Sandy and Jo's chocolate coated cum – Part 1
All in panties, bra and heels from just having gotten out of the bathroom after peeing, brushing their teeth and putting on their morning make-up, the girls tore into their gifts. One gift, the most special gift, would come later in the day, and I told the girls this. Nonetheless, they loved what I’d bought them, mostly some lovely tops and matching satin panties and even one nice pair of tight jeans and one nice pair of black dress pants each, the jeans and the pants all the same, so the four girls could dress up as a matched team, if they ever wanted to. In keeping with Valentine’s Day, at least one top for each girl was red, and each girl also received three pairs of matching red panties… even Sandy. Now, Sandy, to date, only ever had worn black panties, but on this day, I only gifted her with red. I told her that this was just to shake things up a little bit. I even bought her matching red spike heels, which she loved
She bit her lip nervously. Change was going to be hard. Along with her ribbons, her trademarks were her black pants and panties. Finally, however, after some coaxing, she disappeared into the bedroom and, after about 10 minutes, emerged wearing all red… a red half sweater, reaching to just below her breasts, her new red, satin bikini panties, a red ribbon around her waist with a big bow on her right hip, and her new red shoes. We all applauded. She looked GREAT!
“So,” I asked her. “Are you going to go to work like this?”
Sandy’s work schedule for today, incidentally, was to work from 10 until 1 at
the bank, followed by a trip out to see Bucky to give all the horses a juicy
(for the girls) Happy Valentine’s Day treat, followed by a visit to Frank and
Burt and the boys. Then a very special meal out for all the girls... my treat.
‘Then, maybe Sandy would like to hit the streets for a couple of hours to show
off her new look,” I suggested. Sandy laughed, both nervous and excited.
“Do you think they’ll like it?” Sandy asked us, spinning around to model her
outfit, still sounding unsure.
“There’s only one way to find out,” I suggested. And Sandy knew she was stuck.
Sure enough, Sandy’s boss was amazed by the transition. He’d never seen Sandy
wear any other color than black from the waist down. But he was very
complimentary, as was everyone else in the bank. Sandy was even more the center
of attention than normal when she kneeled to blow her boss in his office, albeit
in full view of everyone else in the bank.
“Hmm hmm hmm?” Sandy asked him, at least three times.
“I love the color,” he said. “It’s so… Christmassy!”
And Sandy couldn’t help but stop her rhythmic pumping to laugh, even though
Dave’s cock still was in her mouth. She just closed her eyes and laughed through
her nose. It was very cute.
“We’ll just have to buy her a santa hat so she can wear it, starting in October…
to get EVERYBODY in the Christmas spirit!” I said, smiling.
“Hmm hmmmmm!” Sandy scolded me playfully.
Sandy spent virtually every minute of her three hours at the bank on her
knees. All the guys in line wanted to be blown by her. And how could she
possibly say ‘No’ on Valentine’s Day? Especially when every guy was
complimenting her so much on her wonderful panties. Sandy was continuously
blushing and thanking people for their compliments.
“Hmm hmm. Hmm hmm. Hmm hmm,” she kept saying. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
We had to put a limit on it, so that she ended on time. We told everyone that
Sandy had a date with some horses that she definitely didn’t want to miss, and
the guys understood. Especially after I made Sandy promise to wear her red
panties to work again… at least once a week.
Again she scolded me, though. “Hmm hmm hmm hmmmmm hmmmmm,” she shook her little
finger at me, her eyes twinkling with delight. I was a bad boy.
So much for the stuck up blonde persona!
Jo, Sandy and I picked up Heather and Nadene from the house before heading out to the country. I purposely preceded the four girls out of the car and set up a camera to film them walking towards the stables. They were like Charlie’s Angels, but way, way better!!! Walking side by side in perfect unison, all four wore some form of red top: Sandy still wore her red half-sweater; Jo just wore a red bikini top; Heather wore a red blouse tied in the front so that it only reached below her breast; and Nadene wore a tight T–shirt I’d bought her that said, in big white letters across the front – “Hooker 4 Hire”; she LOVED that T-shirt, which reached just to her waist, thereby not hiding her panties at all. Of course, they also all wore their identical, new red satin panties. They also wore either red or black high heels. And they all wore a pretty red ribbon around their waist and a bow on their right hip. Four perfectly matched girls with long blonde hair, strutting to meet their ‘boys’.
I knew the horses would love it, and I was right. Since there were eight
horses and four girls, and we had 2 hours to kill before we left to see Frank
and Burt at just past four, each girl wanted to do four horses. That would give
them all time to really have fun under there. And I had lots of fun taking
pictures. I told Sandy maybe I’d give her boss one of these pictures for another
wall in the bank and, once again, Sandy scolded me.
“Hmm hmmmmm!” she said, her brow a bit wrinkled.
“Oh! This would be a PERFECT one!” I kept kidding her.
“Hmm hmmmmmm!” she kept saying and giving me the evil eye. But I knew she was
kidding too. I knew she’d be proud of the picture once it was up, and she knew
this too.
Sandy was the last to finish her four, but the first to kneel for me in the
parking lot. She and Heather took turns on me while Jo and Nadene cheered them
Then we headed into town again to see Frank and Burt and the boys. With four girls working and just forty men, we arranged to meet together in 1 ½ hours. Jo had a list of fifteen she’d do; Nadene and Heather each 10, and Sandy just five. But Bonnie, bless her soul, was a busy bee recruiting more for Sandy, so that Sandy ended up blowing several more.
At Frank and Burt’s, of course, it being Sandy’s first Valentine’s Day as a hooker, I had something special planned for her. Jo already had been featured on television several times, what with her winning the 24-hour Blowjob Marathon our station had staged, and having been on the air giving weather reports at our station (reporting on ‘blowing snow’ from her knees); Nadene, of course, was a weather reporter and, following Kim’s fine example, had given many live weather reports from her knees; some day, I’ll even relate the story of how we managed to get Heather onto TV once. But Sandy hadn’t been on TV yet… and a gorgeous blonde bank-teller turned prostitute, giving blowjobs to seniors on Valentine’s Day, was a feel good story we just couldn’t pass up... especially with Sandy proudly dawning her new red panties.
Two cameramen and Kim were waiting for us when we arrived. Sandy couldn’t
believe it. Her boss, Dave, and two other girls from the bank were there too...
to be interviewed as part of a 15-minute feel-good news segment we were planning
to run on “Sandy, the bank-teller prostitute” that very evening. Of course,
because of all the people, we couldn’t possibly all fit in Frank’s apartment, so
we had commandeered the large, main-level social lounge. In addition to Frank
and Burt, several other residents were mulling around to see what was going to
happen. This all was very exciting for everybody.
Sandy was beaming with the prospect of servicing Frank and Burt in her new
outfit, and her excitement was palpable. I’d given Kim all this information on
Sandy… about how and where I’d found her and how Jo and I had convinced her to
try prostitution out… just for fun. We had intended to film this all for about
30 minutes, starting with Sandy. Wanting to get straight to work, Sandy
immediately was on her knees, her now very capable mouth already shifting back
and forth between these two old-timers, while her eyes continuously watched the
camera, except for occasional loving glances up at the two nice old men she was
blowing. Frank, as usual, was very polite and appreciative of the beautiful
blonde kneeling to service his well-worn bone. Burt, on the other hand, was his
old, humorously-cantankerous self, kidding Sandy how she looks so good with a
cock in her mouth, she should just by a big rubber one and bury it in her mouth
in between blowjobs.
“Or are you EVER between blowjobs?” he asked, smartly, himself playing to the
“Hmm hmmmmmm!” Sandy scolded him, playfully, pretending to be insulted but
actually being VERY flattered.
“You’re a banker,” he said. “Can I leave a great, big deposit in your mouth?”
“Hmm hmm,” she nodded sweetly. She definitely wanted him too.
“Actually, Miss,” he said, later. “Can I scratch my belly with your nose?”
Sandy chuckled at this, and then happily put her hands on her waist and let this old geezer grab her head and thrust his now rigid cock all the way down her throat, and then just hold her there. Sandy’s eyes watered and she gagged a bit, but she had gotten very used to cocks of all kinds in her throat by now, and this was just fun. Her nose pushed hard into belly fat, she turned her eyes toward the camera, and waited helplessly until the old man let go. She was so PROUD that she could do this now, and even more proud and excited that this all would be caught on the evening news where all her friends and family could see.
It was me who recognized the furrow in her brow, and I realized what
concerned her. Smiling, I whispered to her that I’d already called her mother on
my cell and that her mother had said she’d call all of Sandy’s close friends. I
also said that we’d be making some video copies for her and everything would end
up on the internet anyway.
“Don’t worry, Sandy,” I assured her. “Everyone you want to see you, will get to
see you giving all these blowjobs.”
Sandy suddenly looked very relieved, or as relieved as a girl can look with a
thick cock in her throat and her nose pushed hard into an 83-year olds’ belly.
Her eyes found the camera again, and I could tell her focus now was just on
posing as prettily as she could.
Then we started going back and forth between her and the interviews. Her boss
commented on how everyone at the bank was so proud of Sandy and so thrilled she
seemed to be having so much fun.
“She was always very good at her job,” he said. “But she seemed rather serious.
But now… now she’s always so pleasant and is all our customers’ favorite.”
“She blows customers at the bank?” Kim asked, with a smile.
Dave nodded. “The bank is such a fun place when she’s around,” he said. He then
explained that Sandy used to be friendly, but seemed aloof to some. And she
always wore black pants and heels. “That and her ribbon belt was her trademark.”
“What do you think of her new look?” Kim asked. And the camera swung back to
Sandy, who now was deep-throating Frank. The poor man was concerned for her and
was asking if she was okay. With a cock in her throat, she couldn’t say
anything, but I quietly assured him that Sandy was loving it.
Meanwhile, while one cameraman focused on a close-up of Sandy’s face, the
other had peeled back to capture her outfit, starting with her red heels, then
slowly climbing up to focus on her gorgeous little bum in those perfect red
satin panties, and then over to the bow of her ribbon, then back to her bum, and
then back, back to capture the whole girl, kneeling between the two men.
“I think she looks great!” Dave said, his eyes apparently scanning the same
things as the camera.
\We interviewed Jen and Louise together; Jen was a very petite short-haired
blonde, maybe 25, and Louise was a little older, with more strawberry blonde and
longer hair. Interestingly, like Sandy usually did, both were wearing black
“So, what do you think of Sandy’s new look?” they were asked.
“She looks great!” they agreed.
“Are you jealous?”
The both laughed and nodded.
And that’s when Bonnie ushered forward two old farts who’d been watching
everything, one for each of them.
“Are these guys for us?” Jen asked, hopefully.
“If you want them,” Kim said.
Well… Jen and Louise needed no prompting. Soon they were on their knees with
octogenarians of their own, and having their very own fun in front of the
The main focus was on Sandy, though, and she was so excited to be the center of
attention. Kim quickly interviewed Sandy before being forced to her knees
“Are you having fun, Sandy?” Sandy was asked.
“Hmm hmm,” she answered.
“You like being a prostitute now, don’t you?”
“Hmm hmm,” she nodded, emphatically. “Hmm hmm hmm hmm.”
“You used to always wear black pants, and then black panties. But do you think
you might be showing off your red panties sometimes now too?”
“Hmm hmm hmm,” Sandy responded sincerely. “Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmmmm,” she
explained, holding up one and then two fingers. Once or twice a week, maybe?
“You are just the perfect little Valentine’s Day whore,” she was told.
And Sandy’s face just beamed with pride. “Hmm hmmmmm,” she said,
Frank shot his load first, followed almost immediately by Burt. And Sandy
hungrily swallowed both loads. If she thought she was done, though, she was
mistaken. Two more old guys quickly replaced F and B, and Sandy eagerly was off
“I guess there just is going to be no rest for this fun-loving bank-teller today,” Kim concluded, before dropping to her knees herself. “Or I guess for me either,” she said into her microphone, her last words before taking Mr. Dunlevy’s 89 year-old dick into her mouth for safe keeping.
We ended up filming for the full hour and a half, before the camera crew had to pack up to get everything back to the station in time for the evening news, and Jo, Heather and Nadene had returned, reminding me that I still had some more Valentine’s Day fun planned for the girls.
We left Kim, Lousie and Jen still on their knees, in a roomful of old men expecting quality service. They could have bailed out with us, had they wanted. But none of these girls wanted to, they were enjoying everything so much. As I looked back at Kim, on her knees in her light blue sweater, navy blue pants and 1-inch black heels, I realized it’d been awhile since I’d been blown by this very attractive mid 30-ish brunette. I’d have to rectify that soon, I was determined.
But now, we were off to the restaurant for a very special meal. And, despite all the cum they had swallowed, the girls were hungry for more. They certainly would get their wish.
A girl was so high and drunk and wanted to hang out with hunks, but they wanted more... |
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- scary
- bedtime
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- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
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- xxx
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- blowjob
- facesitting