Home : Erotic Stories : total 7 reviews.

Night with nadia reviews

Posted by sam hansen
Posted by Michael
When I first saw you in the porn industry, I imitlmaeedy melted. You are the most hottest, beautiful gentleman I've ever laid eyes on. Now, the only wish I have from you is a date. I just wish wish I could take you out on a date! No catch or anything just a nice dinner date. That's all I ever want. Think you can take that offer? I'll be waiting Midnight Runner
Posted by Anacxi
Has is really been 5 mohnts already since her birthday?! Wow!The first quarter of the slideshow was great...but then it jammed on me and I can't see the rest. the last photo I see is Zoe in the fridge! It's amazing how much she has grown in a year. Such a sweetie!
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This is the story of the training of a new Slaver and the taking of two new slaves, a mother and daughter and what they are forced to endure before they are sold...