Slechts Groot - Part 1
Angie indicated they were going back over to Omar, the fellow who she had been with. Jaimie took Angie’s hand, as if in a dream state. After all, this whole day and night had already been one big sex fantasy. She thought, ‘Why should I bring it to a halt now?’ And they did walk back over to the booth where Omar waited. Omar came from Afro Mideast mixed heritage, had a dark tan skin color, stood about 6 foot tall and had a medium frame body. He could not be more pleased that Angie was bringing another beautiful woman to his table. As the two girls were arriving at Omar’s booth, Kees had decided to distract Dave in a major fashion. He called over a blond about the same height and build as Jaimie, to join Dave. She had on a black mini and black heels. Her name was Rhonda. She and Dave headed for their own booth. At that moment, Dave was quite distracted.
Angie introduced Omar to Jaimie. She told Omar that Jaimie was trying to get to know all about Aardbei.
Omar pledged, “I would be most happy to help.”
Angie raised the first digit of her right hand to his face, and gave him a rule for the night. “With me, Omar. With me. Jaimie is our guest. But, I am sure that you would not mind having her watch.”
“Not at all. Not at all.”
Angie had her left hand squeezing his crotch, as he stated his desire to cooperate. Angie turned to Jaimie, explained how Omar and Angie already knew each other, and that they had already planned the next part of the evening before Jaimie arrived. They would be glad to show her an example of the little rooms where the girl and guy could get more intimate. Jaimie was going with the flow of the evening.
“Sure. I promise to observe closely, in case Kees tests me later.”
Angie laughed, took Omar by the hand, and walked him to one of the many doors along side of the lounge. Jaimie looked over at Dave as she followed Angie. Dave was too absorbed with Rhonda and what she was doing with her hands to even notice Jaimie leave. All three of Angie’s party entered a room the size of a small pantry and closed the door behind them. Kees was watching from the bar. His face beamed satisfaction.
In the USA, the mattress on the bed within the little room would be called no more than a single. Maybe even just a long juvenile’s mattress. It did fit in the room, and, at least, leave a few inches of space for the walk around it. Jaimie stood close to the lounge door as Angie took Omar around to the far end of the mattress. There was another closed door at that end of the room. Angie looked at Jaimie, then looked at Omar. She positioned Omar so that he was facing Jaimie. He seemed to immediately like that direction. Angie sat on the edge of the bed, in front of him, and began taking off Omar’s clothes.
Jaimie found herself immediately turned on by the exhibition. Soon she was staring at an Omar who had only briefs on. Jaimie was mentally helping Angie pull those briefs down. A semi hard penis flipped out. It was about two inches longer than her Dave. And it had a defined and very large head. Angie stroked it, and it got even larger. Jaimie felt very turned on. Angie decided to put Jaimie on the spot and get just a little kinky.
“Hey, Jaimie. What do ya think of this?”And Angie held up his now rigid penis.
Jaimie was not shy at that moment, and wanted to be complimentary. “I think that it is very nice. Very nice!”
Omar’s chest and penis may have both stuck out even more upon hearing Jaimie’s praise. He was delighted.
Angie baited Jaimie a little more. “Is he bigger than your husband?”
“Yes. He is bigger.”
“A lot bigger?”
“Yes. Y_E_S, a lot bigger.”, said with an air of an embarrassing admission about the true difference.
“Just wondered.” And Angie plopped him into her mouth and began giving a truly professional blowjob.
She did that for a few minutes. But she could sense that Omar was too stimulated by the situation and the visitor. She took his penis out of his mouth and looked up.
“Whoa boy. Settle down just a little, or you won’t be able to show Jaimie what is supposed to happen next.”
And Omar did breath deep and try to relax just a little. He too wanted his control back. He certainly wanted Jaimie to see him fuck Angie. After a few more minutes of slow stroking, in order to only maintain the erection, Angie slid back on the bed, into a missionary, and with her head near Jaimie. From Jaimie’s point of view, she was unable to see Angie’s red labia spread on their own, like self opening curtains. She also did not see the large irregular opening between those labia. She did see all of Omar quickly disappear into Angie. Jaimie noted that the insertion was smooth, very easy, and immediately completed, even with the size of Omar’s penis. She watched as many details as she could. Not even in college, had she been able to watch another couple so closely. She found herself in a moment of envy, as she watched a man, who was much larger than her husband, bang away at the woman. Jaimie really could not help but wonder what that penis might feel like, if it were stuck into her own pussy.
Angie came several times. And Jaimie saw cause for and believed in each one of them. It looked like a great workout for both Angie and Omar. Omar had her flip over and did her doggy for a while. Finally, he looked right at Jaimie as he unloaded into Angie. Jaimie felt the need to do something sweet, but, at the same time, sexy. Something that hinted of something else? All she did was lean over and kiss Omar on the lips. That seemed to send a shiver through him and up into Angie. It was good for one last spasm.
Jaimie watched Omar pull out of Angie. A bunch of goo dropped to the sheet. Both got up. Angie held a wash cloth over her opening, which, only by chance, continued to keep Jaimie from observing that Angie had a very large gaping pussy. Angie told Jaimie that she could go ahead back out to the lounge. But before Jaimie left, Angie wanted Jaimie to know what was required. That Angie was going to clean up a little. That the restroom was behind that inside door. And that, if Jaimie were doing all this, and wanted to douche, she would do that during this time period. Then Angie told Jaimie that the last thing she would always do before leaving is replace the sheet with a clean one from the cupboard and toss the soiled one in a bin just inside the small restroom.
“Just wanted you to get the rest of the picture without staying through it all. See you in a few minutes.”
After Angie said that, Jaimie carefully opened the door and stepped into the lounge area. Dave was still in the lounge area with Rhonda. Rhonda had not taken Dave to a sex room. She was being as friendly as she could, without fucking the husband of another possible coworker. Rhonda knew that Kees did not allow the husbands to be there for free. Kees felt that, if Dave had the money, he could pay a monthly or annual fee like all the other members. Since he knew Dave and Jaimie needed money, Kees had no suspicion that Dave would become such a member.
Jaimie walked over to Kees, who was still sitting at the bar.
“That was very interesting, and, I guess you could say, educational.” She smiled.
“Were you offended?”
“No. Angie was very nice, informative, and, well, they looked like they were having a great time during sex.”
“Can you see yourself doing that? And getting $72 dollars each and every time, in addition?”Kees tried to keep his tone neutral, and not let Jaimie know how much he would love for her to come to work for him.
“Funny, but I can see myself doing this. Angie made it seem so natural, so relaxed. Not at all what I thought it would be like. I really believe that I could make something similar happen for men.” She smiled and looked confident.
“But would your husband feel comfortable with you having sex with other men, lots of other men?”
“That is a very good question. Dave and I have a lot to talk about. I cannot predict his reaction.”And she looks over at him joking and laughing with Rhonda.
“Jaimie, I find that I cannot let you leave without telling you that I would be honored if you would come to work here. If you two decide ‘yes’, then I want you to know that I would personally be here for your first work shifts. At a professional distance, of course. And that your first work would be a slow part of the day shift, so you can adjust.”
“That all sounds appropriate. I just don’t want to do anything, including becoming excited, until I speak with Dave.”
“Perfectly understandable.” And Kees purposefully speeded up the couple’s meeting of minds by going for Jaimie’s coat.
Dave saw that, said goodbye to Rhonda, and went for his own jacket. Jaimie and Dave said goodbye to Kees. Her final communication to Kees was that she would ‘let you know, either way’.
On the way back to the room, they discussed the proposition. Jaimie told Dave of what she saw Angie and Omar do.
The most immediate effect was that Dave became very turned on and fucked Jaimie several times that night. He could get another erection in short order, just fantasizing about other men fucking Jaimie. He quizzed her about what she was thinking when she saw Omar’s penis. Her truthful answer just turned him on more. And it appeared as if Dave’s hormones were going to make his decision.
Their joint decision was that Jaimie could try this, primarily because of the controlled environment that Kees had developed. That control, the rather fixed and traceable membership, its upscale clientele and their healthcare, possible support from, at least, some of the girls and a specific well organized work place were positive factors for both Jaimie and Dave. Those factors moderated what would normally be a scary and rather impossible activity for Jaimie. Once the decision was made, Jaimie allowed herself to finally get excited, very excited.
At noon the next day, Jaimie went to the phone at the street level and called Kees. Though a woman answered, Kees was there. Jaimie was pleasantly surprised that she ‘caught’ him at the business. But then he told her that he actually lived in that rear central section, between both clubs. So, she should always be able to ‘catch’ him there. He seemed thrilled that the couple had decided she could try working at the brothel. He told her to drop by at 4:00 PM. As much as he liked Dave, he reminded her that she should come alone to work. Dress casually to get there, but bring hot outfits to choose from. Then, he admitted that the type of heels might sometimes be the only choice needed. The phone conversation ended with him telling her that he greatly appreciated the cultural distance that she was spanning.
A few minutes before 4:00 PM, Jaimie arrived at Aardbei. Kees met her in the lobby and showed her to the simple dressing room. He told her to put on what she thought was a sexy outfit, and that he had someone who he wanted to introduce her to. She put her curly black hair into two frizzy ponytails, put on a black sparkle top, a black mini and black heels. Kees came in to the dressing room just as she was finishing getting ready. He told her that he would be the one to show her around and get her started today.
Then he prepped
her by saying that, in all his years there, he had learned that a new girl just
needed to get past the fright, to get those first fucks done. And he walked with
her into the lounge area. There were a couple of other girls there, and they
were occupied. Up by the front booths were six men without women. Omar was one
of them.
Kees acknowledged that Jaimie already knew Omar. Then he introduced a Turk, Jim, Bob, Harry, and Dave. Of course, this was not her husband Dave, this one was a quite different Dave. While Jaimie was shaking each man’s hand during Kees’s introductions, Kees was also admitting that he had invited all of them there to be the first ones with the new girl.
All the men seemed star struck, as Jaimie was standing there in exceptionally beautiful form. Out of the group, Kees acknowledged Omar first.
“Well, fellows, since Omar put in his vote yesterday, during Jaimie’s first visit to Aardbei, he gets to be first.”
And Omar extended his hand to Jaimie. She took it and walked with him to the very same small room where she had seen him perform yesterday. Once inside, he wanted to do the honors of unwrapping her. He unbuttoned the back of her top and pulled it forward and off. He massaged her perky breasts, and tweaked her nipples lightly, then sucked on each while he was unzipping her skirt and letting it fall to her ankles. She stepped out of the skirt and Omar went directly for her black thong. He carefully pulled it down, had her step out of it and tossed it across the room. He stood there rubbing up against her front as he held her tight butt cheeks.
She returned the favors by removing his shoes and socks first, his shirt next, then his pants and finally his underwear. Now that she could grasp it herself, she had extra admiration of his penis’s size and hardness. It was a lot different to simultaneously see and hold such a penis. She began to breath heavier. She stroked, and it quickly finished filling to its maximum. She loved the feel of this penis. It was not Dave’s, which, by itself, was a turn on. That it was bigger and harder, well, those were extra special turn ons. His male curiosity made him ask,
“You say that I am bigger than your husband?”
“Oh, yes, quite a lot bigger. And harder, too.”
And she started sucking on it. With her tongue, it was even easier to verify that Omar was big. She licked around the head and lubricated it well. Then he wanted to try it in her. He had her lay down in the exact location where he had done Angie the day before. The head was difficult to get into Jaimie. She was very tight. Omar, thinking of Angie, knew that Jaimie would be much easier to get into within a week or two. Jaimie had already cum during his entrance. She kept bucking, over and over, searching for still another orgasm. She thought that this was absolutely great. She did not dream that it could feel like this. Omar almost came quickly. He had to look away from this beautiful black haired woman for a moment, just to try to maintain any control at all. He kept sliding in. Jaimie could not believe that there was more to slide in. Omar was already at a much deeper point than Dave had ever been.
But Omar pushed in another inch. He was as far as he could go. She looked so great to him, and she felt so great to him.
He flexed and jerked his penis within her, “Hello there!”
She giggled and arched, massaging herself up and down on him. They seemed to have a strong agreement that this was much better than a hand shake. That it was more personable, more physical, more everything. He rolled her over on her side and went deep into her sideways for a while. Then, he put her in his favorite ‘cum’ position. He had finished Angie with a doggy type position.
With Jaimie, he was slightly deeper when he readied to cum, for he had her advance the doggy position slightly and tuck her knees up under her chest, placing her beautiful flexing ass into a high rise. Then he watched that ass of hers very closely, as he speeded up. He made certain to take her right along, when he came. They both shivered and jerked.
Omar’s demonstration with Angie yesterday was not unusual in one respect. This was 1970 and few, if any men, used condoms. It was a luxury freedom of a pre-viral time. Even bacterial infections were at a low during this era.
All that it all meant was: he could unload in her and fill her with his cum. This was another difference that she noted with Omar; unlike with Dave, she could feel Omar squirt her. That just made for a more shocking rhythm of breathing, twisting and giggling at the very end. He produced a good amount. As he pulled out, just as it had with Angie, some drained down her inner legs and some just gushed straight to the sheet. Jaimie was wondering how often it could happen, more importantly, how often it would happen, where the prostitute and the client could be so synchronized in their satisfaction.
While Jaimie finished up the room, she decided that, today, her lounge appearances would be as in stages of a strip off. So, for her next appearance, she put back on her top and her thong. Of course, her heels had never come off. And she popped back into the lounge. Omar was smiling, and everyone, including the other girls, gave Jaimie a round of applause. It acknowledged her very first prostitution.
Ironic that the acknowledgment was the only time of embarrassment for Jaime. Her more serious thoughts were briefly about all the other millions of women through history, who at sometime prostituted themselves, even the many hundreds of millions, for whom marriage is, today, actually only a formally accepted prostitution. And she seriously concluded that she was extremely lucky to have such a very positive start.
Walking up to the remaining five, she jokingly feigned the tiniest of bows. All five reflected approval of her reduction in outfit. As she arrived at the group, Turk and Jim felt it necessary to feel those butt cheeks of hers. And a simultaneous ‘nice!’ was the response to that look and feel. While Jaimie was fucking with Omar, the remaining five had drawn numbers. They just wanted to get sequence questions out of the way and provide some order to the fucking of Jaimie.
The results of the drawing were: first Dave, then Jim, then Bob, then Turk and, finally, Harry. These men were dedicated to fucking Jaimie. They already committed to taking time off from whatever type of work that they were supposed to be doing, just so they could be a part of Jaimie’s first day on her job. And next was a Dave who looked nothing like her own Dave.
Dave took her hand and they walked right straight over to another one of the many doors on that side wall of the lounge. Dave was white, very stocky, with not too much, but some abdominal girth. Stocky, along with a height of somewhere in the 6 foot 4 inch range, made him just plain large. Dave stripped off Jaimie’s top and thong, and was very happy feeling her up everywhere. She and he both helped with the removal of his clothes. His penis was about the same size as Omar’s. Maybe just a little wider, but also slightly softer.
Jaimie was thinking that she could really get into this job. Up to number two now, and she actually did not feel that it was a type of work, yet. Dave asked if she liked to kiss. She said sure. She would not reject some other signs of affection. Besides, they were going to share a lot more than saliva!
Dave and Jaimie fucked in several positions. After a total of 15 minutes, the last position was missionary. She carefully built with his intensity, and came with him. She thought, ‘two out of two’. However, she admitted to herself that this fuck required her first professional planning and, perhaps what might be interpreted as the use of her dance timing. She was the one, so to say, that allowed them to ‘end on the same note’. Dave did a minor personal clean up, kissed her again, and left for his own work.
She did the bathroom visit, drained a lot, cleaned herself generally (certainly a lot more than Dave did), changed the sheet, put on her thong and entered into the lounge. She took her blouse over to the corner that was used for temporary drop off, and hung the blouse with the previously removed skirt. Then, she walked over to the remaining four, showing only her good form, a thong and a pair of nice black heels.
Jim was smiling, sort of bouncy, and just barely containing himself as she walked the last few steps. He grabbed her hand and twirled her as a supposed dance partner. This twirl was primarily to show off that body of her’s throughout 360 degrees. He brought her out of the next fraction of a twirl, just in time to be headed toward one of the small ‘fuck’ rooms. Once inside, he almost mauled her from the top of her head to her feet. In fact, he slipped off her heels and pulled up her feet and legs, flipping her onto the mattress. She landed with her back on the mattress, just as he began sucking on her toes. Now, this, she thought was kinky. Kinky, cute, and it tickled! Even though she was not a toe freak, well, not yet, she did appreciate this variation in introduction. But it did lead to the more expected form of sex.
He rolled off her thong and began to finger her strongly. She became quite alert and her eyes widened big time.
Jim liked working her bottom in several ways. Soon he had three fingers in her pussy and two fingers in her ass.
She was responding with heavy breathing, and, as he bent over her, she played with the hair on his head. Then he was able to get four large fingers into her pussy with one hand, and four large fingers into her ass with the other hand. She still was giving signs that it was quite pleasurable. Since they were free, he used the thumb of each hand to reach over into an opposite hole. He softly pinched and chewed her with his hands, using the thumbs as anchors to pull one hole towards the other.
Jaimie was thinking that this must also be a form of kink. However, she enjoyed the massage and stretching very much. She even went along with the technique, when he got more powerful and pulled harder on the two holes. After sustaining that activity for a minute or two, he let go of her, and quickly took off his clothes. Her mind went ‘wow’, when she saw the long and thick penis starting to stick out towards her. What she was looking at might explain the stretchy massage that she had just received. Jaimie had no idea what the measurements of this man were (8.75 inches long and 2.5 inches diameter). She only needed to know that he was very big, and that she had never had a man that big. Jaimie believed that was enough to know. A little pure fear mixed with a lot of desire had Jaimie opening her legs wide. She wanted to try this!
Vaseline was provided on a little shelf nearby. Jim’s experience had taught him that, in his case, he needed to start with Vaseline, not use it after it was already needed. He put a little just inside Jaimie and then jacked himself with some more. Because of the nice prep, he was able to slide in smoothly. Jaimie’s eyelids fluttered, her breathing became a series of pants, and her pelvis squirmed and twisted. With him only a fraction of the way into her, she came; the width was over stimulating to Jaimie. She even thought up a new phrase to try to explain its effect, ‘Absolutely sensually fantastic’. It was one of the moments, during that afternoon, when it was necessary for her to again remind herself that Kees was actually going to pay her, to have those sensations.
He kept stretching deeper and wider. She kept cuming. Her voice had become rather loud. Even the recorded music in the lounge could no longer mask her sounds. She also bucked up and down on the bed, occasionally shaking the door that opened into the lounge. One of the girls in a booth near the door, suggested, in Dutch, that ‘she does seem to enjoy her new job’. Her client agreed strongly.
Jim was having a great time getting there. To get the rest in, he began actual deep strokes when he was at about 75 percent into her. This all was so much more simple with the more experienced, more used, girls. But he smiled at her, when he had that thought. After all, this beauty was worth the extra time and the extra restraint. And being tightly stuck on Jim, well, Jim was not complaining at all. Another 5 minutes of stroking, and he buried it in her.
She lost control and began grinding down on Jim wildly. Up to now, Jaimie had no idea that she could even react this way during sex. But now she did know. She was very happy that she could reach such intensity. Very happy.
Other details that Jaimie did not know earlier included the sounds that her pussy could make. All the slurping, popping, snapping and more. She had never heard those sounds coming from herself before. And each sound was associated with an intense pleasure pain sequence, a sequence now happening so quickly that it all became sort of one big orgasm for her. Jim was stroking to the hilt now. Her pussy was stretched out more thoroughly inside of her than it had ever been. As well, her lips were spread wide, with constant tension on the remainder of her hymen and inner labia. All those internal rings, and more, stretched like taunt rubber bands. Jaimie interpreted it all as not just good, but wonderful. ‘Hope this guy becomes a steady customer of mine !’ was a good example of Jaimie’s thoughts at that moment.
She came another couple of times on her own. Another ten minutes later, and while in all the way and grinding her good, he came. He brought Jaimie along with him, for her major and final orgasm. He twitched inside her as he smiled down at her. She smiled back up and returned the favor with a little clench.
When she came out into the lounge next time, she had on only her black high heels. Everyone in the lounge could now check out anything anywhere. For instance, one jet black small vertical bar of fur was the trimmed presentation just above her pussy. Sort of a tasteful presentation of old standards that were very modified to the modern times. As she walked to the remaining three men, she glanced over at Kees. He was still sitting on the same stool at the bar. He was just nursing his straight Cola and playing babysitter. He gave her a proud smile and a big thumbs up.Well, well, well, the boss was happy.
Bob was a fellow who was not much taller than Jaimie. Trim, with delicate features. He had been quiet every time that Jaimie encountered the group. Now it was Bob’s turn. After they got behind the door, Jaimie found that Bob did not change He was still quiet and tentative. Jaimie quickly realized that she was in charge. She sat on the bed, and patted her hand beside her. He sat down. She hugged him, cuddled with him and slowly put his right hand to her breasts. After he was comfortable softly playing with them, she moved his hand down to her pussy. She grabbed his middle finger and folded back the others. Bob took responsibility for putting it in her, and getting a rise with the finger fucking that followed. She removed his shirt, and then, just as quickly went to his pants. They came off. Finally, she removed his briefs. His penis was in proportion, really only slightly smaller than what her husband had.
As he fingered Jaimie, his penis became erect. She stroked it. She would have eaten him, but he seemed to want to go quickly to the missionary position and fuck. He mumbled an admission to Jaimie. He indicated that her beauty had him all flustered. She grabbed him by the back of his head and pulled his face down to hers. She gave him an extremely sweet kiss, winked her right eye at him, and smiled. In five to ten minutes, it was over. Bob seemed very happy and said enough to confirm that he was. A quick guy clean up, and he left. Jaimie busied in cleaning up the room and herself. When she sat on the stool, she had the classic moment to think. During that moment, she decided that Bob was just an example of the famous needy ‘john’ who so many little stories are written about. She wondered about how many of that type paid for a special membership in such a club. The number really did not matter, because she felt comfortable dealing with such situations. But for a personally satisfying fuck, she realized that she would need ‘more guys like Jim’!
And back to the lounge she went. Two guys were left. Turk and Harry. Turk was supposed to be next. But Jaimie really did not understand that the so-called drawing was slightly fixed. Indeed, most names were in a sort of order. But the order was shuffled around slightly, so these fellows could be last. She went over to greet Turk. But Harry was just as much front and center. When she grasped Turk’s hand to lead him to a room, he stopped her, and wanted to make sure that she knew Harry was coming too.
“Oh ?” And she looked inquisitively at both.
Turk just held up two fingers. Jaimie thought that she might have suddenly understood the plan, and she spun her head around to find Kees. There he sat, on the same bar stool. He smiled, opened his palms to her, and gave the two handed gesture that sort of says ‘Its all your show. You can now take the stage. So, take it!’ It was an old vaudeville message.
She thought to herself as she grabbed one hand from each man and began leading them to a door. ‘OK. Are they going to paw me one at a time and fuck me one at a time, or are they going to do that double thing? Can I even do that double thing?’ One of the girls was in a booth near the doors. She had no one with her at the moment. And she had watched this whole event build up, and thought she should indicate a proper direction for the parade. She pointed to the last doors. There were four doors down there that looked quite different. With the size of the lounge, they must have been at least 40 ft. further away. Jaimie looked back at the girl in the booth. The girl nodded, and Jaimie took her ‘two’ guys to one of those doors.
An uptight Quaker catches his Hispanic wife getting buggered by friends, and decides to participate... |
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