Small Town Girl Turns into exhibitionist
I put my hand between her legs the tops of her thighs and the outside of her pussy was really wet but her pussy lips were indeed firmly closed. Cumbucket, Joe and I left the alley and walked into the club, the bouncer said it was a private party; it was obvious that he hadn’t noticed Cumbucket’s pussy only just peaking from the bottom of her jacket.
I told him that we were invited he asked who it was that said we could come so I told him that we had been invited by one of a group of dark men who had fucked my wife at the local porno theatre last weekend, his eyes lit up and said that he’d missed out that night. Then looked at Cumbucket only then noticing her wet pussy poking out from the bottom of her jacket, she moved up to him and started rubbing his cock through his pants, well why don’t you put your big cock in me first tonight then she said. She told him Joe and I had just fucked her in the alley, that she was squeezing her pussy closed to hold our cum inside, he reached down, slid a finger into her then closed the doors saying that there was already a couple of whores inside but he’d been told to keep the doors open till 11pm just in case we showed up.
Cumbucket unbuttoned her jacket and asked how he would like her, he told her to lay on this low table it had a cloth on it Cumbucket went to remove it but he told her to leave it, to get on the table on her back. The bouncer then pulled out his cock; it was big, bigger than Joes or mine. I told Cumbucket to relax but as soon as he’d finished with her she was to hold her pussy closed again till we got into the party.
His cock hard was about 10 inches long and nearly as round as a can of beer, as Cumbucket loosened her pussy he slowly slid his whole length into her when he was all the way in he told her that he’d heard she had taken on guys from out of town last week, she looked puzzled, then he said there was 5 of them they’ve got cocks as big long and thick as beer bottles. He told us they weren’t here tonight, they had gone back home but he was surprised at how quickly her pussy had recovered.
He then grabbed her by the hips, with the table cloth under her he could slide her back and forwards impaling her pussy then pushing her back off again he seemed to be trying to be gentle with her until Cumbucket told him to hurry up and use her cunt as a cumhole so she could get into the party, so he started to really pound his cock into her. Cumbucket cried out in orgasm he called her a dirty little whore and that he could feel her warm cum on his cock, and then pulled her hard onto his full-length cumming deep inside of her willing pussy.
I reminded her to squeeze her cunt closed when he pulled out, he told her she was a good fuck for a whore but that upstairs there was only 2 other whores amongst about 150 men black and white. Joe said see I told you Cumbucket your going to get fucked senseless tonight. After the first 10 or 15 men she would have no less than 2 cocks inside her till they had finished using her or her pussy became to sloppy to be used but the bouncer said that when a whores pussy became to sloppy and loose she would get a surprise.
The bouncers name was Jeff; he pulled her off the table as she stood up only a little cum dribbled out of her, it looked so sexy Jeff’s white cum dribbling down her brown thighs. Cumbucket buttoned up her jacket then we headed upstairs then I had an idea I told Cumbucket to keep walking up the stairs while Jeff, Joe and I stopped it only too her a few steps until we could clearly see her pussy wriggling from side with each step she took.
That’s when I told Cumbucket to relax her cunt, all 3 of us watched her brown
pussy slowly open up then we could see the white cum started to flow out of her
cumhole and down her lovely brown legs. With each step she took more cum would
bubble out. When she got to the top of the stairs she turned to face us the
front of her pussy dribbling as well, when we got up to the top with her she
said it felt really sexy knowing that Joe Jeff and I were watching her cum
filled hole dribbling.
Well come on then Cumbucket, Jeff said its time for you to swim in sperm with
that he opened 2 huge doors and in we went I quickly said to Cumbucket to have
fun and I would always have my eyes on her watching and counting the men she
fucked, I then turn to Joe and said lets go up there to that balcony have some
beers and watch get the slut get fucked but Joe grabbed me and said look its
already started.
When I turned around Cumbucket had been pushed against a wall and a white man already had his large cock buried in her fucking her from behind he was pounding into her really fast then pushed all the way in filling her with more cum Joe went and undone her jacket and took it off her then anther man had his cock in her so we left her to it and went up to the balcony where we found a bar got ourselves a beer each.
We went and stood at the balcony rail and looked down at Cumbucket again she was being fucked from behind as another white guy had his cock buried down her throat then he held onto her head cumming in her mouth. We watched her for about 40 minutes as about 15 men fucked her from both ends then we could see her trying to say something then out of nowhere Jeff turned up and we could hear him saying to everybody to leave her mouth and throat alone as she was here of her own free will not like the other 2 whores who were getting paid he said if anybody wanted there cocks sucked to go see the paid whores he then said Cumbucket was here to have her pussy stuffed with cock and filled with cum.
With that said he looked up at Joe and I then picked Cumbucket up and carried her to a huge plastic covered mattress just below where we were standing, he threw her on the mattress then flopped out his cock spread her legs and plunged right into her fucking her hard and fast adding more cum to her hole, as soon as he got off her another man was on her.
Then Jeff joined us with some fresh drinks, as the three of us watched her getting repeatedly fucked and filled with sperm Jeff pointed out to us that the mattress was sunken a quite bit in the middle he said it was made like that, then I noticed that as each man finished using her more and more cum collected under her body she really was going to end up in a huge puddle of sperm. I asked Jeff if there was some way we could save a litre or two of the cum collecting under her, he said sure and walked over to the bar and had a chat with one of the barmen. Jeff came back and said it was sorted.
When we looked back down at Cumbucket I saw the barman Jeff had talked to carrying an empty beer jug, when the big black man fucking Cumbucket finished filling her with cum the barman said something to her and she started shaking her head but he shrugged his shoulders and told a couple of men to lift her up, as she was raised off the bed I could see cum dripping off her back and running out of her fuck hole. The barman then scooped up from the deepest part of the bed nearly a full jug of sperm then the men holding Cumbucket up let her drop back onto the bed; even from up here we could hear her body make a loud splat sound as she landed.
I watched as another black man with a ten inch cock jumped straight on her driving his big long thick cock right up inside her, Cumbucket had her legs wrapped around him urging him to fill her up.
The barman came back upstairs and poured the cum into a large plastic milk bottle he then bought it over to me but I told him to keep it behind the bar, I asked him what he said to Cumbucket to make her shake her head, he had told her he needed to collect a jug of cum from the puddle she was lying in, she didn’t want him to take any because in between fucks instead of cum running out of her pussy it would actually flow back into her open hole she told him it wasn’t fair that all these men had given her their sperm to lay in and now he was taking away a whole jug full, he told her that I had asked for it so she would probably get it back later on.
The barman’s name was Tony, he asked what I wanted it for, I showed him her latex shorts then told Tony that when she had had enough or she run out of men whichever came first I was going to get a couple of men to hold her upside down then get someone else to pull her cunt open so I could fill her big sloppy fuckhole then while she was still upside down I would put her latex shorts on to hold all the cum inside her, any that was left over I was going to pour down her bum crack and into the front of her shorts. I told him we were going to walk back to our motel her pussy swimming in strangers cum.
Tony said what if the cum escape’s and starts running down her legs, I shrugged
and smiled saying well then not only will she have acted like a whore here
she’ll look like one in public to. I also told him that tonight is the last time
men could fuck her for free. I was going to whore her pussy out to bachelor stag
and frat party’s, Tony said he knew of a stag party next weekend, he asked for
my phone number and said I’d be hearing from him, then he went back to work.
Joe called out to me and said look the men are saying Cumbucket’s pussy is too
sloppy and loose they’re going to start sticking 2 cocks at a time up her hole.
I looked down at her 2 men were pulling her up I could tell she was getting
tired as she was having trouble standing up but then I realized she wouldn’t be
standing for long as the men stood in front and behind her then lifted her up,
positioned their cocks then dropped her impaling her both at the same time.
It didn’t take long for them to get into a good rhythm her pussy must have been really loose because they were both pulling out then slamming their big cocks back into her at the same time and when they both finally came and pulled out of her their cum didn’t run down her legs it just dropped out onto the bed making small splashes into the growing cum puddle.
When they let go of her she collapsed into the pool of cum until the next 2 men lifted her back up and once again just dropping her onto their cocks. I had counted about 70 men fuck her one at a time and there was still about 30 or 40 left that wanted to double fuck her gapping cumhole. Joe and I watched her get double fucked by about 20 men in an hour then Jeff turned back up he said he had something to show us, so we left Cumbucket alone with the rest of the men. He took us back down stairs and as we passed Cumbucket she seemed to be passed out because as she was being lifted up she just flopped about her eyes closed and her messy hole hanging wide open.
Jeff told us not to worry about her so we left her to it he reminded us about the surprise he had for her when everybody had finished using her, he opened a door to another room. All it had in it was a couple of padded chains hanging from the roof and directly beneath them was the biggest dildo I’d ever seen bolted to the floor. Jeff told us that when everybody had finished using her she would be bought in here and her wrists chained to the roof, I really liked where this was going, he told us at first she would be chained high enough that her feet would touch the ground reminding us that she was out there now unconscious getting fucked whichever way the men wanted to, so she would still be unconscious when she was carried in here.
He pointed out the one way mirrors lining the room, he said once she was chained up she would be left in here on her own as she was slowly lowered onto the huge dildo and if she didn’t wake up the weight of her body would force the dildo up into her, he told us not to worry as they wouldn’t let more than 12 inches penetrate her. I had a look at how round it was at 12 inches.
I put both my hands around it and could only just touch my fingers, I told Jeff about how a couple of months ago Cumbucket had started to stretch her pussy first with large carrots then with cucumbers enlarging her pussy in the hope that I would let her act the slut for one night and her pussy could handle the pounding she craved, I told him how her one night of being a slut had turned her on so much that now she want to be a dirty little slut 24/7. I said it didn’t bother me as it really turned me on watching her being fucked by and filled with strangers cum.
Jeff then told us that even if she wakes up and stops herself being impaled
completely, she would be left chained to the roof for how ever long it took for
her to weaken and take all 12 inches, he pointed out a small hole at the top of
the dildo he said all the cum from the bed she’s being fucked on would slowly be
pumped out of the dildo and into her pussy providing plenty of lube. I asked
Jeff if I could have a couple more litres of cum as her cunt is going to be huge
after being impaled on this oversized dildo, no worries he said. Now let’s go
see how Cumbucket is going, they should all be finished with her by now.
Sure enough just as we walked out the last 2 men had finished with her they
lifted her of their cocks and she fell limply into the huge pool of cum I lifted
1 of her legs and her pussy hole hung open about 3 inches across. I could see
she was still breathing but she was completely out to it. I asked Jeff if he had
any idea how many men had used her through the night, I had seen about 90 men
fuck her but I wasn’t watching the whole time, he said it was closer to about
140 to 150 and that she had put in a pretty good effort but the world record was
about 600.
Jeff then gently lifted Cumbucket’s cum covered slimy body and carried her into the dildo room where I had the pleasure of fixing the padded shackles around her wrists while he held her up, as soon as she was fixed securely he carefully let her down placing a foot on each side of the dildo then fixing another 2 padded shackles to her ankles, we then left her alone in the room.
Joe, Jeff and myself got the one-way mirror closest to her we were only about 2 metres away directly in front of her. Jeff had a remote control to lower her so he let her down enough so that she was sitting on the dildo her knees slightly bent. Because her pussy was so loose the 1st 3 inches slid into her easily he left her like that for 5 minutes but she didn’t even stir so he let her down another 2 inches but still she didn’t wake so he let her down another couple that’s when she started to wake a little she had 7 inches of huge dildo up her.
She slowly looked up at her shackled wrists then down at the huge dildo then the dirty cum covered whore surprised us all when she smiled and raised herself up off the dildo then dropped back down moaning in pleasure after she done that a couple of times I told Jeff to wait until she was about to lower herself back onto it, and then release the chains another 3 inches so she would get 10 inches all at once, he timed it just right boy did she get a fright, all of a sudden her pussy was stretched bigger than it had ever been. She was moaning quite loud and couldn’t seem to push herself back off it so we left her at that level, with 10 inches up her the dildo was about 4 inches wide.
I told Jeff to leave her there until she could push herself off it. It took 20 minutes until she found the strength in her legs to push herself off it but I told him to still leave it because I wanted to see her weaken and fall back onto it, I didn’t think it would take long but she lasted half an hour until her legs started to give way, as her pussy slowly swallowed the dildo again I told him to pump a heap of cum into her.
At first it seemed to give her a fright but as she looked down realizing it was cum she smiled and started to pump her huge pussy hole up and down on it making herself cum and resting again with all 10 inches stuffed up her, she had her eyes closed moaning with pleasure that’s when I told him to release the last 2 inches, as she was suddenly dropped onto all 12 inches opening her cunt up 5 inches across her eyes flew open and she jumped straight off it but because her ankles were shackled she lost her balance and fell back down taking all 12 inches and there she rested unable to move.
Jeff then told me to go and release 1st her ankles then her wrists, when I walked into the room she looked at me and moaned that she had never felt so full and was surprised it hadn’t torn her pussy. I released her ankles but she stayed where she was until I released her wrists then she really started moaning out load, that’s when I realized why Jeff had said to release her wrists last, the wrist shackles were what was holding her at 12 inches and because she was so weak when I released her wrists her body weight forced even more of the dildo into her.
It was then that I told her that if she liked having so many huge cocks and
strange men’s cum inside her slutty loose fuckhole she would have to find the
strength to get off the dildo by herself, then I yelled out to Jeff telling him
to release the rest of the cum.
Cumbucket said she could feel it filling her up and then the dirty slut started
to have another orgasm, I just couldn’t believe it, she must have had about 14
or 15 inches jammed inside her I don’t know where the cum that was being pumped
into her was going but she was moaning herself through a huge orgasm and then
she started to lift herself off the dildo when she was clear of it all the cum
gushed out, there was heaps of it.
When she started to walk more and more cum was flowing out of her, all down her legs, she left little cum puddle footprints. When she got out the door all the men started cheering and clapping, a few started yelling at her to lay on her back and spread her legs so we could all see how big her hole was so she did and it was huge it was gapping open at least 3 or 4 inches and then she reached between her legs with both hands and stretched it open even more, that’s when I remembered that I had to fill her up with the cum I had saved so I ran off to get it but by the time I got back she had been talked into fucking herself on the huge dildo again. 2 men were lifting her up and down on it, when she finally cum again they carried her over to me.
Both men held her upside down but no one needed to hold her pussy open, as it
was a huge gapping hole anyway. It took 3 litres of cum to fill her right up I
then pulled her pussy lips closed and put her shorts on, we then let her stand
and it was good to see that the shorts were tight enough on her legs that no cum
was escaping so I tipped the remaining cum down her bum crack and some down the
front. I gave back her small jacket which she put on, we said goodbye to all and
thanked them all for a good night, Cumbucket even thanked them for continuing to
use her even after she passed out.
When we left we both thought it would be daytime but it was past midnight the next day, so Cumbucket had been continuously on her back or double fucked between 2 men for about 27 hours and the only harm done to her was that now she had an extremely stretched gapping fuckhole.
As we walked down the street I said to Cumbucket, do you realize that in the past 27 hours you let about 150 men fuck you and just under half of them double fucked you and probably most of them used you 2 or 3 times and they all cum inside you. She turned and said yes Mark I do know a lot of cum was dumped inside me I didn’t know it was that many men though, she told me she knew I was on the balcony watching her being used as a cum dump but there was something I didn’t know.
She said that everyone knew that we were married so mostly they all were pretty good, they would put there cocks in me fuck me for awhile cum in her then the next would do the same but as soon as my back was turned the guys with the real big cocks would jump on her an fuck her hard n fast pulling her hair and twisting her nipples and stretching her pussy with their huge dicks, she told me that she knew that I thought she only got double fucked for the last 4 hours.
But really she had been double fucked from the word go, As soon as Joe had taken her jacket and the pair of us left for the balcony 2 men forced there big cocks into her making her cum constantly, she told me she had 6 men cum inside of her in the 10 minutes it took for me and Joe to get our beers and only a minute before we appeared on the balcony, after that every man that she had would tell her that she had a sloppy hole, and as soon as I wasn’t looking they would back to double dicking her.
They were even telling her about how, later on after every man had used her as
much as they wanted and no-one would be satisfied until she was fucked
unconscious and that there was a surprise for her something she would have no
choice about she was intrigued but didn’t care. She said that as she got tired
she knew they would all keep using her but didn’t care she said she woke a few
times but eventually passed out completely from exhaustion.
The next thing she remembered was waking up with her wrists tied above her head and what she at first thought was the biggest cock she had ever had stuffed up inside her but looking down seeing the huge dildo gave her a fright at first then turned her on even more knowing she had no choice but to fuck it, then when it to filled her with cum was an added bonus.
We walked in silence for a while there wasn’t many people around but the one’s that were couldn’t take their eyes off my sexy little slut. About 2 blocks from our motel Cumbucket said that she thought her shorts were leaking as she could feel cum dribbling down the inside of her thighs. I hadn’t noticed because we were walking side by side, I told her to stop and had a look, sure enough there was cum on her thighs but not a little bit there was heaps covering the inside of her legs down to her knees and slowly starting to dribble past them.
Cumbucket gave a funny little giggle and said that just after we left the club she felt the first trickle but didn’t say anything because I might try to stop it not wanting the public to see, but she wanted men to look and see that she’d just been fucked and cum inside of but they had no idea how much she had indeed been used.
I felt between her legs and run my fingers over her crotch, which was thick with cream and my middle finger found the seam running down the middle was splitting so I applied a little pressure to make the split a little bigger then said come on Cumbucket.
For the rest of the walk back to the motel we didn’t see anybody and as we
walked up the stairs with Cumbucket a few steps ahead of me of course I could
see cum streaming down her legs filling her shoes. As soon as we got back to our
room I got the video camera out again while she slowly peeled the shorts off,
cum coated the lower half of her body I asked her to sit on a chair then filmed
all the cum pooling around her pussy then dribbling off the seat in long strands
down to the floor, Cumbucket said she was tired so I told her to go and have a
I decided to make her a hot milo to drink before she went to sleep, while I was
making it I thought about all those men who fucked her when she was passed out
that’s when I got a couple of sleeping tablets crushed them and stirred them
into her milo.
When she got out of the shower and came into the bedroom naked and clean she didn’t even look like she had been gangbanged except for her pussy lips which still hung open, I took her over to the bed and gave her the milo, as she drunk it I could see her eyes starting to close so I gave her a nudge and told her to drink it all which she did then handed me the cup, I took the cup into the kitchen, by the time I got back she was completely passed out.
I started to pull her blanket off slowly then realized she was out cold so I ripped it straight off, she didn’t move except for her tits, which gave a slight jiggle I then moved her into the centre of the bed then pulled her legs apart, just at that moment I heard the same men who I had let fuck Cumbucket last week returning so I quickly jumped up and opened our door, as I could hear them coming down the hall I grabbed a full unopened can of beer and pushed it up her pussy but leaving the end showing.
Leaving her spread I rushed to the door I wanted to tell the five guys to come and have a look at my naked slut wife but to my shock there wasn’t five there were about twenty they were already at my door and could see her naked, legs spread, can hanging out her pussy. To late now I thought so invited them all in I told them about how she had just been in an extreme gangbang with about 150 black and white well hung men, one of them said, no wonder she’s crashed, so I told them how I’d fixed her drink with sleepers, so she wasn’t crashed out she was completely out.
I told them to do whatever they wanted I just wanted to watch, with that comment one of them reached between her legs and pulled her pussy lips apart, the can just falling out her loose hole, her pussy completely relaxed stayed as open as what the beer can had made it, I thought they would all jump on her and fuck n fill her with more cum but none of them wanted to, saying her cunt was too stretched that they wouldn’t get any feeling, they said they had already organized some whores to fuck them all back at their own room, with that said they all left, so I was left there on my own looking at her messy gapping fuckhole.
Just as I was about to close the door one of them came back, he wasn’t one of the original five, he said he had always wanted to stick his cock into a completely fucked out loose whore excited once more I told him to go for it. He pulled out a good-sized cock and pushed it into her he said he couldn’t feel more than one side at a time, then after only about twenty strokes he shuddered as he cum inside her, when he pulled out or rather fell out her gapping hole, he told me that he really got off on the feeling of no feeling I told him I felt the same, that having my cock inside a well used slut hole was the best feeling ever.
He introduced himself as Luke, then we pulled up a chair each at the end of the bed got a couple of beers then started to talk about sloppy holes all the while looking at Cumbucket’s gapping hole right in front of us, Luke said most girls were tight that they always wanted to go slow and easy but really he just wanted to fuck em hard, but instead had to treat them nice and easy, no fun in that he said. Luke wanted a girl he could drive his cock into whenever he wanted, hard, fast, slow, easy, or even rough, a girl he could bend over pull her skirt up panties down fuck n cum inside of whenever he wanted.
We sat in silence for awhile just looking at Cumbucket’s messy gapping pussy with all those strange men’s cum running out puddling under her bottom, then Luke said to me why don’t you sell her pussy, I told him I was planning to hire her out to stag and bachelor parties. He looked at me and asked how many men had used her today for free, I said about 150 men had used her sloppy hole and cum inside her. Then I told him about the huge dildo that was forced up her. Luke stood up smiling looking down on Cumbucket he started playing with her pussy, pushing all four fingers in at once, looking at me he asked if he could fist fuck her, I said sure why not.
Then without warning with a closed fist he thrust his hand into her, she didn’t move at all so he pulled his fist out then punched her cunt again fist closed her huge gapping hole taking his arm easily then pulling out and punching her hole again, looking at me he started to punch her pussy over and over, she didn’t even flinch, the sleeping tablet’s must have knocked her clean out, every time he pulled his fist out her pussy hung open then was filled again by his fist then he started wanking himself at the same time, groaning he pulled his fist out of her then easily shoved his hard cock in her cumming once again in her open hole.
Looking at her ruined pussy I said to Luke, she didn’t feel anything not your fist, cock, cum, nothing she really is unconscious, with that said Luke looked at me and asked if I’d ever seen a girl fucked by a horse. I told him I’d seen it but only on video, we both smiled at the same time as he said come on then lets take her to my farm. But I said no if she was going to have a real life huge horse cock in her I wanted her to be awake, I wanted to hear her beg for it, he was disappointed but agreed that the expression on her face as she was filled with a huge horse cock would be priceless.
He then asked if we could take her to the park, leave her on a seat, and see if anybody would use her, I love that idea I told him, so he got her tiny belt skirt and I got her small top. I held her up as he dressed her, it got us both hard thinking about how she was about to be used by complete strangers, we must have read each others mind because we both then shoved our hard cocks into her at the same time, her pussy still felt loose even with both our cocks up her, holding her up between us we both pounded our cocks into her cumming at the same time.
Letting go of her she fell to the floor not aware of anything, Luke and I tidied ourselves up. I then picked her up put her over my shoulder, Luke said he knew this part of town so he lead me out of the motel and down some back streets until we got to the park.
Both of us standing in a dark alley he asked if I really want to do this he said that this was a bad part of town and that if we left her in the park to be used there would be no way either one of us could stop her from being fucked. I told Luke that I’d seen her so thoroughly used and gangbanged by so many different men in the past two weeks and reminded him that she’d already agreed to be a whore. He shrugged his shoulders and said follow me so we crossed the street and went into the dark park, as we got deeper into the park I could hear a party happening, I asked Luke to carry Cumbucket we then crept quietly up to were we could see a large group of men and women partying around a small fire.
Looking around I saw a table close to us and whispered to Luke we should leave her there, when we got to the table I could see it was wet at one end then looking closer I could see it was cum so I told Luke to put her down on the table making sure her pussy and arse was resting in the slimy mess, then Luke found a 800ml empty beer bottle and easily pushed it in her sloppy fuckhole leaving only the neck sticking out, I then pushed her tiny skirt up around her waist and took her top off.
Leaving her like that we went and hid behind some bushes nearby. We didn’t have
to wait long for her to be noticed, two large black men who were having a piss
noticed her first, as they got closer to her I heard one of them say “hey bro
this is that slut from the theatre” that’s when I recognized them as the guys
with the bottle sized cocks. I thought they were supposed to be out of town. One
of them tried to wake her while the other one pulled the beer bottle out of her
pussy, Cumbucket didn’t even stir she was completely out, then the bigger one
said that I must be around somewhere that surely I wouldn’t just leave her here,
so nudging Luke I said come on no use hiding they know we’re here, so we came
out from behind the bush and walked towards them.
I spoke first saying that I heard that they had left town and then asked their names, they introduced themselves as Marty and Daryl and said yes they had left town but new about the party at the club and had come back into town to go to it but they didn’t get there till after midnight and found the doors locked, just as they were leaving two whores got kicked out so they hooked up with them and have been partying with them ever since. I told them that Cumbucket and I had been at the party, I’d wondered what happened to the other two whores and Cumbucket had ended up being gangbanged by about 150 men for just over 24 hours, Marty laughed and said did the slut get the huge dildo treatment so I told them the rest of the story, Cumbucket dribbling cum all the way home and me drugging her with sleeping tablets, of Luke and I wanting to watch her being used and abused while she was unconscious.
Straight away Daryl pulled out his huge hard cock and shoved it into her, roughly fucking her, just using her body as a cum dump, exploding inside of her he said that even unconscious she was a real good root then Marty pushed his equally impressive cock in her, smashing himself in and out of her while holding onto her tits for support, it only took him about three minutes to cum, pulling out their cum flowed out onto the table then dripped in long strands to the ground below.
Turning to me he said that if we really wanted to see Cumbucket get her pussy completely used abused and stretched then they had the solution because at the theatre there was only five of them with over sized cocks but tonight there was twenty of them, he said the other two whores couldn’t even get the head of any of their big cocks into them and although it’d been fun wanking there cum all over them, it wasn’t very often that they could find a slut with a big enough hole to fit their huge cocks and they had never yet found a big holed slut who could take all twenty of them one after another, so he said how about it can we all use her?
It didn’t take me long to think about it so of course I said yes but not right now as it was soon going to be daybreak and I wanted her to be awake for it, Marty seemed to be the leader because straight away he said how are we all going to be able to gangbang her if she’s awake so I told him about how she wanted to be a paid whore and if all twenty of them would be willing to pay $80 each then they could all use her as many times as they wanted for a whole night. He readily agreed so I told him to bring the money to our motel at six o’clock tonight, then as soon as it was dark Luke and I would bring her back down here to the park for them to use however they pleased till daybreak, but I said absolutely no arse sex, and Luke and I wanted to watch the whole time, shaking my hand Marty said no worry’s none of them like the thought of shit on their cocks anyway only poofters fucked arse’s and he would see me at six with the money.
When they left we put the sluts top back on pulled her skirt down over her gapping fuckhole and quickly carried her back to the motel before the sun came up, laying Cumbucket on the bed we both used her baggy sloppy hole one more time before crashing out. When I woke it was three pm and I was alone in bed, getting up I walked into the kitchen to see Cumbucket bent over the table her hands behind her pulling her pussy wide open with Luke behind her wanking himself into her when he came his cock didn’t even touch her pussy but his cum flew straight into her cavern of a cunthole.
Looking at me Luke winked and said he had told her about how he had paid me for
the use of her sloppy hole winking back at him smiling I said that last night
when I had left him to use her sleeping body as he pleased I had gone down to
the local 24 hour pub and had meet some men who wanted to pay for the use of her
pussy tonight. Then getting behind Cumbucket myself and wanking into her big
hole I told Cumbucket that her life as a paid gangbang whore was going to start.
I told Cumbucket that 20 men were paying $80 each to use her as they pleased for
the whole night in the local park.
Just then Cumbucket shuddered in orgasm which made me cum to. Telling her to
stand up she turned to me smiling and said so for just one night of letting only
20 men abuse my pussy we’re going to make $1600, that’s right I said so why
don’t you go and relax in a long hot bath shave your pussy completely clean, you
have to be ready by 5:45.
She looked so sexy walking to the bathroom with mine Luke’s and her cum running
down the inside’s of her thighs.
At 5:45 Cumbucket came out wearing a tiny 5 inch skirt with a tiny short crop
top, raising her hands above her head her tits popped into view and her skirt
rose up enough so we could see her bald naked pussy, asking us if she looked the
part, we both agreed, I told her the money was being delivered at 6.
As far as she knew she was she was just going to get fucked by 20 men all night, we hadn’t told her about the size of their cocks so I said to her that as soon as the money was paid she was theirs to do with as they pleased, she just shrugged her shoulders and said easy money.
At 6 there was a knock at the I open it and in walked Marty he gave me the money it was all there so I told him that as soon as it was dark we would bring her to the park but asked if he wanted to fuck her first right now, sure he said. Pulling out his already hard cock he easily lifted a shocked Cumbucket with a hand on each side of her cunt spreading her open he impaled her with one forceful thrust, Cumbucket squealed in shock then moaned as he lifted her back up, dropping her again she grunted, he kept doing this to her until she was just quietly moaning with pleasure.
Then Marty told her to lie on her back and spread her legs saying he wanted to fuck her the same way as he did the first time he fucked her. Cumbucket looked puzzled, so he reminded her about the theatre, about first being gangbanged by 18 men and then he and 4 of his friends wanted a piece of her slut pussy. He reminded her about how she got scared and tried to get away from his 10 inch long and 4 inch wide cock about how she was held down so he could ruin her once tight pussy.
With that said he slapped 1 of her tits while driving his huge cock right up deep inside pulling straight out he slapped the other tit smashing himself back into her again then holding her down he started to brutally fuck her using her like the cum loving whore she was. Then after about 10 minutes he pushed into her as far as he could cumming deep inside her fuckhole.
Pulling out of her ravaged hole he told her to stay in that position on her back
legs spread her pussy hanging open. Then he asked her if she remembered the
night at the theatre when him and 4 of his mates all fucked her sloppy hole 2
times each, she slowly nodded and told him that after they left she couldn’t
find her clothes so her and I had to go downstairs to the sex shop to find
something to wear but when we got there another 15 men were waiting to use her
so she just lay on her back letting them fuck her loose cumhole.
Smiling he told her to go lie across the table face down and to reach back hold
her pussy open as far as she could, Luke and I both commented about how we had
done that to her this morning both of us wanking our cum into her.
But this time it was different said Marty, he told her that tonight her whore pussy was going to be stuffed by 20 over sized cocks over and over again until daybreak, then he got a longneck out of the fridge and easily pushed it into her then grabbing another bottle he held it beside the one already buried in her, he said to her can you feel how this second one wont fit moaning she agreed then he told her that after all 20 huge cocks had used and stretched her so much that not even their mammoth cocks could get any feeling then she would start to get her sloppy hole double stuffed till morning.
And when she got back here she wouldn’t even be able to feel or notice if she had 2 large beer bottles in her or not then pulling the bottle out of her we all got a surprise as she bucked her hips and moaned in orgasm as her own pussy cum flowed out her huge open pussy and down her legs.
Marty was shocked to he said to Cumbucket that he’d told her that story because that’s what would actually happen and if she wanted to pull out it’d be ok but Cumbucket responded by pulling her fuck hole open even more, then turning her face towards us she asked if she could be tied to a picnic table in this position blindfolded for at least the first 2 or 3 times all 20 men stuck their cocks up her she wanted to feel totally helpless as cock after huge cock used her sloppy hole as a cum receptacle.
Marty looked down at her and called her a dirty cock hungry cum loving slut,
then told us that he was going back to the park to tell his gang that tonight
they were all going to get their huge cocks inside 1 whore, I walked him to the
door and whispered that he should give us a half hour then they would be able to
find Cumbucket tied to the same table he fucked her on last night.
I told Luke to find something to tie and blindfold our little slut with, then
asked Cumbucket to get on her back so I could fuck her already sloppy cum filled
hole one last before it got completely stretched and ruined. I fucked her hard
and fast my cock feeling hardly anything inside of her except for Marty’s cum,
just as I blew my load into her Luke appeared and asked if he could use her to,
then stuck his cock into her cumfilled hole it didn’t take long for him to cum
either. Both of us helped her up, then while she put her tiny skirt and top back
on Luke and I couldn’t take our eyes off her slutty cum dripping pussy and
I got a pillow to put between Cumbucket and the picnic table, Luke got the restraints and the 3 of us walked down to the park and found the picnic table, first I tied the pillow against the edge then Cumbucket bent over it, Luke blindfolded her while I tied her legs as far apart that was comfortable for her, then telling her to reach back and hold her pussy open we tied her arms to her body and table as well but leaving enough slack so she could still grip her fuck hole.
Looking at our handiwork I said to Luke that about the only thing she could do, other than holding her soon to be ruined cumhole open, was to scream but Luke said he’d thought about that and pulled a piece of material out of his pocket, then gagged her.
How a hand shake from my cousin led to a passionate love making... |
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