Home : Erotic Stories : total 5 reviews.

Physical fitness reviews

Posted by LucOuarm
A good idea spoiled by rushing through a very short story.
Posted by The Infamous Evil Spike
Posted by Gaby
If you really think about it, the frntaol female nudity is the least offensive thing about this picture. Show the picture to an environmentalist and they'd find the plastic packaging and threat of aluminum salts rather offensive. Not to mention the chemically overprocessed tree guts hanging on the wall like a trophy.All this to say, there's always something to offend someone, somewhere. Keep up the stellar work, sir. I for one will maintain my RSS subscription with naked joy!
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I just looked into her eyes. "Please? Trust me?" She seemed to think about it, and I ran a finger between her legs. She slowly opened them, and I took my time. Her cunt was hairless, giving me a straight view of her vagina. The lips were starting to puff a bit, and I could easily smell her juice. I was so much different then myself; like a new candy or something. Taking a deep breath of her, I grinned as I lowered my mouth to her quivering pussy...