Ryan's adventures
Megan waited in her room looking pout the window when she saw the two young girls walking down the street, hand-in-hand. Amy and Nikki were lesbians. They had been since they had been in secondary school, and they had had first had sex with each other at Ellie’s house. Nikki had become a lesbian when her ex boyfriend had abused her. They knocked and Megan’s mum told them to go straight up. When they got up there Megan was dressed in a police woman’s uniform.
“We’re going to make Ryan’s birthday present.” she said and drew out two pairs of handcuffs and a whip of a sort. She then drew out some horrible gothic style clothes for Amy and Nikki. They scowled at them, she and Nikki shared a horrified glance at each other they stripped off there clothes and pulled the disgusting clothes on, leaving there underwear off as instructed and then, Megan went into her mums room and came back with a video camera.
“We’re going to do role-play” said Nikki “Aren’t we?”
“Yes” said Megan simply “Ryan always loved you Amy, even when you dumped him for Nikki.”
“What a way to make me feel better” said Nikki. Megan set up the camera and started it rolling. “Right stand there” she mouthed. they obeyed and stood where Megan had indicated. She walked up behind them “you have the right to remain silent. Any thing you do say can and will be used against you in a bedroom.” She said slapping the cuffs on them, then pushing them on her bed she started spanking them. She then pulled the whip out and pushed it up Amy’s short skirt, for she wasn’t wearing underwear. She squealed, and Nikki tried to hug her, obviously she was in pain. Megan pushed Nikki over and pulled off her own trousers and sat on Nikki’s face, she screamed as loud as she could as Megan gripped her crotch. But Megan’s crotch made her choke and she couldn’t do anything but do as the police officer asked.
“Now, I’m going to ask you two some questions” she said seductively, so seductively that it made Nikki start to eat Megan’s pussy. Megan squeezed her crotch again and she pulled her dampening fanny off Nikki’s face. “Are you two horny?” they both nodded, the tears rolling down Amy’s face was enough to convince Megan she wanted to be let free. She kneeled so that her pussy was hanging over Nikki’s face and wiped the tears off Amy’s face. “Oh its okay.” she said “I didn’t mean to hurt you”
“It’s ok” Amy stuttered “It was just the shock.” then Megan leaned back and took out the whip she then shoved it back in and Amy squealed again. She started to cry again. Soon Megan was on top of Nikki again and this time she didn’t get off her face until she had made Megan cum. Nikki gasped for breath.
“Why are you doing this to us?” she asked.
“Cos I haven’t fucked anyone these past two weeks.” Megan said sharply.
“I want to have sex with you two. You’re my best friends. That, and Ellie wouldn’t have done it.”
Then Megan leaned over the bed and kissed Amy’s thighs and pussy lips. Amy groaned, never had Nikki done this.
“Oh shit, yes!” Amy groaned. Nikki on the other hand had slipped a hand down to her fanny and started to play with her clit. Megan saw this and pulled out the whip from Amy’s ass and pushed it as deep as it would go, into Nikki’s ass. She had a really tight arsehole and you can’t begin to imagine the pain she felt then. Her eyes crossed and she appeared to have breathing difficulties for a second, but in time, her ass stretched to fit the whip. She still cried in pain at the slightest movement. After a while Megan let the two have each other, for Ryan’s benefit. She intervened when they were about to cum on her bed. She greedily lapped up the juice around their pussies and then they all striped and had amazing sex together. Amy started by pushing the whip up Megan’s ass, and Nikki spanked her. She cried in pain then they began on the fisting, Nikki’s tight ass only allowed three of Megan’s fingers up it, Amy and Megan however had been able to fit their whole hand up each others asses. Nikki felt like she was missing out so she licked Megan’s pussy while fingering Amy’s. Then Megan reached over and started to twist and turn Amy’s nipples. After they had finished the 18 year olds started kissing each other. Nikki slipped out of the tangle of kisses and strokes. She grabbed the camera.
“Amy. Suck Megan’s pussy” she said. Sure enough Amy, always thirsty for cunt juice moved down to just above Megan’s crotch, and kissed her stomach, then licking her belly button, Nikki expertly manoeuvring the camera in the process. Then Amy bit down on Megan’s clit. Megan screamed in pain.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you” said Amy, mimicking what Megan had said moments before, an, bit down on her clit again. Megan was literally crying for her life now. Amy then realised what she had done and moved up and kissed and hugged Megan. “Sorry. I’m really sorry” then moved own again and licked Megan’s arse.
“MMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!” whispered Megan “Oh yeah! YESSSSSS” Amy started licking her forbidden hole. Then Megan told her to go into her mum’s room and get out a dildo and a strap on. Amy came back and tied the strap on to herself. She sunk the dildo into Megan’s mouth and the strap on into her arse.
“Mmmmmmmmm” she moaned around the dildo Amy was thrusting in and out of her mouth. Nikki had started to finger herself.
“Is it just me, or has Ryan had sex with nearly every girl in our year?” asked Amy.
“Only the pretty ones, so he says.” said Nikki, her voice shaking from the orgasm she had just unloaded.
“Yeah, he had Helen, and I have too, you, Amy, nearly had you, Nikki, had Ellie, he wont tell me but he had Miss Hamilton last week.”
“Really?” asked Nikki.
“Oh yeah” said Megan “good on him, I like her a bit too.”
“And your supposed to be the sensible one?” asked Amy “How did you find out?”
“One of his friends saw him walking out of the room with his shirt off. They snuck up to the window and saw Miss Hamilton, asleep, with cum on her chest and an x-rated video showing me and Helen on the TV.”
“Yeah so the tape will tell him you know about that. This one” she indicated the camera.
“I don’t care, I love him anyway”
Amy started to move down to Nikki’s feet and licked them; this made Nikki jump at her cold tongue. She sat down, heavily, on the floor.
“Amy do you still have feelings for him?” asked Nikki
“Hmmmmmm” she said while licking her legs. “I suppose, you know, sometimes I miss a cock”
“Even though we use a strap on?” inquired Nikki, shocked to find that her lesbian friend was actually missing a man’s cock. “I thought you loved being licked?”
“I do, but a man can do those things as well.”
“But –”
“Its okay to be a bisexual, Nikki” said Megan, fingering herself slowly. She grabbed Amy’s clit and pulled at it playfully, Amy was very ticklish and this made her curl up and start giggling. Megan smiled at her and kissed her nipples. Nikki leaned over and kissed Megan on the lips while they both fondled Amy’s tits with their hands, Amy started to lick Nikki’s pussy and finger Megan’s. “Maybe we should pack away for now and do something else.”
“Yeah” said Amy “How about we go on our site?”
“You guys have a site?”
“Yeah” said Nikki “We started it a couple of weeks ago, we’ve have had so many requests.”
Amy sat down at the computer and logged onto the internet. She called up the site, it showed Amy and Nikki hugging each other as a welcome video; “Hi and welcome to our site” said Amy and it showed some clips of movies they had already made “We will do any of your most perverse desires right here for free” said Nikki and it show Nikki with her freakishly long tongue embedded in Amy’s chocolate hole.
“At first not many people were interested in two 13 year old lesbians. But we put up some posters around the internet and now business is booming.” Said Amy. Megan connected up the camera to the computer.
“Maybe we should upload this for everyone.” She said.
“Yeah that would be brilliant” said Nikki. Together they uploaded the video and added the comments about what they did and why they did it.
The next week, Amy, Nikki and Megan arrived at Ryan’s house for the party. There were a few familiar faces; Helen and Sam, Steven, Philip, Lewis, Mat and Ellie. After they had eaten, they all were bundled into cars and drove down to the school. “Funny” thought Megan “School?”. They all walked into the main hall and on the stage was a drum kit, and 2 guitars. On stage was a girl with another guitar, Ryan’s ex girlfriend. Megan scowled at her, then him. Ryan’s band were performing to night for battle of the bands. Nearly all the seats were taken except a few reserved at the front, they sat down and the rest of the band climbed on to the stage.
“Hey” said Ryan into the microphone. Sam picked up his guitar and so did Lewis. Steven sat down and grabbed a set of drum sticks. The crowed cheered; they had a pretty good chance this year, having come second third and fourth in the past three years. “We need a good atmosphere here this evening, so would everyone mind putting their chairs in stacks at the far wall please.” The crowed eagerly stood up and ran to the back then down to the front again. “Right this is a classic, everybody should know this one” Steven counted in on the drum sticks and the guitars sung like birds. They played through You Know My Name by Chris Cornell, and a few people were dancing like they were in a concert, but a few; Megan, Amy, Nikki, Ellie and mat included, weren’t. Then as they got to the chorus they suddenly started playing System Of A Down’s Fuck the System. Ryan magnificently sung through what sounded like gibberish.
“War! Fuck the System! War! Fuck the System! Fuck the System! War! Fuck the System! War! Fuck the System! Fuck the System! War! I need to fuck the sys! We all need to Fuck the System!” they ended the song with a roar of applause. “Now can we please welcome to the stage, Chris Hill” Chris entered shyly and stood by his keyboard. “Chris is going to help us with a few songs this evening. Right, one, two, three, four!” Chris started up the opening to Rammstein’s Feuer Frei. Ryan was skilled in German and sung the words with ease. Sam wasn’t too good at this song so Lewis played the hard bits. Chris performed the keyboard solo with too much of a laid back quality that he nearly stumbled. Steven handled the drums keyboard outro with skill.
“Next we shall perform one of the greatest songs put together by a Eurovision winner!” Chris started the song with the sort of haunting bells and chimes. The guitar made everyone jump. Megan noticed a small slip of paper in Ryan’s pocket with an address on it. It was to far too read but she was suspicious all the same.
“Blood Red Sandman coming home again, I’m coming home again!” shouted Ryan, in his trademark high-pitched voice that reminded the band of Jack Black. They ended on the creepy chimes and bells. Lewis played the opening to Metallica’s King Nothing. Sam followed on.
“Wish I may. Wish I might.” Ryan started and the crowd cheered.
“Where’s your crown King nothing?!”
Sung the band when the line came on. When they reached the solo, Ryan ran to the edge of the stage and grabbed the guitar. Megan wondered. “He can’t play guitar” she said to Amy and Ellie “this ought to be a laugh then” said Mat behind them. Mat didn’t like Ryan that much. Ryan played into the solo and ripped up the audience with a techno version of the original solo. When he finished the crowd was silent and they played to the end when mat stood and leaned hard on Ellie’s shoulder. “Whoa” was all he could say. Megan was the first to start clapping and cheering. Ryan had never played a guitar in his life. The rest followed suit and soon they were roaring. Ryan then put down the guitar, much to the disappointment of the crowd. Ryan laughed and said something to Sam. He laughed and then stated that he would ply later. They played Foo Fighters Monkey Wrench, Sam’s favourite. Ryan wasn’t playing guitar for this one because he needed the energy for the song.
“What have we done with innocence?” Ryan sung. The crowed started to get restless they started to climb up onto the stage and doing stage dives. Megan was worried but when they reached the early guitar solo, that they added, Ryan dived off the stage and onto the crowd, when he got back to the stage he grabbed the mic and screamed into it and at the crowd;
“ONE LAST THING BEFORE I QUIT! I NEVER WANTED ANY MORE THAN I COULD FIT INTO MY HEAD I STILL REMEMBER EVERLY SINGLE WORD YOU SAID AND ALL THE SHIT! THAT CAME ALONG WITH IT! STILL THERES ONE THING THAT COMFORTS ME! AS I WAS ALWAYS CAGED AND NOW IM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” without a single breath and was able to finish the song without any trouble. The crowd was all ‘whoops’ and ‘cheers’ when they brought the song to a close. They stated that it was time for the decision and they would be the ones to pick up the cup and play for the last time that evening. They exited the stage and the crowd made their bets. Megan and the rest of the party were called backstage into the canteen.
“Ryan!” Megan cried when she saw him. He didn’t look to happy “That was brilliant! The guitar solo! When did you learn so quickly?”
“Sam taught me” he said “Listen can I talk to you in private?” They both went outside “I’ve received a letter from an old friend a girl. Who wants to meet up with me. We were a couple once and she was devastated when I left. She wants another try. I’m so sorry, Megan, but its over.” Tears weald up in Megan’s eyes and Ryan moved in and gave her a hug. “I’m so sorry” Megan pulled away from him.
“Who is it?” she asked
“You don’t know her”
“She’s called Alicia, I met her last we-”
“You bastard” she ran back inside down to the toilets where Amy followed her.
“What in the world?” asked Mat when Ryan walked back in.
“You don’t want to know” he said.
“Oh yeah?” asked Mat and grabbed Ryan and threw him against the wall. “What happened?”
“I ended it, alright?” he said pushing Mat away.
“No it fucking well isn’t” said Ellie.
“I don’t love her anyway.”
“Only cause you had Miss Hamilton the other night.” Said Mat.
“Yeah, that’s one, she had Mr Goodfrey, you” he pointed to mat “Amy and Nikki and Mr Ocean. That makes four.”
“So?” asked Nikki.
“She’s a slut. And your welcome to her.” he said to them all and the band walked out the door.
They had won the cup and played their last song that evening. It was Fall Out Boy’s Thanks For All The Memories. They were called back on in an encore and played System of a Down’s B.Y.O.B (Bring Your Own Bomb). When finished they went their separate ways, Ryan had the cup safely in his cupboard beside his bed. When he had hidden it he picked up his mobile and dialled a number.
“Hi, Alicia? I’m ringing to say I got your letter. And that I would like to meet up with you. Bye” he put the phone down and laid on his bed. When his phone rang he jumped. It was Megan. He didn’t answer; he didn’t want anything to do with her anymore.
He went down and took up his presents; he opened them with a tear in his eye. When he got to Megan’s, Amy’s and Nikki’s gift he hesitated. Then he ripped open the paper to find a video. He put it on and was disgusted by the content. He put it in an envelope and sent it to a porn video industry and they put it in one of their videos. He got a few little bits and bobs.
The next day when he was set to meet Alicia in Oxford. He left from his house in East Grinstead and climbed into the Vauxhall.
“I gotta get one of these” he said to his mum. It was his favourite model. In reality, he was trying to distract himself from the meeting.
It's very nice to meet you Stevie, and I must say that your picture doesn't do you justice, you're much more beautiful in the flesh!!!"... |
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