Roxy Hits theJackpot : Part 2
100% fiction!
Tony sat bemused, with Roxy on one side and Janet on the other, at the dinner table, one of Roxy’s dainty hands was wandering in the region of his cock,. as their mother the glamorous Chloe served up dinner. The family all seemed very joyful, except for Tony, who was feeling very bewildered, and wondered what he had let himself in for. with this weird family.
He had only been lodging with them for three weeks, but from the very beginning he had sensed that the girls had were expressing more than a passing interest in him
Tony said “Can I ask you a question please Chloe?
Sure Tony, ask anything you want!
“You call yourself Miss, yet you have two lovely 18yo daughters”
“That’s easy Tony dear, cause I have never married, but we girls like’s to have
a man around the house. A man comes in handy fixing leaking taps, as well as
being available for other more obvious things ”
Tony gulped as he realised that her answer implied that he was going to be the man of the house in her eyes, for all of them. When he had earlier that evening, very reluctantly been trapped into having sex with Roxy, he had thought quite logically that he would only be having sex with Roxy and be her sort of ex officio boy friend. . Now it seemed very likely that he had been trapped into being the family stud..
“Why choose me Chloe. I would have thought a man from your own race or
background would have been more appropriate?
Honey, I don’t trust no black men, they’s not reliable. They make a fuss of you,
gets you pregnant, then they head for the hills leaving you up the spout with no
money and no man. No Honey, I know from experience. I want my girls to have good
steady white man and their babies to have a good reliable father, one that will
love them, and look after them, and not go chasing other women. That‘s what I
want for my own next baby as well.”
Tony started to quietly panic. He looked down at his plate, quietly debating whether to make a run for the door, or wait awhile, now it seemed from what she was saying that he was going to be required to make babies for the two girls and their mother, and be a father to them all as well.
“Is that what your want from me then Chloe to make babies ?
“Sure honey. I reckon you will make good babies. You are a fine figure of a man, you are clever, and I you sure are handsome, you have a good job, and my baby Roxy, here fell in love with you straight away, when you became her teacher at school, and then when Janet here saw you, she was sure taken with you as well., although she be a bit younger. In fact we were all unanimous that you were the man for us”
“My job does not pay all that well, and I don’t see that I will earn enough
money to feed a big family and children as well.”
“Hi honey, don’t worry about money, just enjoy your dinner, and we will talk
more about money afterwards.”
By now Tony had almost lost his appetite completely, but the food was
appetizing, and he reluctantly ate, having decided to play it cool for the time
After dinner Chloe produced a bottle of Champagne, and called for a toast as a welcome to Tony who had just become part of the family, and man of the house, . .
While the girl finished the dishes Chloe took Tony to her bedroom. The look
in her eyes when she looked at Tony was enough.
“Now is the time honey for us to get properly acquainted. As she spoke
Chloe was reaching around to pull her zipper down, followed quickly by her bra and panties. Tony too now almost as though in a trance began to strip, Chloe came to help him, and his cock came quickly to its full operating size, as she gently pulled it aside to release his underpants. As he glanced at Chloe’s slim and very inviting naked brown body. He was lost and within seconds his cock was up to its full operating size..
Despite the afternoons session with young Roxy, he was taken with immediate lust as he looked down at Chloe’s beautiful body. Their was definitely something about a slightly older woman he thought, as he reached out, and she standing on tip toe came into his waiting arms, her mouth reaching up and searching eagerly for his lips.
His breathing had become ragged, as her body pressed against his nakedness. The firm mounds of her breasts pressed eagerly against his chest, his large cock slipping between her thighs to rub against the dark, black, wiry hair covering her now slightly leaking pussy lips .
Chloe was very ready, as she moaned into his mouth, as her tongue explored eagerly She was conscious of his hard cock teasing her pussy lips coating it with her juices
Seeing him fuck Roxy earlier, had really turned her on, and given her some expectation of what she could expect from him.. Her full breasts began to rise and fall rapidly as she fought to control her excitement, and Tony sensed that she wanted him badly..
Tony had never experienced sex with a black girl, until that evening but he'd, not been shy at University, and had enjoyed his full quota of affairs with fellow girl students. He had never known that a woman could be as hungry for loving as Chloe. Her body was in constant motion, rubbing against his. She was like a wanton bitch in heat, as she pulled him down on to her bed, her thighs parting antonly, her firm buttocks shifting to get into position to receive his cock.
There was no time or need for foreplay, as Chloe let out a moan expressing
her impatience, and lifted her buttocks up to him; Her hand reaching eagerly for
his cock, and placing it in position between her pussy lips. Tony pushed his
body forward slowly, letting his cock slowly penetrate her waiting pussy, and
then he began to push into her. He was more than pleased by the clutching
tightness that surrounded his cock. She was really ready- it was obvious that
her delicious little pussy was trained to give the utmost in pleasure, staying
tight, milking, and embracing his cock.
Chloe let out a cry of pure delight as she felt his cock moving forcefully inside her. It felt so good, so very good ..- it was so smooth, so hard, and so big. For Tony, Chloe was better than any other woman in his limited experience. The feel of her searing, quivering flesh surrounding his pulsing, cock was fantastic. He pushed his hips forward, and Chloe let out a short cry as he drove his stiff cock up to the hilt inside her..
Her cry was immediately replaced with a groan of delight as she felt the
head of his cock pressing deep within her, and the smack of his heavy
balls against the firm flesh of her buttocks sent her wild.
"Oh ... so good, Tony ... do it hard ..."
Tony began to move his hips. His large cock slid back and forth, sending electric shocks of pleasure through both of their bodies. He fought for breath hoarsely, as Chloe's body moved frantically underneath him in the throes of her first orgasm
"Ohh ... ohh ... ohh ..."
Suddenly her body exploded below him. A cry of pleasure tore free of her
clenched teeth, and Tony felt another shudder, as her orgasm exploded through
her .body It was all he needed as he drove his quivering cock to the hilt as the
dam broke.
His baby seed, came shooting into Chloe doubling her pleasure; and she threw her hips upward, pulling him even deeper into her. Tony let out an animal grunt of satisfaction, as he pumped his baby seed deep into her waiting womb
Tony had to admit that Chloe was something very special. He had thoroughly enjoyed fucking young Roxy. But her mother was something out of this world. She was very special. Her hot eager pussy had milked his cock, sucking out every last drop, caressing it lovingly, demandingly. It was better for him than anything he could ever remember..
They lay in bed side by side, before he dropped off to sleep Chloe had
whispered to him, that she loved him and told him that this was the best time
for her to get pregnant with their first child, and that she had come off the
pill the week before. It was about midnight, when Chloe demanded his services
again, and so it was early morning when they both awoke to find a very angry
Roxy who brought them an early morning cup of coffee.
Roxy made it plain to both of them, that she had first call on Tony, and that
her mother had taken him from her on what she classed as her wedding night. She
complained bitterly that she should have had Tony for their very first night
Chloe consoled her and apologised, But she was a happy lady, she knew that Tony was hers, and having him could only be good for her family. Chloe had never in her lifetime remembered enjoying a man so much. It had been her intention to tell him what else was expected of him, as well as servicing her girls, but that could wait. . Last night had convinced her, that she had found the right man for her and her family beyond any doubt..
Fortunately it was Saturday so their was no school for the girls Roxy was not in a very forgiving mood, but eventually Tony talked her round “That other girl who sits with you, Hannah I think her name is who is she. I thought she was your sister ”? .No she is my first cousin, and she spends a lot of time here with us. She is the same age as me. Her Mamma is Auntie Tara mamma‘s sister.”
It was just then that Chloe came into the room. I want us all in the kitchen together, as I need to finish talking to Tony.” Sitting in the kitchen Tony was surprised when Chloe switched the video recorder on, to see a recording of himself and Roxy having sex
As Tony sat and watched the recording, he sensed that they were all watching him intently to note his reaction. Surprisingly, he felt very little reaction. When it finished he said.
“I suppose that you are going to threaten me with that if I don’t go along with your plans.” He said to Chloe.
“No Tony, I was using that to show you how we can make money. I have a dealer who will give me 1000 pounds for that video. Last night the film we made having sex is worth another 1000 pounds. We hope that you will join us and you will get a share of all the money that we make. White men fucking black girls fetches a high price. You can walk out of the door now if you wish with no comeback.”
Tony laughed “Do you know I have become attached to this crazy family, so please will you let me stay, providing there is no more shocks. He was mobbed by all three girls
Well there are no more unpleasant shocks anyway Chloe said, when they had recovered their breath. “You still have to get to know Janet properly, but she is in no hurry.
The End of Part 2, Part 3 to Follow
The night I stayed with My cousin Becky changed the way I felt about her forever... |
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