Reality Bytes Part One--Guest 532
"What was that?" he asked, touching the spot.
"A 'thank you' kiss, for giving me an excuse to get away from my boring life."
"Could I have another?"
She obliged him, this time giving him one full on the lips. The sensations were very close to real. She could feel the slight roughness of the edges of his teeth and the moisture left on her lips felt cold in the breeze. She smiled at him, feeling a little shy from being out of practice in this kind of thing. "Come on," she said, standing up. "I've got an idea."
He followed, content to be led further down the slope of the hillside. Taking a glance back his way to be sure he was looking, she undid the buttons of the red blouse she had chosen and let it fall to the ground behind her. Then she paused to cinch down her miniskirt, stepping out of it as well. He made no comment, which was probably just as well, but he was definitely watching her with interest. She walked, now, with an exaggerated swaying of her hips. God, it felt good to be sexy again. A lot of women of the twenty-first century had eschewed the old role of male sex object by hiding their sexuality, but Alicia felt that they were missing the point. The female body was meant to be admired. Millions of years of evolution and of sexual reproduction self-selecting for desirable traits had seen to that. It was better not to try to be something else, something less.
She undid the clasp of her bra and let it slip away, too, turning slightly to let Adam have a good look. She was proud of the way her breasts looked, considering she had never undergone any sort of enhancement, real or virtual. She didn't need to compensate for anything. Her panties, of course, were the last to come off. She stepped out of them right before she reached the water's edge, and then, totally nude, stepped into the water. It was freezing! And yet, a VR simulation could never have quite the same bite as the real thing, if only because she remained conscious that it wasn't real. She nerved herself and stepped in further, wading out until the water had reached her knees. When she turned around, Adam was still standing on the shore, staring at her with his mouth hung open slightly, as if amazed.
"Don't just stand there, dummy," she told him. "Skinny dipping is not a solo sport." He continued to look confused, so she sloshed back out to him and began to remove his clothing for him. "There is nothing to be afraid of," she said. "It feels cold, but it's not real." He nodded slowly and finished removing his clothes He was as good-looking nude as he had been fully dressed.
"Alright, now we'll do this together." And she began to walk with him, his arm held firmly in the crook of hers, until she had gotten back out to where the water touched her knees. The cold--actually, a pre-programmed aspect of the simulation--had made that part of her legs go numb, but it began to feel cold again as she got further out. When it was up to her thighs, she had to stop. She was shivering steadily now. Adam seemed to be handling it much better. Typical of a man.
Well, she would just see if she could even the score a bit! She drew her arm back, gave him a coy little smile, then struck the water towards him as hard as she could. It worked beautifully. He gasped in shock as the wall of water hit him full in the face and chest. Not waiting around for his inevitable response, she turned and began to run through the water. It inevitably sloshed upward, soaking her further, but she had forgotten the cold for the moment. The noisy splashing of her pursuit was close behind her.
She screamed as he crashed into her. She went down face-first, seeing the water rushing up to meet her only a instant before she was totally submerged. She repressed a gasp at the extreme chill before she remembered that the water wasn't real. She could breathe normally and did so, the water seeming to turn into air the moment it entered her nose and mouth. Standing up, she turned and flung herself at her assailant, pushing Adam under the water with a firm grip on his shoulders. She held him down, wrapping her legs around him just beneath the ribs. Finally, laughing, she let him up.
He gasped for air as his head broke the surface. "Hey, I'm sorry," she said, "I forgot you're a newbie. You can breathe underwater in a simulation. The safegaurds will tell your brain you aren't drowning."
"Isn't that missing the point?" he asked.
"Not at all. That you can play around with reality is what makes simulations fun."
"Oh." That single word did nothing to prepare her. He leapt at her again, but this time she caught him and they both went under, laughing and struggling. She began to tickle him, and he retaliated at once. They kept at it until they were both breathless and trying to squirm away from each other's fingers.
"Stop, please!" she begged between giggles, her voice sounding distorted and seeming to come from all around her because of the water. He did stop and they both sat back in the soft mud. She panted for breath, feeling both marvelously excited and relaxed. Evidently the webmaster had decided to ease up on the cold, because feeling was returning once again to her limbs. In fact, she was beginning to feel warm and flushed. She got to her knees, the water lapping teasingly at the undersides of her breasts.
He watched her move toward him, probably wondering what game she was going to try next. But instead of splashing or dunking him, she leaned forward and kissed him full on the mouth...and then lost her balance and toppled forward, colliding with him and sending them both under again. She was giggling again, but somehow managed to stop long enough to kiss him once more. It was a weird sensation, half-floating with his body under her. She caressed his shoulders and neck before finally breaking the kiss.
She had never tried VR cyber-sex. The descriptions she had been given just didn't appeal to her. The VR rig was quite capable of transmitting nearly all of the sensations that could be experienced during sex, but it had a certain blandness to it. What was worse, though, or better, depending on your viewpoint, was that you were never truly satiated. The body would respond to the stimulation and release of hormones, but a true orgasm never occurred. It was completely simulated. Thus, there was no release of tension, no coming down afterward. To Alicia, it seemed like self-inflicted torture, like watching pornography with no sexual outlet.
Adam was swiftly changing that assessment. He seemed awkward with his kisses at first, but he soon got into the feel of it and began to move down to her sensitive neck. Alicia took his hand and placed it to her breast, moving it back and forth over the supple skin until he began to catch onto it. He stopped suddenly, looking at her. "Do you intend to have simulated intercourse?" he asked. His voice, like hers when she had spoken underwater, was fuzzy and sounded like it came from inside her head.
She surfaced, bringing him up with her, half in and out of the water. "You've had sex before, right?"
"No," he admitted, "I haven't." So, a virgin to boot. He continued, "So is that your intention?"
"You're fucking right it is!" she said smiling, grabbing his hand and putting it
right back where it needed to be. His hesitation lasted only a moment, and he
was again kissing and massaging her body. He began to fondle her breasts again,
but she pulled his head down instead, pushing his mouth up against her nipple in
a manner that brooked no argument.
Meanwhile, her hand wandered over his body, underwater and down between his legs. What? He was still completely soft. Ah, the cold water, she remembered. "Don't you want me?" she asked, moving her hand over it. As if a switch had been turned on, it began to spring to life, expanding in her hand. It was a little rather disconcerting, actually, but not enough to distract her from what he was doing to her chest.
"I want you in me," she whispered to him. It had been so long. Too long, "I need you." She was throbbing with desire, a dull ache centered somewhere below the pit of her stomach. She leaned back, bringing him with her into the water once more. She was pulling him to her, closer, closer, hands on his smooth, firm butt, closer, inside, she wanted to feel him inside. She leaned back on her hands, keeping her head just above the water.
He entered her smoothly, easily, her hands pushing on him until he had buried his cock completely inside her. It was warm and wonderful, but, as she had been told to expect, somehow lacking. There was a subtle degree of separation, as though he were wearing a condom. And there were none of the subtle dis -comforts that colored the experience in their own way, making it unique. Worst of all, that dull ache of wanting to be filled wouldn't quite go away. Still, she didn't want it to stop.
He began to thrust, slowly at first, but gaining in momentum as she whispered in his ear, "Yes, yes, now harder." Despite the condom-like feeling, the sensations actually seemed jumped up--or was it just that her memory of the act had faded? The wave of her climax grew. More, she wanted. She put a hand behind him, pushing him into her harder with each thrust. "Oh!" she said each time now that he thrust deeply into her. Had this been real, he might have actually hurt her with the force of his thrusts hitting her thighs, but pain did not exist here, in this dreamworld. "That's it. That's it," she said, her voice hoarse with excitement. "Oh, I'm going to--" The orgasm, as intense as any she had ever felt, took her breath away. She lay back, her hair floating free as she entered a different world, both in outer sensation and in inner feeling. When it was over, though, Adam holding still within her as she caressed his back, what she felt was anything but relaxed. In fact, her arousal raged more fiercely than ever.
"Oh my God," she said, "this really doesn't work, does it?" She stood up with him and began to walk towards shore. Then she realized something. "You didn't come, did you, Adam?"
"I, well--no," he answered, sounding somewhat apologetic.
"You just pumped me like that," she said, her tone one of bemusement, "and it didn't even do anything for you?"
He grimaced. "Hold on." His eyes took on a distant look for several moments. "I think that will be better."
"What did you do?"
"I changed some parameters for this simulation."
That fast?! And without even logging out or interfacing the webmaster? He had to be kidding. What the hell kind of terminal was he using?
When they reached the blanket, he shrugged and looked a little embarrassed. "Would you like to try again?"
Well, what was to lose? She could always take care of herself after she logged out. "Yeah. Again."
He kissed her a few times, but moved very quickly to real sex again. She lay back and let him do what he wanted. It was different. The empy, achy feeling was gone, and it was like every little sensation was given new depth, higher resolution. Every touch was more loving, less artificial. It was almost a totally different experience and stranger, in its own way, for being so perfect.
She built up more slowly this time, but also with greater depth and more profound emotion. He was more gentle this time, also, she letting him guide the act now rather than responding to her urgency. She could enjoy it, every moment, knowing that it was building up to another final, glorious release. He, too, was feeling things differently. Where before he had been almost totally quiet, now he made soft vocalizations. She heard her name among them.
His moans suddenly built up in force, his thrusting increasing its pace. "Yes," she urged him. "Yes, do it. Come into me. I want you to, Adam." And he did, in one long, low groan of pleasure. Amazingly, she could actually feel the contractions of his manhood inside her. He continued moving, slowly, until she too felt herself pushed over the edge, the climax no more intense, but somehow more profound. It swept all through her body, but this time, when it faded, she felt warm and relaxed, no longer tense.
"Holy shit," she whispered into his ear, clutching him to her, holding him inside her while trying to hold onto the fading feelings. "How did you do that? What did you change? How did you change it?"
"I'm sorry," he said again, infuriatingly predictable. "I can't tell you."
She frowned, knowing he couldn't see it while he lay close against her. "Okay," she said, "but I don't know how far this can go like this. I need to know some things eventually." Because I'm falling in love, she thought to herself suddenly.
He disentangled himself gently and stood up. "I have to go," he said.
She nodded and opened her mouth to say something, but he vanished before she had a chance to even say goodbye. Then she growled in frustration. Hell, she didn't even know his last name!
My cousin and I have a sleepover... |
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