Pata's revenge 4.5
Late on Friday night, Jadday called Pata and told her to keep the next day open because she had some plans for the day for both of them, and to be ready for anything.
About 8 in the morning, Jadday showed up at Pata's house, and she was not alone. Pata invited the three people in at once. Jadday she knew and loved already. Just the sight of James alone made her mouth water and her pussy damp. The third person was a man she had never met before. Jadday blushed a little bit and introduce him as Jack, her current boy toy. As Jack smiled and said his hello, Jadday reached over and stroked his cock through his jeans as she mouthed the words, "fucking huge" to Pata, and both ladies started to giggle. Then Jadday said that they were all going to sit and have breakfast, and she would tell them all what the plans were for the day. Jadday turned to Jack and, while rubbing the huge bulge in his pants, asked him to get the breakfast basket out of the car. Jack kissed her deeply for a moment, then politely excused himself.
While he was away, Jadday whisperd in Pata's ear and both ladies started to smile broadly, and giggle a little. Both ladies then cleared and set the table for three. Just after the table was set, Jack walked in with a basket of food that he put on the table. Jadday asked all the men to have a seat, and when they did, Jadday sat on Jack's lap, and Pata sat on James'. To the surpise of everyone, when Jadday opened the basket and started to put eggs and bacon, toast and three kinds of melon, strawberries and pinapple on the plates, she put a fairly large portion on Eddie's plate. The breakfast was huge, but Jadday explained that they would need the extra calories for the day she had planned. As soon as they began to eat, Eddie noticed that both men were eating with thier right hands and stroking the womans breasts with the other. Jadday saw him looking, and told him that this was not going to be his last meal of the day, but it would be the last one he would enjoy, so eat hearty. As they were eating, (and groping) Jadday told them that she had rented a small paintball field from 11 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon, and that the five of them would have the place to themselves for the entire time.
Jadday also explained that they would play three 20 minute games and that the
best out of three would win a prize that everyone would enjoy. Then her icy
stare turned toward Eddie, and she said very coldly, "almost everyone that is".
As they finished eating and cleaning up, Jadday looked at Eddie and told him
there was going to be a rule for him for the entire day, and he might as well
hear it now, so he would know the punishment for breaking the one and only rule
of the day. Eddie was holding his breath, and shaking a little as he started to
think about what Jadday might be thinking. Just to make him sweat, Jadday paused
a full two minutes before telling him, at no point in this fun filled day will
you have an erection. Jack and James were the only hard cocks alllowed for the
remainder of this date. Am I clear, she asked Eddie. He started to turn a little
pink, and his hands went to the front of his pants. Pata started to giggle and
asked Eddie if he was breaking the rules already, and Eddie stammered out saying
no, maybe just a little to quickly. When Jadday pulled his hands away and yanked
his pants down, everyone could see he was hard as stone. Jadday just laughed and
said that we get to see the punishment right away, and she walked over to her
large handbag, and pulled out a small dildo on a handle, and a huge bottle of
lube. Eddie was shaking when he asked if she was going to put that in his ass.
She smiled and said, no silly little man, you are.
We are going to start really easy, and I will explain slowly so even you can understand. When ever you get an erection today, you must tell me right away, and your punishment can begin. To satart with, you have three seconds to stroke this entire dildo in your ass three times. If you don't make the time limit or don't use full strokes, you can try again until you get it right, and your time starts when I say go. Then Jadday had Eddie lay on his back and gave him the toy and the lube. With trembling hands, Eddie lubed the toy, spread his legs wide and began to slide the toy in place. As soon as it was in, Jadday yelled GO. Eddie tried to be as fast as he could, but Jadday yelled time just as he was starting the third stroke. Again she told him. And the process was repeated until on the fifth try, he got three full stroke in time. Jadday then told him that the next time would be four strokes in four seconds, and that it would go up 1 every time.
The group arrived at just before 11 and walked into the office where all their gear was waiting for them. There was five paintball outfits, two were blue, two were red, and one was pink. Pata noticed that the red ones were both small, and the blue ones were both really big. Jadday laughed and said that the girls were red and the MEN were blue, looking right at Eddie. Eddie also noted that the pink outfit was just a lot different than the rest. One, it had no padding and had a whole where his ass was supposed to go, and there wasn't a paintball gun on top like the rest. Pata expalined that they would all get dressed together because it would be more fun that way. All five got dressed and as you can imagine, the two couples were openly fondling and kissing as they dressed in their paintball uniforms. At one point, Pata bent at the waist and took the head of James huge cock in her mouth and lem him stroke a few times. Jadday was getting ready to do the same to Jack when she saw Eddie standing at attention. When Eddie saw that he was caught, he tried to hide it, but to no avail. Jadday stroked Jacks cock, looked at it and said, I'll be right back.
She handed the special toy to Eddie and told him he knew what to do. On the first try, he ran out of time, and on the second try, Jadday told him one of the strokes didn't come all the way out, and on the third try, Eddie got it right. Then Jadday slapped him on the ass as hard as she could, and told him that because he didn't tell her about his "condition", that they were goinig to skip 5, and the next time would be 6. When everyone was fully dressed and equipped, Jadday expained the rules. A hit on your opponents legs or arms was one point, a torso shot was two points, and a head shot cost your team three points, so no aiming at the head. Hitting your opponents base was worth three point, and hitting Eddie was worth five. The most points win. As the five were headed out to the field, Pata laughed and slapped Eddie on side of his ass that Jadday slapped earlier. Eddie jumped and asked what that was for. Jadday caught on right away, and told him a red ass makes a better target, and slapped the other side. When Eddie turned his back to the ladies, James swung his hand way back and brought his hand down on Eddie, making him scream in pain. Before Eddie could regain his senses, Jack was holding Eddies head face down beween his legs, with his arms pinned behind him. The girls thought this was too funny and started slapping away at his upturnd ass. Both girls slapped until their hands started to tingle, and Eddie was glowing red, in the face as well as his ass.
Each game was timed to 20 minutes, and the arena, was a plot of forest about 50 yards by 50 yards, with a blue base in one corner and a red base in the opposite corner. The game stated and Pata was left to gaurd the base while Jadday went to get as many points as she could. Eddie was told he could go anywhere he liked, and to start at a neutral corner. Jack and James went together, leaving the base ungaurded. Just a couple minutes into the game, Jadday spotted Jack and began to quietly stalk him. She wanted to get as many shots in as she could, and was so fucussed on Jack that she never heard James behind her. Before she could get away, he shot her 7 times, three times on the legs and four times in the back, for 11 points. Jadday did manage to get a lucky shot in and got Jack in the leg once for a point. As both teams were regrouping, Jack spotted Eddie, and triple tapped him in the chest for 15 points. The girls tried the same approach again with the same results, only Pata got shot this time six times in the back. At the end of the first game. The men won by a huge margin. They needed a break and went inside to get some drinks to quench their thirst.
John is a guy who has a hot mom, and lives with her friend after being kicked out by her second husband... |
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