Sharing Black - A New Beginning part 1
LaJoria -- Home, Saturday morning 4:44a.m.
I woke up from my much-needed slumber to find my husband not there. Sometimes, on the weekends, he’d go out with his friends and I’d find him in a drunken slumber beside me in the bed. Not the case this morning. I crossed the hall to Big Momma‘s old room, now the nursery. The twins were fast asleep, and so was Isaiah. Isaiah was the child that Black and Shauny had just months before his twins were born.
“What the....!” Something fell over downstairs. Big Momma was out of town with her sister so I hoped it was Black. I descended the stairs to where the noise was coming from... My heart started to pound harder. I grabbed the broom from the bottom of the stairs and continued towards the living room. The more steps I took the more afraid I became.
Someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth with his hands. I dropped the broom.
“Don’t move, don’t scream, don’t do shit but what I say, you hear me bitch!” He whispered. “YOU HEAR ME!!!” He whispered louder and pointed a sharp object deeper against my side. Drenched with fear I nodded yes.
I was shoved up against the wall, mouth and hands was taped with duck tape, then he hung my arms upon a hook in the closet.
“Now be real still and I won’t hurt you!” I tried to get a look at his face but it was too dark to see. He kneeled down to pull down my panties and in an instant I lifted my leg and kicked him right in the face. As he quickly recovered, I struggled to get my hands free. The hook was too high for me to pull my arms over so I continued to flail and kick my legs. He walked up to me and pushed the sharp object to the side of my neck.
“Now I said I wouldn’t hurt you. Don’t make me go back on my word!!” He growled through clenched teeth. The closer he got to my face the more I could smell the liquor on his breath. The man roughly licked the side of my face. “Now stop all that damned kickin’!”
He kept saying he’s not going to hurt me, then what is he going to do with me? Where’s Black, why isn’t he here? Who is this man, and why is he doing this to me?! He kneeled down again and successfully removed my panties. He lifted the crotch up to his nose and took a deep long whiff from it.
“Yeah, I love the smell of your pussy! I bet it tastes as good as it smells?” You sick fuck, go ahead and do it and I’ll piss all over yo’ ass! He parted my folds and ladled his wide fat tongue across my pearl. It shocked me that it felt so good. He did it again but faster. How could this feel so good, this is wrong! It confused me, should I fight this or should I sit back and enjoy?
By the time it took me to decide, I had already begun to cum!
“Yeah you like that don’t you?” He questioned clenching my ass cheeks tighter to steady my rolling hips. Just as I came, I let loose the piss I was holding right into his face. He jumped up so quick I thought he was going to slap me.
“You stupid Bitch!!!” He cursed, wiped his face on my shirt, and twisted me around as far as he could. He took off his belt, and with all his might, lashed it across my ass.
The pain was almost excruciating as it radiated up and down my spine. Then there was another lash almost across the previous one. Two more smacks came just as fast as the first two; I could feel the welts beginning to swell. The tears jumped uncontrollably out of my face. My cries became even more audible to him and I guess he felt sorry for me. He rubbed his hands across my welts and squeezed them tightly. I screamed again as lightning rods of pain shot in every direction across my ass.
“I’m sorry, but I told you... I told you...” He aggressively grabbed both sides of my face and kissed me. My eyes first, then my nose, then my cheeks, then my lips through the tape.
“I’d take this off if I thought you wouldn’t scream, but I’m not.” He pinched both my nipples hard and rolled them between his fingers to add to the pain. I tried to scream as loud as I could through my nose, but it’s still not loud enough for the neighbors to hear.
“Better be quiet, I’m almost finished.” He rubbed his erection against my leg. “Now see what you did to him? Now I got to fuck you long and hard.”
He dropped his pants to his ankles and walked towards me. He grabbed both my legs and pulled them around his waist.
“Keep them just like that or this knife is going into your ass. Think I’m playin’ if you wanna!” Then pushed his swollen dick inside me. I could feel the tip of the knife, in his hand, poking against my ass with every thrust he made. His dick was big like Black’s, it filled me from the bottom to the top, side to side and that‘s only with six of his twelve inches.
He took long, smooth, circular, strokes into my pussy, spreading and caressing my G-spot over and over. How could something so wrong, feel so damned good! Fear slowly subsided as the pleasure quickly took over. I was loosing control; my sighs of climax got louder and louder as I came in his lap, back to back, over and over again.
“I’mma cum... In you..... Cum with me.... Cum with me.... OOOHH!!!” All of a sudden he bit so hard into my shoulder, I thought he drew back blood. I came so hard I dropped my legs from around his waist just as he came. His hot nut exploded across my stomach. Each drop went from hot to cold as it rolled down my stomach.
He dropped to his knees in exhaustion.
“Now who’s going to clean up all this cum from my lap, hum?” He stood and snatched the tape from my mouth, and licked my lips. I could have spit on him, why I didn’t I don’t know. Then he lifted me from the hook and removed the tape from around my wrists. He pushed down on my shoulders and I flopped to my knees.
“Now clean it up!” He grabbed the back of my hair and pulled back forcefully. “Bite me and this knife is going through you skull!”
He didn’t let go of my hair; he used it to guide my head around his dick as he pushed it in and out of my mouth. Jaw fatigue came on quickly and my stomach was about to erupt from him forcing his dick down my throat. Before I could stop him he jabbed his dick further in my neck and held it there. My throat clenched as I started to vomit. His hot nut sprayed the back of my throat just as dinner rushed from my stomach into my mouth. I couldn’t hold anything in my mouth as I tried to catch my breath. His nut and my regurgitated dinner sprayed out the sides of my mouth as his shrinking dick slipped from lips.
“Damn, I love that shit!!!”
I wiped my mouth as I exited the closet and shut the door. I heard some rustling around then the door opened behind me.
“Was it at all like your fantasy?” Black said as he stepped into the kitchen behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
“It could have been a lot better if you tried harder!”
“You heard me, it could have been a lot better if you tried harder!”
“Try harder... Alright then, next time I’ll get my boy Trent to do it with me.” He removed his arms from around me.
“That just might work!!“ I kidded and turned to face him. His eyes were wide and his chin dropped. “Ok Black, I’m sorry baby. I enjoyed it, I really did, it was wonderful!! All I expected and more. I knew it was you though.” I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his waist and held him tight.
“Oh yeah, when?”
“The moment you put your dick in me. No one can spread my G-spot like you do!”
“Ain’t anything I can do about my dick so every time I do this you’d know it’s me. I know what I‘mma do next time.”
“I ain’t tellin’. I’m going to bed so I can think of how to try harder next time.” He spat and left the kitchen and ran upstairs to bed. I joined him.
I wrapped a towel around my head and body when I got out of the shower. I peeked in on the kids again and they were still sleep. I stepped into my room to find Black not in bed. Where could he be? I walked towards the bed, the door suddenly closed behind me and before I could turn around Black snatched my towel off, and pinned me on the bed face down with his erect dick aimed towards my asshole.
“Black, what are you doing?” I asked calmly as I could.
“You say I didn’t try hard enough.... Now I’ll show you...” He pushed his already lubricated dick against the entrance of my anus.
“BLACK... DON’T!!!” He didn’t listen, he continued to push into my ass harder and harder. I could feel my ass tearing to meet his capacity.
“You’re HURTING ME BLACK!!!” I screamed.
“I KNOW!” He screamed back and completed his dig into my ass. I reached back and scratched his face.
He grabbed both of my arms and held them behind my back. My legs were straddled the corner of the bed so I couldn’t climb away.
“Is this... trying harder? Jori...Huh.... Huh?” He spat between thrusts. I was too busy trying to separate the shock and the pleasure from the pain to answer him.
Jab after jab Black drove deep into my ass to the hilt. I could feel the blood roll down into my pussy.
“Is this? What you wanted... Huh Jori?” He said as he pulled out and drop after drop of hot cum rolled across my back. As the last drop of his cum eased out his dick he released my arms and dropped his upper body weight on top of me. His semi erect dick slid back into my still open sphincter and rested inside of it.
“Girl, what are you doing?” I began to roll my hips around so his semi-erect penis can slide in and out of my ass. “Oh you liked that did you? Here let me show you something else!” He wrapped his arm around my waist then between my legs. He embraced my clit with two fingers.
“Go!” I rolled my hips back and forth on his fingers and his dick. I could feel him start to swell again inside my ass.
My clit started to swell with an orgasm, and then all of a sudden my ass started ringing with cum. My hips began to get confused; I didn’t know which way to twist.
“You cuming?” Black asked and took over. He rocked in and out of my ass hard enough to push my clit through his fingers. A twin orgasm exploded through my body and I almost lost consciousness.
I never knew such dicklishousness could come from my shit hole like that, especially since it hurt so much in the beginning.
His fingers twisted and turned faster atop of my clit, while his roll in my ass became dove deeper. I was amazed at how fast I started to cum again, it was almost immediate. It felt like a hot flash had come over me as I came double. I came so uncontrollably that pissed all over his hand and the bed. A few grunts later Black filled my stomach from the bottom with his cum..
Black rolled out of my ass and over on the bed.
“You’re a nasty bitch!” he laughed. I climbed over towards him and leaned on his chest.
“Yo mamma’s a nasty bitch!” I laughed back.
“You know what... this is the second time you pissed on me,” he said and wiped his wet hands in my face. “Now you have to clean this pissy ass bed and yourself up again. Nah!” He laughed and left out naked to the shower.
After I cleaned the bed I got in the shower with him.
Black -- Home, Saturday Morning 11:30a.m.
My sons and I were watching wrestling together when Big Momma came through the door.
“Hey everybody!” She spoke dragging her luggage through the door. I ran over to help her. I pulled the suitcases through and started to close the door.
“HEY!!” I heard someone call. I pulled the door open again to find another woman standing there. I couldn’t help but stare as she walked in the door with her suitcase in hand. Big Momma came from her room and saw me staring at the woman.
“Tyrell, this is my daughter, Barbara. Barbara, this is your son-in-law Tyrell.” Son-in-law, so this is the infamous mother of LaJoria. Jori never told me anything about her mother except that she was a porn star. I reached for her hand and she grabbed it, pulled me into her arms, and held me tight. She held me a little longer than I expected her to so I pulled away from her just as Jori descended the stairs.
“I thought I heard you down here Barbara!” Jori said sourly.
“You still don’t love me enough to call me momma huh LaJoria?” Barbara spat.
“Is that a rhetorical question Barbara, or would you like an answer?” Jori spat back.
“Look, Jori, Barb, we are not going to have this shit going on in my house again. For the two weeks Barbara is staying here, we are all going to get along. Is that clear?” No one said anything. “I SAID AM I CLEAR?”
“I can’t promise anything Big Momma! You better tell that Witch to stay out of my way!”
“JORI!!!!! Watch your mouth!!! I hear the baby crying, you’d better go check on her.”
I watched my wife turn and go back upstairs. I returned my attention back to my Mother-In Law. She was just as tall as my wife was, about 5’6. I knew Jori was mixed because Big Momma was white. She had a California tan, full breast, slim waist. She wore jeans that accented her tart round butt. Like her daughter slightly pidgin toed. She was shaped almost exactly like Jori, except Jori must have got her ass from the black side of the family.
I removed my eyes from her ass to her face and she saw me looking at it and slightly leaned over the counter top and arched her back. She bit her bottom lip and smiled at me when she saw me looking at her. I couldn’t help but to smile back at her. She looked good, I must give her that. She looked just like her daughter only older. I felt my dick jump in my pants.
“It was good meeting you Ms. Barbara.” I said and smiled again.
“OH sweetheart call me momma, and it was wonderful to meet you too Son-In-Me!”
“HUH?” I know she didn’t say what I thought she said!
“I said, and it was wonderful to meet you too Son-In-Law!” She smiled and winked at me.
I returned to the couch where my sons were and finished watching wrestling. Jori came down with our daughter and sat her next to her brothers. She slowly slid next to me on the couch and rested her head in my chest. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder pulled her in close.
I hesitated at first but... “Can I ask you a question?”
“Yeah, but the answer is.... Because I can’t stand the bitch, and I don’t want to talk about why!!!”
“How you know what I was going to ask you?” I snapped.
“I just know alright!!” She snapped back.
“I was going to ask you, since you’re almost there anyway could you suck my dick....” I said and jokingly pushed her head down towards my lap. Jori jumped up and smacked me across the cheek.
“You play to fuckin’ much!” She said, turned, and left the room. I ignored that smack, I figured she was in a bad mood.
As I was watching TV something moved in my peripheral view and I turned to see what it was. Barbara turned the corner with three glasses of lemonade on a tray.
“Where’s Jori?” As if she didn’t know already. I turned back to the TV.
“Would you like some lemon-aid? I just made it!” What the hey, I took my eyes off the TV and looked straight at her breast. Two extra buttons were undone from the first time I saw her even more breast bubbled from her shirt. She leaned over and I reached for a glass.
“OOOPPPSS!” I tipped over a glass and lemons and ice went into her breast. I envisioned myself licking up every drop from her bodacious breasts. Damn, a new flavor, breast lemon-aid, yummy! “I’m so sorry!” I said watching her every move. She placed the tray down on the table and slowly ran her hands across her bulging sweet breasts as the cool juice made her nipples stand erect through her almost see through shirt.
“I’m just going to go get out of these wet clothes!” She said and started towards Big Mommas room.
“Yeah, you do just that!”
I grabbed up the kids and headed up stairs. I put the twins in one crib and Isaiah in the other. Just as I rounded the corner to my bedroom, Barbara walked out the bathroom robe open and breast exposed. I was stunned; I stopped dead in my tracks. My eyes went from her breasts to her bikini waxed pussy and back to her breasts.
“Excuse me!” She said and closed up her robe. She walked past me, I could smell that perfume by Jennifer Lopez, Glo that sent my dick over the edge. That was the perfume that I gave Jori for her birthday last month.
2003 Golden Clitorides Award nominated for Best Serial Story. It is a story of the coercion of a young lady, Rachel, to fulfill the sexual desires of her older Guardian. In order to gain the inheritance that is rightfully hers, she must consent to be trained by the Headmaster to service her Guardian... |
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