Plays Well With Others
So, after we'd discussed it a VERY long time...I mean, the whole "scenario" and just how we wanted it to go and all that....I put on this incredibly sensual outfit and presented myself for (for lack of a better term?) "inspection." Now, please understand that from the beginning I had really wondered if he would be able to stay in "character" or...really, for all my boasts and cockiness, whether I would! And yet, as I emerged from the hotel bathroom, wearing this amazing little ensemble that I'd put together and I saw the little flame that lit in his eyes, somehow... I knew that it was all going to work out. And, in the end? It was going to be so fucking amazing that I would barely be able to think about it. Still...with a great deal of trepidation, I stepped forward and with a slight lift of my arms and hands I said, "Well? What do you think?"
I'm pretty damn sure that his eyes were quite literally sizzling! I swear if the room COULD have been completely silent, we both would have heard the sizzle and snap, like water droplets in a skillet of hot oil. But instead of answering me, he held up an index finger and made a little circular motion, indicating that I should turn in a little circle. Smiling on the outside, but cringing deep down....(for I was secretly afraid that his purported "fondness" for my ass was going to morph instantly into horror once he saw the real thing in all its ENORMOUS glory..ha...) I did my best little turn, trying to remember that although I may HATE the body I have, it was once trained as a ballet dancer and does still possess some grace! I tried to make it a slow, provocative turn...attempting to get into my "character" by swaying my hips and hoping to hear...something, some sort of inhale, or exclamation under the breath, indicating approval...I was rewarded with both.
I was also rewarded with something I did not expect. Before I had reached the "front" again, I felt a huge, warm hand....smack, hard and fast, on the thin fabric which barely covered my ass. The sting ALMOST took my breath away and at the same time...brought on this surge of excitement that I had hoped to feel. (But been SO afraid that I wouldn't!) The slight "ooooh" under my breath was rewarded by yet another smack on the ass and a hand wrapped around my chin pulling my head so that I was forced to look eye to eye with the...."master."
"Oh MY GOD," I thought, "these damn shoes have me looking right into the center of his beautiful and, holy fuck(!), INTENSE eyes....and he's really going to take this exactly where we talked about taking it!!! Shit...!" I was my head, of see if I was okay with this or not when the answer came to me, not from my head, but.....naturally, from someplace much more primitive and probably (on this rare occasion and in just this situation) much more trustworthy. Yeah, you know...right straight between my legs. I could already feel my clit swelling and hardening, engorged with blood, the lips of my cunt feeling as if they were suddenly too puffy to "fit" properly between my legs and that telltale slickness beginning to ooze its way down my inner thighs. I would have been embarrassed if I could have THOUGHT to be; it's always been a sort of "thing" with me, this shock that my body betrays me so easily. But, this was just one of those times when such a betrayal fact, a I would soon find out.
There was something about looking right into his eyes, not having to look up or down but being directly on eye level that must have been just a bit disconcerting for him as well, because before I knew it....he had grabbed both my wrists and pulled them behind my back as he too, circled around behind me. Pushing my wrists to the small of my back, he said to me only one word, "Move!" and then pushed me towards the spot where he had put a variety of cuffs, and bars and... Holy shit, my eyes were moving over all these "gadgets" and "gizmos" so fast that I knew there was no way I could have absorbed them all and I was suddenly afraid.
Trying to turn to face him, I suddenly broke out of my little defined "role" and said, "Babe? You know that I...." and that was as far as I got before he stepped up and put a finger to my lips.
As he kissed my cheek and smoothed my hair back behind my ear, he whispered, "My Good, good girl....I remember everything we talked about and you know that I would never do anything to scare you or to hurt you, yes? And that ANY time you feel like we're going past where you're comfortable...all you have to do is tell me? I want YOU to feel good...really, REALLY good." And he then lowered his voice to a whisper to say, "Because you are SO fucking beautiful when you're being pleasured, baby, you know that, right?" Speaking right over the shiver that whispered compliment had given me he then resumed in a normal speaking voice, "And that's what this is all about. If you're not havin' fun...then NO ONE is having fun, yes?" His soft-spoken, calm assurances smoothed out all my rough edges...and swaying towards him unconsciously, I actually shuddered, shaking off layers of nerves that seemed to have been building since the moment I stepped into the bathroom to dress all alone.
Yeah....back in the bathroom, dressing all alone....whew... THAT had been a real test of my nerves. I mean, geez...I've hated my body for years now, probably ever since I was 9 years old and in the changing room with other girls for my first ballet class. I only told people that I was over that freaky body dysmorphic disorder-like behavior because they would have wanted to send me to some "specialist", you know? They'd have wanted me to "talk to someone." But, the truth of the matter is that like most women I definitely have my bits and pieces that I would trade in even on a GOOD day. That's saying nothing about what I would like to do to myself and my body on the bad days!
But, this man...GOD, why couldn't they have made a million of him? He knew just what to say as he placed my hands in the cuffs, strapping them in tightly and then pulling my arms stretched out straight above my head. And he knew just exactly how to touch me, lightly stroking his hand along the sleek muscle of my thigh (all those years of ballet were NOT wasted, I tell you!) praising my strength and the shapeliness of my musculature and the smooth texture of my skin as he clamped me into a bar that would keep my legs spread wide open and....although, it wasn't supposed to even be noticed or commented on until the other guys got there...he just HAD to slide his hand up the inside of my thigh. Oh yes, he slid it all the way up the inside of my thigh, and very barely touching me he let his fingertips glide over my soaking wet cunt. Then, rolling my throbbing clit between his thumb and forefinger before he pulled away and made me watch him lick my juices off his finger as he told me, "My goodness, ripe and juicy already, hm? God...DAMN it girl! Do you KNOW how lucky you make ME feel?"
At that point, it was a damn good thing that he'd gotten me all clamped in and strung tight when he said that because the wave of desire that flooded my arms and legs right then would have sent me toppling over to the floor otherwise. As I'm trying to control myself, he leaned in and his mouth was barely a breath away from mine, my eyes already drifting down to close for an anticipated kiss when.....a knock sounded at the hotel room door. I exhaled on a quivery, shaking breath and I know that he could tell I was instantly a)scared to death and b)about as insecure as a virgin on her wedding night. I mean....damn, I know that all of his friends are good lookin' guys! At least in MY universe they are!
I swear he AND all his friends belong to some club called "The Beautiful People" but it's a club that they really aren't aware exists. They're just calm and confident, just completely secure in their skin. I'd been scared shitless over letting them see me like this for...well, shit, since we first talked about it! But, in a calm and collected voice, he spoke up and said, "Just give me a second, dude, I'll be right there!" Yet, he managed to whisper to me, "They're gonna be SO turned on just to SEE you...and then to know they other things? have NO idea how much they're gonna want you! Best of all..." he said as he began to walk away trailing his fingers over my nipples, "When everyone's gone...You're ALL fucking MINE!" he finished with a little twist of the nipple ring in my right breast. And then, with a kiss to both of my eyelids and a lingering kiss on my lips which left me wanting much more....he slipped the blindfold over my eyes. As he tied it snugly, he whispered in my ear, "And you know, baby...anytime, you get too uncomfortable, or WHATEVER the reason...this comes off, right?" And as I nodded my head....I was NOT coming off no matter what. There was something about it that gave me some peace. And it just so happened was already heightening my other senses.
I felt, heard...God, I sensed his exact location as he was walking away and answering the door and saying quietly, "She's feeling a little nervous, so...just be honest with her, will ya? I mean...DUDE? Have you EVER seen such a pretty sight?" And this was really all said quietly enough that I wasn't supposed to have heard him; he wasn't saying it to make me feel better or whatever. But, as I felt the air in the room change with the open and close of the hotel room door....I swear that I could feel their eyes upon me as if they were hands instead. The next thing I felt WAS a hand, just the fingertips...drifting around my waist as if he was walking around me in a circle and had to maintain contact with my skin the entire time. I could tell that he had started in front of me and then walked around behind me.
"Oh GOD," I thought, "Here we go, he's lookin' at my ass!" and while I was right...his reaction was nothing like my own. Instead it was a soft "Oh DAMN!" with a little groan and then...the slightest brush of fingertips over my skin, raising goosebumps and making me shiver slightly. All this evoked a little laughter from both of them, "And she's SO sensitive, too, poor thing...but, WOW!" As I attempted to master myself, his friend came up close to my ear and with a little kiss on my cheek, he said to me, "Sweetheart, you're just as lovely as we KNEW you would be. Don't you worry a bit....we ARE going to enjoy you, but you'll love every minute of it!" and with a smack on my ass, I felt him walk away and the two of them started mixing drinks and getting comfortable.
I felt so very tense at this point as if I was about to scream already and nothing had even happened yet, but I think that my Man knew this because it was only moments later that he held a glass to my lips and told me to swallow. I almost laughed when he said that....and I could feel his smile as well as he said, "Yeah, yeah, smart ass! Something to DRINK that came from a bottle...not anyplace else! That uh...."comes" later!" and with another much LOUDER and harder smack on my ass, he made sure I drank down the entire (and very fiery) alcohol-laced beverage that he'd tipped to my lips. It was probably just in time because no sooner had he taken the glass from my lips when I heard another knock on the door and not just one but several voices in the hallway. Sure enough I heard him answer the door and I heard someone say, "And the REST of the gang arrives all at once! Hell YEAH!" Amid much laughter and cursing and smackin' each other around the rest of the guys filed in....but, they all seemed to fall silent when their eyes fell upon me.
Now let me tell you, in such a situation, you're sure that either you're SO hideous that they're all making these gestures to one another indicating that they're gonna politely bail out on my Man/their buddy...the one who has this remarkable power to get me to agree to things like this...OR....(And, God knew I hoped it was this alternative!) they were SO thrilled by the prospect ahead of them and pleased enough that I was NOT a complete troll that they couldn't speak for fear of giving themselves away. The little wrinkle that probably appeared between my eyebrows was all the clue that He needed to tell His friends that they didn't have to just stand there and stare at me. I was not just artwork, or a sculpture or some shit..that they could say hello, talk to me ("For God's sake!", he told them laughingly, "or else you'll scare her to DEATH!") and...if they were so inclined to go ahead and touch me.
There was a lot of good-natured joking at that point with all of them crowding around me and asking me where I wanted to be touched....and even though I wanted VERY badly to reply with very explicit instructions....this was all about my sweetheart, MY Man and what an incredible desire I had to let HIM lead me wherever he wanted me to go. So, I kept my mouth shut....and while at first I thought it would be diffcult not to be my usual smart aleck-y self, well, funnily enough I felt suddenly quite shy and demure. Even though they couldn't see my eyes, I lowered my head, and I found myself gasping with each fingertip that touched me or each little kiss bestowed on my cheek or....God help me!....each large, warm MALE hand that caressed my ass and told my Master what a lovely, curvy bum I have. I felt like laughing aloud...and at the same time...I could feel this strange quivering, burning heat...building and building, and oh god...building right between my thighs. I call it "strange" because whether it was because of the circumstances or some other reason, the feelings I had weren't like ole "normal" arousal. It was beyond anything I'd ever known.
After what seemed to be an interminable amount of time...finally all the guys had gotten comfortable, gotten drinks (someone had even been kind enough to slip me another drink as well..and I think I really needed it by now!) and there was both music playing and the television on. I think that my Master had done this for me in a way so that there was something other than ME to capture the guys attention. However, it's probably difficult for a roomful of young, virile, HORNY men to ignore a half-naked, quivering woman dangling in the middle of the room. Particularly when that woman has her breasts exposed and they're trembling with each breath that she takes and it's obvious to any man who's paying the slightest bit of attention that she's getting a wee bit aroused by the simple fact that there's all that testosterone in the air.
However, I suddenly realized that while I was there for part of the entertainment...I was NOT the only thing meant to give the guys something to do. In a way this was a relief but....I will admit that the more aroused I became the more irritated I got that it seemed like no one was noticing! What a ridiculous contradiction, I know, but damn....I was getting more and more and MORE excited and some idiot is commenting vociferously on the score of the GAME!
I really needn't have worried though, because at some point....without making
a big "scene" about it, my darlin', my damn Sex
God...seemed to have managed to mumble to each of the guys a suggestion to pay
attention or SOMEthing to what was going to happen next. Why do I say that?
Well, because the next thing I knew...I heard him telling them all, very
matter-of-factly that I had this theory I had told him about that I might be
able to orgasm JUST from having my breasts played with, fondled, know,
whatEVER! I could NOT believe that he was going to test out my theory on a
roomful of his friends but instead of making me feel like I'd set an impossible
task....he quietly, reached up and (I realized that he was standing directly
behind me as I felt his thick, hard cock pressing against the curves of my ass)
slipped his hands up and under my breasts. Cupping them in his hands, he flicked
his thumbs over my stiffening nipples and then he gently sank his teeth into the
side of my neck as I gasped and arched my back a bit at the feel of his warm
As he continued to caress JUST my tits, he was saying "SOOOO, I thought that WE could do something really nice for my Good, GOOD girl here and help her discover if that's indeed the case. See, what I thought WE could just make sure that her beautiful tits get ALL the attention they can get" (and here he lowered his voice like he was keeping a secret from me but really he was saying it all just as loudly as before..asshole!..HA!) "You guys will Not believe how fucking WET my sweet little fucktoy's cunt gets when you play with her tits like this...and I KNOW that you guys have probably got plenty of OTHER ideas for what we can do to help her out, right? Oh..." (and this time you actually DID speak as if it was a secret...damnyou!) "and, just so you ALL know....she actually DOES like it if you get a little rough with 'em....with HER, you know?"
I could hear the smile in your voice as you stepped back and smacked my ass HARD a couple of times, telling me to lean forward. As I did, I could feel my breasts sway a little....and one of your friends, reached up to grab them both, twisting my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. As I gasped, you noticed and told me to "Shut the fuck up!" as you proceeded to turn my ass bright red. Your Friend, I'm not sure who it was, knew just what he was doing though....rubbing my nipples with the pads of his thumbs and then tugging on them roughly. Each smack on my ass pushed my tits further into the palms of his hands and just when I was expecting another couple of stopped suddenly and said to your buddy, "Dude, you've GOT To check this out! You've GOT to feel just what I was talking about!"
I was expecting a hand to settle on my ass maybe to feel how warm my skin was already...instead....I felt two fingers pressed into my mouth. Happily enough, I hungrily licked and sucked at them as if they were the cock I was already aching for and before I knew what was what...those same two fingers were stuffed into my throbbing and (to my utter mortfication!) streaming wet pussy. And not just a gentle swipe over the swollen and ultra sensitive lips of my cunt but....actually STUFFED, hard and fast and SO fucking deep....I nearly stumbled...but before I had a chance to enjoy it, the fingers were withdrawn. With a gasp, I felt my body try to reach out for those fingers, to get them back up inside me where I was yearning to be touched, but all this did was bring about a soft laugh and a wet caress of my nipple, which I knew had to be the juices from my own dripping cunt.
"Baby girl,'" I heard an unfamiliar voice, close against my earlobe...the HOT breath causing me to shiver (and to his delight, causing my nipple on THAT side of my body to contract even further!) "such a TIGHT, WET little pussy...Do you have ANY idea how badly I wanna get in THERE now?" this voice said....and I felt the tremor between my legs as I shook my head embarrassed that already I was ready to give up the whole game just for a cock to be stuffed inside me. But, my Master, already KNEW what I was going to be thinking. I heard what sounded like a belt being removed from the loops of someone's jeans. Then, as only my darlin' can, (because he always truly knows what to do to pull me back to the present) I felt leather stinging slaps to my tits, somehow even one or two concentrated directly to my nipples, a hand across the face. And licking my lips and smiling, I felt YOU standing right in front of me grabbing my nipples and pulling on them hard. It should have been painful but instead it sent a lightning bolt right to my cunt.
"What the FUCK did you think was gonna happen, you little cumslut?" I heard you say. Biting my lip to hide my smile, I just shook my head. "Yeah, that's right!" you said to me harshly. "You're gonna put on a nice little show for my buddies before you get even the HINT of a fucking cock, baby girl, and you know it. Show them all what a good little fucking whore you can be for me, how lucky I am to have such an obedient fucktoy at my disposal and then....and ONLY then....will we give you what you want right now! You want it NOW, don't you? Already? Not a chance..." And threading your fingers through my hair, you pulled my head back and kissed me hard and deep, taking my breath away and making me nearly ready to beg for something, anything to happen next, just...give me MORE! And then speaking to your friends you said, "See what I mean? Have you EVER seen such a hungry little pussy?" Then caressing my breasts lingeringly so that my nipples were as long and thick as could be you said, "Sooooo very eager to please!"
I could feel you gesturing with your other hand, but what you were doing...I had no idea, of course! Your kisses put me out of this world as you well know, so how the FUCK was I supposed to even think. Which, of course, was the point...but the next thing I know....I feel two mouths and...oh god help me, four hands (Can that possibly be right, I was thinking to myself...and then the thought that followed it immediately was why the fuck am I trying to think!) touching me. Then all of a sudden, something cold and a little pinch that made me gasp aloud and I KNEW what had just happened. As if my achingly full breasts weren't sensitive enough, now, there was a clamp and a weight dangling from each nipple to make me feel the fullness and heat even MORE. Finally though, I felt those two on each breast and two hands for each breast....Oh my GOD, touching that feverishly hot skin of my breasts, caressing me, suckling and nibbling and licking and biting on my nipples, tugging and rolling my flesh between fingers and hands...and then thank you God, there was YOUR mouth on mine.....tasting and testing and taking what you wanted from me.
I could feel your cock pressing against me and...oh fuck YES, I could FINALLY feel the cocks that must belong to the bodies that commanded those two mouths and those four hands and I know that even though I wasn't supposed to be... I was trying to touch everyone near me in turn; I couldn't use my hands but I kept trying to lean against a hard body or somehow, "slip" so that I would "bump into" someone, somewhere!
I was that hungry to touch and be touched and it wasn't enough, none of it was because no one was touching that part of me that was swollen and aching and literally dripping by now. I thought I'd died and gone to Heaven and just when I thought it was too much, the moans bubbling up out of me along with the words begging for it to stop, for it to NEVER stop, for there to be MORE, for there to not be ANY more. Suddenly I felt, two more pair of hands curving around my back and sliding up around my tits, around my neck, wrapping around my neck as if to choke off any more pleas that I might make and a voice telling me to just be quiet, to behave myself. Then those same hands reaching down to tug and twist and torment my swollen, begging nipples. I could feel my hips pressing forward, embarrassingly arched out as if I thought I could fuck the air....and there were two more mouths on my shoulder blades. Oh my godness! I had a mouth on each nipple...hands on the curves of each breast and I had a mouth at the nape of my neck on the left AND on the right...and then, Thank you GOD, I had your mouth on mine...tasting me, as if drinking from me. Suddenly, there were little spots of light before my eyes, you know, like when you were a kid and you'd press your hands really hard into your eye sockets just to see what you can "see" behind your eyelids?
But...I didn't know that this was the same precursor to actually passing out! DAMN, I was going SOMEwhere, I didn't know....and the next thing I knew I heard your voice saying, "Baby? do you really think you can COME for me...just like......" and as you said the word, "This!" you took your hand and stuffed three..four...GOD DAMN! It felt like your whole fucking fist or was it your rock hard cock up into me...I didn't know, didn't care all I knew is that you were right where I'd been SO desperate for you to be for HOURS, DAYS, fucking YEARS...filling me, stretching me and those hands and mouths on my body were like tethers that kept me from floating up off the surface of the planet....and yet, at the same time they were what made me explode into a million pieces that I was sure would never, ever come back together again! Your cock, thrusting UP and DEEP and filling me, the sudden perfect center of my Universe and you were splitting me so wide open as my head fell back, my mouth falling open and my body quivering, trembling, arcing and then unable to hold myself up any longer, all of those hands and mouths were holding me up instead. They were sending me even further all at the same time.
Each spasm of the orgasm I was having was a shudder that ran through my whole body and I felt certain that they seemed to act as electric shocks to the men that were connected to me through their touch only, because before I knew it, you were flooding me with your cum and then, there was another cock where you'd been and then another and another and finally another, before there was finally YOU again, bending me forward and gratefully I wrapped my mouth around you and let you flood my mouth with one more, hot, silky, delicious, salty mouthful of YOU....before I sagged against my bonds...and whispered, "baby...please....can't you let me down?" And those "other" hands were there again, to hold me up as you loosened my ankles, then my wrists and they held me as they lifted me to the edge of the bed and lowered me to the pillows, treating me as if I were an extremely precious piece of porcelain or a fragile plant that mustn't be bruised in the slightest.
I was in a completely blissed out state...incapable of speech but thank god none was expected.....kisses on my forehead, whispers of how lovely I was and how amazing I'd felt and how lucky My MASTER is....before I was covered with a blanket and finally a surreal, blissful and blessed quiet came over the room.
Finally, after a bit of time had passed....I've no idea how much since I wasn't even coherent....I spoke. "Sweetie? Are you here somewhere?" my voice, a bit hoarse from the moaning/screaming/begging that I'd done and groggy with pleasure and sleep still....and your answer, immediate and close by, the air disturbed by you reaching for me to find me, to touch me, to just...reassure me and somehow you managed to communicate just how much you treasure me with that one gliding caress.
"Yeah? Are you okay?" and as you spoke I could hear the concern in your voice...worry that it hadn't been "all right" or that I was somehow "angry" or "disappointed". But instead, I reached out, only to find your naked thigh under my hand and I could feel your desire just below the surface; your skin hot and slightly tensed up as if you were trying not to burden me with your need.
"Hmmmmm......What is THIS?" I said with a grin you couldn't see since the room was now totally dark. "Baby?" I said with a laugh in my voice, "Do you think your friends had any fun or...gosh, was I a horrible disappointment?" I said, sitting up and pushing a hand against your chest to keep you flat on your back.
I could ALMOST make out the motion of you tilting your head a bit, as if you could read me in the dark, as you said, "Well, I don't think anyone left without a HUGE fucking grin on his face, if that's whatcha mean?! AND...I also had a couple of offers to take YOU off of my hands if I ever get you mention it!" I could hear the pride in my beauty, mixed with a hint of possessiveness in your voice as you tried to sit up.
With a laugh, I leaned forward so that my nipples brushed your chest and I could teasingly bite, and kiss and nibble at YOU for a change..."And? what did you tell them?" I laughed..."That you'd RENT me out for a fee?" I said with one slightly HARDER bite than the others had been.
BUT, before you could answer I pressed a fingertip to your lips...and then slid down your body to capture the already thickening head of your cock in my mouth. And as I slowly slid my tongue up and down the length of you, relishing the feel of your silken skin and the texture of different from mine, I'm sure....I took as much of you as I could down my throat before sliding back up to the tip and kissing your belly, your chest...and then your sweet, delicious mouth...."I hope you told them that I BELONG to you and that you don't let anyone BORROW your toys unless you're there to supervise, cuz...I'm not goin' anywhere without YOU to make sure everyone knows how to treat YOUR belongings. Besides, I only like to play the kind of games that YOU like anyway! K?"
I smiled as I slid back down your chest to finish paying homage to your complete mastery of ME, since there was already that precious, pearlescent little drop on the very, VERY tip of that gorgeous cock just waiting to be lifted out on the tip of my tongue........
Tony is adopted by an older women to satisfy her fetich for young boys... |
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- ghost
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- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting