Not So Innocent
Alex stared at Justin from her perch on the lifeguard chair, admiring him in his swim trunks. He was tall, but then compared to her five foot one inch frame, everyone was. Still though, at six foot four inches, with a shaved head and various tattoos adorning his body, Justin had the bad boy look nailed and appealed to Alex in ways she had never imagined possible. He was twenty seven, and the age difference (Alex being only 20) only made him appeal to her all the more. She waved down at him, hoping he would come up to see her as he occasionally did. She was not disappointed, and moments later he was sitting beside her on the wooden chair, which was completely against the rules.
“You’re not supposed to be up here,” she said laughing, “how many times do I have to tell you that? This is just for lifeguards, guests are supposed to stay by the poolside!” Alex tried to sound indignant, but knew she failed and didn’t really care. She hated to admit it, but she loved it when Justin sat with her, his mere presence thrilled her to the core.
“And do you always follow the rules Alexandra?” Justin asked teasing her, using the name he knew she hated.
“Of course!” she looked at him innocently. “We all know that I’m a good girl! I never do anything wrong, and if I get in trouble for you being up here, I’m gonna blame it on you!” She giggled as she said it, mostly because she knew she had just completely pinpointed the image of herself. Because everyone did see her as an angel. Nobody had any reason to believe otherwise.
“Ok, well I’ll get down then, I certainly don’t want you to get your perfect little self in trouble because of me!” Justin flashed her that smile, the perfect mix of lustful devilishness and little boy mischief that made her melt. When she saw it, Alex wanted to yell, ‘No! Stay up here with me!’ Instead however she nodded and watched him climb down from her chair. As he stood on the edge of the pool, he yelled up to her, “You owe me a quick swim when your shift gets out!” And with that, he dove smoothly into the pool, swimming away from her and towards a group of guys that regularly swam with him.
An hour later Alex, waiting for her shift to end, continued to survey the pool. Left now was Justin, two of his friends, and a mother with her small child leisurely floating around the shallow end. Alex checked her watch, nearly 5:00. She began to think of her evening, trying desperately to think of what she would do that night after work. Her mind was a blank, and it depressed her a bit to think that she had no plans. If it had been just a week before she would surely have been going to Tom’s house, but since his declaration that he was not going to survive another year of a long distance relationship with a college student things had ended. Alex sighed, thinking of the year she had wasted with the jerk that obviously didn’t care about her.
Her thoughts were interrupted as Shelia, the girl who worked the 5:00 -10:00 shift climbed up on the lifeguard chair beside her.
“Hey Alex, anything happen today?” she asked, the standard question as shifts were changed.
“Nope, not really, just another day.” Shelia nodded and settled onto her perch as Alex tossed her sunscreen and sunglasses into her canvas bag and climbed off the chair. “See you tomorrow Shelia!” she called up as she began to walk out of the pool area. Just as she got to the gate, Alex was splashed with a huge wave of cold water. Not amused, she turned to see who had splashed her, only to look down into the face of Justin, flashing her that smile again.
“Where do you think you’re going Alexandra?” he inquired seriously. “I do believe you promised me a swim.” He looked at her, fully prepared to give her a hard time if she tried to bail on him. Knowing this, Alex relented.
“Fine, I’ll swim with you for a few. But if you call me Alexandra again I’ll – “
Justin cut her off splashing her again. “Yeah? You’ll what?” He laughed as she shivered with the unexpected cold water, and tried to suppress a grin as he saw her nipples stiffen through her suit. “Whatcha gonna do princess?”
Alex offered him no response, and instead did her best cannon ball as close to him as possible, nearly landing on his head. When she surfaced laughing hysterically, he was there, immediately dunking her back under. That time, she surfaced sputtering and nearly choking. “Bastard” she muttered under her breath, laughing even as she choked.
“That’s not very nice language for such a sweet girl like yourself,” Justin teased her. “I’m sure you don’t talk like that around your mother!” He laughed, and she suggested a race across the pool, a challenge he eagerly accepted. “No cheating this time!” he warned her, as the two prepared.
On his command they took off, Alex easily pulling ahead and beating him to the other side by a full body length. She was laughing when he touched the side, exclaiming, “You’re such a cheater!” in a voice that feigned anger.
“Yeah right. I didn’t need to cheat and you know it! Maybe you should lay off the beer, you might be able to pick up some speed!” With that, Alex took off towards the other side, leaving Justin behind her, sputtering and laughing. She waited for him to catch up, and when he did, she told him she needed to get going.
“Aww come on Alex!” he nearly whined. “I don’t wanna swim by myself! You could stay a little longer!” He was teasing, giving her a hard time as he always did. “Unless you have to get home to Tommy boy to…” he abruptly ended his sentence when he saw her flinch. “Oh shit, I’m - ”
She cut him off. “Don’t worry about it Justin. No biggy. Really,” She insisted, hoping the subject would drop.
“Alex, I’m really sorry, I didn’t know that - ” She again cut him off, offering, “hey, you want to hang out tonight? I don’t have plans, we could just chill in the apartment, watch a movie or something maybe?” She was surprised by her offer, and suddenly feared he would reject it. However, he smiled, seemed genuinely pleased, and got out of the water immediately going for his towel.
“Sounds good kid,” he said, tossing her towel to her as he continued to dry himself off. She wrapped herself up in her towel, smiling to herself, suddenly excited that Justin was coming over. She would never admit to anyone that she’d had a crush on him since she met him four years ago when they both worked at a local store. He’d been twenty-three then and she a mere child at eighteen. Since then they had worked off and on together, then he left to work in a detail shop for cars and she left for college. That was two years ago, and she had grown up a bit by then, something he was acutely aware of. They continued to keep in touch through email and during the summers and holidays when she was home, and there were many times Alex found herself wishing that something would transpire between them.
The two were drying off, spacing out into their own thoughts, when Shelia yelled down, “Alex, you’ve been here since 7:00 this morning! Ten hours at the pool is enough, go home already!” Her voice brought the two back to reality, Alex waved at her fellow lifeguard, grabbed her bag, and walked towards her car, Justin following closely behind.
“Hey, lets take my car, you haven’t gotten to ride in it yet,” Justin looked like an eager child as he walked towards his car, his new baby, a 1967 black mustang convertible with black interior. Alex laughed as his eyes sparkled with admiration for the vehicle, Justin’s obsession with cars never ceased to amuse her. As she sat in the passenger’s seat however, she couldn’t help but sigh contentedly, “it is comfortable,” she admitted sheepishly.
A moment later he was pealing out of the public pool parking lot and racing along the highway, towards Alex’s apartment. During the ride Alex suddenly was struck with worry, wondering if she had neatened everything in the apartment. She wasn’t concerned so much with the possibility of a mess, rather what she may have left merely lying around. She did a mental check list of the important items: underwear, bras, the retainer from high school that she still tried to wear occasionally, her mechanical toys…she shrugged off the nervousness, convincing herself everything had been tucked away safely and discreetly. She relaxed again, enjoying the open feeling of the convertible, her hair blowing everywhere, feeling as if she could touch the sky as Justin raced along the interstate.
The ride ended too soon and Justin pulled the mustang into a parking place outside Alex’s building. The two walked up the stairs, Alex in the lead, Justin unable to avoid occasionally checking out her cute ass as she climbed the two flights. Once on the second floor, she unlocked the door, and the two entered the apartment. Alex did a quick once over of everything in her line of sight, satisfied to see that nothing incriminating was lying about.
“I’m just gonna change out of my suit quick, be right back, k?” With that, she headed towards her bedroom and shut the door behind her. Once alone in her room she immediately stripped off her suit and reached for something comfortable: her favorite black running shorts and a pale pink tank top. As she was about to step into the shorts she caught of a glimpse of her own naked body in the mirror and turned to look at herself straight on.
While Alex was not a conceited person, she couldn’t help but smile at her reflection. The time she spent so religiously at the pool and the gym had paid off, and her body, though small, was muscular and taught. She had lean, strong legs, a hard flat stomach and perky 32 B breasts. Her body was tanned from all the time she spent in the pool, but even as she cringed a little at her tan lines she knew she was looking good. Suddenly realizing that Justin was still waiting for her, Alex grabbed the shorts and put them on, not bothering with underwear. She pulled on the tank, aware that it clung tightly to her body, but also knowing she looked cute. After throwing her long dark hair up into a pony tail she checked the mirror one more time and headed back to the living room to Justin.
He was sprawled on the couch, wearing a pair of shorts and t-shirt, having obviously changed while she was in her room. Smiling, she teased, “well I see you’ve certainly made yourself at home!”
“I did. Even checked out the contents of your bathroom after I changed, lots of interesting little gadgets in there…” he let his voice trail off and watched her face carefully. Alex could feel her face flaming, as she tried to decide if he was serious or kidding.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she mumbled, not able to look him in the face. When he said nothing, she implored, “Did you really look at stuff in my bathroom?” Her voice squeaked with embarrassment and indignation, praying he had only been joking.
“Maybe. Why, was there something in there I shouldn’t have seen?” He grinned, dying for her reaction, a little disappointed when she didn’t reply. Her silence answered his question though, and he laughed a little. “Relax Alexandra,” he said sweetly, again using the name she hated, “I’m too much of a gentleman to search a girl’s drawer.”
“Do NOT call me Alexandra” she ordered, punching him playfully in the arm. “And if you’re a gentleman and I’m a princess!”
“I am too a gentleman,” Justin replied with all seriousness. “I always put a lady’s pleasure before my own. And you, my dear, should indeed be treated like a princess.”
Justin was teasing and Alex knew it, but she also picked up on the sexual implications of his comments. She immediately felt her body respond, just a slight tingling between her legs, but she knew she needed to get back on safer ground.
“Want dinner?” she asked, breaking the momentary silence that had fallen. “I was thinking we could order Chinese for delivery…” she waited for his response, and when he nodded his approval she darted to the kitchen to find the menu.
She had been curious about trying a threesome since high school and one night her fantasy came true... |
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