Our girl Karen
The past couple of weeks had been nothing but amazing. I had never had so much sex in my life. If Karen wasn’t working her way into an opportunity to have me, my wife whose switch seemingly was turned to a perpetual ‘On’ now was enjoying either my company or Karen’s. I would have never dreamed that Karen could have made the difference in our lives she had. Karen was now 5-1/2 months pregnant. The emotional support she was receiving from Ann and I was definitely helping her though her pregnancy. Her grades at school had gone from B’s and C’s her junior year to straight A’s this year. While she did still have to endure some snide remarks from some of the boys at school, and once from a teacher, who upon meeting Ann for the first time found out that was a enormous mistake on his part, she was doing great. Even our boys were talking to the baby daily, listening to Karen’s belly, and even occasionally feeling the baby kick were thrilled to have a ‘big sister’ had embraced and loved having Karen as part of the family. The only downside was Karen’s mom had for the most part disowned her. Her dad although, was starting to talk to his daughter once or twice a week, and taken her out to dinner once to see how she was doing, making sure she was ok, and that we were ok with her living with us.
Thursday evening found us getting ready for Thanksgiving coming up the next week. This weekend was the planned sleepover of a couple of her girlfriends who were in college. Ann had made arrangements for our boys to spend the weekend with my parents. I would drive them up Friday evening. In addition to the girls who were sleeping over, Ann had invited a couple of her girl friends for a get together that evening. As it was turning out I was going to be a one-man show in a house full of women. I was sure given the way things had been going between Ann and Karen, it was going to be an interesting weekend anyway it went.
Friday evening around 7:00 I was getting ready to take the boys to mom and dads when the doorbell rang. "I’ll get it," yelled Karen and she nearly ran to the door. I was in the kitchen when I heard girly screams coming from the front door, a high pitched "Beth!" and an even higher pitch "Karen, look at you mommy girl!" "Come on in, Lisa called and said she is running a little late but will be here around 9:00." Karen was ecstatic. I hadn’t seen her this excited since she got her. Once in the kitchen, Karen introduced me to Beth. Beth was about Ann’s height, about 5’4" with jet black hair, blue eyes, a really nice bubble shaped butt that looked like you wanted to grab and hold on forever, and was actually stacked. She looked like a 34 or 35 DD. Karen introduced me. Beth stuck out her hand and then leaned up and kissed my cheek. "Thanks for taking care of my girl. I was really worried about her when I left for school. Doesn’t she look great." Beth said. "Thank you, she looks marv-a-lous" I said in my best Billy Crystal imitation and leaned down and kissed Karen on the cheek. I told Karen that Ann had gone out to get some good beverages, some goodies, and a couple of chick flix and would be back shortly. Sharon and Maggie would be by around 8:00 or 8:30, and that I should be back around 10:00 or so. I called for the boys who were already on the way up from the basement when the heard Beth upstairs. After meeting the boys, Beth and Karen started down stairs. I left a quick note on the stove for Ann telling her one of Karen’s guests was here, and to call me if she forgot anything.
The drive to mom and dads was uneventful we got there a little after 8:00. I sat and visited with them for a bit, then told them I really ought to get back, it was going to be late when I got home and I was tired. I excused myself and went to the bathroom. After using the bathroom, I wanted an aspirin, and looking in the medicine chest notice Dad’s Viagra’s. The old dog I though to myself. I took a couple wrapped them in a tissue, and went out to leave to go home.
I wish I could have said the ride home was as uneventful as the ride up, but about half way home some moron decided he liked the back end of my car better than I did and ran into it. "Damn!" I pounded the steering wheel. I phoned the police before I even got out of the car. I was a bit sore, but more mad than anything else. The backend was smashed. Both rear lights, the bumper, and part of the trunk lid. The guy who hit me was being a bit of a jerk, saying he thought I was going to push the light. Finally after about 30 minutes the police got there and took statements. I borrowed the officer’s digital camera and got some photos for my insurance records, by now it was nearly 9:30. I called Ann and told her what had happened, I was OK, and even though I could still drive the car, because it was night and I had no rear lights I was going to have to park the car for the night and get a ride home. The officer called a cab for me. It seemed like for ever getting everything straightened, finding a suitable place to park the car where it wouldn’t be likely to be broken into, getting my stuff out, and waiting forever for a cab. By the time I made it home it was nearly 11:30. I thanked the driver and tipped him a $10. I walked into the house, I grabbed a beer from the fridge. I was so pissed I really didn’t care about the girls down stairs.
There was a lot of laughing and cackling going on in the basement. They were obviously having a great time, when someone one laughed out loud "Oh my Gawd, those are hugh! You could float a boat with those!" and screams of laughter filled the basement. "Do you have a license to conceal and carry those?" More laughter, now my being pissed off was quickly waning, and my curiosity was getting the best of me. I started into the kitchen when I heard "Jesus, those things could poke an eye out!" "Bet you can’t eat just one!" "Why would you want to stop at one when there are two!" Again screams of laughter. Now I was really getting interested in what was going on. I started to sneak down the stairs, then thought, better not they’ll hear me coming. So I decided to quietly go outside, and peek in the basement window.
I made my way out the front door and around the house. I went under the deck behind where I parked the lawn tractor so none of my neighbors might see me and looked in. The girls were sitting in a circle, Ann, Karen, Beth, Sharon, Maggie, and a knockout blonde who I assumed was Lisa. The girls were taking turns standing up and showing off their breasts. Ann, Karen, and Beth were sitting bare breasted. Sharon had her bra on, and at that point Maggie was standing up showing her breasts to the girls. Maggie had a great figure. She was nearly 50, twice divorced, was a party woman for certain. She had had breast implants about the same time Karen got pregnant, and even though I had seen her a several times since then, she was always wearing sweaters or a heavy shirt. Even at this though her nipples were about the size of my thumbs were always visible. Now she was standing there pinching them and making them stand out. The girls were laughing almost hysterically. Maggie sat down leaving her top off. Next was Lisa.
She was tall. I was guessing around 6’ maybe even 6’2" She had long blond straight waist length blonde hair, and her proportions were perfect. Her legs, ass, and torso were perfect. Her back was too me, I couldn’t see her front, she stood up the girls were all yelling, "we showed you ours, show us yours." She moved to the center of the circle, and moving like she was doing a striptease act, swayed her hips, and slowly took her shirt off. Then reaching too the front removed her bra. She quickly flashed the girls, then folded her hands across her chest again. This time Sharon and Beth were yelling "take it off, take it off" which the rest of the girls quickly picked up on. Then she threw her bra over her shoulder, it flew right at the window I ducked quickly hoping the girls hadn’t see me. They screamed and cat called as Lisa shook her chest. She then leaned back and shook her chest like a belly dancer, her tits jiggling from side to side straight up into the air. She was awesome. Beautiful pink nipples and china like skin with freckles on her face and chest.
I decided then that it was time for me to join this party. I went back upstairs and quietly came in the house. Took my shoes and sweat jacket off. I then went to the kitchen and popped one of the Viagra I had stolen from dad, and quietly moved to the stairway and started down stairs. I went far enough that I could sit on the stairs and see across the room. I had been sitting there a few moments when Maggie looked up and saw me and screamed. "You shit, you scared the daylights out of me. You should have made some noise or something." "You sounded like you were having so much fun, I didn’t want to disturb you." I said still enjoying the view. Ann got up and walked over and took me by the hand. "Well, you’ve see ours, our turn." She then leaned over and whispered "I saw you at the window you sneak," And swatted my butt. I notice several empty bottles of wine, several beer bottles, a few soda bottles, and a couple of bottles of vodka, one KO’d and another nearly ½ empty along with some orange juice and ice. Karen holding up a Diet Orange said "I’ve been a good girl, only soda, well, one glass of wine." Karen was wearing a pair of sweat shorts, Ann sweat pants, and Beth, was as far as I could tell completely nude with a blanket wrapped around her waist. Sharon was there in jeans and her bra, Maggie in jeans, and Lisa who I still hadn’t met had put her blouse on, but only had one button buttoned. All of the girls had consumed a fair amount of alcohol. The girls were starting to say "take it off, take it off, take it off," then repeating it. Ann walked to the center, do you really want to see him girls, they all yelled "take it off" "You heard them" Ann said, with that grabbed my pants and yanked them to my ankles. It goes without saying with all of the breasts in the room, and the extra kick of a Viagra starting, I was already hard.
The girls screamed with laughter. Then Ann said "Ready for the full Monty" Maggie yelled "lets see what’s been keeping you faithful all these years baby." Ann grabbed my underwear and pulled them down. "What the hell" I thought and proceeded to shake it up and down and side to side. The girls were applauding, screaming, laughing. Maggie yelled out "If my second had looked like that I’d still be married." Sharon was wailing with laughter. "Too bad there is only of them to go around." Lisa yelled. Ann laughed, "you go girl" and with that Lisa came up unbuttoned her top dropped to her knees and pressed her pert young breasts against my dick. "Whew baby! Get it," yelled Sharon. "Go Lisa, Go Lisa, Go Lisa," the girls started clapping. I started to grind my hips and shaft between this beautiful girl’s tits. She was rubbing them up and down and side to side. I then heard Maggie say "My turn, and almost pushed Lisa out of the way, Maggie then held her tits up and started to rub them up and down my shaft, then she kissed the head.
The girls in the room went wild. "Do it, do it do it do it" Beth and Karen started chanting. Ann was watching transfixed on the moment. Her nipples were like rocks and I could see a large wet stop forming in the front of her sweats. Maggie then reached up, and took me in her mouth, with one motion all the way to the base of my shaft. I thought my knees would buckle. "You like that baby" I heard Ann. I was somewhere between heaven and shock. Man that was good. Neither Ann nor Karen had even been able to do that. It was then I felt something against my ass, and turned to see Beth rubbing her breasts against my ass. Her dark red nipples were buried against my skin. Maggie again, took me in full length. I looked to my right to see Sharon had taken her bra off and was rubbing two massive breasts. Her nipples while they were flat, but looked like they were ¾" wide. She must have been a E or EE in size. She then unbuttoned the top of her pants. Lisa had raised the back of my shirt and was now standing behind me straddling Beth with her breasts against my back. She leaned forward and said in my ear "you like that Ronnie?" I reached back behind me and tried to grab her ass. Then I heard Karen yell "breast sandwich!" and Sharon, Ann, and Karen all found a part of me and started rubbing their breasts into me.
Maggie was still giving me an expert blow-job, I reached down and grabbed her head, then started pumping my hips into her mouth. I felt Beth reach underneath, and rake her long fingernail across the bottom of my scrotum. That was the magic bullet. I grabbed Maggie’s head, and held her with my dick crammed in her mouth and came. She began swallowing. Beth gently grabbed my balls and milked me. Had it not been for the girls surrounding me, I think I would have fallen to my knees. Maggie then looked up "Not bad for an old girl." "No," I said shakily. Maggie then got up, walked across the room and chased my cum with a straight shot of vodka.
At this point Ann said "My turn." My shirt was coming off over my head, and Ann had me by the hand and was leading me to the mattress I had brought down stairs. I noticed someone had taken the mattress off the couch, and laid it beside it, with about a dozen pillows scattered around. Ann then spun me around put her arms around me and kissed me. "I’m going to fuck you," she said a bit drunk. She fell back on the bed, pulled her sweats off and spread her legs. I almost jumped on her she looked so good. Her pussy was dripping. I couldn’t be certain, but I thought she might have already had an orgasm once by the way she felt when I entered her. The girls were really going wild now. I pumped Ann like there was no tomorrow. In a matter of moments she was moaning. She was bucking up into me, and had her arms wrapped around by back fucking like she was a wild animal. My wife was scorching she was so hot. It was only a few minutes and she let out a near scream of an orgasm. She held me for a few moments.
I was then I became aware of other sounds on the beds around us. Beth was working on Karen’s pussy, and Karen lay face up tonguing Lisa’s shaved pussy, straddling Karen’s face. She had leaned over Karen’s body and was fingering Beth, and kissing her back and hips. Sharon was laying on her back with her jeans pulled to her knees. I would have never have dreamed Sharon, who was rather a prime and proper kind of a gal in public could let her hair down like this. Maggie was sitting in a chair watching, and soaking back a screwdriver. I got up off Ann. And leaned back on my knees. Ann rolled over and taking one of Sharon’s huge breasts into her mouth began to suck on them. Ann then looked up at her and said "you want Ron to help scratch that itch?" Sharon reached down and pulled her jeans and panties off in one motion. Sharon was 33, and single. She had never been married, but had guy friends on occasion. A large woman, she probably weighed around 200 pounds, and stood about 5’10" but damn she looked good. She leaned up and pushed me down on my back, then climbed on. She mounted me in one quick movement, and started going at it like there was no tomorrow. She leaned forward so those monstrous breasts were handing into my face. I was nearly smothered by them. I reached up and grabbing a handful of each of them started kissing, sucking, and nibbling on her nipples. I soon as two sizable nipples to munch on while she continued to fuck me. It was sometime but she started making whining sound, then went to a Mmmmfff, mmmmff. Mmmmff, then suddenly she started to have a really good orgasm.
She sat straight up and bounced on me then sat there grinding her hips into me as hard as she could. I could hear the Karen starting to have one of her really good orgasms. She had her teeth gritted, and growling, Mmmmmm, Mmmmm, ohhhhhhhhh. Lisa was now talking dirty, "eat it you bitch, eat it you cunt, don’t stop, fuck, don’t stop" She was grinding her pussy so hard into Karen’s face that I though she would smother her. Her long blonde hair falling around her and Karen. It was then I heard Beth. She pitched her head forward out of Karen’s pussy and looked straight at me. Her mouth opened, but no sound was coming out like she was in a silent scream. I then saw Maggie behind her with a large black dildo that must have been 12" long she was moving in and out of Beth’s pussy. Then I heard Lisa with a high pitched "Yes, yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me, damn girl, fuck my pussy." I looked over to see Karen had her silver vibrator in Lisa pussy, and was licking her at the same time. Sharon, while I was looking at the girls had leaned over on me, her heart pounding like a racehorse. She pulled off of me slightly, then kissed me. "Thank you Ron, that was really good. I haven’t had sex for too long." I lay there and stroked her back. I noticed I couldn’t see Ann.
I was a bit scared. Maybe I had crossed the line, was she mad? Where was my wife? I felt another hand on mine. I couldn’t see her, but I knew it was Ann by the way she twined her fingers in mine. Sharon lay there for a few moments more, then got up. Her breasts were red, as was her pussy. Her nipples were now visible and were sticking out. She looked at the young girls next to her, and looked at me. "You think you can last for the rest of them."
I smiled, "What a way to go if I can’t." She leaned down and kissed me again. She then turned to Ann who was kneeling on the bed beside me. "Thank you. I haven’t felt like a woman for such a long time." She hugged Ann and kissed her. "It’s late and I better go home now." Sharon said. "You are in no shape to drive, why don’t you sleep in the boys room upstairs." She didn’t argue. Ann picked up her clothes and followed her upstairs.
No more did I see Ann’s heal disappear up the stairway when I heard, "Hey lover, I need a dick, NOW." Before I could even get up, Lisa had jumped on me. I heard Karen, "show’er what you got old man" I looked over and she was grinning. Lisa was in the process of mounting me, "Oh no," I said "I want to feel those long legs wrapped around my back." And rolled her over, driving my shaft in her as far as I could in one motion. I started slamming her as hard as I could. With in seconds she had her legs wrapped around me. As I tried to pull out, I was picking her off the bed, and slamming my entire weight into her pussy each time I came down on her. She was moving her ass left and right, forward and back so fast I thought I would loose it in a matter of seconds. God this girl was good. In a few moments, she started again. "Fuck me, fuck me, ram that cock in me, come on fuck me harder." Now I stopped, adjusted so I was more to my knees and started slamming her into the bed. "Oh fuck, your dick is so thick, come on split me, fuck me harder" Lisa said. I was determined to have this girl cum if it killed me, which, at the rate I was going, it might. After a few moments more she said "Oh fuck, oh fuck, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, don’t stop fucking me, pound me damnit." She then clamped down on me with her teeth and bit my shoulder. She was biting hard, and it hurt. After a moment, She moved her head around, and relaxing the death grip on me, kissed me.
She released her legs and arms. "Oh god that was good. That’s some of the best sex I have had in ages." Running her hand back through her hair she looked up at me. "Damn, that was good. Now I have something to look for in a husband." "Thank you" I said and started kissing my way down her body. I sucked on her nipples a few moments, then worked my way down to her pussy. She had a natural blonde strip of hair just above her pussy, but her pussy was shaved. I licked her a few times, her cum was actually sweet tasting. She then pulled me up and kissed me again. Then looking at my shoulder, which was bleeding a little she said "sorry about your shoulder. I get kind of rough when I’m really enjoying myself." "It’s ok," I said. "Glad I could set the bar so high for the next guy." "I hope you are the next guy before I have to go back to school. I want to try that puppy on again." Lisa said.
I had to take a break. I noticed Maggie was sitting in the easy chair, with a dildo stuck in her, and passed out. Ann came back downstairs about then, looked at Maggie, and laughed, then looked at my shoulder. Before she could say anything, Lisa said "sorry, I got a little to turned on. I didn’t mean to bite him." Ann smiled "Easy on the old man, I want to keep him around for awhile." And slipped an arm around my back.
Karen was giggling, "What?" I asked "Who is going to pull that out of Maggie?" we all laughed some more. Ann without hesitation walked over, grabbed the end of monster, and pulled it out. It made a slurping sound then a loud ‘pop’. "Damn" said Beth that’s what she had inside me? I put the mattress on the couch again, then with Ann and Beth carried Maggie to the bed and tucked her in.
A night out leads to black encounter... |
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