Home : Erotic Stories : total 8 reviews.

Sex in the bus reviews

Posted by Steve
Good story, I really enjoyed it; sorry I am a man and Bangkok is a long way from Delhi!
Posted by Natallie
I live around there! My name is Natallie! Maybe we could date some time. Look me up, Ive got a bed big enough for 2! Lol
Posted by Gidget
kai ti mas niazei gia to itonipopoutahi???o kosmos to xei toumpano gia tis megales talentares tis neas ellinikis show biz..as perasei kai apo ton poutso mas na ton faei asalioto....bromopoutana oi pio polles eki,konsomansion kai mpourdelodulies...
Posted by Houwaida
Dave: No daylight to burn at Chez 42! It's been oacsevrt and raining ever since I rolled out this morning. I have a tendency, which I usually overcome, to stay in bed on Saturday mornings until it is clear that the sun is well and truly up . Once long ago I got up at 5:30 pm on a stormy Saturday because there was never enough daylight filtering in through the blinds to trigger my must-get-up alarm.
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As he was fucking me, I wondered if I had the chance to have this monster cock everyday if I could take it, but as my third, or was it my fourth orgasm plowed through me, I knew the answer, and it was when and where, and I'll be there!!!...