Slap That Puppy
Note : This story is completely fictional!
Terry Gettsum was just a normal teenager. He got average grades in school and had plenty of friends but would not be considered popular. He did okay at sports but was neither among the best or the worst. His mother and father still lived together but that may be unusual in most places. He had one baby sister, Dianne, two years younger than him that he considered a nuisance most of the time. It was a perfectly normal family by all appearances and, until that April, it had been.
Like most boys his age, Terry masturbated regularly and had no idea his parents knew about it. Of course they knew. Every night at 11:00, his father would hear the squeaking floorboards and make a comment like, “There he goes again”, and laugh about it. It was kind of funny but his father was concerned as well. When he was that age, his mother had taught him better and, now, the responsibility fell to him. So, naturally, he invited his mother to visit.
It had been a few years since Granny Gettsum had travelled across the country to visit but Terry remembered her fondly. She was a big woman but surprisingly active. Most of all, he remembered her laughter and her affection. She told crude jokes and swore, but always with a smile. Terry’s mother was not so amused and she grimaced every time but that was part of the fun.
Terry waited impatiently for his father to bring her back from the airport and when they pulled into the driveway, he ran out to greet her. She had gotten even bigger and Terry could barely hug her. She hugged him though and he nearly suffocated between her breasts.
“Look at you. You’ve gotten so big”, she gushed, “You’re a man now”.
His father asked Terry to get her luggage and opened the trunk.
“Are you sure you’re big enough for MY bags, sweetcheeks?”, she asked.
“No problem”, Terry boasted but when he lifted them he continued, “Holy shit, what have got in here, a car battery?”.
“And spares. It never hurts to be prepared”, She answered and laughed, but directed at her son.
Terry was just happy to get away with swearing.
They all went inside and Terry put the luggage away while his grandmother said hello to his mother and sister.
“So, whose bed will I be sleeping in?”, Terry heard his grandmother ask when he got back to the living room.
Terry’s mother mentioned that they converted the den and that she will have her own room.
“That’s a shame. You shouldn’t have gone to so much effort”, Granny responded.
“We didn’t want you to worry about the stairs”, assured her daughter-in-law.
“I may be fat but I’m not old yet”, Granny said with a chuckle.
“I was only concerned because I know you have bad knees”, Terry’s mother defended.
“You’re very thoughtful”, Granny conceded, “These old knees are worn out. Damn football injury”.
“You played football?”, Terry asked with a baffled expression.
“Not exactly but you can say I was on the team”, Granny said with a grin.
“How did you hurt your knees?”, Terry probed, more confused than before.
“Picking up the soap in the locker room”, his grandmother retorted curtly, “Dinner smells wonderful”.
The conversation shifted toward food and family. There were lots of stories about Terry’s aunts and cousins and Terry got bored. The aunt and cousins still lived in the same city where his father grew up and Granny lived in her own condo. They talked about that, too, all through dinner. Terry finally got a word in and asked if Granny wanted to play a video game after dinner. She used to do that before but she sucked at it, to use her words.
“Can’t tonight, sweety. Got a date”, Granny answered.
“You have a date?”, her son asked in amazement.
“Ya, I called up an old friend that I would be in town. He insisted on picking me up at the airport but I put him off till tonight”, Granny boasted.
Terry watched his mother shake her head in disapproval but she always did that with Granny.
“Tomorrow, we can play your game. You can kick my ass tomorrow”, Granny promised as she winked.
“He’ll be here soon, she continued, “I better get changed”, and left the table.
When she returned from the den, half an hour later, Dianne pointed out that she was wearing the same clothes.
“He ain’t coming to see my clothes, honeybuns”, was Granny’s response.
Terry didn’t get to see his grandmother before bedtime or even in the morning, before school. His mother said that she was still sleeping and to be quiet. After school and after homework, as his mother pressed, Terry got his chance to “kick her ass”. Good thing his mother didn’t stick around because Granny swore up a storm then. She even called him names, like “little shit”, but it was all in fun. Some of the words, Terry hadn’t even heard before. She nudged and tickled and tried to get distract him but she still lost every game.
“You got another date tonight”, Terry asked.
“Naw. It’ll probably take him a week to recover”, she answered abstractly, “I need a younger man”.
“How about you”, she flirted, “You can be my date tonight”.
“Okay, but I have to be home by ten”, Terry joked.
She laughed so hard that the windows rattled and then gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Later that night, around 11:00, Terry heard a soft knock on the door. He pulled the sheets over his hard cock and the magazine and squeaked out a “Ya“. Granny came in and sat on the side of the bed. The bed groaned under the weight and Terry braced himself from rolling into her. She didn’t say a word. She just reached under the covers and pulled out the magazine as if she were psychic. She leafed through the pages and paused at the centrefold.
“Is this the kind of girl you like?”, she questioned.
“I guess so”, Terry mumbled.
“You know the problem with these kind of girls?”, Granny asked rhetorically, “They’re not real”.
She told him not to be ashamed about jacking off but that he shouldn’t brag about it either. She said that the biggest problem is that it was such a waste. Then she suggested that he demonstrate his technique.
“I can’t do it in front of you”, Terry complained.
She held the centrefold in front of her face and asked, “You can do it in front of her”.
“But I can’t… It won’t… It’s soft”, he whimpered.
“Now that’s something I can take care of”, his grandmother offered.
She didn’t wait for a reply. She threw the covers back and Terry rushed to cover himself but lost his balance as he rolled toward his grandmother.
“Oh my God, you got pubes”, Granny commented, “That’s a shame but you are a young man now. You will be by the time I get through with you”.
She cupped his balls and his youthfully small prick in her wrinkled hand and squeezed softly. Terry wanted to scream but he loved his grandmother and didn’t want to get her in trouble. He was helpless and vulnerable with his fate in her hands. Her hand shifted to the shaft and she tugged and massaged it. He couldn’t help it. It felt so much better than his own hand but not nearly as soft. He began to relax and just enjoy the sensations and, as he got harder, her tugs became strokes.
“That’s my big guy. Show me what you got”, Granny cooed.
My aunt just can't get enough... |
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