On Golden Lake Part 1
Author note : This is a work of erotic fiction, and is not intended for viewing by anyone under the age of 18. All characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional, and any resemblance to actual persons or events is coincidental.
Comments and helpful criticism are welcome, and may be emailed to ppcummings@hotmail.com.
The warming rays of the July sun washed over Megan's lithe, outstretched body. Her skin was a glowing bronze color, and her dark brown shoulder-length hair was beginning to lighten after her two weeks at the cottage on the shores of Golden Lake. She had done little else but worship the glorious sunshine since the day of her arrival.
Meg rolled over onto her stomach to even out her darkening tan. Peeking over her left shoulder, she saw that once again her bikini bottom had slid down over her buttocks, exposing a portion of her pale rear and the top inch of the crack of her butt.
She was annoyed, yet in a way pleased by what the ill-fitting swimsuit represented. 'Damn bikini is getting way too big for me now,' she mused. 'I am losing weight - almost time for a new suit.' She lowered her paperback and reached back to tug at the bikini bottom, covering herself again.
A loose swimsuit was a small price to pay, as far as she was concerned. It was nice to feel good about her body again. Meg gave a deep, contented sigh, and pulled her hair off her bare shoulder. She snuggled her tanned body into the oversized beach towel, and continued reading:
[Carlos took Alexis in his strong arms and pulled her roughly to him, as she writhed against his rippling body in her hungry passion. She could feel his erect, Latin manhood pressed against her groin.
"Oh, Carlos," she moaned breathlessly. "Take me now!"
Carlos pushed her back onto the feather down bed. They kissed hungrily, as the burly Latin pressed his muscular chest against her heaving bosom.
Alexis felt her lover's throbbing member pressed against her soft womanhood. She flexed her nubile hips upward, beseeching him to enter her...]
Megan sighed and smiled ruefully. Sometimes she couldn't understand why she read these trashy romance novels. And at 37 years old! But, she admitted to herself, she was addicted to this stuff - it seemed that she just couldn't stop. She'd read them since she was a young teenager. They just...they just seemed so...so exciting! It was one of her few sources of sexual stimulation these days. Lord knows, she'd only been with one man since the divorce, and that had been unfulfilling.
She wrinkled her nose as she mulled over the painful year since her divorce from Bill. The bastard! He had taken everything that mattered to her...including his big paycheck. She was having a difficult time making it on her junior high school teacher's salary. Sure, she was given the house in the divorce settlement, but it was certainly nothing special. Bill got the lake cottage, which she had always preferred over the house, despite the fact that it got uncomfortably toasty in the summer. She supposed that she should be appreciative for him letting her stay at the cottage this summer, but she couldn't bring herself to thank him for anything!
But worst of all, though, was the fact that Bill won custody of Justin. Usually, she got Justin only on weekends. At least she would be spending the rest of the summer with him here at the cottage, and she smiled at the thought. It seemed she was missing out on seeing him grow up. Yes, Bill had definitely gotten the better end of the deal.
Meg frowned. Why couldn't Bill have been a better husband? Why couldn't he have been more like the strong, virile men she read about in her novels? At least he would have been able to fulfill her sexually, if not emotionally. Sure, she had gained a little weight during their marriage, especially after Justin was born, but so had he. But that really shouldn't have mattered, if he had loved her to begin with. She doubted that he ever had. Oh well, no matter - that phase of her life was over with. Now it was time to spread her wings. The first thing on the agenda was to do something about her faltering sex life.
She shook her head bitterly, and turned the page of novel. These books were a poor substitute for the real thing. On the other hand, they were better than nothing. Especially as a young teenager, she would read the books at bedtime and masturbate herself to sleep. Even now, she could feel a little tingle in her groin. She could easily have masturbated right here on the beach, but she didn't dare do that, despite the fact that it was quite secluded. Besides, Bill was due to bring Justin by any minute. She sighed, wiggled her crotch into the cotton beach towel, and continued to read:
[Alexis moaned with desperate passion as Carlos urgently searched out the center of her being with his steely manhood. Soon, she felt him slowly enter her. She gasped with pleasure as their passions intertwined...]
Meg's reading was interrupted by the loud *whump* of a slamming car door. She shielded her eyes from the bright sun and squinted toward the cottage, half hidden behind the thick shrubs and trees that separated it from the sandy beach. Momentarily, she saw the tall figure of her ex-husband, and the much shorter Justin, strolling down the short wooden stairway toward the beach.
She put the book aside, carefully ensuring that the cover was facing downward, and stood to greet her son, doing a quick once-over her body as she did so to make sure that the bikini was properly adjusted. As soon as the youth saw her, he grinned broadly and began to run across the sand toward her. A warm, loving smile danced across Megan's face as her son fell into her welcoming arms.
"Hi Mommy!" The boy greeted her enthusiastically.
"Hi kiddo!" Megan tightly embraced Justin and kissed him tenderly on the forehead. "Nice to see you honey. And I'm *so* glad you'll be able to stay with me for the rest of the summer."
"Me too!" Justin pulled away from his Mother's embrace as his father joined them.
"Hello Bill." Meg greeted her ex-husband coolly.
"Meg, how are you? Enjoying your stay at the cottage?"
"Yeah...especially now that Justin's here." She swallowed hard. "I...I guess I should thank you for letting me stay here this summer." Damn, she hated swallowing her pride like this! "I know that you, um, didn't have to do it."
"No problem Meg. It'll be good for you, and good for Justin."
She nodded in agreement, and the ex-couple looked at each other awkwardly. Thankfully, Justin broke the silence. "Can I go swimming Mom?"
"Of course you can honey. Why don't you go up to the cottage and put on your swim trunks? And you remember," she added, "No swimming unless I'm on the beach here with you."
"I know."
Justin dashed off toward the cottage, and once again, an uncomfortable silence descended over Meg and her ex-husband. Meg cleared her throat, and motioned toward her beach towel. "Well Bill, would you like to stay awhile? We can share the towel I guess."
"Sure you can stand being that close to me Meg?" Bill sneered.
Her face reddened, and her pretty brown eyes flashed. "Oh knock it off Bill! Can't we act civilly? For Justin's sake at least?" Her ex-husband shrugged, and sat cross-legged on the beach towel. Meg did the same, trying to suppress her anger.
After a few minutes of silence, Bill sighed deeply. "Look Meg, I'm sorry okay?"
Meg said nothing at first, and then slowly nodded. "No problem."
The former couple sat and gazed out over the serene waters of Golden Lake. It was quiet - the silence was disturbed only by the faint hum of a motorboat putt-putting far across the bay, rounding the point. The seagulls wheeled overhead, and a gentle breeze wafted off the lake. After a few minutes, Meg felt Bill's gaze shift toward her.
"You're looking really good Meg. Looks like you've lost a lot of weight."
"Yeah." Meg wasn't sure whether to feel flattered or self-conscious. At least
the conversation was breaking the tension. "About 25 pounds. I figure I've got 5
or 10 more to go, and I'll be happy."
"Well you're making great progress. Are you dieting? Exercising?"
"Both. And I've been swimming every day since I got here last week. I plan to keep it up the rest of the summer." She laughed. "The only problem is, I need a new swimsuit. This one is getting way too loose."
"Yup," Bill chuckled. "Getting a little baggy on the bottom. Why don't you just go and buy a new one? You can go to the mall in Sharpville."
"Yeah, not a bad idea. Maybe I'll go for a drive with Justin tomorrow."
The patter of Justin's feet skipping down from the cottage interrupted their conversation. He flashed a happy boyish smile toward his parents as he kicked off his sandals next to them (spraying beach sand all over the towel in the process), and then hopped down to the water's edge, peeling off his cotton tank top as he went. He began to walk out on the weathered wooden dock, as if to dive in. But apparently he thought better of it, and he backtracked and began wading into the warm, shallow water.
Meg watched her son proudly. At 18 years old, he was growing up fast! He had the skinny, narrow shouldered physique of a child, but there were a few signs of his rapidly approaching maturity. For one thing, he was getting so tall - close to 5 feet, Meg estimated. She could have sworn that he was taller than the last time she saw him, if that was possible. After all, it was only a month since he had last come to spend a weekend with her.
Meg frowned ruefully. It almost seemed as if she was missing out on seeing him growing up. She wondered if he was showing any signs of puberty yet. Bill hadn't mentioned anything, and there were no obvious signs. No body hair that she could see, and his voice hadn't changed yet. Emotionally, he seemed more mature, but he hadn't taken on any of the bad traits of puberty yet - the inevitable sulkiness and irritability of young teenagers was something she wasn't looking forward to.
Bill interrupted her thoughts. "I think this will be good for him. It seems like all he does these days is play computer games on his laptop. He hardly ever goes outside anymore."
"I think you're right. He used to love coming here and being outdoors when we were togeth...when he was younger."
"I'm hoping it's just his age Meg. I think all boys his age play computer games too much. I agree with you though. Maybe the change in scenery will help. Swimming, fishing...he'll have fun."
"I hope so."
"You know, I let him bring his laptop with him. But I told him that he could only play with it at night or on rainy days. I want him to be outside otherwise."
"That's a good rule - I'll enforce it."
As Meg watched, Justin gingerly waded into the lake, rigidly holding his arms outstretched at his sides, as the water covered his groin. As he approached waist-deep water, he paused to screw up his courage, and then dove with a noisy splash. He immediately surfaced and emerged from the water to try his luck diving from the dock.
Meg and Bill chatted in relative comfort for another hour as Justin practiced diving from the dock. Soon, the youth tired of the exertion and left the water. He walked up the sandy beach, shaking the water out of his crew-cut hair as he walked. He plunked himself on the big beach towel next to his mother.
The reddening sun was beginning to sink toward the treetops across Golden Lake. Bill stretched his arms over his head and yawned. "Gosh, this sun is putting me to sleep. I guess I'd better hit the road. It's a long drive back."
"Okay," replied Megan. "I'll help you unload Justin's stuff." The three of them stood and walked to Bill's car.
Bill knelt in front of his son to give him a hug. "Now you listen to your Mother while you're here, okay Justin?"
"Don't worry Dad. I will."
"And you enjoy yourself. Okay? Get some sunshine and fresh air, and don't spend too much time on your computer."
"I won't."
"That's a good boy. I'll see you in a month then. Now let's bring your things into the cottage."
Later that night, with Justin finally tucked into his bed with a loving kiss, Meg grabbed her novel and retired to her own bedroom. The room was stifling - not for the first time, she cursed Bill for not investing in an air conditioner. It had always been like this, from the time they purchased the place early in their marriage. She turned on a small fan to increase the air circulation. 'If I would have got this place in the settlement,' she thought, 'I'd at least invest a little money into it.' Bill always had been a cheapskate.
She opened the window, noting with disappointment that the curtains were hanging limp. No cooling breeze - perhaps one would appear during the night. She pulled her tee shirt over her head, and then gratefully yanked her bra over her rounded breasts, tossing it carelessly on the dresser. The bra would take some getting used to - she had been accustomed to going braless these last few weeks at the cottage. But with Justin staying with her, she'd have to be a little more modest. Now clad in only her skimpy blue cotton panties, she turned down the bedcovers.
Meg sat on the edge of the bed, reflected on the day, and thought about the weeks ahead. She was overjoyed at being able to spend so much quality time with Justin. The occasional weekend just wasn't enough, and she looked forward to catching up with what was going on in his life - his friends, school... Thankfully, Bill seemed to be a better parent than husband - Justin was turning out to be a good kid, and she had to admit that Bill had a lot to do with it.
With a contented sigh, she grabbed her book and reclined on the bed, the old bedsprings squeaking beneath her, and propped her head on the overstuffed pillows. She began reading, knowing that she would soon masturbate herself to sleep, as she had done almost every night in the two weeks since she had arrived at the cottage. She didn't know what had gotten into her. At times, her horniness was unbearable. The sun and exercise must have something to do with it. And her new toned body was certainly helping - she just felt so much better about herself.
Meg realized that she would have to be quiet and discreet, now with Justin sharing the cottage with her. Granted, his bedroom was on the other side of the cottage, and the walls of the old, sturdily built cabin were virtually soundproof but still...
On the other hand, back in the old days, when she and Bill were together, they thought nothing of fucking lustily (those days seemed so long ago) here in this very room. As far as they knew, Justin never heard them. With a deep sigh, twirling her hair absently in her fingers, Meg began reading her book:
[Carlos thrust his turgid penis in and out of Alexis' female wetness. They clung tightly to each other, each desperate for release....]
As she read, she unconsciously began caressing herself up and down her ribcage, delighting in the fact that she could feel her ribs. That hadn't been possible until her recent weight loss. The nimble fingertips of her right hand danced lightly over her smooth, supple skin. She loved the sensation - slightly ticklish, and very subtly erotic.
She set the book aside on the sheet next to her, and began stroking her body with both hands, first across her tummy, then higher, finally concentrating on her pillowy-soft breasts. She watched as her fingers brushed along the indistinct tan line above her breasts, wishing that she had had a few more days to sunbathe topless before Justin's arrival. She gazed proudly down at herself. She had always thought that her boobs were her best feature. It wasn't that they were overly large, but they had a great shape, still firm...not bad for 37.
Now though, her breasts weren't the only part of her body for which she was proud - she was starting to look *good*. Her latest goal was to firm up her butt. Maybe that would become her new best feature.
Her breasts felt especially sensitive tonight. She cupped them in her palms and squeezed them gently together. Meg sighed contentedly as she reveled in the sensation. That was one thing about Bill that she could always count on - he really got off on playing with her boobs.
She plucked each rubbery nipple with her fingertips, bringing them to attention. She closed her eyes and fantasized about "Carlos" suckling them until they were slippery with his Latin saliva. She imagined him trailing his tongue lower, dancing over her firming stomach, and swirling his insistent tongue around her navel.
Her fingers brushed lower and stroked her tummy in lazy circles, tickling the supple skin lightly. Her soft hands eased lower, to her cotton panties. She trailed the tip of an index finger along each leg band, teasing herself deliciously. She dipped her fingertips briefly under the waistband, first stroking her hairy bush, and then probing lower. She briefly rubbed her fingers along her vaginal lips, feeling the growing wetness there.
But not so soon! As usual, she wanted the feelings to last. She brought her
hands out of her panties, spread her long legs slightly, and began to rub, ever
so softly, up and down her crotch through the dampening fabric. She moaned
softly - God, she was so horny!
Just what happened between us... |
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