Private Campground - Part 2
My attention was quickly taken from the sexy sight of my wife lazing away in the sun when I heard the whinny of a horse behind me and was startled to see, as I turned around, a forest ranger on horseback.
What was even more startling was that this forest ranger was a woman and even in her uniform, which seemed to fit her very snug, I could tell she had quite a body with a beautiful face to match.
She seemed to be in her mid twenties with blue eyes, and her blonde hair was tied up in a bun behind her head. She was wearing khaki shorts and a short sleeve shirt, and her legs, arms, and face,(and I presumed a lot more of her body), were shaded a deep brown tan.
“Hi there”, she said, “how you folks doing?”
I must have been gawking a little because she said hi again a little louder as she looked at me querulously.
I came out of my startled state, and replied, “Oh we are doing great”, just enjoying the solitude and the sun”.
Her eyes gazed out onto the pond and I saw a slight grin appear on her face when she saw my wife sunbathing nude on the air mattress.
“Yeah, it sure is a beautiful day for that”, she said as her eyes continued to watch my wife.
Her gaze came back to me as her horse shook it’s head.
“Well, even though this is private property, I saw the smoke from your campfire and as we don’t get many folks out this far I wanted to make sure it wasn’t something more than just a campfire”.
I looked down at the now smoldering ashes of our breakfast fire and nodded,
“No, that is all it is. We just finished up with breakfast”.
My eyes again traveled upwards to the face of this attractive female forest ranger and I noted she was again looking at my wife’s prone naked figure floating on the pond..
“You know the folks who own this property?”, she asked in a distant tone.
My thoughts flashed quickly on the events of the night before and replied quickly,
“Oh yeah Frank Sr. and I have known each other for ages, He and his boy, and few others were just here last night. Expect to see them later today too”.
Her eyes, which had again returned to me, looked a little surprised. I thought to myself that if she knew what had taken place last night her look would have been downright shock.
“I didn’t think those guys got out much into the “real” world”, she stated in a slightly condescending tone, “Say nothing of having friends, other then the folks around these parts, which there aren’t that many of anyhow”. She continued on, “ I thought they were more of the hillbilly type and just stuck to their own kin”.
“ Oh I imagine they are a bit more “hillbilly” than most folks, but Frank Sr. is one hell of a guy. He and his family have given my wife and I so much that it would be impossible for us not to like him”.
I snickered inside at the private joke I had just made.
Sure he and his family had given my wife and I so much, about fifty to sixty inches of rock hard cock and enough cum in us to lubricate an engine.
“I would have never thought that about Frank Sr. and his family, The two years I have been here they always seem very stand offish and they even scare me a little whenever I meet up with them. I always think they have their mind on something else when we have talked”.
I noticed she shivered a little at this verbal observation.
Looking at her pretty face and body again, and thinking of my wife and the events of the night before, I imagine she was right. I am sure that they had something else on their mind and I bet Frank and his family would eat this rather sexy forest ranger for dinner.
“Nah, once you get to them they are nice folks just like anyone else”, I paused, “By the way my name is John and that is my wife Julie out there enjoying the sun”.
I extended my hand upward to her and she reached out her tanned arm and shook it.
“My name is Jesse and this here is Buck”, her hand released mine and went down to her horses neck and patted his mane. “Buck and I have been together roaming these forests for the past couple of years”, She added. “It took me 3 years on the waiting list to get this gig. I just so love the fresh air and meeting people
and Buck is such a good horse, I really love it”.
I looked for but didn’t notice a wedding ring and asked, “Doesn’t your boyfriend miss you?”.
She seemed to blush and little then grinned, “My boyfriend is a nice guy, but he is so busy with his work in the city and he has a few allergies. So he doesn’t like coming out here in the great wide open, which means we only see each other about once or twice a month when I can tear myself away from the beauty of this forest and the mountains”.
I was shocked at this admission as Jesse was really quite sexy and seemed to have a rather outgoing sweet disposition, I couldn’t imagine a guy not wanting to spend as much time as possible with her.
“Well as long as you are enjoying yourself I guess that is all that matters”.
I heard a splash behind me and turned to see my wife now in the water, probably cooling off, holding onto the side of the air mattress and waving to me. I waved back in a reassuring way and she began to paddle her and the mattress towards us. I turned back to Jesse.
“Well I guess I should get going. There is other places I need to check on”. She began to rein “Buck” to the left, “Hope you folks enjoy your stay”, she said as she and Buck began to leave. I noticed she wasn’t looking at me as her gaze was still on my wife.
“Oh I am sure we will, it has been great so far…nice to meet you Jesse”.
I watched her until she was out of sight and when I turned around my wife was just starting to come out of the water.
“Who was that” she asked.
“Oh just the local gentry, checking out our campfire”, I replied.
“It looked like the local gentry was a SHE” Julie said as she came up next to me with her shorts in hand and drip drying in the now hot rays of the sun.
“She was definitely a She” I agreed. Her name is Jesse and her horse’s name is Buck. Guess she has been out in these parts for a couple of years now. Sounds like she really enjoys it”.
“Well that is nice”, my wife noted. “ I can’t imagine someone not loving it out here, especially with the “fringe benefits” that this campground offers”.
I saw that lusty look on Julie’s face and smiled.
“I don’t imagine she has discovered those “benefits” yet dear, actually she sounded a little nervous when we talked about Frank Sr. and his family”. I snickered a little, “She seems to think they are thinking about something else whenever she meets them. And based on how pretty she is I imagine she is right”.
“Well that is fine with me, after all we wouldn’t want to share our new found “friends” with anyone else now would we?”, Julie had a heated look to her and I could see her chest heaving ever so slightly.
“You know, while I was out there soaking up the rays I was wondering what their plans are when they return”.
I realized at that point that neither of us was scared of the group returning and it was actually exciting trying to figure out what was next for us at the hands of our camp hosts.
“ I don’t know dear, but I am getting a little antsy waiting to find out.”
It was now just before noon and we both decided to just laze around the campground.
I grabbed a couple of beers and we sat next to each other just taking in the serenity of the natural world around us.
We were probably sitting there, except for getting a few more beers for about two hours. Our conversation was light but all the while there was a sexual tension that hung over us like a warm mist.
FINALLY, we heard footsteps and chatter coming down the road, and I looked at Julie, who had a huge grin on her face and a primal gleam in her eyes.
“Looks like we better get ready for some more ‘fee paying’”, she said.
I nodded in agreement and we both stood up together and turned to welcome our hosts.
Our excitement changed to shock as soon as they came into view. Frank Sr. was leading the way and the other five were walking behind him. But behind them, being led by Frank Jr., was “Buck”, Jesse the forest ranger’s horse, and there was Jesse slumped over the saddle her hands tied to the horn, and a gag around her mouth.
“Howdy folks”, Frank Sr. hooted, “ hope you all got some rest because we found us this sweet young thang and she is going to join us. Looks like we are going to have a real interesting time today”.
I could hear Jesse moan hopelessly at Frank Sr.’s announcement and saw the fear that filled her eyes.
When the group stopped Mike went over and untied the rope from the saddle horn and yanked it downward pulling Jesse off of the saddle where she landed at his feet in a sobbing clump.
“How you doing there Mrs. Fuck slut”, Frank Sr. cooed to my wife. “ Think you might like a little taste of this sweet meat”.
I had never thought Julie liked other women but then again after the events of the previous night I found there was a lot of things I needed to learn about my wife. The reply that emanated from her was a lustful purring told me this was going to be another lesson.
“What about you mister fuck boy?…you think she is sexy enough to fuck”, Frank Sr. sneered at me.
Even though Jesse was moaning and sobbing, and I felt a little like I should try to help her, I also was noticing how desirable she looked on the ground cringing at the feet of Mike.
Between her sobs she pleaded to me, “John don’t do this, please help me”.
My initial instinct was to try and defend her from these “friends” of ours. But even in her staid uniform I could tell she had quite a body and quickly I started to imagine my dick inside of her young sweet pussy. And my lust got the best of me.
I nodded to Frank Sr, “yeah, I think she is good enough to fuck”.
Jesse sobbed even louder at my announcement.
“Well seeings how you two fuck toys were so much fun, I think you should have some fun too.”
Frank Sr. looked at Mike, “Alright bring her in the tent with us and let’s see what she can do”.
Mike pulled the rope that bound Jesse’s hands and even though she pulled against it wildly,
Steve and Pete went to her sides and grabbing her by the arms roughly pulled to her feet and forced her to follow Mike as he led her still struggling figure towards our tent.
Frank Jr. led Buck to a tree and tied the reins to a low branch then proceeded to follow the other three towards the tent.
Dave and Frank Sr. were now next to my wife and I and as if they were ushers each stretched out their arms with their palms open and pointing towards the tent to signal us to follow also.
“Oh boy Frank this is going to be great” Dave gleefully announced.
When we entered the tent I saw Jesse now on her back writhing madly on the mattress. She was like a wild caged animal trying to break free and her shrieks of protest, though being muffled by the gag, were obviously filled with panic. Mike was holding her still tied hands over her head and Steve and Pete were grasping her flailing legs by her ankles.
Her ass was rising off the mattress each time she tried to kick her way to freedom and her gagged moans began to turn to hopeless whimpers.
Frank Jr. went over next to her and gazed down at her. His eyes were filled with desire and he lowered himself to his knees effortlessly grabbed her shirt at the collar with both hands and tore the buttons off in one motion.
As the shirt fell away I could see that she had ample breasts. Her chest was heaving and straining as she still attempted to resist her fate. And when Frank Jr. undid her bra there was no doubt about her ampleness. My wife is a 36C and Jesse’s were only a bit a bit smaller, and due to her young age a bit firmer. Even with her mad squirming and undulations they only jiggled a little. And her nipples were a light pink shade and becoming quite erect.
Frank Jr. reached out and squeezed them, and her moans became louder as she tried even harder to free herself. I began to feel my shorts tightening as I watched this young maiden being prepared.
“Alright you two, it is time to get busy with her” Frank Sr. informed us.
I am going to be the director for this here play and you two will do what I tell you?”
I looked at Julie and she seemed almost hypnotized as she watched the activity on the mattress. I noticed she had one of her hands rubbing her crotch and the other massaging her breasts.
She was obviously willing to take direction as long as it got her closer to the young woman that was writhing half naked below us.
“First of all get your clothes off”, he ordered.
As we were only wearing shorts it only took a few seconds for that act to occur.
I felt the eyes of the six gazing upon my wife’s and my nude bodies. I could hear a few satisfied grunts and felt the hairs on my neck prickle. Julie’s nipples were hard and erect and my dick was growing steadily.
Frank Sr. continued on, “ Alright now, I want Mrs. “fuck slut” here to straddle this little sweeties face and if she doesn’t know already then you will let her know how pussy tastes”. “And I want you…, you little fuck boy, to get her shorts off and bury your face in that young pussy”.
Julie needed no other prodding and she was standing over the young forest ranger’s head in a flash, and beginning to lower herself to her knees.
Mike reached down with one hand and pulled the gag from Jesse’s mouth and pulled it down below her chin. Immediately she began to scream, but those screams were quickly muffled again as my wife grabbed two handfuls of her long blonde hair and yanked her face into her hovering crotch.
I could see Jesse’s head struggling to pull away from my wife’ nearing pussy, but Julie just tightened her grip even more and held her head firm between her legs.
“It won’t be so bad honey”, my wife purred, “just go with it…you might even enjoy it”.
I thought to myself, Where had I heard that before…
Jesse’s struggling slowed and soon stopped altogether. I could still hear her intermittent sobs emanating from between my wife’s legs but they too were now quieter.
“There now isn’t that better dear”, my wife cooed. I think Jesse had resigned herself to her obvious fate at the hands of the eight of us as she was now totally motionless and her sobs had now subsided completely.
Although, I still detected an occasional shiver running through her body.
“Now, lick my pussy you little cunt”, my wife commanded as she began gyrating her crotch over Jesse’s mouth and nose.
I could hear an occasional mmmmmphhh….mmmmmph……coming from the mouth between my wife’s legs, and they were soon accompanied by my wife’s rising moans as she pulled Jesse’s face harder into her pussy. “Yeah that’s it baby run that tongue over my pussy lips…oooohhhhh it feels good…stick it in my hot pussy…oh yeah bitch…that’s it”.
“You like the taste of my pussy don’t you….Oh yeah work that tongue”.
My wife’s ass was humping back and forth over Jesse’s face and her moans were telling all around that she was getting one hell of a ride.
Once Jesse had stopped squirming Steve and Pete had released her ankles. Frank Jr. was squeezing her pert tits and occasionally kneading her now fully erect nipples as my wife rocked back and forth on the sweet nubile forest ranger’s face.
I knelt down between her legs and undid her belt buckle, and the button and zipper of her shorts. I could see her chest heaving even as Frank Jr. continued to grope her tits. She tried to close her legs together but even this half-hearted resistance was fading fast and with a slight tug I began to remove her shorts.
mother and daughter finnaly have fun with eachother... |
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