Stephanie's Happy New Year
“Stand up, Dad,” Mom said after a minute or two.
And so he joined in. Reina’s skill in bringing all three men to ecstatic climax within 15 minutes – is what sealed the deal. She then blew three more salesmen and all seven mechanics to ‘earn’ free air-conditioning, a sunroof, and free maintenance for a year. And two days later she was driving the car of her dreams.
By four months, she had her sites on other dreams, like a wardrobe of nice designer jeans she’d always wanted but couldn’t afford, and lots of sexy new shoes, tops and underwear. So she expanded her business by placing an ad in the paper so she could work as an escort on Friday nights and all Saturday. Dad’s brother owned a motel and was delighted to provide her with a nice room. Now, every Friday, after blowing anywhere from 5 to 15 guys in Mr. William’s room, she rushed home, took a shower, put on a sexy pair of panties and a bra and then spent about a half hour putting make-up on in the bathroom. She then slipped into her tightest jeans, heels and a top and was ready to take calls by 7:00.
Calls usually came in pretty quickly, thanks to her very alluring ads, which left nothing to the imagination – “18 y/o blonde beauty – on my knees and eager to please, 7 PM to 7 AM”; and “Blonde schoolgirl – make me kneel and put me to work”. But she ALWAYS made time for Dad before going out, whenever he needed attention… and seeing her emerge from her room dolled up and in her tightest jeans definitely made him need attention.
“She’s just blowing her father right now,” Mom would tell guys who called while Reina was busy. That always made them extra excited to see her.
So now she was happy to take on a seniors home all by herself. This time, the classic Jordache jeans, and the top, and the hot pink heels that she wore were things she’d bought for herself, as she always had money for things like that now. She entered the home hoping she’d be able to give each and every man there the blowjob of his life. Her parents, meanwhile, were delighted that, in her quest to raise money for her car and new clothes and make-up and other fine things, she hadn’t forgotten to be the sweet, generous girl they knew she was… that she hadn’t forgotten that Christmas spirit of giving that they both hoped resided in everyone all year long. The thought of their daughter happily volunteering to give what they were told would likely be close to 5000 or more blowjobs over the month of December, to total strangers ranging in age from 18 to 98, all of them down on their luck or old or ill, all for FREE, made them so, so proud. And the zoo visits? Well… they’d be so much fun for Reina.
Stacey was thinking about her friend at the zoo as she climbed the stairs from the second to third floor of the 16 storey seniors apartment complex she’d been assigned. Unlike Reina, who was going to be kneeling pretty much in one spot in the cafeteria of the home she was servicing, Stacey was keeping true to her and Stephanie’s door-to-door roots, visiting each one of the men she was destined to suck right in their apartments. Sixteen floors, ten twelve apartments per floor… 160 apartments; and every one of them had been designated to couples. Now, admittedly, since they’d moved in, some of these elderly couples had been separated by death, so not every apartment had a male waiting for her. But gay couples were not discriminated against… so some apartments had two.
“Plan for 160 men,” she was told “and you’ll be about right.”
Her goal was to try to tackle one floor every 1 hour and work past midnight.
“You DON’T have to blow every man today,” she was told. “Those who are missed can be blown by the next girl tomorrow.”
But she wanted to. It’d be fun. She’d already had so much fun with 92 year-old Mr. Travers, whose wife was so cute she’d actually invited several of her friends over to watch and take pictures as Stacey sucked on her husband’s cock. It was a grand old party – 86 year-old Mrs. Travers scurrying around busily to be the perfect hostess, offering coffee, tea and an assortment of breakfast-appropriate hors d’ordoeuvres to her friends while chatting gaily.
“Would you like one, Honey?” she even asked Stacey.
“Hmmm?” Stacey asked, taken by surprise.
“Oh, of course not! Silly me!” the old woman said, and then resumed passing food out to the other guests.
Stacey lingered a little long there than she should have, even blowing the old man twice; but his wife was so cute, it was well worth the delay.
One apartment had 5 old men in it… widowers from various floors who’d decided to all meet in the one’s first floor apartment “to get a jump on the girl.” Stacey blew three at once as the other two fondled her ass and moaned over her tight little ass in even tighter dark blue jeans.
“Oh, couldn’t we do the ass-to-mouth thing?” one of them pleaded.
Hmm hmm hmm hmm,” Stacey explained. Another time. And she meant it, giving them
her phone number before she left and telling them to call her if they really
wanted to fuck her ass and mouth.
“Don’t forget about me!” she sang sweetly as she left their apartment.
But of course they wouldn’t. For as soon as she left, the five men all took the elevator to the third floor, where they’d make her suck them all again. Naturally, Stacey recognized them and what they were doing. But they were sweet and funny, so she played right along… on the third floor, and again on the 6th, 9th, and 16th floor.
So here she was, having so much fun, and wondering how Stephanie was doing. If she knew WHAT Stephanie was doing that very moment, she’d have laughed. The two girls had often given blowjobs to tall men. Besides each blowing at least 3 different hockey teams every week, the also had a couple of basketball teams they serviced fairly regularly. They’d even once done a big fundraiser event in which they blew two semi-professional teams at mid court just before an afternoon league game, with over 5,000 fans in attendance. Then, at half time, 10 men who’d bought special lottery tickets were randomly selected from the audience to be blown by the two girls over the half-time break, and another 100 were selected for after the game, all proceeds going to a local charity. So Stacey and Stephanie had both blown tall men… but a giraffe?
Luckily, that gorgeous blonde zoo assistant, Gillian, had already figured out how tall these creatures are when she, fairly tall herself at 5 foot 8, fellated one the day before, and immediately told the head zoo manager, who in turn had a special platform built so Stephanie, Kaitlin and Naomi could climb three stairs and kneel comfortably.
Stephanie started laughing when she saw the set-up. The giraffe’s long legs literally straddled the platform, so it was like being in a raised tent for the girls, the giraffe’s entire body directly overhead. No worries, at least, if it rained, Stephanie thought to herself as she dropped down to her knees on a cushion that already was waiting for her, took the rod into her mouth and started to rock to and fro. The funniest thing for Stephanie, though, was glancing over to one side as she sucked and seeing the giraffe’s face only a few feet away watching her.
“Hmm hmmm (Hello)!” she chuckled to the giraffe. And then she had fun watching him watching her.
“Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm,” she said to him, playfully.
He just kind of bleated.
And Stephanie laughed through her mouthful of meat.
Stephanie had fun with all three giraffes the zoo had in her little ‘tent’, her fun including looking out at all the cameras and zoo visitors who were watching her. Today, SHE was the attraction as much as the animals. She was determined to put on a good show.
Making sure that her long blonde hair didn’t obscure her face had been a bit of a problem; that is until Mom gave her a hair band to put it into a ponytail.
“You want everyone to be able to see your sweet face,” Mom said, as she slipped it onto her daughter’s hair.
“Hmm hmm,” Stephanie said, pausing for a minute from the chimpanzee she was with at the time. After this, the monkey had fun playing with Stephanie’s ponytail, but was very gentle and Stephanie didn’t mind it a bit… it even kept her ponytail from swishing into her face, which was great. Of course, the other chimps in the cage with her were very playful too, and many, like the elephants, were drawn to her lovely little bum. Stephanie wiggled it teasingly, and they seemed to like that too.
Now, when the giraffe started rubbing her bum with her nose, like at least 15 animals had done so far that day, including all 5 elephants, she started planning what other nice pairs of pants and jeans she’d wear to entertain the animals for each of the remaining ten days she’d be here. She’d DEFINITELY ask her mom to go out and buy her at least one new pair of jeans and maybe some white pants, since she’d be too busy herself. Mom would be delighted to do that for her.
Contrary to Stephanie’s exploits, most of the men Stacey was blowing today were
shorter than average, because boys grow taller than they used to, and all these
men had lost some height as they aged. But there was one gay couple, a 67-year
old black man and a 72-year old white man, who were both very tall and huge (in
the cock department). They asked if Stacey minded them being able to fuck each
other in the ass for a minute or two before Stacey started on them, and Stacey
said she wouldn’t mind a bit.
“Just don’t forget about me,” she teased them.
Both men had cocks at least 10 inches long and both plunged them all the way down Stacey’s throat. The men took turns pumping Stacey’s head onto their partner’s cock to make sure she took it deep, and she thought that was fun.
What also was fun were the seven blind men with guide dogs, given that dogs otherwise weren’t allowed to be in the complex.
“Is your doggie a boy?” Stacey asked each of them, hopefully. Lucky for her, six of them (3 black Labrador retrievers, 2 yellow Labs, and a Golden retriever) were. Even luckier for Stacey was that six women in the complex had guide dogs too, and five of them were male, and they were all well behaved. Because, after the first dog started to hump Stacey’s bum as she blew Mr. Stanner, she remained on her knees to let Mr. Tanner’s son hoist Blue into place for her. It was both fun and easy. The younger Mr. Tanner held the dog’s front paws up to support it on its hind legs, she leaned forward with her mouth open, and the horny dog did all the rest.
Brooke also was servicing shorter older men, as opposed to Stephanie’s elephants and giraffes, but her experience was different yet than either Reina’s or Stacey’s. Her men were older and sicker than either of the other two homes, averaging mid to late seventies, and many were in wheelchairs or largely confined to bed. Brooke’s tight white shorts were the sexiest thing most of these men had seen in decades, and she made good use of it, proudly flaunting it off whenever she entered a room. As many times as she could bend over to feature her assets, she did so. And then she kneeled and started. Some of the men were pretty senile, but they all were kept calm by the nurses, and Brooke was quiet and respectful.
“Hmm hmmm?” she’d ask the men as she blew them.
Most paid no notice.
At least a quarter of them peed in her mouth before any cum came, and half never came. But Stephanie gave each man the full treatment anyway… and swallowed everything.
The nursing home had over 200 residents, but only 91 of them were male; so Brooke was in no rush and even took time to blow seven male nurses and orderlies, two janitors, three cooks, and old Dr. Ferris who came by for his rounds. She even took care of Dr. Ferris’ two old German Shepherds, who always came with him.
JoAnne, Kim Henry and the black girl, Lexi, also dealt with sick or injured men,
but theirs ranged in age from 18 to 101. Some had broken legs and were in
traction, which made it logistically difficult for the girls to access their
groins… but they managed by approaching the patient from the other side or, for
one man with two broken legs, standing up at the foot of the bed and leaning
into him from between them. Being in panties at the time, JoAnne quickly felt
another cock stuck far into her anus, but she paid no attention to it. When she
was finished blowing the patient, she turned around and dropped to her knees to
suck the intern who’d poked her from behind.
Other patients had colostomy bags or other assorted things, but the girls were not dissuaded. They were there to bring Christmas cheer and they did. When one man’s colostomy bag broke and leaked all over his groin, young Kim just kept sucking, using her tongue to clean up the mess.
In addition to patients, there were lots of male doctors and about ten male
nurses, whom the girls all felt deserved blowjobs too for how hard they worked.
At one point, each of the girls ended up in the doctor’s lounge surrounded by up
to a dozen of them, which gave them a welcome break from the often pungent odor
of the ward.
The three girls felt really good about blowing all these sick men, however, no
matter the smells, because some of the men were very sick. JoAnne cried a couple
of times, recognizing that the blowjobs she and the other girls would be giving
might be the last blowjobs some of these men would ever have.
“At least they’re getting an early glimpse of heaven,” one kindly nurse told Jo, as she blew men on the fourth floor.
“Hmm hmmm,” Jo thanked her. She was determined to make sure she delivered a piece of heaven to every one of these men.
There were far too many men for Jo to handle on her own, since the bed had over 900 beds, and more than 500 were filled with adult males; and there were more than 80 male doctors, plus nurses and janitors and cooks; but Jo could easily handle 300 blowjobs in 18 hours, and she was determined to do that. Kim, herself a multiple gold medal winner at the past Oral Olympics in Vancouver, committed to blowing 200, and Lexi promised to do the rest. Maybe the other teams wouldn’t be able to blow 600 men in one day; but with JoAnne and Kim paired together, you had arguably the two of the three most accomplished cocksuckers in the world (with Nadine probably second, and Sandy definitely in the top five).
Kim’s formal black-pants-blouse-and-heels look certainly contrasted with Jo’s panty-suit, but their cock-sucking styles were similar… calm, slow, rhythmic… never jerky.. all mouth and NO hands. Skillfully tilting their heads one way and then the other to cover different parts of the shaft with their tongue. It was fellatio artistry in motion.
And Lexi, though a relative novice, was all smile and heart, and so eager to kneel and do her best with every man, it made everyone feel good to see her at work. She wore tight jeans and a sexy silver bikini top with her jeans and heels, and her ass was sweet too. I’ve always been partial to blondes and Japanese girls… but Lexi was a real beauty too. She could suck my cock anytime.
As afternoon turned into evening, back at the zoo, Stephanie, Kaitlin and Naomi
were ending up back where they’d started. Having just taken care of about a
dozen zebras and two moose, they found themselves back with Bobo and his four
“It’s almost eight o’clock,” the zoo manager told them. “You could stop now.”
Stephanie immediately shook her head. She definitely wanted to play with Bobo again; and, from the way he immediately grabbed her around the waist with his trunk and pulled her into place, he obviously felt the same way.
Stephanie’s parents had left for a bit to eat some dinner, but were not at all surprised to find out, upon returning, that their daughter was back with the elephants.
“Good for her,” Mom said.
Stephanie, Kaitlin and Naomi had no intention of leaving before ten, so they took extra time with each of their new long-nosed (“Isn’t that what a trunk is?” Stephanie asked the handler) friends. With 25 minutes to go before ten, Stephanie ended up back with Bobo for a fourth time today, and he still wasn’t done with her.
This final act seemed like slow motion, as the angelic blonde took several seconds for each long slow back and forth of her head. She’d leaned to go deeper now. Contrary to what Gillian had told her initially, now she was mostly using her mouth, her hands just supporting the massive member before her.
And she hummed softly: “Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!”
Bobo, meanwhile, lovingly caressed Stephanie’s bum with his trunk. He evidently loved the feel of her ass, the feel of corduroy, or both. In her mind, Stephanie had already picked out a pair of 5-pocket dark blue Chic jeans for tomorrow, because that’s when she’d be back here with Bobo (happily enough), this time paired with JoAnne and Reina.
At ten o’clock, Stephanie was still going strong, with Kaitlin back on her knees to interview her about how her first day had gone.
“Hmm hmm hmmmmm!” Stephanie answered emphatically. It’s been GREAT!
“So there you have it,” Kaitlin said. “I’m Kaitlin Smith speaking live from the City Zoo, after a wonderful first day of December. There’s still 30 more days to go, and all the other girls and I can’t wait to start up again tomorrow. Isn’t that right, Stephanie?”
“Hmm HMMMMMMM!” Stephanie nodded. “Hmm hmmmmm!”
Sure enough, the next day Stephanie was back at the zoo with JoAnne and Reina,
and was wearing the Chic jeans she’d thought about, along with a long-sleeved,
white with red-trim ‘I LUV BOBO THE ELEPHANT’ t-shirt her mom had bought her the
day before in the gift shop, and black heels. Out of respect for JoAnne, she let
Jo kneel with Bobo first. Since it was cooler and they were outside, Jo had
pulled a tight pair of pink jeans on, to go with a red sweater and red heels.
Jo almost certainly gave Bobo the BJ of his life… but immediately afterwards his long trunk lovingly reached out to curl around Stephanie’s waist once again… and both Stephanie and her mom (Dad was at work today) were VERY pleased.
And Bobo DID love Stephanie’s new jeans, fondling her sweet little bum as much as or even more than the day before. He’d even figured out to reach down a bit further and through her legs to rub her crotch, which made the sensuous, sexual blonde even more aroused than she normally was with a cock in her mouth.
She moaned in ecstasy as she sucked. And, after she’d swallowed, Bobo’s trunk reached up and wrapped atop her shoulders to prevent her from standing up. He wasn’t done with her yet.
Stephanie was elated. She kissed his massive member and then opened wide to work on it some more.
Bobo had a lifetime fan now. Stephanie was slated to work the zoo nine more times that month. But she arrived early to see Bobo every morning; and she stopped by late to see him again every night.
On the final day of December, everything moved to the big park downtown. By now,
there were a couple of inches of snow on the ground, but hearts and mouths were
warm and that’s all that mattered.
More than 30,000 people flooded the park that day. In the true spirit of the season, in excess of 17,000 blowjobs were lovingly given out. To handle the onslaught, the fifteen girls who’d gained a level of fame few ever enjoy were joined on their knees by hundreds of local schoolgirls and secretaries and nurses and teachers… some in uniform, others dressed casually in jeans, pants or skirts.
One hundred thirty-three of these girls were brave enough to try out Bobo or one of his pals from the zoo. Stephanie, of course, was with Bobo as the clock struck midnight.
“Hmm hmm hmm hmm, Hmmhmm!” (Happy New Year, Bobo!” she said to him.
The month was over.
BUT… as fate would have it, it was far from over for Stephanie and Bobo, who’d
become so much a team that visitors to the zoo just expected to find the lovely
blonde on her knees with him. Luckily, none of that was going to change. On the
third last day of the month, Stephanie’s last official day at the zoo, she came
dressed extra special – wearing a nice new pair of dark navy, 5-pocket classic
Jordache jeans she’d seen Reina wearing and really liked; a nice new sweater
that her grandmother had knitted for her to commemorate this event – mostly
white but with red and green trim to mark the season, but with Grandma’s and
Stephanie’s mom’s favorite picture of Stephanie on her knees blowing Bobo
somehow dyed into the front – and black heels.
“I just LOVE that picture!” Grandma had said about 10 days earlier.
“I agree,” said Mom. “See how you’re looking right into the camera… and Bobo’s nice and hard but still deep inside your mouth.”
“Hmm hmmm,” Stephanie said.
“And your bum looks so nice too. Those jeans look so nice on you and it’s just the right angle. Don’t you think so, Dad?”
Mom glanced upwards and handed the picture up to him.
“I agree, Mum,” he said. “You ALWAYS look gorgeous to me, Pumpkin.”
“Hmm hmm, Hmm hmmm,” his daughter said.
“But you look especially fantastic in this picture.”
“Hmm hmmm.”
Of course… that had all been a set-up, to make sure Stephanie liked the picture that would be on her Christmas sweater. She did, of course, and was lucky enough to spend Christmas Day at the zoo so Bobo could see it too. She even wore the same Chic jeans as in the picture, which he obviously liked.
The elephant handler loved the sweater too, and told the zoo manager, who then spoke with Stephanie’s grandma and mother. Consequently, within four days, the zoo gift store was selling t-shirts, for guys and gals in all sizes and five different colors, all having that same lovely picture of Stephanie on it, along with the words ‘Cum to the Zoo’… and it would immediately become the best-selling item the zoo had ever sold. By noon, over 500 units had been sold and the store was ordering more. Stephanie was looking out from her work – whether it was with an elephant or giraffe or zebra of chimp or that old orangutan she’d grown really fond of too – and would see her face and lovely bum everywhere, people wearing the t-shirt OVER their sweaters.
It was around ten and because of the amazing sales of that shirt, that the zoo manager called Stephanie’s parents for the second time in four days and asked them to stop by his office. Then just before noon, as Stephanie had just finished the three giraffes, the head zoo manager sent a messenger out to ask Stephanie to pop by his office. She knew something was up when she walked in and her mom and dad were there, both wearing her now-famous t-shirt.
Mom suggested that Stephanie might ‘thank’ the manager for all the help he and his staff had given Stephanie over the month… “and for all these lovely t-shirts.”
“Of course,” the blonde said, dropping to her knees and reaching for the manager’s belt and zipper.
Bill (that was his name) watched her quietly, trying to hide the smirk on his face. Stephanie’s parents already knew what he was going to say; they’d heard his proposal and were ecstatic about it. He waited until she had started on him. She looked so pretty, glancing up at him with his cock in her mouth. He’d DEFINITELY have to get MORE t-shirts featuring Stephanie with the other animals.
“Have you had fun here, Stephanie?” he asked.
“Hmm hmmmm!” she nodded emphatically.
“Everyone has just loved having you around.”
“Hmm hmmm.” (Thank you.)
“What do you think of the t-shirts?”
“Hmm hmmmm!” she said, enthusiastically.
“They’re selling like hotcakes.”
“The store can’t keep up with demand. Maybe we can ask your mom for pictures of you with some of the other animals, so we can make some different t-shirts.”
“Hmm hmmm,” (Of course). Her eyes shot hopefully over to her mom, who was smiling and nodding.
The manager then paused and appeared to grow more serious.
“You know that Bobo REALLY misses you when you’re not here.”
“Hmmmm.” This made Stephanie sad too.
“And not just him…. The other elephants too… and the giraffes and that fat old orangutan… and the chimps… and everyone else.”
“Hmm hmmm,” she nodded again, sadly.
“Soooo… Would you like to stick around?”
“Hmmm?” Stephanie’s eyes lit up.
The older man laughed. Stephanie looked so cute with her eyes all big with excitement like that. “I’d like to offer you a job, Stephanie, to stay on as a second assistant animal handler. Full time. Five days a week. Basically to just keep doing what you’re doing.”
“Hmm hmmmm?” she asked.
“Yes, really” he answered. “Bobo and the other animals would all be lost without you. We’ll give you a bunch of your t-shirts to wear while working, one that has your name on the back, so you don’t have to wear the grubby old jackets the rest of the staff do. I hear Bobo REALLY loves your little bum.”
Mom and Dad laughed.
“So… Are you interested?” the manager asked.
“Hmm hmmmmmmm!” she nodded without a second’s hesitation, looking up from her knees with his cock in her mouth, first to her parents (who both were smiling like Cheshire cats) and then up to him. She could easily work here AND still manage to fit in 20 to 30 hours of fund-raising with Stacey on weekends and evenings. Stacey might even pop by and help her out at the zoo sometimes.
“Hmm hmmmm!” she nodded again.
“Is Tuesday to Saturday, okay?” the manager asked. “We get our largest crowds on Saturday and you’ve become kind of an attraction. You’ll have Sundays and Mondays off.”
“Hmm hmmm!” she nodded, still glancing towards her mom, who was so pleased she could almost burst.
“Of course,” the manager said slyly, “you’d be MORE than welcome to come visit Bobo and the rest of us all on the weekends.”
“Hmm hmmmmm!” (Of course!) she said again.
And everyone laughed at her enthusiasm.
“So I guess you have a REAL job now, Stephie!” her dad kidded her, as he stood up and started to undo his belt and zipper to join in the celebration.
“Hmm hmmmm!” his daughter said, reaching out to undo his belt and zipper for him, as she usually did at home, all the while continuing to suck on Bill. Soon, Stephanie’s mouth was alternating between the two men, and Mom was fiddling with her camera.
For though Mom had taken thousands of pictures of Stephanie over the month, including over 900 of her at the zoo, this was far too exciting an event for her not to take another one – this time with Stephanie posing on her knees shaking Mr. Lyon’s hand with one hand, while her mouth held his cock and her other hand held Dad’s.
“Turn your head back this way, Sweetie!” Mom said.
And Stephanie craned her neck as far as she could with a cock in her mouth to look back behind her where Mom was standing.
“And jut your bum out a little bit more,” Mom said. Stephie was wearing those same Jordache jeans today that looked especially great on her.
“PERRRRfect. Now everyone say ‘spaghetti’!”
“Hmm hmm hmmm!” Stephanie said.
“One more.”
“One more. A little deeper though, Sweetie.”
“Hmm hmmmm?”
“And now how about a few with you on your Dad.”
“One more.”
“And deeper….”
And on it went for at least fifty more fun pictures from different angles, including several of Stephanie with three men: the zoo manager, Bob the elephant handler (who suddenly showed up asking for her), AND her dad.
“Part of your new paid responsibilities will be taking care of the staff, too, Stephanie,” old Bill told her, with a wink.
“Hmm hmmmmm!” (Of course!) she nodded, ardently, and glanced quickly at her mom.
More proud of her daughter than she’d ever been, Mom nodded and smiled back.
The buzz didn’t take long to percolate through the whole park that Stephanie was staying on indefinitely beyond January 1st. Even the monkeys seemed to be chattering about it.
As for Bobo… he was nodding and seemed to be smiling too as Stephanie entered his cage a bit later with her wonderful news.
But Stephanie quickly realized that the big boy wanted MUCH more than news. She could hardly stop laughing as his big trunk once again wrapped around her waist, and then around her shoulders to move her back into position.
"You're a bad boy, Bobo," Stephanie chuckled, glancing back at him.
But he just looked at her sternly, reached out with his trunk and turned her head back towards her work. Stephanie chuckled one last time and then opened wide to stuff Bobo inside once again. As she started sliding her mouth back and forth, she felt Bobo's trunk pushing the back of her head with each forward plunge, forcing her further and further onto him.
"Hmmmmmmmmmmmm," she purred, contentedly.
It was clear to her that Bobo wanted to celebrate her staying in his own SPECIAL way!
Tony gets involved with the family after becoming intomate with Chloe he eventually accedes to their request to become the family stud... |
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