Panty boy: part one
Timmy wasted no time in going over to the bar and fixing Cassandra her usual, a scotch and water! She drained half of the drink in one long swallow before returning her attention to the young boy waiting patiently at her side! She eyed his smooth pale form and felt the familiar stirring inside of her panties, how she loved his sweet warm flesh!!! "Show me your penis, boy," she ordered while taking a sip on her drink!!!" "Yes, Mistress," he replied excitedly, as he quickly shoved the pink panties over his hips and down to the floor!!! His small penis standing fully erect and pointing straight at her, made her pussy drench itself with a flood of hot cunt juice!!! "You look so tense Mistress," he offered, "would you like for me to suck your vagina for you!?!" "Yeah," she replied, "that's a very good idea, would like to suck it for me right now!?!" "Oh, yes," he said enthusiastically, "I've been thinking about it all day, and hoped you'd be in the mood for it!!!" "Well, you're in luck," she replied, "now get under my dress and suck me off!!!" Timmy quickly scrambled to the floor, disappeared under Cassandra's dress, and immediately went straight for her dripping wet cunt!!! For a sixty year old, Cassandra had a massive sex drive that required at least two sessions a day to keep her from climbing the walls, and that's why it was so important that she always have a very young lover to take care of her sexual needs, as an older man would have never been able to keep up with her frenetic pace!!!
With her legs spread wide giving the young lad plenty of room to access her big lipped pussy, she drained the rest of her drink and just leaned back and enjoyed the cunt lapping that little Timmy was performing so admirably!!! "Oh, yes, panty boy," she sighed, "take good care of your Mistress' pussy, oh, my, that's it, do my clit, oh, oh, oh, right there, ooooooooh yeah!!!" For such a young man Timmy was remarkably adept at oral servitude, and since that was one of Cassandra's favorite pastimes, he spent a great deal of his time with his mouth pressed hard against her hairy muffy!!! "She wasn't sure why someone her age required such a huge amount of gratification, but she once had read that people like her, the ones that were very career oriented and driven to succeed, probably used sex as one of their few natural outlets to relieve stress from the crushing responsibilities that ruled their daily lives!!! "Whatever the reason, for as long as she could remember sex wasn't very far from her mind!!! It was a constant battle between her brain and her clit over who controlled her body!!! Most of the time her brain prevailed, but several and her clit over who controlled her body!!! Most of the time her brain prevailed, but several that quickly was approaching the critical mass needed to bring her to climax!!! "I'm very close," little boy," she panted, "do my clit hard, now, that's it, do it for your Mistress!!!" He just loved bringing her to orgasm, just the knowledge that he could make her so happy was enough to give him an incredibly hard cock!!! All at once all of the muscles in her cunt contracted at the same time, as the blood rushed to engorge her genitals in a massive orgasm that she thought might stop her heart!!! After a few moments in which she regained her senses, she gently pulled Timmy out from under her skirt and asked softly, "Did you enjoy sucking my pussy, boy!?!" With his face still shiny from her juices, he replied with a smile, "Oh yes, Mistress, you taste so sweet to me!!!" Taking his rock hard pecker into her hand, she continued with another question, "Tell, boy, did you masturbate today!?!" With the color rising in his cheeks and hi head down, he answered softly, "I-I didn't want to, Mistress, but I couldn't help myself, I'm sorry, it won't happen again!!!" "Timmy, Timmy, Timmy," she said in rebuke, "how many times have I told you never to touch yourself unless I give you permission?!?" "I don't know," he said sadly, "but quite a few I guess!!!" With her hand now rapidly jerking his little four inch erection she scolded, "What am I going to do wit you, boy, you ignore my orders and make me sorry I brought you into my house!!!" Tears now filled his eyes as he realized how disappointed she was in him, and he said in almost a wail, "P-please don't make me leave, Mistress, I'll try to do better, honest I will, please give me another chance!!!" Cassandra could feel Timmy's nut bag tightening, which of course was a precursor to his ejaculation, so as she usually did, she leaned over and took the little member into her warm mouth and let the young boy fill her mouth with his sperm!!! For such a slightly built young man he had an unusually large amount of ejaculate, and Cassandra had a hard time swallowing all of it, as some of it trickled out of the corners of her mouth!!! "Now that is how you are supposed to do it," she said with a reprimand in her voice, "Mistress always gets to drink her panty boy's sperm, is that understood!?!" "Yes, Mistress," he said with a smile, sensing that she was over her anger!!!" "All right now," she went on, "scoot into the bathroom and draw me a hot bath, I'll be in shortly, and remember, keep your hands off your penis!!!"
Timmy helped Cassandra remove her robe before helping her climb into the giant four person whirl pool spa! "Oh man, that feels so good," she sighed while lying down and letting the hot water soothe her tired bones, while Timmy stood expectantly next to the tub, praying that his Mistress would allow him to join her in the hot bubbling water!!! Deciding to make him wait a bit, Cassandra asked casually while cupping her huge fat boobs, "so tell me panty boy, what were you thinking about when you masturbated today!?!" Again with the red rising in his face he replied softly, "You, ma'am, I was thinking about........." "Come on," she interrupted, "tell me boy, what was it!?!" "Uh, I was thinking about your bottom, ma'am!!!" "So, you were thinking about my fat ass, huh," she rejoined?!?" "Yes, Mistress," he said in a small voice! "So," she spat, "you think my ass is fat do you!?!" "Oh no," he said in a pleading voice, "I-I didn't mean that, I just meant that......" "Oh shut up," she said coldly, "now I can see what you think of me, just as a fat old broad who you have to fuck once in awhile in trade for a nice place to stay!!!" Tears began forming in his eyes, and seconds later he was crying like a two year old!!! "What are you crying about," she snapped!?!" "I-I love you, Mistress," he sobbed, "h-how could you think those bad things about me, look at my penis, isn't it always hard for you, I-I could never keep it up for someone I didn't care for!!!" She looked at him with a frown on her face that slowly changed to a smile and replied softly, "Okay, little panty boy, come in here and suck on mama's tits for her!!!"
Almost joyously he leaped into the spa, while urgently searching out one of Cassandra's big hard nipples!!! "Whoa, little boy," she said gently, "take it easy, that's a good panty boy, mmmmmm, good boy, suck mama's nipple for her!!!" Since she was a big woman, and out weighed him by at least sixty pounds, he looked like a rag doll as she cradled him to her chest and nursed him like a baby!!! "You do such a good job of sucking your Mistress," she cooed to him softly, "now mama needs something else from her little panty boy?!?" He lifted his mouth from her nipple and said, "Anything Mistress, I am here to serve you!!!" "That's a good little boy," she replied, mama's legs are spread for her panty boy's little cock, will you please fuck me now, little boy!?!" Sliding over her wet body with ease, his little erection quickly found her opening and easily entered her big hairy muff!!! "Oh, little panty boy," she said with a sigh, "you have such a nice little penis, and mama is so glad she has a little boy like you to fuck her when she needs it, and she needs it every day!!!" Resting his cheek in the valley between her breasts, his little ass pounded his pecker in and out of the large lips that guarded the entrance to her luscious pussy!!! "Are you close to shooting your sperm," she whispered in his ear?!?" "O-oh, yes," he panted, "I-I'm almost there, I'm sorry, but I can't hold it back, I'm so excited I can't help myself!!!" Normally she might have reprimanded him for cumming too quickly, but tonight, she was happy to let him have his climax in a more out of control way! "Oh, oh, I'm cumming, Mistress," he moaned while plunging in and out of her at a frightening speed!!! "That's good little panty boy," she said while caressing his cheek, "cum in mama's vagina, fill her pussy with your sperm, little boy!!!" "H-here it cums," he moaned, "I'm giving you all of my sperm, it's my gift to my Mistress, ohhhhhhhhhh, god, I'm shooting it wowwwwwwwwwwww!!!" Even though she wasn't even trying to cum, just hearing her little panty boy getting so excited had caused her vagina to involuntarily spasm and wrench another orgasm from her now very alert little clitoris!!!
"Oh, Mistress," he sighed while nestling against her breasts, "I love you so much, I hope I have pleased you!!!" Guiding one of her nipples back into his mouth she replied softly, "You have pleased me greatly little panty boy, now suck mama's nipple and take a nap!!!"
Mary Eckert and Rhonda Yates were laughing and talking as they shed their sweaty workout clothes, revealing absolutely perfect bodies!... |
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