Thank you very much Ron! We are very appreciative for all of your sourppt and hard work and we look forward to a wonderful season!FYI, for those of you reading this, Ron made this new website for us and he has done a great job So if you have a business and need help just let us know and we will get you in touch with him!
Posted by Misa
I believe she's a horny perp, and perervt at that.I think this has always been around, yet only recently have these items been coming to the forefront. I think that women are as bad, if not worse, than men in this department because women know they will get away with it. It's just the kind of world we live in.I am having problems getting my car inspected, so the sticker has expired. My wife has been pulled over twice for it and given nice friendly warnings. My 19-year-old daughter was pulled over for it and got a nice friendly warning. I was pulled over and got a ticket. That's just the way this world works.
Posted by Lanney
I have a great bad book to recommend to this list. Wooly's Walk The book is a thcouy feely book about a sheep that tries to eat flowers, but is told not to because bees might sting its nose, then not to eat something else or birds will peck its toes, finally it eats grass, which is nice and safe . OH GOD!!! Stick with safe food for sure. Never risk anything! Don't try new things!!!It is slowly exiting the library. I had to vent.
I was turned on, I need a wank. I didn't let being on a bus stop me!!