Sex on a horse ranch

(Part 2 from 2)

Bubba had a secret place fixed up in the barn. His work was done for the day and he climbed the ladder and went behind some bales of hay and entered a small door. He dropped his pants and shorts and got a porno magazine and started to masturbate.

He heard voices and peeked through the cracks in the floor. It was his mother and sister.

"Look at the stud horses pecker Jessie." his mother said giggling.

"I would like to have that shoved up my cunt hole. said Judith.

Bubba could not believe what he was hearing! Judith reached under the studs belly and caressed the horses growing member.

"Stop it Judith."

"Bubba might see us."

Judith let go of the horses pecker and sighed.

"Remember when we were little girls and slept together?" said Judith.

"Do I" said Doris."How old were we then?" said Judith.

"About five and six." said Doris.

"You cunny sure tasted good." said Doris.

The two women then went back into the house. Bubba jacked off thinking about what his mother and sister said. Bubba went back into the house to get a sandwich. His mother told him that Judith had to leave in a few days. She wanted him to drive to town to get some beer. It was a small town and the liquor store did not care about the under age laws. They would sell beer to any one over ten. The small town had no cop to inforce the law.

Bubba got two cases of cold beer and drove back to the ranch. It was Saturday and he had done his work one the horse ranch. He looked forward to drinking beer with his mother and sister. He hoped that the two woman would get drunk.

They all sat in the living room and drank beer.

"Judith do you remember the drinking contests we used to have?" said his mother.

"I sure do and I could always beat you."

"I bet you can't now little sister."

Judith poured a large glass of beer and swallowed all of it.

"Ok, the first one that can't stand on her feet wins."

Both woman started drinking large amounts of beer until they were very drunk. Judith stood up and smiled.

"It's your turn now Doris." she said.

Bubba watched his mom tried to stand up and fell back to the couch.

"I win." said Judith.

She turned to Bubba and said he should feed the horses some oats. Bubba knew it was just an excuse to get him out of the house. He went out side and snuck around and peeked in the window.

He saw his mother pull her dress up. Judith kissed her mother while she was helpless on the couch, pushed her panties aside and finger fucked her pussy. He could hear their loud cries of lust clearly. He went back in the house and they were sitting on the couch like nothing happened.

"Oh stop this!" he said.

"I know what you do to each other."

"I want to fuck you both."

"It's cruel to deny me of all the fun." he said angerly.

They looked him and were silent. Doris found her voice first.

"No Bubba, you might make me pregnant! she pleaded,

"I don't care mom."

"If you get pregnant so what."

"I would like a baby!"

The two women were silent again. They were thinking about the forbidden incestuous act.

"If y0u are going fuck your mother I will get her ready for you." she said angerly.

She went to the surprised Doris and tore her clothes off ripping them to shreds.

"Now fuck the hell out of her, you peek freak incestuous bastard." she snarled.

Bubba undressed and wasted no time. He spread his moms legs apart and fucked her three times before his dick wilted. It was about the second fuck when his mom started to respond. He had given her an orgasm.

Judith watched Bubba fuck her sister and was turned on. She wasn't so mad at him now. She looked at her sisters pussy and put her head between her sisters legs and ate her cunt. Doris shivered climaxed.

They all slept together that night. Judith stayed for a long time at the ranch. Bubba was in fuck heaven and they were all happy. Bubba liked fucking his mom. They would be lovers forever..

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