Sandy : The bankteller prostitute
All the rest of that week, Jo and I kept spending time with Sandy. And all that week, that gorgeous blonde wearing her patented black pants and brightly-colored ribbon belt kept telling us how she could hardly wait until Friday night, when she’d been joining Jo, Nadene and Heather for a fun-filled night working as a street hooker.
Wednesday morning, two days after she’d first talked to Jo and me about the many advantages of life as a whore, we showed up at the bank to find Sandy already hard at work on her boss. We didn’t see her at first, because she wasn’t at her customary booth in the front. It was the line-up of customers waiting for tellers that told us where she was. No one actually said anything. It was just that everyone had turned to face the same direction and, with contented smiles, were watching something. We stepped in a little further, and there Sandy was. The bank manager’s office was separated from the main area by a wall-to-ceiling glass wall, with an opening for an entrance, but no door. People were watching what was going on in there so intently, that most didn’t even notice Jo in her light blue half sweater, white satin bikini panties and baby blue heels, at least not until Jo and I had come to stand right next to the line of people to see what they were watching.
Sandy was wearing her patented black dress pants, a pale yellow, sleeveless, knitted top, and black high heels, and wearing a yellow ribbon for her belt, tied in a cute little bow at her left hip. She was on her knees, her pretty head bobbing in and out of her boss’ crotch. Even though she was angled slightly away from her numerous admirers, there was no mistake that her sweet mouth was wrapped around her overweight, baby-faced boss’ big dick. He just smiled out at everyone watching all this, somewhat nervously but obviously enjoying the experience. He waved at Jo and me when he saw us.
My eyes mostly settled on Sandy’s extremely sweet ass, which looked so wonderful with her black pants stretched tightly over it, the material crinkling a little bit with every bob of her head.
At one point, Bob (her boss), said something to her and, still bobbing her head and sucking his dick, she turned her head and her eyes towards us.
“Hmm hmm!” she said, cheerily.
We waved. Then I pulled out my digital camera and took a few really nice pictures. Jo and I were both so proud of her.
Soon after Sandy swallowed Bob’s load, we were walking back to my car to head out to the country so Sandy could meet ‘Bucky’ and all his four-legged friends at the stables. Again, Jo told Sandy how Bucky had really helped her learn how to deep throat.
“He’s a real sweetie!” Jo said proudly of her horse.
Jo’s ‘sweetie’ was delighted to meet Sandy, as were all the other horses. They all seemed fascinated by her ribbon belt, playing at it with their noses and then rubbing Sandy’s beautiful bum the same way.
I guess they know you are their ‘present’, I kidded Sandy.
Being very protective not to get Sandy’s nice pants dirty, I pulled out a cute little blanket Nadene always uses, so Sandy could kneel on it. She was a bit nervous, but mostly excited as she kneeled underneath Bucky, this big, brown stallion and saw what was awaiting her.
Jo instructed Sandy as she worked on Bucky, but then the two girls split up to take care of the rest. It was a wonderfully fun experience for the blonde bank teller, who’d never been so close to horses before. Two hours later, it was my turn to be blown by both girls in the parking lot. They chatted away like teenage girlfriends as they took turns sucking my bone. Sandy proudly showed me how her deep-throat ability had improved so much, even after just one time with Bucky and his friends. I kidded her that I must seem pretty small, in comparison.
“Hmm hmm hmm,” she shook her head politely. And then she happily leaned forward to let my hard dick pop past her tonsils.
Jo let me empty all my splooge in Sandy’s mouth, and she swallowed it hungrily. I offered to take the girls out to a late lunch. But Sandy said that she was pretty full after all that cum, and the two girls wanted to go shopping instead.
“To buy what?” I asked them.
It turned out that Jo wanted to by some nice ribbon to make belts for her, Nadene and Heather; and Sandy really wanted to buy some nice half tops and panties just like Jo’s, and maybe a couple of pairs of heels to match those new panties.
“They have to match!” she noted, cheerily.
She wasn’t sure she’d ever have the confidence to dress like Jo now was, in just panties, a top and heels… but she thought the panties certainly would feel nice under her pants… and Jo agreed.
“And… you never know,” Sandy said sexily, her tongue licking her lips. “Maybe, one day.”
The girls bought a huge selection of brightly-colored ribbons that were just the right thickness for belts, and thick enough that they wouldn’t tear. They bought ribbons that were bright red, pink, yellow, light blue, white, light purple and other colors as well, several in each color so that each girl would have one in every color.
And Jo helped Sandy pick out several really nice panty outfits like her own. Sandy was brave enough to model them to me in the store itself. Being my mischievous self, I played a trick on her and, when she wasn’t looking, snuck in, grabbed her pants and top and raced out of the store. In a brand new half-top, panties and heels, she chased me half way through the mall before I let her catch me. She scolded me, but was laughing the whole time, so I just laughed too.
We walked back to the store as is and, in fact, I think Sandy enjoyed all the stares she and Jo were getting, especially from all the men. Nonetheless, in the store she put her pants back on, with her yellow sweater vest and yellow ribbon belt, and we headed out. Jo turned her phone on so the girls could do a few fun calls. Sandy took most of them, with Jo watching and instructing her, popping her mouth onto Sandy’s ‘meals’ from time to time to give ‘mouth-on’ instruction.
“Hmm hmm hmm hmm,” she’d tell Sandy, and Sandy would listen to every word. Then she’d try it herself.
“Hmm hmm?” she’d ask, wondering if she was doing it right.
Sandy had the most fun trying out her newly-improved deep throat skills, and the Johns all loved it too. She still wasn’t as good as Jo, who by now could deep throat a 14-inch wang the thickness of a baseball bat and keep it there for as long as she wanted; but Sandy was playing now with popping each and every cock past her tonsils, even if for just a few seconds and while gagging the whole time. She looked forward to the day when she could just rest her hands on her thighs, like Jo, and let any guy mouth- and throat-fuck her to his heart’s content. Guys always shot off quickly that way, so that Jo easily could blow 10 guys in an hour, so long as the guys were ready and waiting. Sandy still needed 10-15 minutes for most guys, and her mouth grew tired. But she knew that, with practice, all this would improve; and she was so appreciative to Jo and me for providing her with lots of guys to blow.
Thursday and Friday morning, the girls visited the horses again, and Sandy enjoyed her time under them more and more. The horses enjoyed Sandy too. They all especially approved on Friday when she showed up wearing black satin panties instead of her usual black pants. Not giving up her look totally, she still wore a ribbon tied around her waist, a red one to match her red sweater, with black heels to complete the ensemble. Ironically, Jo showed up in tight navy jeans, to go with her sweater and heels, saving her panty look for Friday night.
By Friday afternoon, Sandy felt ready to try working the street with the other girls. We popped by Sandy’s bank at about 2:30, just because Sandy wanted to do an hour or so of work and then blow her boss for good luck. Besides earning a wonderfully huge mouthful of semen and sperm, Sandy got an absolutely delightful surprise that happened, in fact, as soon as we entered the bank. There, on the wall as soon as you went in, was a huge, framed picture of Sandy, under which it said… “Employee of the Century”. The picture, of course, was one of the ones I took of Sandy when she was blowing her boss in his office, which I had sent him by email and which he had had professionally enlarged and framed… a big, full length picture showing beautiful Sandy at work, from the top of her head to the tip of her black spike heels, as she kneeled there with her boss’ cock buried deep inside her mouth and her eyes pointed straight at the camera. It was a perfect picture. The angle even was right, her waist being twisted a bit towards the camera so you could see all of her amazing little ass in those tight black pants she’d worn on Wednesday. And, of course, the yellow ribbon, tied into a bow at the side and matching her yellow sweater, was perfect too. She looked so proud in that picture, as she should have.
She certainly was proud now, seeing it up on the wall like that. The line-up of customers recognized that it was her with Jo and me, and they all applauded. Sandy was so flattered, she immediately dragged Bob out of his office and had him stand by the picture so she could kneel and blow him right there. She was wearing the same black pants again, but a light blue blouse and a somewhat darker, royal blue ribbon belt plus royal blue heels she’d changed into after we’d left Bucky. She looked wonderful kneeling under her picture like that.
After swallowing Bob’s load again, she ended up doing about three hours work… all on her knees under that picture as she blew every man who wanted it. Jo kneeled too. At one point, with about an hour to go, Jo stripped off her jeans to get down to just her white satin panties, and kneeled back down for more sucking. Following suit, Sandy stood up, stripped off her black pants, tied her blouse in a bow at the front, and kneeled back down in one of the several pairs of lovely black satin panties she’d bought. Of course, I’d been taking pictures all along. Who could miss an opportunity of catching Sandy giving blowjobs under her picture like that? But now I had pictures of Sandy giving blowjobs in her very own ‘panty outfit’, I now had leverage. All I had to do is put a couple of pictures like this on the Local Escorts website on the internet, and customers would expect Sandy to treat them to this outfit from time to time. So much for being shy! And so much for her black pants always. Now, it was black pants or black, satin bikini panties… and I was pretty sure she’d soon even be wearing them, regularly, at the bank. (Sure enough, on Monday morning, she dawned her new look.)
After the two girls had had about three hours of blowjob fun, I drove the two of them to our favorite fast food place, where we’d meet Nadene and Heather and have a quick bite to eat before putting these girls’ mouths to work on bigger, better things. Seeing that Sandy was new, her chicken burger was passed around to all the guys so they could cum on it, in place of mayonnaise, before giving it to her. She laughed and shook her head… but she ate it hungrily, savoring every cum-flavored bite.
Then after a quick check of their make-up in the bathroom, the four girls were ready. Jo was wearing her favorite white satin panties, a tight baby blue sweater that didn’t quite reach her waist, and black spike heels. Sandy still was in a pale blue blouse, her black pants, and royal blue heels, with her black satin panties underneath. Nadene was wearing a white half sweater (reaching just below her breasts, hot red satin bikini panties and red heels. Heather wore tight, navy blue, five-pocket jeans, a light purple top, and black heels. And each girl wore a ribbon belt: Jo’s was light blue and Nadene’s bright red, both just tied around the bare skin of their waists. Sandy’s was light blue and Heather’s bright yellow. All the girls had their ribbons tied in nice big bows at their right hip. They all were gift-wrapped for an evening of giving.
We all piled into my car for the final drive, during which time everyone was encouraging to Sandy, telling her about all the cocks she’d get to suck and how much fun she’d have.
“Should I swallow for everyone?” she asked, unsure.
“You’re a banker. You’re used to taking deposits,” I kidded her.
She laughed. I’d made my point. She would swallow everyone’s seed then.
As usual, there was a long line-up of cars already waiting, and so Jo, Nadene and Heather just jumped out of my car and ran over to climb into another. Sandy felt a little nervous, standing out on the sidewalk alone. But that only lasted for a few seconds. Once those first three cars had pulled away and the next car pulled forward, Sandy was called over. I watched her intently as she leaned in to talk to the driver. As usual, I admired her sweet, sweet ass. At first, I though she’d been rejected, because she just turned away from the car towards me, and made a funny little grimace. But when she started waving at me, I knew she had her first trick. What did she want from me? A picture of course!
I quickly shot a picture of her waving at me, just before going out on her very first trick, and then took more pictures as she turned away to walk around the front of the car to the passenger side door. She waved again just before getting in. And then I watched, a little sadly I’ll admit, as the car pulled away with her chatting happily to the driver. I knew that, in a few minutes, it would be his cock, and not mine, inside Sandy’s sweet mouth.
‘I’ll bet Bucky would be jealous too,’ I thought to myself.
Jo was back twice and on her way again, and both other girls long gone into their second trick before Sandy came back, but that was to be expected. Sandy was, after all, still pretty much a rookie. But she was smiling and very pleased with herself when she finally did show up. A car honked right away to get her attention, but she had to come over to thank me again for everything and to tell me to remind her to thank Bucky too.
“That first guy was HUGE!” she said, delightedly.
The next guy, a big black dude in a convertible, was even bigger; yet Sandy later said that she persevered and got most of it into her mouth and throat.
Sandy disappeared for over an hour once, after being picked up by six guys in a VW van. They all were young guys, just 18 and 19, who’d bought it used and just loved throat-poking a girl who certainly looked old enough to be a much older sister, especially given how formally Sandy was dressed.
“It’s like poking a teacher!” one told her.
Sandy was pleased she could be on her knees at the center of all their fun.
Finally, at about 3 a.m., Rufus came by, as I knew he would. He was delighted that I’d found another new girl. He still remembered all the fun he and the boys had had gang-banging Heather’s virgin mouth. I had told Sandy about Rufus and she’d said she hoped she didn’t miss him. Like the gentleman he is, Rufus waited patiently until Sandy showed up, then he politely let me and her know he was going to “borrow her for awhile” to bring her back to see the boys “so we all can ram our thick sticks down her helpless little throat.”
Sandy thought he was very sweet. She was gone until almost eight, during which time she was face-fucked continuously. I popped over to the Boss’ mansion at around five to see how she was doing. Predictably, she was on her knees with a big circle of guys around her, and she was gagging and choking as one of them thrust his rigid rod repeatedly, in and out of her throat. She had stripped down to her black panties by now, and Rufus politely held her pants, like a butler might hold a towel. The blue belt was around her waist still… so she still was gift wrapped. Rufus encouraged me to join the circle, so soon it was my turn to violate Sandy’s throat with my hardened bone. She peered up at me with both hands on my ass and both her eyes watering as I pounded away at her throat. But her eyes definitely were full of love.
Sandy fell asleep in the back seat of the car on the way home. She was half asleep when I led her up to my apartment, not even realizing that Nadene still was carrying her black pants. The plan was to let Sandy sleep in my bed to rest up for Saturday night. She’d said she ‘definitely’ wanted to work Saturday night too, so this way she could rest and we’d just wake her up when we were ready to go.
Nadene sucked me off before she and I crawled into bed with Sandy. Sandy had curled almost into a little ball. It was Nadene’s idea to shift Sandy down the bed a bit and then have me put my dick in Sandy’s mouth while she slept, just to see what happened. Sure enough, still fast asleep, Sandy nursed on my cock. It felt very nice. After awhile, I popped out and jerked myself off while Nadene held Sandy’s mouth open. After I’d cum, Nadene let Sandy’s mouth close and she slept the rest of the morning and afternoon enjoying the fine taste of my semen.
Our gorgeous little banker definitely was a prostitute now. And she was off to a really, great start!
My summer vacation in Sweden and I get ganged up on by both my Aunts... |
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