its ok but needs to be more desciptive and alot longer.
Posted by Antonio
Growing up I lived in the little town of Cleveland in wersetn Rowan County. Since we were only about 15 or so miles from the Rowan County Public Library, my mother would take my brother and me there to get books to read. However, our greatest pleasure dealing with library books was going to the bookmobile when it came to Cleveland about every two weeks. It stopped just about right in front of our house and we really thought that was so special. I think my brother and I liked to imagine that it came to deliver books just to us, but of course we knew that wasn't so since several other kids and their parents got on to either return or check-out books as well. I was a horse lover growing up so I would collect as many of those as possible especially Marguerite Henry's books. The librarian on the bookmobile knew this and she tried to have copies of Misty of Chincoteague and Justin Morgan Had a Horse on reserve for me. I could have stayed on the bookmobile for hours just looking at and reading the books, but it would soon need to leave to continue it's route through wersetn Rowan County. Eventually, the bookmobile ceased coming to Cleveland as more people came to Salisbury to get books and other services at the library and shortly economics forced the routes to stop and the bookmobile became a different service. These memories of growing up with a bookmobile are wonderful and I will always cherish them.
Posted by Christy
You saved me a lot of hslase just now.
Posted by quinaysha barnes
damn straight that was marvolus
Posted by Shiann
Not for me but a good story
With a nice hot pizza, a hot spa, and a hot handsome teenage boy with a broken heart, what more can a mother do...