Northern Europe Holidays
Holding R's hand,I encouraged her towards the bedroom,where there was enough room,for what I had in mind.Katya followed close behind,the rubber cock making discrete contact with my rear as we moved.Wow.I picked up R and put her gently on the bed.She came to her knees quickly,facing the headboard.Katya then undressed me,again from the rear(how does she do that so well?),and took my prick in her hand.Although not needing much stimulation,she insisted on taking it in her mouth,where she bathed it with her educated tongue.Again using her left hand,she wanked it as it moved towards her tonsils,her lips forming an airtight seal around it.On the bed R was slowly stimulating herself with her fingers.Getting onto the bed,I moved my head under her arse.Taking her arsecheeks firmly in my hands,I drew her down to my tongue.with a rocking motion and my tongue out,I proceeded to lick her outer puffy lips,fleetingly checking the area around her arse with my tongue.As I did this,I felt K's lips fasten to my prick once again,and her tongue licking my balls when she could.Taking the moment,I grabbed the headboard,hauling myself towards it,and preparing to fuck R,now that I judged she was ready.Her hand guided my prick into a cunt that was so wet,that I felt it would become a waterfall,in an instant.She moaned as I entered her,moving her body up and down on my prick with increasing speed.I could see K move on the bed,towards R's rear,and her hands snaked around from her back,moving up and down her friend's breasts,neck and tummy.Holding R by the hips,K then moved towards her.Imagining what might be coming next,I held R still.I then felt something hard and solid entering her arsehole,and moving over my prick,buried deep inside her.The small area of skin and muscle that separated the two cocks,gave added sensation to me.Realising that we should not move together,I stayed still,while K drove the rubber prick deep into her friend's arse.K wrapped her arms around R's hips and looking at me with a determined gaze.She then started her german expletives,which seemed to energise R further.The bottom line(excuse the pun)was that Renate's arse belonged to Katya.'We'll see about that'I thought!
The pace of K's thrusts into Renate's arse grew stronger and quicker,I made very slight movements of my own prick,to add to her stimulation.R's eyes were still covered by the mask,which I now flipped over her forehead.I could see a look of extreme lust and pleasure on her face,as her friend fucked her relentlessly.K appeared now to be forcing R's bottom apart,by putting her hands on each cheek,as she continued to drill her with the rubber prick.Each urged the other on,in german,the words seeming to stimulate them both more.Calling each other rude names,R climaxed quite suddenly,taking me by surprise.While I felt it in her cunt,in such situations a woman will normally have an anal orgasm first,and maybe that will be all.While the juices flowed in her cunt,I felt sure that her arse would be the place where her lust and sexual gratification collided in the same instant,with slippery results.R now flopped on me,completely exhausted and K rested her head on R's back,also pretty knackered.Renate's slippery tits squashed on my chest.All of us were covered in sweat,and I took the duvet cover,placing it across us all,to prevent colds!
It was difficult to make a choice between K and R.They were both beautiful sexual animals,with lots of personality.While K effected a dominant nature,in bed,she seemed the sort of lady who,while wanting things,sexually,her own way,was still willing to experiment in areas,where she lacked knowledge.Her fucking of her friend was masterfull,and it was clear that she regarded having R's arse as something very special.R,on the other hand,was prepared to take a submissive role,and enjoy what was done to her.Both girls had high sexual energy,and were not afraid to show it.Not being able to chose between them,I decided to give them both equal pleasure.Now recovering,I made both girls face the headboard,on their knees,their legs still cased in stockings and heels,which they had not removed,even while they snoozed..What a sight.R turned to kiss K,and their tongues touched for several seconds.Clearly they were very fond of each other,and not afraid to show it,to those whom they trusted.Kneeling on the bed,to their rears,I began to stimulate their cunts,with each hand.Licking each alternatively,I ran my tongue along their puffy slits,tasting their juices.Clearly the fucking that K had just given her friend,had also stimulated her own juices!Next,two fingers in each sopping cunt,and then three.Gradually,I moved each hand in slow sawing motions,in order to fist each lady,at the same time.While considering fisting R in the arse,I felt that this would be too much for now,after K's reaming of her bottom.My hand got into K first.Bunching my fingers,I sought out the nooks and crannies of her cunt,and then expanded the fist,so that my fingers were alternatively splayed and nested.R now pushed herself onto my hand,and with hardly any resistance now,it slid into her cunt.I now fisted the two girls together,increasing the speed as I went.I also gave each stunning arsehole a quick lick,from time to time.K gripped my leg,and R had her head buried deep in a pillow,as I now increased the tempo of the fisting,alternating between splayed fingers and a clenched fist,as I went.While hoping that they would both come together,I hardly expected it.I could feel R's cunt start to grip my fist and then release with increasing force,while K's cunt continued to flutter. R came hard,again squirting piss on my fist,which dribbled slowly out of her,forming a warm wet spot,on the bedclothes below her.With her head still buried in the pillow,her body was wracked by the release of her cries and physical pleasure.It was now K's turn and Renate held her shoulder,weakly,with one hand.As I fisted K now,I increased the force,which produced an immediate reaction.Howling deeply,her cunt suddenly expanded and then contracted.With one hand now free,although covered in R's piss,I slid an index finger up K's arsehole.This,together with two swift spanks on her arse,was the trigger for her orgasm.As it came,she also farted on my buried finger.K turned towards R,and gripped her tightly,until their breasts were sexily squashed together,and in K's case,one part of her breast appeared under her armpit.The smell of piss,woman,perfume and sweat was now overpowering.
I now admired by handywork(again no pun intended),as the girls slumped on their tummies,on the bed,on either side of me.Again putting the large duvet over all three of us,we slipped off to the land of nod.Waking after daylight,I was delighted to find that the two ladies had not moved,and their warm bodies,were pressed against me.Putting my hands under each pillow,I gently moved them upwards,so that two blonde heads now rested on my chest.Then,back to sleep again.
AS it was a national holiday,the cafe did not open,giving us the luxury of a late start.I awoke to hear giggling and the noise of the shower.K emerged to the room,with her hair dripping wet,wearing a large fluffy towel,knotted above her bust.R then arrived in the bedroom,with a tray filled with coffee,croissants and marmalade.'You need feeding up,you sexy man',said K.Eating from the tray placed on the bed,I looked at both of them,wondering how I had alighted on two such excellent specimens of the germanic tradition.Perhaps the word'confidence'has something to do with it?While outwardly quite distant,once one got to know these two,and explored their boundaries,they were willing,soft and eager.R told me that she had never been fisted before,at least by a man,but had often thought about it.I guessed that K may well have fisted her,but her hands were much smaller than mine.I had seen women fist each other,in the past,and often the 'doer'was extremely rough on her partner,with no thought about a gentle'entry'.R told me that nothing made up for size,K giggling as she spoke.R asked whose idea it was for the double penetration.Before I had a chance to answer,K said'it's mine',as she smiled broadly at me.'Das ist ganz perverse,aber so gut'said R.K indicated that she was the owner of R's arse,and did not want me to have it.R then announced that she had hardly any fuel for her car,and would have to go off to a larger town,on the holiday day,to get some.I reminded them both of my imminent departure.'I'll stay here',I said and K volunteered also.With a gleam in her eye,R tripped off down the stairs,in her tight jeans and a t- shirt.Her nipple ring was now clearly visible.
After a quick shower,I dressed,finding my stuff neatly folded and stacked on the sofa(Ah those germans!).K came and sat on the seat opposite,and pretended to read an old paper.'Jan'she said,'why must you go'.I explained that I had appointments for work,but would be delighted to come and see her in Germany,if she wanted.Of course I would have to tell R.At that K came over to me,the towel dropped and she lent over,putting her lips to mine.'Nein'she said.Why not,I thought.K said that she wanted me to herself,and anyway,felt we would be sure to meet on the island again,when she revisited R.She then sat astride my knees,facing me,and proceeded to give me small passionate kisses on my face and neck,pressing her bosom into me,in case I had not noticed it(I had)!.She rubbed my prick,through my trousers to check that it was still alive.K asked what I would do to her,if we had some time together in bed.I replied that I would do whatever made her happy,and try to introduce her to some new things.I explained that,while I might not like some of the things she might,I would do them,in order to make her happy.My happiness would then be assured.I told her that I thought her beautifull,intelligent and adventurous,which was a dynamite combination.She asked me why I was not with a woman,and I explained that I was'resting'.'I have left something for you in your pocket',she said.'Do not look at it until you're on the plane'.I agreed to do what she asked.Picking her up around the hips,I took her to the bedroom,undressing on the way.K lay on the bed,completely naked,except for her smile,with legs wide apart,and her hand slowly moving over her cunt.She knew the effect she was having.Turning her on her side,I wrapped my arms around her,and caressed the front of her body,concentrating on the area under her breasts,and on the area just above her cunt.Her breathing became a little quicker,and I now pushed both her nipples,deep into her titflesh.She took one hand and pressed on it,indicating that she needed more of this.Then,applying as much pressure as I could,I moved her nipples fiercly deep within her large tits.Her breathing now got shorter and quicker,and with the cry'ich komme sofort',had an intense orgasm.Well that had happened before to me,but not so quickly,indicating that this was something new for K.She snuggled up to me,holding me tightly.In my best german,I told her that if she regarded R's arse as hers,then I would regard K's arse as mine.This caused a look of pleasure on her face,and I knew that I had hit the spot!'So',she said.I now got off the bed,explaining that R would be back shortly.She seemed reluctant to let me go,but I had a plane to catch.R had still not returned and I explained to K,that I needed to get my car back home,and sort out a taxi to the airport.K seemed to be volunteering R.I suggested that she called me on my mobile,in about one hour,so that we could agree what would happen.With that I gave K a deep kiss,gripping her hard,as I left the flat.
Back at my place,I cleared up a few things,checked my mail,and put the car in it's garage,leaving the key with a neighbour,who owned a restaurant,as usual.In return for my obtaining bits for his elderly,but excellent gas cooker range,in UK,he looked after the car.A good arrangement.My mobile rang and it was R announcing that she was on her way,and we agreed to meet by the port office.She had already phoned the airport to ascertain that my flight was late arriving-Stellios strikes again-so we had a bit of time.Katya sat in the front of the car,with a broad grin.Shoving my stuff in the boot,R then invited me to drive,as she and K now sat in the back,of the much smaller car,again.Both were clearly not dressed for golf.Both girls wore tops that left little to the imagination,and some of the shortest lycra skirts on the planet.Suspender were clearly visible,but pantylines were not.Katya wore thigh high leather boots,a short lycra skirt that could double as a handkerchief,and a cheesecloth top,which left,almost nothing,to the imagination.R's one piece lycra dress was low at the front,exposing most of the large breasts that it sought to contain.The skirt rode just under her arse,and the flash of stockingtop against milk white leg,bisected with pink suspenders,was clearly visible,The route to the airport took us through a long tunnel.As we entered,I remembered that,at the other end,was a mountain road,which was used,before the tunnel was built,to get from the north of the island,to the capital.the road was now quiet,but with spectacular views.Stopping at a parking area,with spectacular views,I lit a cigarette,put the music on,and waited....
K and R got out of the back,and R lay on her back,on the bonnet of the car.Nothing was left to the imagination,as her stockings and suspenders were revealed by her dress riding up her slim thighs.She gazed at me,while I remained in the drivers seat.As I looked forward,I saw her tits lolling to each side of her body,with the nipples both turgid.R's head rested on the bonnet,so that she got an'upside down'view of me.Having her lustfull smile in reverse,was a moment not to be forgotten.K then appeared dressed only in the thigh-high boots.Her dress and underwear must be in the back of the car! She now got down on the suppine figure on the bonnet and proceeded to tongue her with passion.K's breasts now rested between R's legs as she held each of her friend's legs,as far apart as possible.From the movement of her head,it was clear that K was moving her tongue from the top of R's cunt,right the way around to her arsehole.R held onto the wing mirrors of the car,to keep her position.Bringing her feet up and putting them on K's shoulders,I could see her hands tightening on the car mirror stalks.K's hands ran along both stockinged legs of R,as the movement of her head increased.R cried out and the passion of her orgasm,caused her to haul herself up the bonnet,again using the wing mirrors.K then came around to the drivers position,and kissed me,mixing R's juices with her own,in a long deep passionate kiss.'Das ist fur dich'she said,holding the buttplug that she had just taken out of r's arse.I thanked her by kissing her again.R slid off the car bonnet,and moved to the rear of the car.Both got in and we each had a cigarette.You could feel the electric passion,in the car,as all three of us wound down,from the exhibition that had just taken place.
The last few miles to the airport went very quickly,and we were shortly at the dropoff point.I thanked both,genuinely,for a wonderfull weekend,and hoped to see both of them again soon.R had my mobile number,from the conversation as she drove to the port to collect me.K had given it to her!!Both girls hugged and kissed me very ostentatiously at the departure gate.Some of the passengers were clearly wondering why two scantily dressed,but very pretty ladies were hugging a middle aged man.Having seen that often,at airports before,I did not need to wonder!As I caressed Renate's bottom,I felt another buttplug still up her delightfull arse.They must have had a flat full of them.Each wispered in my ear,and I had to make a weak excuse to get through to departure.The plane was late,and this gave me the opportunity for a snooze in the airport.I certainly needed it.
On the plane,I settled down to no cigarettes and a cup of Stellios's coffee,and a magazine.I would not forget the weekend in a hurry,more because it was unplanned and unexpected.On arrival back in UK,while waiting for my bags,my phone rang.It was K.she wanted to know if I had checked my pockets.I had to confess that I had not,as I slept all the way back to England.This was her chance to give me her mobile number,and I promised to call back.feeling something strange in my pocket,I took out a business card,in an envelope.On it was written'Domina Paula',with a picture that was clearly Katya's.So that's what she does in Germany,I thought.Ah well,even in the sex industry,a girl needs a good time!I also realised that the money that she had invested in the cafe,was probably cash D-Marks,from her'business'.Her card contained a fax,phone and even an e-mail address.The card went into the bin at the airport,after putting the details in my electronic organiser.I had enjoyed myself,and expect to see both R and K again,not necessarily at the same time.If I did,it would be because each wanted to see me.Back to work!
I placed my hands on his knees and asked him. " Are you nervous?" he smiled. " Oh! I get it. Nope" I slid my hands further up his legs. " Are you nervous?" " No" Further up his thighs. " What about now?" he shook his head. I liked this.. alot... |
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