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Sexy Office HR reviews

Posted by subrata deb
story was nice.......
Posted by Cynthia
Nice but not very erotic....Am Feeling honey!!!
Posted by Janjan
Nothing in this requires DoD cilouslon and I'm certain that, unless the charges against the site operators are completely justified and truly independent of the attention called to them, there are many in the armed forces at all level who would be offended.Lemme untangle: maybe the investigation predates the incidents. Maybe the charges are sound on some other grounds. Maybe, sigh, it is just a big coink-a-dink.But: in between a big Big Brother and utter coincidence, there's the "zelous attitude" bug that can come off as Big Brotherish. Some prosecutor or investigator thought they were doing a patriotic duty all on their own, triggered bureaucratic inevitability and here we are.There's a spectrum here, much of which is ugly, but don't be too quick to assume the worst.It's all just rumour and speculation, of course, and there's every chance I'll be embarassed to later learn that, indeed, this was a purely Big Brother maneuver from the highest levels. I just have my doubts -- cost/benefit considerations and all, if nothing else.-t
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Grabbing Fred by the hair, the master pulled him roughly to the edge of the bed until his face was only inches from the now low hanging piece of black meat that only moments before had been buried deep in his wife's pussy!...