Rubber Katie and Latex Jenny : 3 – Mystery Treat
"It's beginning to dry," I said. "Wow, this is fantastic! It's as if every
square millimetre of my skin is being pulled on at once. It's like that very
tight rubber bodice of yours but it's everywhere, not just where it touches and
there's no pressure."
"I know, I couldn't believe it when I tried it the first time." Jenny agreed,
having finished my back and my bottom and working the foam tool down over my
left thigh. "When you completely covered in a layer of this stuff it feels
wonderful. And you can carry on building up additional layers to thicken the
"I hope we've got enough." I asked.
"No need to worry on that count, I've enough here to do each of us at least half
a dozen times." Jenny answered.
Jenny carried on applying the liquid latex with tidy even brush strokes, working
down my thighs and over my knees to my calves and shins. She circled my ankles
and stopped. She stood up and started working on my arms.
"I'll leave your feet unpainted cos this stuff is a bit slippery to walk and
I'll do your hands later" She explained.
"OK." I said.
She drew overlapping stripes of crimson down my arms. The latex across my back,
between my thighs and across my abdomen was beginning to set and shrink.
"Right. That's you done." She continued when my arms were completely covered.
"You're going to need to stand with your arms in the air for a bit and your legs
apart so that the latex doesn't stick to itself in your armpits and between your
Jenny painted more stripes of the red latex up my neck, finishing at my jaw
"What about my face? Aren't you gonna do that?" I asked.
"I wasn't going to because the skin there can be a quite sensitive." She
"I'll take the chance," I said. "You know I like to be fully covered!"
"OK, let me just get something from the bathroom."
She disappeared for a moment and came back with a small tub of Vaseline. She
opened it and rubbed a small blob across each of my eyebrows.
"That should stop it sticking."
I was still standing like a starfish, my arms beginning to feel heavy, as she
took the foam paddle and began to paint the latex up my neck and under my chin.
She painted my nose, checks, forehead and chin before switching to another
smaller applicator to paint around my eyes and mouth. Then she took the first
paddle again and painted a band of the liquid latex all around the edge of the
hood where it touched my skin.
"There, my little red demon. I think your first coat is done." She smiled.
Over my whole body, the rubber membrane was setting and was pulling tightly.
"Time for stage two."
Again she took the large applicator and dipped it into the pot and applied the
film of liquid rubber across my breasts. The sensation was dulled slightly by
the first coat, but my nipples still tingled as the foam head of the tool rubbed
across them. Going more quickly now that the first layer was dry, she spread
more of the red stuff over the rest of my body and again over my face.
Jenny took the pot of the blue latex liquid and a new applicator and, whilst we
waited for my second coat to dry, she set about swiftly giving herself a coat of
blue rubber. She worked down each arm in overlapping stripes then around and
over her breasts down across her stomach and onto her thighs before stretching
around to coat her arse. My second coat was dry now so she handed me the
applicator and turned for me to cover her back with the cobalt coloured liquid.
I smeared it up across her shoulder blades over her shoulders and into her
armpits, linking up with her already painted arms. I painted around her neck and
followed the line of her chin before coating the rubber cap all over.
"Face?" I asked, hopefully.
"Okay. Go for it!" she said, nodding.
I found the pot of Vaseline and smeared blobs of the jelly where Jenny had shown me. Then I got another small applicator and brushed more latex gently over her checks and brow. I found it a powerfully sensual experience as I transformed my lover into a blue alien creature, each brush stroke concealing her beautiful face under a thin film of our favourite substance. Her face covered, I turned to her hands, painting each finger in turn. One stroke of the brush to each side of each finger until they too were shiny and blue.
Jenny's whole upper body was now coated and I turned my attention to my
favourite part of her anatomy. I loaded the applicator thickly with the blue
latex then swept it down between her parted thighs, then looped it around her
left thigh. I could feel the latex pulling tight across the opening of my own
vagina as I squatted to reach her area. I continued dipping the applicator into
the pot and painting the latex film down Jenny's legs in wide stripes until she,
like me, was a brightly coloured mannequin figure. Next I coated her ankles and
feet, wiggling the brush between her beautiful toes.
I finished by giving her a second coat over her upper body and arms which had
already dried.
I stood silently for a moment admiring my handiwork and impatiently waiting
for the rubber to cure. I tested the tautness of my own rubber skin, gently
twisting and turning to feel the slight resistance imposed on my movements. I
loved this feeling.
Jenny said, "You've put it on a little thick but that's not a problem. My old
hairdryer's in the corner, if you put it on the low setting and fan it over me
it will speed-up the drying time."
I grabbed the dryer and clicked the switch as I started to blow the warm air up
and down her legs. Slowly, I could see the rubber beginning to set and tighten,
the liquid becoming a film. I waved the tool around her crotch and over her bum
to get the warm air into her lovely crevices then around her breasts and her
thickly coated erect nipples.
When she was completely dry all over I ran my fingers across her lips down
her chin and around her breasts stroking my rubberised lover. I tweaked her rock
hard nipples, each feeling like the teat on a baby's bottle, then continued
sliding my hands down across her belly. One hand I slid across her mound,
smoother than ever. With its coating of rubber sealing the opening, her vagina
was like just a small groove between her legs. I had to restrain myself from
poking my finger through the membrane and contented myself with running my thumb
nail along the groove,
Jenny shivered ticklishly then spoke. "It feels pretty strange doesn't it?"
"It's amazing," I answered straightening again and feeling the latex film in my
armpits tugging where it had been pressed together, "I love your body in normal
rubber, but this stuff is even better! It's like it's not really there."
Jenny laughed. "It's as if you're made of rubber rather than skin isn't it?
We need to do something about those bare hands and feet of yours now - they're
spoiling the effect."
She carefully picked up the two largest pots of latex - one yellow and the other
green and offered them to me.
"One hand in each please." She instructed.
I followed her instructions and, spreading my fingers apart, slowly dipped my
left hand into the green and the right into the yellow, feeling the latex ooze
between my fingers. I withdrew my fingers carefully letting the excess rubber
run off from my finger tips back into the tins. Instant rubber gloves.
I stood with my hands in front of me. Small yellow and green splashes landed
on the plastic sheeting as more latex dripped from my fingers.
"Now those feet!" Jenny said putting the pots on the floor. This time I dipped a
foot carefully into each pot in turn, green then yellow. Jenny steadied me as I
placed my coated feet back on the plastic sheet.
There I stood, coated in a layer of latex. It stretched tightly across every
square inch of my body, coated every pore and penetrated every fold and crevice.
I luxuriated in the feeling of this true rubber skin, wiggling my toes and
felling the latex squidge between them.
"Close your eyes." Jenny instructed; her blue rubber face wrinkling as she
smiled mischievously.
Wondering what was coming, I obliged.
Suddenly there was coldness down my neck across my shoulders. I opened my eyes
and Jenny was pouring the, as yet unused, contents of the white tin of latex
over me. It ran in rivulets over my cherry red breasts coating them as if with
cream. The rivulets joined and flowed as a sheet down over my belly and between
my thighs, splashing into a big pool between my feet.
"Oh, you're spoiling it!" I said.
Gravity was doing its job and the thick liquid was running over my hips and down
over my thighs.
"The hands on approach is good too." Jenny replied.
Jenny shook the dregs of white latex out of the tin then put it down. She
began smearing the white latex over my body with her hands, making sure that it
was spread fully over my body, arms and legs. She finished by carefully smearing
the white liquid rubber up my neck and over my face and head. What was red now
was white. The latex skin was building up to be quite thick now.
"Now it's your turn." said Jenny, handing me the yellow and green pots.
I held each tin at arms length and tipped them slowly, dribbling a thin
stream of green latex over Jenny's left shoulder and a thin stream of yellow
over the right. I let the green stream build until it was flowing thickly over
her left breast, splashing on the floor at her feet as it ran over her abdomen
and down her thigh.
When the green latex was finished, I tossed the tin into the corner and dipped
my still red covered hand into the other tin. I took a cupped handful of the
yellow rubber and careful let it run between my fingers over Jenny's blue head,
making sure it avoided her eyes.
I finger-painted a smiley face on her, then started to blend the yellow and
green paint down her chest and across her belly. Making sure each breast got a
good thick coating. Her groin area got specially attended as well - the combined
thickness of the latex layers here now totally filled the crevice that had once
been her pussy opening and it was flat and smooth as if her wonderful hole
within had never been.
The heat of the room was doing a good job drying our multi-coloured latex skins
and as we stood facing one another.
"Where did you get this stuff?" I asked Jenny.
"Off the internet, usually," she said. "There're loads of sites that sell it.
The place I took you to get your new stuff usually stocks it, but they're more
expensive. I think it's similar to what they use to make the rubber sheet the
clothes are made from."
"I love it," I said. "It's got to be the strangest sensation I've had since you
seduced me into your rubbery lesbo world."
She laughed. "I think that rubber suit did the seducing; I just came along
afterwards and took advantage of your weakened defences!"
"I don't have any grumbles. It seems so perfect now and I still can't believe I
missed your signals for so long - looking back, they seem so clear. You must
have thought I was a complete moron."
"I know. I didn't think I could've been more obvious if I'd hung a sign on my
bedroom door saying 'lesbian flatmate wants your hot sexy body, apply within'."
"No, but I think your plan worked out fine, don't you?"
Jenny tested the condition of the latex on her arm.
I wasn't quite dry but she said, "That will do I think."
"What are you up to now?" I asked.
"Well, the good thing with this stuff is its as much fun getting it off as it is
putting it on."
With that Jenny grabbed me around the shoulders and pulled me towards her. She
hugged me tightly, breasts squashing against breasts and pulled me down to the
plastic covered mattress.
Jenny quickly released my arms before rolling me on to my back. Her yellow/blue
face hung briefly over mine before it descended and her lips pushed against
mine. Her tongue penetrated my open mouth and we kissed hard; tongues lapping
against each other.
Jenny was on top and as we kissed she squirmed her body around over my torso.
The unset liquid latex was mixing between us - yellow and green with white - the
sticky mix acting a bit like a glue fixing us to one another. I explored her
back with my hands making swirls and coloured streaks.
As we moved, filmy threads of latex pulled apart between us then re-adhered. We
rolled around on the mattress for several minutes giggling and kissing, rolling
in the puddles of spilled latex, fresh liquid rubber binding us together
further. Arms adhered to bodies and legs to each other until we were a single
mass of sticky latex.
Momentarily, I was on top and I quickly pulled away from Jenny to sit in a kneeling position across Jenny's waist. There was a tearing noise as the latex ripped apart between us. There was still some unused liquid latex in the red and blue tins we had started with and I picked these up and poured out the remaining contents over Jenny's chest and belly. It ran in rivulets down her flanks pooling along her sides. I discarded the empty tins and then began to massage Jenny's breasts with the creamy liquid.
Jenny lay motionless as I caressed her nipples, scooping handfuls of coloured latex from the plastic sheet and smearing them on her stomach, neck, shoulders and, very carefully, her face. The colours became streaky and merged. I applied more latex to my own chest and belly, patching areas where tears had exposed bare skin and Jenny smeared a handful across each of my thighs. Next I lifted myself off of Jenny and reversed my position so I was facing her feet.
I leant forward and slid backwards along Jenny's body so that her mound was in front of my face. The newly applied latex squelched between us as I slide my calves under Jenny's shoulders. Her armpits tucked into the backs of my knees. I lowered my face between her thighs as Jenny placed her hands across my back and pulled my own crotch towards her face. Jenny spread her hips slightly to give me easier access and I felt the sticky rubber coating on her thighs cling to my own rubberised face as I brought my mouth close to where her pussy was supposed to be.
With my tongue, I prodded the rubber skin that sealed her beautiful opening and, at the other end, I could feel Jenny poking at my own vagina seeking access of her own. The layers of latex that we had built up had thickly covered her labia hidding the location of my target. I pulled on the membrane with my teeth. It stretched but did not break so I brought my left hand around Jenny's thigh and tore a small hole in the latex.
Now I was free to make my attack; and my tongue quickly slipped between
Jenny's wet lips to taste her pent up juices.
Jenny was following my lead, tearing with her teeth at the latex closing up my
opening until a rip formed. I pushed my knees further apart and settled my pussy
onto her exploring tongue.
Jenny took a cheek in each hand and squeezed my arse tightly as she pushed deep
into me. My gasping response exhaled wetly against her clitoris and caused her
to clamp her thighs tight to the sides of my face.
My orgasm was the first to start climbing as Jenny expertly worked her tongue
within me. My less experienced, but equally enthusiastic efforts were soon
having a similar result on Jenny and I gripped her legs around the shins as she
started a back and forth rocking motion against my face. I responded with a
vertical pumping action against her tongue.
Soon we were in a dual race to give and receive an orgasm.
Our movements synchronised; we were welded together by the quickly drying
liquid latex. A headless multi-coloured proto-creature heaved and moaned,
eight-legged, in the overheated room as we sucked at each other's pleasure spots
seeking mutual satisfaction.
Jenny reached the finishing line first and, with my tongue trapped inside her,
she let loose an animalistic grunt/gasp as her orgasm exploded through her.
I followed shortly afterwards with my own explosion - a thumping blast of raw
We were both now limp from our efforts and rolled on to our sides. My head was
trapped between Jenny's legs by the rubber and I could feel Jenny struggling to
free herself from between mine.
We were both laughing wildly whilst we pulled at the latex binding us together.
After a few moments the membrane between my legs gave way and Jenny pulled her
head free from my thighs.
"Phew, I was getting hot down there!" she said with a gasp.
"Not as hot as you were making me with that wicked tongue of yours." I replied
from between her thighs.
Jenny tore at the latex between us and helped release my head from its
delicious confinement. We sat facing each other; an untidy patchwork of tattered
latex film hanging like loose skin from each of us.
I picked at the edge of a shred hanging from Jenny's left breast and slowly
peeled it away from her skin to expose her hard nipple. I kissed the freshly
revealed skin and continued pulling the rubber up to her shoulder and neck
before it broke off.
Jenny was peeling latex away from my stomach as I said. "I love this stuff -
it's so stretchy."
"I'm glad you like it. When the latex is really thin, I love the feeling of nakedness you get despite not being naked. I've worn it a couple of time at parties. The confused looks you get from people who can't decide whether it constitutes clothing or not are priceless. I just do the top half and paint on a T-shirt or something which I combine with my black mini-skirt plus the red stockings and high heels. That's enough to keep the guys' eyes fixed firmly in my direction; plus most of the girls too."
"I don't doubt it." I replied. "I certainly wouldn't be able to keep my eyes
off of you, darling. Or my hands for that matter."
We continued peeling off the latex from one another, gradually restoring each
other to normal appearance.
When we were once again naked, Jenny sent me off to the shower to clean off, whilst she began to tidy up the mess of rubber fragments littering the room.
Hi my name is Cecelia, and this is our story... |
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