but never stopped. But, on this day, I wanted something tasty for dessert, after having downed a steak during a BBQ party with friends and went for a drive to see what flavours this place offered. When I got there, a line was waiting, and people were impatient. Even though the neon sign said ‘Open’, there was no one serving customers. The stand itself was attached to a little restaurant, and it seemed people were in there. One of the women in line had popped into the restaurant to ask about getting ice cream and had been told the girl who served ice cream was just in the back and would be right back. So people waited.
I was in no hurry and thought the old-style ice cream stand, with the big open front was cute, so I stepped back and pulled out my digital camera to take a picture or two. After taking the picture, I decided to see what they looked like; so I scrolled around and magnified them to see what I could see. Imagine my surprise when I came to the right extreme of the picture and saw, unmistakable in the back of the booth but hidden from where people were standing, a pretty blonde girl on her knees giving a blowjob to… I couldn’t believe it… could that be an old man?
Trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, I side-stepped a little over to my right and a little closer to the stand. Then I magnified what was in my scope and took a few more pictures. I reviewed these new ones, and now there was no mistaking what I had captured on film. This pretty blonde was wearing a dark pink sweater, and extremely tight and extremely short camel coloured shorts, and most definitely was blowing a man who had white hair and couldn’t have been less than 70 years old. I took more pictures, and even used the option to take ten-second action videos to capture about a minute of the young girl at work. Finally, she stopped bobbing her head, her hands resting quietly on the old man’s knees, and stared up at him. I knew that he was filling her mouth with cum. Sure enough, within about 10 seconds, she slid off him, swallowed, and started to lick him clean. She then let him out a back door and rushed to the front, apologizing to everyone in line for the delay. Overall, I had been in line about 5 minutes, and no one had left or seemed too upset. I waited my turn.
The closer I got to the front of the line, the more I marvelled at the pretty blonde working the stand. She had long, blonde hair in a pony-tail that reached to the middle of her back. She had blue eyes and the sweetest young face and warmest smile. She apologized sincerely to each and every customer for the delay, and all forgave her. I enjoyed most when she turned to retrieve ice cream from the various big bins behind her. As she bent over to reach deep into a bin with her scoop, I marvelled at her amazing little ass in those tight short shorts. Man! It was sweet! Being at the back of the line, I pulled out my camera to take a few more pictures. The woman in front of me with her kids gave me a somewhat disapproving glance, but said nothing. I just smiled and put my camera away.
Finally, it was just me and the girl, whose nametag said ‘Sophie’.
“I’m so sorry for the delay,” the girl said sweetly. “What would you like to have?”
I stunned her a bit by pulling out my digital, taking a quick picture of her and then asking her how old she was.
“Uh,” she said nervously. “I’m eighteen.”
“You look younger,” I said.
Now she really seemed nervous. “No,” she shook her head. “I just turned eighteen.”
“I believe you,” I said with a smile, not sure that I did. This seemed to relax her a bit.
“So… what would you like to have?” she repeated.
“Hmmm,” I said slyly. “I guess I’d like to have what the old man in the back was having.”
She couldn’t help but gasp a bit. “What do you mean?” she asked nervously.
I then proceeded to show her some of the pictures I had saved on my camera. Her mouth dropped. Finally, since no one else was in line, she asked me to step into the restaurant, to my left, where she’d meet me. And she disappeared. I took a moment to put my camera into the holder attached to my belt, and then slowly sauntered to the restaurant door. When I entered, Sophie was standing with and talking to a woman who appeared about forty; from her blonde hair and face, there was no mistake that this was Sophie’s mother, who glanced my way when she saw me come in. I waited a minute, and then the mother returned to her work behind the food counter and Sophie came back up to me.
“Do you want to come with me?” she asked me; and I nodded and followed her. Man! Her ass looked sweet in those shorts. At one point, in her nervousness, she brushed against a table she was passing, knocking a pencil the floor. As she squatted down to pick it up, I could see that she was wearing light pink cotton panties… very cute!
She led me past through the front part of the ice cream stand, where she had been serving customers, where no one was waiting. I then followed her past all the bins and turned left to follow her to the very back, past a huge silver-coloured stand up freezer, where there was a big sink against the right wall. She asked me to lean against the sink and then slipped down to her knees.
As nervous as she was, she knew exactly what to do. She reached up to undo my belt and zipper, asking me, as she undid my belt buckle, if I wanted to hold my camera so it wouldn’t fall. I took it out of its case and held it. She then lowered my zipper and fished into my boxers for my still soft but swelling dick.
“How much is this?” I asked her.
“Just leave a tip,” she said, matter-of-factly, her eyes darting over to a little table to her left where, sure enough, there was a little jar that said ‘Tips’. And then she took me into her mouth. I couldn’t believe how skilled she was. As nervous as she had been speaking with me and fumbling with my zipper and belt, now she seemed confident, slowly and rhythmically sliding her mouth up and down my shaft, her eyes open and either staring straight ahead or up at me smiling down at her. I brought my camera up to my face to take a picture of her the next time she looked up and, instead of looking away or trying to hide her face, she just stopped and posed, my now hard cock several inches into her mouth.
“Hmm hmm?” she asked.
I nodded, took a few more pictures, and then she resumed. Every time she slid forward into my crotch, she angled her head a little different to let her soft moist tongue run along a slightly different part of my shaft. And the amount of suction she applied with her cheeks was just perfect. Man! She knew what she was doing. And man! Did she ever look good with a cock in her mouth! About this time, I noticed that there was a reflection of her in the freezer, showing her cute little bum in those shorts, in addition to her white tennis shoes and pink-rimmed ankle socks. I took a few pictures of that.
Shortly after this, she started to deep throat me, every inch of my eight-inch bat disappearing inside her mouth as she pressed her cute little nose into my belly. She held me like this for several seconds, and then started pumping again, still slow and sure and in perfect rhythm. She’d been on me about 5 minutes when her mom rounded the corner. I had just reached down her back to fondle her sweet ass through her pants, while Sophie deep-throated me.
“How’re you doin’, Sweetie?” Mom asked calmly.
I stood up abruptly, but Sophie just slid back a bit, at least 4 of my inches still in her mouth.
“Hmm hmm,” Sophie answered brightly, pausing for just a second, tilting her head
towards the middle-aged woman to look at her, but never taking her mouth off me.
“Are you her mom?” I asked the woman, VERY nervously.
She nodded and smiled.
“There’s a car that’s just pulled in and I think they want ice cream,” she then told her daughter, who had resumed bobbing her head to and fro.
“Hmm hmm,” Sophie replied. And then her mother smiled at me and left.
I am not sure that my cock ever had tingled so much as just seconds before I shot my load into Sophie’s sweet mouth. I grunted a few times, trying my best not to make noise in case whoever was waiting for ice cream would pop over to look, like I had. Then my whole body started to jerk. I slipped my camera into my pocket and grabbed Sophie’s head with both hands to hold her secure while I convulsed, jet after jet of semen and sperm erupting into her mouth. As she had done with the other man, Sophie just rested her hands on my knees (as they had been virtually the entire blowjob) and peered up at my face with her gorgeous, big blue eyes.
‘Are you SURE you’re eighteen?’ I thought to myself. Man! She looked sweet!
I have no doubt that I emptied the biggest load of my life into this gorgeous little blonde’s mouth. She calmly waited until I was done, and then she started to slide her mouth back and fro over my shrinking shaft, her mouth still filled with my cum. The tingling this caused was even more intense than I’d felt before I’d shot my load… it was almost painful… but also so amazingly wonderful. It was only when I was fully soft that she slid off my dick.
“Hmm hmm?” she asked me.
I pulled out my camera, she opened her mouth to proudly display her reward, and I shot several pictures.
“Okay,” I told her finally.
She then closed her lips, smiled, and swallowed. She took my back in her mouth and applied suction to draw the last cum out of my pisser, then swallowed that, and finally licked me clean. Her hands, now calm and confident, nimbly did up my belt and zipper as she smiled up at me.
“Thanks,” she said.
I reached down with one hand to take one of hers and help her up. I walked over to the tip jar to see what others had left, and was stupefied to see that the cup was two-thirds filled, but entirely with coins… everything from pennies to two dollar coins… men quite literally were paying this beautiful blonde with their spare change. I emptied my pockets of all the change I had, $6.21 worth. She thanked me and opened the back door to let me out.
“Do you live around here?” she asked me, her voice hopeful.
“I’m on vacation,” I said, “But I’ll be around all summer.”
“I hope to see you again.”
As I returned to my car, I saw that Sophie was serving ice cream to a family of five, again apologizing for the delay. Sophie smiled and waved at me as I waited there in my front seat, just watching her.
I stayed there for awhile, lost in thoughts and possibilities. After about ten minutes, Sophie’s mom arrived leading another old man to meet her daughter. Sophie and the man shook hands, and then she led him to the back as the Mom returned to the restaurant. I got out of my car and pulled out my camera. No one else was around this time, so I stepped right up to the counter and leaned in fill up the rest of my memory card with pictures and video shorts of Sophie in action. Her eyes glanced my way a couple of times, but she just continued blowing the man she was with.
Needless to say, I was back the next evening. Sophie was wearing a light green t-shirt and tight white short shorts, and clearly was pleased to see me. Even her Mom gave me a big smile.
“Are you REALLY eighteen?” I asked Sophie later as she sucked my bone in the back.
She paused to look up at me… “Hmm hmm,” she said with a shrug, and then resumed her sucking, all the while laughing inside.
I’ve been back every day since. On cooler days, like we have on the N.B. coast, instead of shorts, Sophie wears tight designer jeans that also look (and feel) unbelievable on her. I bought her a framed 6 x 3 foot mirror with a magnetic back to attach to the big freezer in the back, to make taking pictures of Sophie from the back and side possible and clearly better than the freezer reflections I initially filmed, and Sophie thought that was “very sweet”. I also brought a couple of my friends out to meet her, so she can have a “little more less-mature meat” than all the old guys I usually see her with; and Sophie that that was “really sweet” too. It was a bit of a squeeze fitting all three of us guys around Sophie in her little back ‘office’, but we managed. Sophie’s talented mouth brought us all to climax within 10 minutes, so she playfully blew us all again. And we handed the camera around to get lots and lots of wonderful pictures of her from all angles.
I also went into the city one day to buy her a really cute matching satin bikini panties and bra combination, decorated with pink and purple flowers, that looked like they might be a bikini swim suit, but truly were bra and panties. Sophie asked her Mom if she could wear that combination with heels once in a while (and nothing else) and Mom just laughed and said ‘Yes’. The first day Sophie wore her panties and bra, I stuck around for hours, taking pictures and trying to capture the various stunned expressions of patrons who couldn’t seem to make up their mind if the young lady serving them was in a swimsuit or sexy underwear. Sophie thought it all was great fun. And, of course, she blew several more than usual that day (at least a dozen) and made more than $55 in tips.
But what she thought was the sweetest ‘gift’ of all was when I showed up one evening with new letters to put on her ice cream flavour board. Of course, I waited until there were no customers waiting in line. Then Sophie watched me as I added a new ‘special’ flavour: ‘Sophie’s Deep Throat Truffle’. Sophie laughed and was very pleased.
“What are you going to say when some mom asks what it is?” I asked her.
“I’ll just say that it’s my favourite, but mostly older guys like it,” she laughed again.
A cheerleader gets a very memorable present on her birthday... |
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