Peyton and Audrey Blow Black

(Part 1 from 2)

100% fiction!

It started out as an easy way for them each to make 100 bucks each. It ended up being 4 hours commencing in utter panic... and the start of an exciting new career.

In retrospect, the five girls shouldn’t have been lingering downtown on the sidewalk after dark, especially not on Bailey Street East. But they’d decided to celebrate the sexy new designer jeans, top and heels that Peyton’s Mom had just bought her, in her constant war with Peyton’s Dad, who’d left her for a younger woman over two years earlier.

Peyton loved playing one parent against the other. Mom bought Peyton new jeans she wanted, so Dad would buy her new heels. Dad would buy her a new top that Mom might not approve of, so Mom would pay for a half dozen sexy new satin bikini panties Peyton wanted. The girl’s huge wardrobe was filled with clothes that neither parent really approved of, but neither would EVER refuse, and both would readily pay for.

It had all started when Mom took her daughter shopping and bought her a pair of short, short white shorts and a tight t-shirt and heels she thought her former husband would have fits over. Her rationale was that he’d go ballistic and do something hugely unpopular like rip them up and throw them out... and this would make Peyton furious with him and Mom suddenly way cooler than Dad in her eyes.

But it all back-fired, because Dad then took Peyton out shopping and paid for the tightest and sexiest pair of jeans they could find. Now, Peyton even had tight sexy t-shirts from a novelty shop that said things like ‘All Oral, All the Time’, ‘Blondes Take It Deeper’, and ‘I Kneel for Rich Guys’.

“You’re SO lucky!” her friends said, seeing that Peyton had this huge wardrobe of clothes that their own parents wouldn’t allow in a million years. The sweet-faced blonde was the most popular girl with the boys at school, without having to do anything other than dress in any one of her ‘outfits’, put on a few dabs of make-up and nice rich lipstick, and show up.

Every boy wanted to get into her pants, her mouth, or both. Despite the fact that Peyton wanted nothing to do with anything that might get her pregnant, a few lucky guys had succeeded in being blown by her, if they were high enough up the pecking order to warrant her undivided, kneeling attention for a few minutes... like the star quarterback, the rich boy with the $35,000 car, and that dreamy new transfer student from Italy. But her dream was to one day soon suck a really big black cock, and have it forced all the way down her throat. She’d even talked to her mom about it, who may have been shocked inside, but never, EVER would show it.

Mom knew Dad was, though not overtly, somewhat racist, and that Peyton would NEVER be able to discuss this issue calmly with him. She’d be cool, and give Peyton ‘tips’ on how to deep throat a huge black cock. Had she ever done it herself? “Loads of times before I met your dad,” she said. Though whether or not that was true was totally up to speculation.

So now, here was Peyton standing on the sidewalk with her long blonde ponytail, wearing tight, tight dark blue designer stretch jeans with fancy trim on the back pockets - jeans that had taken her almost a minute to pull on, in addition to a silver chain belt, 3-inch silver spike heels, and a silver satin top that almost looked like a bra, given that it only reached to about 3 inches above her navel. She even wore silver satin bikini panties underneath, and the two together would look like a matching bra-panty combo, if ever she stripped down that far.

With her were four of her girlfriends from school, including her best friend, Audrey, who had light brown hair (also in a ponytail) and was wearing nothing quite so risqué as Peyton, but still looked quite sexy – in a tight hot pink t-shirt, tight white shorts, and 2-inch black heels. And, as this was the known red-light district of town, where hookers sold their wares, it was quite understandable that a car would stop and a window would roll down.

“Hey!” the voice called out. “Are you girls working?”

Peyton, who was nearest but facing the other way, turned to face the voice. Her jaw then dropped.

The car was a big, luxurious, black Lincoln Continental. And the driver was big too... and had as black a face as she’d ever seen.

“Who wants to know?” Peyton flirted, sauntering up to the driver’s window and leaning in.

“The biggest piece of man meat you’ll ever get to swallow,” he said, cockily (pun fully intended, btw).

THAT was what Peyton wanted to hear.

“How many girls do you want?”

“Two,” the man, who looked to be mid thirties (though Peyton had not been around enough black men to be sure) answered. “You and that girlie over there.”

Peyton turned to follow his finger, which was pointing right at her best friend.

“Let me go talk to her,” Peyton said, turning and sauntering back towards her friends, who all stood totally aghast, the John’s eyes following her “gorgeous baby ass” (as he called it later) all the way.

The girls were giggling nervously.

“You’ve got to be kidding!”

“You’re not seriously thinking of getting in that car with him, are you?”

“You’re nuts!”

Audrey said nothing, too nervous to speak.

The black man continued to eye Peyton’s luscious little ass the whole time, as she leaned in to whisper to the others.

“C’mon, Audrey. It’ll be fun. You know I’ve always wanted to suck a big black cock. This is my chance. But I can’t do it without you.”

Audrey had a really bad feeling about this. But she and Peyton had been best friends since kindergarten, inseparable really, and they’d joked about sharing a black cock many a time.

Reluctantly, she joined her friend back at the car.

“That’ll be $100... EACH,” Peyton said.

The black man nodded.

“And we only do oral.”

“Blowjobs is all we want, mon,” he said, smiling. Audrey wondered about his use of the word ‘we’, but said nothing.

“And we’re paid in advance.”

The man pulled out his wallet, pulled out two $100 bills, and tossed them into the back seat. “Climb on in, girls!” he said.

Peyton and Audrey looked at each other, one face beaming with excitement, the other shrouded with fear. This really was happening.

The blonde opened the door first and held it for Audrey. She wasn’t going to let her friend chicken out on her. Nervously, the pretty brunette climbed in, the driver’s eyes following HER nice little ass in white shorts as she did so. Peyton followed and closed the door.

“Where are we going?” Peyton asked.

“Just down the road a bit. I got a place.”

And it was then Peyton took notice of his accent.

“Are you originally from the Caribbean?” she asked.

“I from Jamaica, mon” he said, glancing back towards them and smiling. Audrey noted his huge white teeth.

They drove for just a few minutes and then pulled up in front of a luxury high-rise apartment building.

“You live here?”

“Yes, mon,” he said. “I got me a penthouse. You can see de whole city.”

Peyton smiled at her friend. This was going to be exciting!

The man parked underground, and the girls followed him to the elevator.

“You girls got nice little baby asses,” he said as he waited to let them onto the elevator first.

“Thanks,” Peyton said. She’d been told that before.

The two girls were indeed impressed when the man pushed the button for the 28th floor, the top floor. They really WERE going to the penthouse. This man MUST be rich.

The elevator opened into a hallway that could best be described as luxurious, with expensive carpet, textured walls, and chandeliers all the way down the hall in both directions. The man let the girls out first, and then led them down the hall to the right. Peyton glanced at her friend and gave an excited grimace. Audrey smile back nervously. At least the two girls would be working on this guy together, the latter thought. Since Peyton was the one who really wanted this, Audrey would let her do most of the sucking. It shouldn’t be too bad.

“So we is all paid up, mon?” the man said as he stopped at the last door and pulled out his key.

Peyton nodded. She’d tucked her $100 bill into that little, fifth change pocket in the front of her jeans.

The man smiled, opened the door, and let the girls enter.

The girls took just three steps and then stopped. Oh shit!

“Come in, come in!” the man said, waving them on.

Oh shit!

The room was huge and there were more chandeliers, and rich paintings, and three huge couches, and obviously expensive designer arm chairs, and a huge window taking up the entire far wall, revealing the entire city alight. But that was not what had caused them to stop. What had caused the two girls to stop in their tracks, hearts in their throats, and wonder what they’d gotten themselves into, was that the room was filled with at least 15 to 20 OTHER big black men, all smiling at them.

“I brought me two sweet young pieces of ass for us,” the man who’d paid for them said.

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