Phoenix Rising

(Part 6 from 7)

He slid of the chair and placed his lips on her smooth red shoes and kissed the feet of the woman who was his betrayer. Then he made his way across to Valerie on all fours and submitted to that lesbian virago by putting her stockinged toes in between his lips.

“Very good, Henry! You are learning an incredibly important lesson well. The lesson is the meaning of the word ‘place’,” said Valerie, “just mind the stockings, they are worth more than you to me and they ladder so easily!”

Chapter 8 : Delivery.

Three days.

That was how long that Henry spent chained to his bed waiting for the next phase of his life to resolve. The boats had parted, sending Crystal on her way to Miami to sort out the details of the loan and the effect that it would have on Henry’s trust fund.

Crystal visited the bank and got a trusted and blackmailed employee of the bank to backdate the loan application and the payment of the few thousand into Henry’s account. That sorted out the first part, the second was the investigation that was carried out under the terms of the will that showed that Henry had borrowed money to play in the casino in the Bahamas. That small loan sum was lost in amongst his losings and became part of the story that was being spun from truth and fiction, lies and reality.

A web that could be, should be and would be the whole truth as the law understood it.

Her so called investigation was processed and presented to the probate court of Kendell Miami, where there was no contestation of the infringement of the terms and the probate was closed and sealed. The court date had been set two weeks before as Henry had been in the casino winning and losing a fortune at the craps tables!

Mrs Crystal Veryon became the sole administrator of the trust fund, administrator and soon to be sole benefactor as she would spend the money on expenses and other administrative fees.

The cabin was so small and the bars on the cot were raised and locked to make the cage that had always been there, a pen for a human cargo that would find its way to his new owner.

To the anguish of Henry, Trudy, in the cabin two doors down was treated to the wrath of her lover and owner. Every night he heard the cries that echoed around the hull as Valerie took it on herself to teach her that her special duties as a lover were to be taken seriously.

It seemed to Valerie that the best way to achieve this way would be a three day punishment that would end when Trudy was sent back to Long Island.

Unwilling to damage the tattoo that adorned her fuck slut, Valerie mixed psychological torment with the physical as she discussed what would be done to ensure that Trudy would never betray a mistress or master again. How she would be sold to a new owner who would ruthlessly exploit her and destroy her for the sheer pleasure of asserting brutal authority.

The middle aged woman let her mask slip.

Formerly she had behaved as if Trudy really was her younger lover, really loved her and was devoted from warmth and affection. The tools of this new assault were those from the box under the bed.

Implements intended for pleasure were used to cause pain and distress as the stricken Trudy’s screams echoed around the boat night after night.

Now she had decided that Trudy would never make the grade as a lover and she had determined to sell her and find a new partner, perhaps one that was fully susceptible and like an empty vessel waiting for her mind to be filled by her mistress.

That was the problem for Valerie. She wanted her slaves to be in public view not hidden in some dungeon. She wanted just one faithful, beautiful young woman to serve her every wish without question, but still be a delicious morsel to show to outside view. She was sure that she would find what she was looking for.

It would just cost...

So, at last the cutter, the Phoenix, slipped into Fort Pierce, just one of many pleasure craft that cruised under the watchful eyes of the United States coastguard. At midday the craft nosed into the Fort Inlet and moved at a steady walking pace to her private quay on Indian River Drive. A quay where unloading could take place privately at night without being overlooked by either neighbours or the authorities.

Steve dragged both of the unwilling captives the sort distance to the house and ensured that they were securely ensconced in the cellars of the spread out villa.

Gagged and fettered he carried them almost bodily to their new lives.

Chapter 9 : Crystal.


The last three months had been a frantic experience for Mrs Crystal Veryon. Normally she was slow and thorough in her work, but the excitement of subverting the trust fund had absorbed her as she invested and plundered the money that had no attendant but her.

Crystal had paid her fees to Valerie in a businesslike fashion as investments and bonds that would mature to be realised as cash. As she had more contact with Valerie she joined that club of secretive people who revelled in absolute control over the lives and bodies of their victims.

She paid two visits to New York which introduced her to the shadowy society of women and men who needed more than just paid service. It was a heady experience finding this new woman inside herself. Crystal had always been a strong person who was not afraid to indulge herself as she willed. Since the death of her husband she had built her business to a little empire that she controlled with obsessive detail.

Boyfriends, she had had a few, but she always obsessed over them. The control that she needed to assert found them leaving Crystal, normally in a few short weeks. She needed the sex, she needed the physical release, in fact she was ravenous, but she was an island that was surrounded by reefs that resisted attachment. Her last relationship had ended when her boyfriend had told her that she was too demanding, too unreasonable and more like a mother and dominatrix than a partner.

So, there was the constant thought of that day when she would assume responsibility for the former owner of that pile of money. That delicious moment when Henry had kissed her shoes did not fade as she thought that it would, it lingered in her thoughts and dreams and every day brought the day of his return closer.

This was what she needed. Total control over her lover. She would be able decide everything. She would be able to experiment without her partner being able to refuse. She would be able to allow her mood to dictate his experience.

Her being stressed at work would result in his punishment.

Her triumphs would be heightened by his subjugation.

The best of it was, she decided, that Henry was a person who she had personally reduced to a chattel. Always resented for the block that he represented on her ambitions he would be the perfect adornment for her idea of servile intimacy.

Chapter 10 : Crystal Hell.


In her new house in Kendell she paced like a tiger in a cage. Henry had at last been delivered to her clutches and was chained in the cellar. He had not seen his new mistress yet, that pleasure lay before him.

Crystal had planned this moment for all of the last three months but now she was uncertain what would happen when the mistress and her property would meet. In the end she decided to take it as it came, after all this was not just one night of her passion it was the start of a lifetime’s pleasure and gratification, for her.

So she took a crop from the selection that she had bought for this moment and let herself into the stairwell to the cellar through the concealed door in the kitchen.

Her heels clicked as she made her way to the underworld that she had spent a fortune creating. This was her space, the play area that her victim would never leave. Crystal could live her public life without anyone ever being aware of this cave of depravity where she became the goddess of pain and pleasure.

Fifteen steep steps took her into the small room that served as the entrance to hell. Another concealed door took her into a corridor that was lined with doors that were coloured according to the purpose that was concealed behind the bars and steel.

Her evil purposes.

Red for the days when her mood was one where Henry would pay for delaying her becoming wealthy by years. Those would be the days when he would suffer at her hands, feet and cunt. The days when she would take out her ire on his body.

White was for experimentation and training. The satisfaction of that brutal curiosity that she occasionally craved. Henry would come to know that a day or more in the white room would disfigure his mind with her training. He would be attacked by images, sounds and light that would remake him gradually in the image that Crystal desired.

The green door led to a bedroom with no windows. A place where Crystal could indulge her fantasies of love and affection. A bed with fetters for her helpless lover and soft mattress for her body. Stocks and chains for him and pillows of Eiderdown for her. A playroom where the games were ones that she would only ever win.

Now at last her gloved hand was on the handle of the black door. The room where Henry had been placed to await her attention in utter darkness and fear.

The handle opened to reveal a room tiled in black that was barely three feet deep. The room was still locked because a barred gate closed the entrance, a barred gate of which only the bottom two feet opened so that the slave leaving the room had to crawl on his knees to exit.

Crystal looked down on the naked figure of her victim and smiled. Once again she could feel the rising tide of that feeling that had possessed her as Henry had kissed her shoe. Now that there were no other witnesses she could take untrammelled advantage of his service.

As she had requested and paid for, every hair on his body had been removed. He looked up at her, allowing her to see a face that was a container for his fear of her. Strangely smooth with no eyebrows, that face, it no longer entirely resembled the young man that she had known. This one was her creation with metal rings that pierced him and a collar that ensured control with electronic surety.

Her foot passed through the cage to allow her to relive that moment.

His lips placed a kiss on the point of the shoe and Crystal realised that she could experience again this moment every day. She bent into a crouch to smile at him through the bars.

“It’s good to see you again, Henry,” she said as her hand slid over the smooth skin of his head. “I will look after you so well, I promise. Soon you will learn that I am not only strict, but that I will sometimes punish you even when you are perfect. I have everything prepared for our first trip into my fantasies, are you ready?”

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