Night Scene (part 1)
Tonight was the night!
It was the Grand Opening of my fourth potentially successful nightclub.
After going through this three times before in Miami, Dallas, and Hollywood, I didn’t think I had the nerve or the patience to open another “Night Scene.”
I didn't think I could do it. Matter of fact I really didn't want to do it but my advisors talked me in to it. Now I'm glad I took their advice.
Seattle was the city that my board of investors and I had chosen, and looking at the crowd tonight I knew we made a good choice.
Success was in the air!
As I scanned the diverse crowd, from the private third floor, I took in the mass of people piled together back to back. Dancing, sweating, and drinking...the usual club scene.
Several celebrities embraced the crowd.
The walls were lined with the overly made up, and skimpy clothe wearing groupies.
We were noted for our drinks and top of the line sound system, playing nothing but the best in R&B and Hip-Hop.
And here I was, Miss LaTonya Forbes, the owner and CEO of "Night Scene".
The woman responsible for it all.
I smiled as I realized the great success this place was going to be.
Feeling the cold Seattle night breeze from the window as I walked into my office. Pouring a glass of wine to calm the jitters.
I looked at myself in the floor length mirror.
A tall stature, caramel brown smooth skin, a shapely figure stared back at me…I smiled at myself as if showing my approval of the attractive woman in the mirror. My high cheek bones accentuated my full lips and honey brown eyes.
Tonight I was going for the conservative look. My long jet-black hair pulled back in a neat french roll. A black business pantsuit with three-inch Italian leather heels was the official Grand Opening outfit of choice.
I was 5'11" without heels so with the heels I appeared exceptionally tall.
I finished my lips with a cherry wine lip gloss.
Now I was ready to greet the floor.
I walked out to the balcony again to observe the crowd.
My eyes stopped on an individual that looked a little out of place which was quite normal for me. I had a way of knowing who should and who shouldn’t be in the club.
I watched this young small figure dash in and out the crowd clumsily, as if trying to find an empty space to stand without being tossed over.
Damn! I thought to myself. She was obviously a minor.
How did they let her slip in…and on the first NIGHT!
I didn't need another run-in with the law regarding minors in the club.
I started for the stairs. I stopped myself. I went back upstairs.
Took a deep breath, and another sip of wine.
Then I looked at her again. Maybe she's not a minor I tried to tell myself.
I looked at her small athletic figure.
She was about 5'2", probably 110 lbs.. She had wavy blonde hair that stopped at her shoulders. Her blue eyes were visible even from the third floor. Her face was so innocent but very pretty. I had to catch myself because I was staring at her. Her skin looked so soft and untouched. She had on a black halter top and short black skirt that was obviously not her style. She was trying to be something she wasn't and she sure wasn't fitting into this crowd.
She held on to her drink with a death grip. She was being tossed side to side by the weight of the crowd. She was no match for this urban hip-hop crowd. She looked around for a familiar face but found none. She then looked up and caught me staring at her. I was a little embarrassed for being caught staring at another woman but I didn't show it. I held my glare. I wanted to see if I could read her age by looking at her. From my years of experience I knew she was definitely a minor. She knew I was on to her and she instantly turned red.
I held her stare and rushed downstairs to the entrance of the club knowing that at any moment she would appear. I stood next to the door.
I saw her swiftly making her way to the door and stepped in front of her.
She was surprised and a little frightened when she looked up and saw me.
“Follow me” I yelled through the blaring music.
She hesitated,
"You have no choice" I told her.
She nodded her head yes.
I started for the stairs looking over the crowd as I gracefully headed for my office.
I unlocked the door and ushered her in.
I towered over her with my arms folded.
I went straight to the point.
"I need to check your ID," I said in my stern voice.
She nervously checked her purse and quickly pulled out the ID.
She glanced at it, looked at me.
I held out my hand.
"I'm sorry ma'am but I don’t have an ID" she said.
"What is that in your hand?" I asked harshly.
“Nothing” she said quickly, while jamming the obviously fake ID back into her purse.
I held out my hand again, this time I was not bullshitting.
“Give it to me now!” I demanded.
She fumbled into her purse again and the ID twirled to the floor. I rushed over to pick it up and looked at the photo ID of an obviously older woman who did not even have blue eyes.
“This is not you,” I said angrily as I felt my temperature rising, “who the hell is this?”
"It's my cousin.” She whispered softly.
She knew I was not at all happy with her.
“I wanted to come here so bad and my cousin had it made for me because everyone was talking about coming here and I felt left out. All my friends were coming and I was the only one under age" she rambled.
"Be quiet" I said calmly.
"Do you realize the fines I would have to pay if the authorities found you here?" I asked
"I'm sorry," she said softly.
"How old are you?" I asked
"Nineteen" she said
I looked at her for a long time. I knew she was uncomfortable.
I went to sit at the edge of my desk.
She was still standing near the door waiting for a good time to rush out.
My eyes dropped to observe the rest of her body. She was very pretty.
I found myself starring at those beautiful blue eyes. I noticed her full breast and her slender hips. Her exposed skin looked soft, smooth, and waiting to be touched…
I couldn't believe the way I was looking at this young woman.
I was literally attracted to her.
I have been without male companion for awhile but I never thought of being with another woman.
I looked at her again and her hands were shaking uncontrollably. Poor thing was scared to death!
Now I was making myself uncomfortable.
"Umm could you please go home honey." I politely asked "And please don't come here again until you're 21."
"Okay" she said
She was relieved and was gone before I could change my mind.
I couldn't believe the way I was looking at this young woman.
Woman?! She was still a young girl in my opinion.
Here I am 30 years old, beautiful, successful, and being attracted to a young nineteen-year-old white girl!
I started to feel a little uneasy with myself.
Maybe I need a date. Forget the date I needed to get fucked!
Yeah…that's what I need! I told myself. Because I was totally losing my mind on this one.
I knew just who to call in this area.
It was a guy I met a month ago. He was absolutely gorgeous with a body to match. His name was Terrel.
A black stallion he reminded me of. Strong, dark, and just downright fine.
I was a woman and I loved men! I told myself.
No women for me.
I laughed at how outrageous I was thinking a few moments ago.
Callie Tastes Nathan. Amber and Rebecca meet Nathan... |
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