Home : Masturbation Stories : total 5 reviews.

One Step Further reviews

Posted by jacob
i would love to pleasure you like that.
Posted by Brian
Thanks for reading, Vegan Vixen. You bring up an iptarmont point about structural violence against sex workers. Prohibitionists often speak of structure, namely patriarchy. Sadly, though, they ignore how patriarchy itself shapes negative ideas about sex workers and thus forms the discursive backbone of prohibition. Although it's difficult for me as a sex worker and activist to be pragmatic in my interactions with prohibitionists, I don't think our goals are dissimilar. We all want to end violence and, in some sense, we all critique oppressive sexual mores. I think what prohibitionists often lack is a nuanced understanding of the interplay between structure and agency. Strictly critiquing patriarchy may have been helpful in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in the global North for upper/middle class white women, but now it is too simple.
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