Plant love - part 1
Aria inhaled sharply as a shudder ran through her body. A warm moistness invaded Aria’s her vagina. The sensitive olfactory hairs immediately detected her increased state of arousal and fed the information back to Locutus. Slowly the dormant giant rose from its slumber as the electrical impulses awoken the rest of the wondering tendrils. To Aria’s horror, the plant became a writhing mass of snaking tendrils.
Dr Zimmerman noted this and comforted her, “my dear, Locutus is the perfect lover, you will never find a more gentle male admirer. Fore play for a plant can last afew hours and you will never experience a similar delight from any human lover. Oh yes, have to make sure this is taped” He walked over to the panel touched afew buttons…..”its all in the name of science, the first inter-species cross pollination caught on tape…”
Goose bumps broke out on Aria’s sensitive skin as she felt the feathery touch of more tendrils moving up her body. Another potent source of Pheromones was Aria’s sensitive armpits which were damp with perspiration. With her arms tied behind her, and bathed in perspiration now, other tendrils were slowly writhing up her body towards her exposed , moist underarms. Slowly they covered her writhing body in an intricate net-like pattern across her stomach and breasts. Aria jerked as several tendrils located her nipples, gently teasing them. The thousands of hairs on each tendril repeatedly surrounded both sensitive nipples, bringing them to a state of full erection.
More tendrils explored her sensitive underarms, adding to the ticklish unbearable torture. Aria’s body writhe and twisted to escape the sweet torture, but the tendrils were every where at once, invading her nostrils, her mouth and her ears. Always gentle, they were never rough as they traced delicate circles over her supple responsive body. She shuddered again as another tendril snaked into her moist receptive vagina, intensifying the urgent need there already aroused by the tendrils caressing her clitoris. Several more entered the warm confines and one found the pleasure spot in her anus.
The tendrils were everywhere at once, stirring Aria’s unwilling and uncooperative body to an unwilling state of unbearable arousal. Their combined effect on Aria was both intense and immediate. She cried…”Oh MY GOD…NOOOOOO!!” Unaccustomed to the avalanche of delicious sensations, an intense wave seized her vagina, moving quickly to engulf the rest of her body. Fists clenched, Aria arched her back as the intense orgasm seized her, thrusting her erect nipples upwards. She could never have imagined that the fine tendrils could induce such an intense earth moving orgasm simply by gently stimulating her clitoris, and it was by far the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced (or suffered in this case).
As the intense wave of pleasure subsided, Dr Zimmerman’s voice carried from behind the panel…..”Ahhh Locutus is becoming more aroused. Your orgasm has triggered a massive discharge of your pheromones by the scent glands all over your body. Your increased pheromone levels will induce release of its own plant pheromones soon. The effects are very intoxicating for a human, I have to wear a mask for my own sanity.”
Aria pleaded…..”please, make it stop, I cant go on, am too tired….”
Dr Zimmerman smiled; “Locutus is just getting started. Usually after an orgasm the human body returns to a state of rest, but in the world of the plant, there is no rest and the cross-pollination process will take several hours, providing the human subject survives….. Locutus will overcome you with pleasure and the irony is that it does so at a purely instinctive level.”
“The general theory is that there is a negative correlation between the evolutionary ladder of the species and the potency of its sex pheromones. The rational behind this is that more highly evolved and sentient species have more complex social biological mating rituals and are less dependent on an instinctive level on sex pheromones.”
“This explains the intense potency of Locutus’s sex pheromones. On the evolutionary index, its species is ancient and predates the dinosaurs more then 75 million years ago. In those primordial times, it was considered a “sophisticated life-form” but by today’s standards it is ancient. Having a very small, almost non-existent brain, it’s primitive sexual responses are 100% instinctive and it is totally dependent on its sex pheromones to ensure the future survival of its species. And the sex pheromones worked, they were so potent that its species thrived for over 70 million years before becoming extinct.”
“In my many archeological expeditions I was only able to come across a single seedling which I revived, nurtured and grew. Of cause I have had to make some genetic medications to its genetic matrix (and reproductive organs) to bridge the 75 million year gulf that separates its species from modern day homosapiens, and you will be the first to see and experience modifications.”
Suddenly Aria could smell a fine, sickly sweet pollen discharge from the tendrils invading her nostrils. Her dormant body was recharged by bolts of electricity. The fine olfactory hairs on each tendril were discharging plant pheromones awakening a fresh wave of arousal throughout her body.
A mild dewy discharge was deposited by the tendrils on her relaxed clitoris. As the sticky fluid made contact with the sensitive nub of the clitoris, Aria moaned, still weak from her first intense clitoral orgasm, she felt an intense explosion on the sensitive nub as it was consumed by intense liquid fire, immediately bringing it to full arousal again barely a minute after the first intense orgasm. As the gentle tendrils continued their ticklish sweet torment on her sensitive clitoris, relentlessly teasing it to a new state of sexual frenzy, Aria could almost feel her clitoris physically trembling, in eager anticipation of the sweet release that it was denied.
The aphrodisiac qualities of the plant pheromones overcame her senses, and she recognized again a familiar warm urgent need building between her legs. With the first orgasm past her, the second one would be longer and stronger, intensified now by Locutus’s own special potent cocktail of sex pheromones. As the sticky fluid made contact with her sensitive erect nipples, Aria felt a shocking sensation explode from her nipples, traveling quickly to the rest of her body and joining with the liquid fire that was fast consuming her loins.
The tendrils continued their amorous embrace of her entire body, hundreds of tendrils with thousands of fine hairs were weaving an intricate network all over her body, gently coaxing her fevered body to a higher state of arousal. Her entire body now felt sticky from a mixture of her own heavy perspiration and the liberal discharge of the plant pheromones.
She took a deep breath and choked as she inhaled a lungful of the sticky pheromones discharged from the tendrils in her nostrils. The effect was both intense and immediate as the intoxicating fluid stimulated her sexual brain functions, heightening her senses so that every teasing tickle of each tendril on her body was magnified ten fold.
Locutus was far from over as it gently inserted 3-4 tendrils deep into her warm moist vagina, and another 2 into her anus. The tendrils were so fine Aria hardly felt them, but as each hair secreted its fine sticky fluid of pheromone into her vagina Aria could feel the sticky fluid coating the warm moist walls of her vagina, mixing with the liberal discharge of her own vagina fluids.
In this warm, moist environment each olfactory hair detected the female pheromones (copulins), present Aria’s vaginal secretions, triggering them to deposit even more of the liquid aphrodisiac. As the clear fluid was quickly absorbed by the porous sensitive walls of her vagina, Aria felt an incredible force grip her vagina. She inhaled sharply and her body went rigid, the pressure was so intense, finally sweeping her over the edge as her vagina contracted violently.
This time the second orgasm was more intense. Aria’s entire body convulsed in
violent spasms and her face registered a mixture of intense pleasure and
confusion. But unlike the first orgasm, there was no blissful release at the end
of the first wave of pleasure, as it was replaced by a second wave of higher
magnitude and intensity. So intense was the pressure on her vagina that Aria
thought her pussy would turn itself inside out. Trapped in a sexual frenzy now,
Aria’s body was forced into an endless vortex of multiple orgasms.
Doctor Zimmerman angled the recording camera for a close-up on Aria’s convulsing pussy, eager to record the multiple orgasms. He stared in amazement at the screen as the delicate moist pink lips of Aria’s vagina closed and opened spasmodically on their own like the lips of a gold fish starved of oxygen. It was difficult to focus the camera as Aria’s back arched again and her whole body lifted from the table. A clear fluid squirted from her convulsing vagina again and again.
Dr Zimmerman smiled at the obvious results; “You see, Locutus is the last of its kind, I need a suitable mate to ensure continuity of its species. Of cause there is none as he is the sole survivor, so I have made modifications to Locutus’s genetic matrix to allow for cross-breeding with a suitable human host. Even then the process is a delicate one as the human host must come from a superior and perfect genetic pool with no flaws. Not many humans meet these standards, the last few attempts met with very…er…..disappointing results. You are the only subject that has survived, mentally and physically intact, this far.”
“At least give me a sedative…..I cant take any more of this..Ohhhh” Aria gasped, before she was caught in the throes of another violent orgasm.
Dr Zimmerman; “Sorry I cant do that, for the cross pollination process to be concluded successfully, the subject must be fully conscious. That’s also the purpose of Locutus’s sex Pheromones, it not only is a natural aphrodisiac but also neutralizes the fail-safe mechanism in your mental faculties, disabling your brain of its final recourse to shut down your senses and lapse into a state of unconsciousness. You will be fully awake and conscious for the entire duration of the mating ritual in order for your body to receive Locutus’s seeds”
Totally unaccustomed to such intense sensations, Aria’s body activated its fail safe mechanism and tried to shut down its senses by allowing her to drift into blissful unconsciousness. But the Pheromones of Locutus had invaded her higher brain functions and disabled the body’s last defence, depriving it of the OFF switch. It was also the reason why the last 5 test subjects of Dr Zimmerman finally went insane in the throes of the intense sexual pleasure. Two had finally died of shock while the remaining three were vegetables.
Dr Zimmerman continued; “This is a momentous occasion for science as it’s the first inter-species mating that will cross the mother nature’s genetic barrier, of cause we are uncertain if any human body can survive the mating ritual as the human body was never designed or equipped for this kind of sexual conception, but I have made several modifications to Locutus’s genetic genome to increase the chances of success, for example I have refined his reproductive organs and equipped him with the human equivalent of a phallus….which you will soon see.”
Dr Zimmerman had dismissed his earlier failures as the result of inferior stock. The girls were older and the genetic pool was not pure. He was very careful in selecting Aria, noting that the theory of evolution had endowed her with natural good looks, clear skin, long lithe supple limbs and she was young, just 23 years old. She should survive the mating ritual to bare Locutus’s offspings.
Dr Zimmerman’s theory appeared to be confirmed as Aria’s fevered body had not gone into shock yet. Locutus also appeared to sense that Aria’s defenses were all down now as she was helplessly caught in an endless spiral of intoxicating multiple orgasms. Slowly an immense black phallus sprung from the center of Locutus. Measuring 19 inches across, it throbbed obscenely as it extended slowly towards Aria’s still convulsing vagina.
Intoxicated with pleasure, Aria was barely conscious and only vaguely aware as the tip of the phallus made contact with the opening of her vagina. Slowly it spread and penetrated the delicate pink moist petal-like lips, slipping deeper into the warm wet interior. Aria’s vagina were still in the throes of the convulsions and each time the petal like lips opened, Locutus pushed another painful inch of the phallus into her, aided in the process as the lips closed convulsively around the phallus drawing it further in.
With three quarters of the immense phallus inside her, in her drunken state of sexual euphoria Aria realized the walls of her vagina were stretched to their limit. Each convulsion of her vagina was now accompanied by a mixture of intense pleasure and ripping pain as her vagina accepted inch after painful inch of the phallus. In her intoxicated state, the pain only brought Aria to a higher state of arousal as her body desperately longed for the final blissful release, like a man starved of oxygen.
At long last the entire massive organ was completely buried in Aria’s vagina. Sensitive nerves on the huge Phallus detected the warm wet embrace of her vagina along the entire length of the phallus and sent the electrical impulses back to Locutus’s primitive small brain, triggering another instinctive sexual response. Once gentle tendrils that caressed her thighs now hardened into vice like grips that anchored her in place as Locutus began pumping the huge phallus in and out of the small tortured orifice. Aria moaned, the mixture of pain and pleasure was intoxicating, each thrust sent the immense phallus deep into her, ripping the walls of her vagina and stretching them beyond their limit. Again and again the phallus pounded into Aria, shaking her like a broken rag doll. Her body shook from the combined force of the impact as well as the racking waves pleasure that were engulfing it, but she was hardly aware of this in her delirious state.
The pounding increased in tempo and intensity until at long last, the immense phallus ejaculated 5 soft gel like globs the size of a golf ball into her. Each glob was soft and translucent filled with clear fluid containing millions of pollen grains, With the act completed the phallus and tendrils slowly withdrew completely, uncovering Aria’s sweat slick body, leaving Aria’s convulsing vagina to complete the final task.
Dr Zimmerman stood-up excitedly, this was the crucial moment he was waiting for. The process of conception on the part of the female host could only be concluded successfully when Locutus had deposited its sexual payloads in its human host that was fully conscious and in a intense state of prolonged multiple orgasms. The soft gel like globs were designed to be crushed by rthymatically contracting vagina walls, releasing millions of fertile plant semen into the human host. The process would fail if the human host lapsed into unconsciousness and her body returned to a dormant state, terminating the orgasm prematurely.
In all the 5 previous attempts, the subjects had suffered massive sensory overloads as their senses were overwhelmed by the intense and prolonged state of arousal induced by Locutus. Deprived by the Pheromones of the fail-safe mechanism they had suffered massive neural shock from the massive sensory overload and the ritual was terminated prematurely, well before Locutus had a chance to deposit his seeds. Aria was the only superior subject (and also the most perfect biologically and genetically) to have survived to this stage. It was also no coincidence that she was also the most physically attractive of all the subjects.
Aria was all too aware that she had to bring her intense orgasm to an end before the goblets had a chance to release their sperm semen. She shut her eyes and tried to block out the waves of pleasure that were gripping her body. But Locutus was prepared for every contingency, each goblet was coated with a fine layer of lubricant which stimulated Aria’s vagina walls to an even higher state of arousal, chemically inducing quick bursts of electric shocks forcing Aria’s feverish body into a higher sexual frenzy. The electric shocks jolted her vagina into yet another quick intense and violent series of orgasmic seizures.
Aria cried out hopelessly as her body painfully stiffened, and surrendered to the final stages of the climax, totally consumed, the orgasmic waves painfully racked her. Her eyes rolled back and her body contorted in violent convulsions, jerking spasmodically, unable to stem the immense tide. Her vagina walls contracted strongly around the 5 goblets, gripping them in a vice like embrace, and finally bursting all of them. Once each goblet ruptured, Aria’s vagina was filled to the brim with plant semen. Excess semen was ejaculated wetly from her still convulsing vagina and ran freely down her thighs.
With their task completed, the tendrils withdrew along with the phallus, allowing Aria to finally slip into blissful oblivion as her body finally shut down after a last stomach wrenching, gut twisting orgasm.
Dr Zimmerman watched his beautiful sleeping patient. Even in her current disheveled state, Aria was a picture of elegance and beauty and he longed to have her for himself. But he would have to wait in the name of science. It would be another two weeks before the seedlings within Aria hatch and mature. The dials on all the sensors monitoring Aria’s vital senses had returned to normal and she was breathing normally. The entire ritual had lasted 3 hours and he made immediate preparations to have his sleeping beauty moved to a more secure laboratory for the final stages which would see the creation and birth of a new hybrid species. The results would be most interesting.
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